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- Faculty Publications (165)
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- All HBS Web (754)
- Faculty Publications (165)
- July 2015
- Background Note
The State of U.S. Public Health: Challenges and Trends
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter, Howard Koh and Pamela Yatsko
The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity." For many Americans, the World Health Organization's definition of true health seems unattainable, given... View Details
Kanter, Rosabeth M., Howard Koh, and Pamela Yatsko. "The State of U.S. Public Health: Challenges and Trends." Harvard Business School Background Note 316-001, July 2015.
- September 21, 2013
- Other Article
Redefining Global Health-care Delivery
By: Jim Yong Kim, Paul E. Farmer and Michael E. Porter
Initiatives to address the unmet needs of those facing both poverty and serious illness have expanded significantly over the past decade. But many of them are designed in an ad-hoc manner to address one health problem among many; they are too rarely assessed; best... View Details
Keywords: Health
Kim, Jim Yong, Paul E. Farmer, and Michael E. Porter. "Redefining Global Health-care Delivery." Lancet 382, no. 9897 (September 21, 2013).
- October 2017
- Article
Progress In Interoperability: Measuring US Hospitals' Engagement In Sharing Patient Data
By: A Jay Holmgren, Vaishali Patel and Julia Adler-Milstein
Achieving an interoperable health care system remains a top US policy priority. Despite substantial efforts to encourage interoperability, the first set of national data in 2014 suggested that hospitals’ engagement levels were low. With 2015 data now available, we... View Details
Keywords: Health; Technology; Electronic Health Records; Health Care and Treatment; Data and Data Sets; Technology Networks; Policy; United States
Holmgren, A Jay, Vaishali Patel, and Julia Adler-Milstein. "Progress In Interoperability: Measuring US Hospitals' Engagement In Sharing Patient Data." Health Affairs 36, no. 10 (October 2017): 1820–1827.
- July 2007 (Revised January 2008)
- Case
Turnaround at the Veterans Health Administration (A)
By: Amy C. Edmondson, Brian R. Golden and Gary J. Young
Investigates the challenges that Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer confronted in seeking to create organizational change at the largest integrated health care system in North America, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Kizer was appointed as the Under Secretary of Health, to... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Transformation; Leadership; Consolidation; Health Care and Treatment; Service Delivery; Health Industry; Public Administration Industry; North and Central America
Edmondson, Amy C., Brian R. Golden, and Gary J. Young. "Turnaround at the Veterans Health Administration (A)." Harvard Business School Case 608-061, July 2007. (Revised January 2008.)
- 2012
- Other Book
Redefining German Health Care: Moving to a Value-Based System
By: Michael E. Porter and Clemens Guth
The German health care system is on a collision course with budget realities. Costs are high and rising, and quality problems are becoming ever more apparent. Decades of reforms have produced little change to these troubling trends. Why has Germany failed to solve... View Details
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E., and Clemens Guth. Redefining German Health Care: Moving to a Value-Based System. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
Michael E. Porter
Michael Porter is an economist, researcher, author, advisor, speaker and teacher. Throughout his career at Harvard Business School, he has brought economic theory and strategy concepts to bear on many of the most challenging problems facing corporations, economies... View Details
Keywords: health care; health care; health care; health care; health care; health care; health care; health care; health care
- 27 Sep 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
The Impact of Conformance and Experiential Quality on Healthcare Cost and Clinical Performance
- 26 Jan 2015
- Research & Ideas
National Health Costs Could Decrease if Managers Reduce Work Stress
unit. "But traditionally in the US we have not placed a lot of emphasis on the role of workplace stress in the high cost of health care." In recent years, General Motors spent more on health care than it did on steel, and across... View Details
- April 2009
- Case
SAP AG: Orchestrating the Ecosystem
By: Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani
Business ecosystems require careful orchestration and strategic choices regarding make/buy/partner decisions and membership access. This case examines the strategic and technological issues related to managing SAP's thriving ecosystem of user communities, software... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Organizational Structure; Partners and Partnerships; Business Strategy; Technology Industry
Iansiti, Marco, and Karim R. Lakhani. "SAP AG: Orchestrating the Ecosystem." Harvard Business School Case 609-069, April 2009.
- 2023
- Article
Digital Health Reimbursement Strategies of 8 European Countries and Israel: Scoping Review and Policy Mapping
By: Robin van Kessel, Divya Srivastava, Ilias Kyriopoulos, Giovanni Monti, David Novillo-Ortiz, Ran Milman, Wojciech Wilhelm Zhang-Czabanowski, Greta Nasi, Ariel Dora Stern, George Wharton and Elias Mossialos
Background: The adoption of digital health care within health systems is determined by various factors, including pricing and reimbursement. The reimbursement landscape for digital health in Europe remains underresearched. Although various emergency reimbursement... View Details
Keywords: Technology Adoption; Health Care and Treatment; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Price; Health Industry; Europe; Israel
van Kessel, Robin, Divya Srivastava, Ilias Kyriopoulos, Giovanni Monti, David Novillo-Ortiz, Ran Milman, Wojciech Wilhelm Zhang-Czabanowski, Greta Nasi, Ariel Dora Stern, George Wharton, and Elias Mossialos. "Digital Health Reimbursement Strategies of 8 European Countries and Israel: Scoping Review and Policy Mapping." e49003. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 11 (2023).
- 16 Jul 2008
- Op-Ed
What Should Employers Do about Health Care?
Quality, defined in terms of outcomes, is the secret to success in health care. Second, high-value care is delivered by integrated practice units including all the needed specialties that View Details
- 14 Jul 2015
- First Look
First Look: July 14, 2015
(2) structure-oriented approaches that redesign specific incentives, tasks, and decisions to reduce temptations to cheat in the environment. This paper explores how these approaches can change behavior. We argue that integrating both... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- January 2024
- Article
A Cost Model for a Low Threshold Clinic Treating Opioid Use Disorder
By: Sarah E. Wakeman, Elizabeth Powell, Syed Shehab, Grace Herman, Laura Kehoe and Robert S. Kaplan
The US fee-for-service payment system under-reimburses clinics offering access to comprehensive treatments for opioid use disorder (OUD). The funding shortfall limits a clinic’s ability to expand and improve access, especially for socially marginalized patients with... View Details
Wakeman, Sarah E., Elizabeth Powell, Syed Shehab, Grace Herman, Laura Kehoe, and Robert S. Kaplan. "A Cost Model for a Low Threshold Clinic Treating Opioid Use Disorder." Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 51, no. 1 (January 2024): 22–30.
- 06 Sep 2019
- Blog Post
The Business of Medicine: MD/MBA Students Having an Impact
change both small and large: improving how operating rooms function, and “instituting changes from an administrative perspective” that would address socioeconomic inequalities. All with the goal of changing how health care is delivered. A... View Details
- 24 May 2021
- News
A Shared Platform for Communicating Bioethics Concepts
- August 23, 2018
- Article
Using a New EHR System to Increase Patient Engagement, Improve Efficiency, and Decrease Cost
By: Katy French, Barbra Bryce Speer, Alexis B. Guzman, Tayab Andrabi, Iris Recinos, Keith A. Shook, James R. Incalcaterra, John C. Frenzel and Thomas W. Feeley
Patients and providers are frustrated with seemingly endless data entry. We used our patients’ vested interest in their own health care by actively engaging them in the entry of their own medical information into the EHR. Prior to the implementation of the new EHR we... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Analytics and Data Science; Performance Efficiency; Cost Management
French, Katy, Barbra Bryce Speer, Alexis B. Guzman, Tayab Andrabi, Iris Recinos, Keith A. Shook, James R. Incalcaterra, John C. Frenzel, and Thomas W. Feeley. "Using a New EHR System to Increase Patient Engagement, Improve Efficiency, and Decrease Cost." NEJM Catalyst (August 23, 2018).
- June 2021
- Article
From Predictions to Prescriptions: A Data-driven Response to COVID-19
By: Dimitris Bertsimas, Léonard Boussioux, Ryan Cory-Wright, Arthur Delarue, Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Alexander Jacquillat, Driss Lahlou Kitane, Galit Lukin, Michael Lingzhi Li, Luca Mingardi, Omid Nohadani, Agni Orfanoudaki, Theodore Papalexopoulos, Ivan Paskov, Jean Pauphilet, Omar Skali Lami, Bartolomeo Stellato, Hamza Tazi Bouardi, Kimberly Villalobos Carballo, Holly Wiberg and Cynthia Zeng
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges worldwide. Strained healthcare providers make difficult decisions on patient triage, treatment and care management on a daily basis. Policy makers have imposed social distancing measures to slow the disease, at... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Health Pandemics; AI and Machine Learning; Forecasting and Prediction; Analytics and Data Science
Bertsimas, Dimitris, Léonard Boussioux, Ryan Cory-Wright, Arthur Delarue, Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Alexander Jacquillat, Driss Lahlou Kitane, Galit Lukin, Michael Lingzhi Li, Luca Mingardi, Omid Nohadani, Agni Orfanoudaki, Theodore Papalexopoulos, Ivan Paskov, Jean Pauphilet, Omar Skali Lami, Bartolomeo Stellato, Hamza Tazi Bouardi, Kimberly Villalobos Carballo, Holly Wiberg, and Cynthia Zeng. "From Predictions to Prescriptions: A Data-driven Response to COVID-19." Health Care Management Science 24, no. 2 (June 2021): 253–272.
- September 2012 (Revised August 2015)
- Case
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals (SPH), a vertically integrated Chinese pharmaceutical conglomerate, was considering its strategic options in the context of a rapidly evolving industry, policy, and economic environment. The company—essentially a collection of subsidiaries... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Business Conglomerates; Vertical Integration; Decision Choices and Conditions; Mergers and Acquisitions; Consolidation; Health Care and Treatment; Global Strategy; State Ownership; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry; Shanghai; United States; Europe
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "Shanghai Pharmaceuticals." Harvard Business School Case 313-016, September 2012. (Revised August 2015.)
- 25 Feb 2025
- Blog Post
Making a Broader Impact with Multiple Disciplines: Santosh Iyer (MBA 2020)
emphasizes unconventional thinking and uncovering value where others might see obstacles. I focus on enabling transformative solutions that redefine the boundaries of health care innovation by: Integrating... View Details
- May 2009 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
By: Richard M.J. Bohmer and Natalie Kindred
How will Newton-Wellesley Hospital (NWH) preserve its private practice tradition while remaining effective and competitive in a healthcare industry demanding increasing integration between physicians and hospitals? This is the decision facing Newton-Wellesley Hospital... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Profit; Health Care and Treatment; Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Competitive Strategy; Integration; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Bohmer, Richard M.J., and Natalie Kindred. "Newton-Wellesley Hospital." Harvard Business School Case 609-088, May 2009. (Revised October 2009.)