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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (4,041)
- 2011
- Other Unpublished Work
The Performance Effects of Regulatory Oversight
This paper explores the heterogeneity in firm performance that can arise from exogenously varying levels of oversight in regulated industries. We use data on the performance of U.S. commercial banks to show that banks located physically closer to their supervisors'... View Details
- 1999
- Article
Developing the Star Performer
By: Linda A. Hill
Hill, Linda A. "Developing the Star Performer." Leader to Leader (1999).
- 09 Apr 2018
- Sharpening Your Skills
The Dark Side of Performance Bonuses
iPhoto Companies continually test ways to incent employees to perform more effectively, often turning to worker-motivation tools such as bonuses, “up or out” employee ranking tournaments, and employee of the month rewards. Behavioral... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- August–October 2003
- Article
The Economic Performance of Regions
Porter, Michael E. "The Economic Performance of Regions." Regional Studies 37, nos. 6-7 (August–October 2003).
- October 1995 (Revised January 1999)
- Case
Western Chemical Corporation: Divisional Performance Measurement (A)
By: William J. Bruns Jr. and Roger Atherton
The president and controller of Western Chemical Corp. are discussing the best way to measure and report performance of foreign subsidiaries. One subsidiary is a joint venture with its own borrowing capacity; another is wholly owned; and a third is wholly owned and... View Details
Bruns, William J., Jr., and Roger Atherton. "Western Chemical Corporation: Divisional Performance Measurement (A)." Harvard Business School Case 196-079, October 1995. (Revised January 1999.)
- 2010
- Working Paper
Investment Taxation and Portfolio Performance
By: Daniel B. Bergstresser and Jeffrey Pontiff
Taxes have a first-order impact on portfolio returns. Most research mistakenly assumes that portfolios command similar tax burdens, or that tax burdens are proportional to dividend yields. Portfolio strategies differ in the pace of capital gains realization. We use the... View Details
Keywords: Financial Strategy; Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Taxation; Performance Evaluation
Bergstresser, Daniel B., and Jeffrey Pontiff. "Investment Taxation and Portfolio Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-084, March 2010.
- 2009
- Working Paper
Private Equity and Industry Performance
By: Josh Lerner
The growth of the private equity industry has spurred concerns about its potential impact on the economy more generally. This analysis looks across nations and industries to assess the impact of private equity on industry performance. Industries where PE funds have... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Investment; Common Law; Industry Growth; Performance Productivity; Europe; United Kingdom; United States
Lerner, Josh. "Private Equity and Industry Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-045, December 2009. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 14861, April 2009.)
- May 2014
- Case
Building a High Performance Culture at IDFC
By: V.G. Narayanan and Vidhya Muthuram
IDFC was set up in 1997 to direct private finance to infrastructure projects in India. Over the years, it expanded its capabilities to become a 'complete solutions provider' offering financing solutions including debt and equity, investment banking, brokerage and asset... View Details
Narayanan, V.G., and Vidhya Muthuram. "Building a High Performance Culture at IDFC." Harvard Business School Case 114-077, May 2014.
- 01 Jun 2000
- Conference Presentation
Motivation, Learning, and Performance Management
By: Dutch Leonard
- June 1992
- Article
Incentive Contracts and Performance Measurement
By: George P. Baker
Baker, George P. "Incentive Contracts and Performance Measurement." Journal of Political Economy (June 1992).
- December 2022
- Article
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Success and Post-ICO Performance
By: Evgeny Lyandres, Berardino Palazzo and Daniel Rabetti
We compile a comprehensive data set of initial coin offerings (ICOs) from 19 data sources including 11 ICO aggregators. We alleviate severe limitations of available ICO data by performing the first systematic analysis of ICO data quality. We use our data set to study... View Details
Lyandres, Evgeny, Berardino Palazzo, and Daniel Rabetti. "Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Success and Post-ICO Performance." Management Science 68, no. 12 (December 2022): 8515–9218.
- 2013
- Article
Boardroom Centrality and Firm Performance
By: David F. Larcker, Eric C. So and Charles C.Y. Wang
Firms with central or well-connected boards of directors earn superior risk-adjusted stock returns. Initiating a long position in the most central firms and a short position in the least central firms earns an average risk-adjusted return of 4.68% per year. Firms with... View Details
Larcker, David F., Eric C. So, and Charles C.Y. Wang. "Boardroom Centrality and Firm Performance." Journal of Accounting & Economics 55, nos. 2-3 (April–May 2013): 225–250.
- 14 Dec 2011
- Research & Ideas
The New Measures for Improving Nonprofit Performance
How can nonprofit leaders address such conflicting demands? Harvard Business School Working Knowledge recently spoke with two leaders in the field of nonprofit performance management. Mario Morino is cofounder and chairman of Venture... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna
- 27 May 2015
- Research & Ideas
Build 'Scaffolds' to Improve Performance of Temporary Teams
interdependent tasks, and stable, appropriate composition, Edmondson says. "Here we say we've got only the minimal version of those four factors-just a whisper of those things-and yet we get an awful lot of benefit." Performance... View Details
- Research Summary
Economics of Organization and Firm Performance
A great deal of theoretical and empirical research indicates that economic actors should organize activities so as to minimize the 'transaction costs' associated with managing these activities. But little is known about the consequences of violating this prescription.... View Details
- October 1995
- Supplement
Orientation for Viewing the Cranfield-Kearney Performance Appraisal Interview
By: John J. Gabarro and Linda A. Hill
Presents the background information to watching the video reenactment of the Cranfield-Kearney Performance Appraisal Interview. View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication; Compensation and Benefits; Performance; Motivation and Incentives
Gabarro, John J., and Linda A. Hill. "Orientation for Viewing the Cranfield-Kearney Performance Appraisal Interview." Harvard Business School Supplement 496-009, October 1995.
- April 2010
- Article
Performance Persistence in Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
This paper presents evidence of performance persistence in entrepreneurship. We show that entrepreneurs with a track record of success are much more likely to succeed than first-time entrepreneurs and those who have previously failed. In particular, they exhibit... View Details
Keywords: Performance; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Market Timing; Competency and Skills; Success; Business Startups
Gompers, Paul A., Josh Lerner, David Scharfstein, and Anna Kovner. "Performance Persistence in Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital." Journal of Financial Economics 96, no. 1 (April 2010): 18–32.
- Article
Don't Stop Believing: Rituals Improve Performance by Decreasing Anxiety
By: Alison Wood Brooks, Julianna Schroeder, Jane Risen, Francesca Gino, Adam D. Galinsky, Michael I. Norton and Maurice Schweitzer
From public speaking to first dates, people frequently experience performance anxiety. And when experienced immediately before or during performance, anxiety harms performance. Across a series of experiments, we explore the efficacy of a common strategy that people... View Details
Brooks, Alison Wood, Julianna Schroeder, Jane Risen, Francesca Gino, Adam D. Galinsky, Michael I. Norton, and Maurice Schweitzer. "Don't Stop Believing: Rituals Improve Performance by Decreasing Anxiety." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 137 (November 2016): 71–85.
- 23 Jan 2020
- News