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- Faculty Publications (129)
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- Faculty Publications (129)
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- Teaching Interest
Business Opportunties in Climate Adaptation
By: John D. Macomber
This is a Short Intensive Program or SIP at Harvard Business School. It’s an optional student offering prior to the formal start of the Spring semester the following week. SIPs tend to cover new material on current topics, to be less formal than the HBS Case Study... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Managing Human Capital
The Managing Human Capital course has been specifically designed to teach practical skills for the future general manager (not just the human resource practitioner) who seeks to manage both other people and her or his own career with optimal... View Details
Keywords: Human Capital; Hiring; Socialization; Performance Management; Compensation And Benefits; Talent Development And Retention; Structure; Career Management; Human Resources; Leadership; Personal Development and Career; Organizations; Organizational Culture; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Africa; Asia; Europe; Middle East; Latin America; North and Central America; South America
- Teaching Interest
I currently teach the history of global entrepreneurship over the last 200 years. The 28-session course called Entrepreneurship and Global Capitalism has become one of the most popular second year electives in the MBA program at the Harvard Business School. The cases,... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Government And Business; International Business; Globalization; History; Government and Politics; Entrepreneurship; Ethics; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Banking Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Consulting Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Electronics Industry; Energy Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Fashion Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Journalism and News Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Shipping Industry; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Oceania
- Teaching Interest
I am currently teaching Social Entrepreneurship and Systems Change (SESC) as a 2nd year Elective Course. The premise of the course is that social entrepreneurs don’t just build organizations, they change systems. The course explores the frameworks, tools, mindsets,... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: Debora L. Spar
I currently teach an Elective Course on Capitalism and the State (CATS), and serve as Course Head for a new Required Curriculum course on the Social Purpose of the Firm (SPF). Previously, I developed and taught Managing International Trade and Investment (MITI) in the... View Details
- Teaching Interest
I currently teach a module in the HBS Owner President Management (OPM) program that is entitled Innovation @Work. The module is designed to provide a general manager perspective on how to lead innovation and transform organizations, industries, and society. The role... View Details
Keywords: Innovation & Entrepreneurship; General Management; Technological Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Information; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Organizations; Risk and Uncertainty; Social Enterprise; Strategy; Technology; Computer Industry; Energy Industry; Information Industry; Technology Industry; Web Services Industry; Africa; Asia; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Europe
- Research Summary
My current research builds on past research on the role of information, analytics and technology in transforming business and society. Over the past two years, this research focuses on how organizations partner to build innovation ecosystems that accelerate the... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Ecosystems; Leadership And Change Management; Organizational Adaptation; Innovation and Invention; Energy; Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Organizations; Technology; Strategy; Technology Industry; Web Services Industry; Information Technology Industry; Information Industry; Africa; North and Central America; Middle East
- Research Summary
By: Debora L. Spar
My work focuses generally on the intersection between technological change and societal structures, and on the many areas in which business both shapes and is shaped by societal norms. View Details
Keywords: Technological And Scientific Innovation; Technological Change: Choices And Consequences; Business & Government Relations; Business And Community; Capitalism; Reproduction; Technological Innovation; Government and Politics; Gender; Business History; Business and Government Relations; Education Industry; United States; Europe; Africa; Asia
- Research Summary
Professor Jones researches the history and impact of global firms. In recent years he has prublished extensively on the ecological and social responsibility of business leaders. He has a strong interest in the business history of emerging markets. He founded and... View Details
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