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- August 2008
- Case
The Chubb Corporation in China
By: Li Jin, Michael Shih-ta Chen and Aldo Sesia
The Chubb Corporation, headquartered in the U.S., was the holding company for a number of property and casualty insurance companies which operated in 29 countries. In 1979, the Chinese government, as part of its "reform and open" policy invited a delegation of Chubb... View Details
Keywords: Insurance; Globalized Firms and Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Emerging Markets; Market Entry and Exit; Business and Government Relations; Insurance Industry; China; United States
Jin, Li, Michael Shih-ta Chen, and Aldo Sesia. "The Chubb Corporation in China." Harvard Business School Case 209-021, August 2008.
- 01 Jan 2020
- What Do You Think?
Why Not Open America's Doors to All the World’s Talent?
recipients are not highly paid (regardless of talent), saying that “green card data show the following percentages of foreign workers at Levels I or II making below-median wages (for a given region): Amazon 91%; Facebook 91%; and Google... View Details
- Article
A Career Life-Cycle Perspective on Women's Health and Safety
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Chizoba L. Chukwura, Gregory H. Gorman, Vivian S. Lee, Chester B. Good, Kathleen L. Martin, Gregory A. Ator and Michael D. Parkinson
Women's health has demanded more attention from employers as women integrated into the workforce. Traditionally male-dominant fields and occupations require special attention to workplace design, physical standards for entry, employment practices, equipment, and health... View Details
Keywords: Women's Health; Healthcare Access; Workplace Design; Military Health System; Occupational Health; Medical Equipment & Devices; Employees; Gender; Personal Development and Career
Kaplan, Robert S., Chizoba L. Chukwura, Gregory H. Gorman, Vivian S. Lee, Chester B. Good, Kathleen L. Martin, Gregory A. Ator, and Michael D. Parkinson. "A Career Life-Cycle Perspective on Women's Health and Safety." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64, no. 4 (April 2022): 267–270.
- 22 Jan 2013
- First Look
First Look: Jan. 22
Mexican government reversed long-standing policies and allowed foreign banks to purchase Mexico's largest commercial banks and relaxed restrictions on the founding of new, foreign-owned banks. The result has... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- September 2012 (Revised August 2015)
- Case
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals (SPH), a vertically integrated Chinese pharmaceutical conglomerate, was considering its strategic options in the context of a rapidly evolving industry, policy, and economic environment. The company—essentially a collection of subsidiaries... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Business Conglomerates; Vertical Integration; Decision Choices and Conditions; Mergers and Acquisitions; Consolidation; Health Care and Treatment; Global Strategy; State Ownership; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry; Shanghai; United States; Europe
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "Shanghai Pharmaceuticals." Harvard Business School Case 313-016, September 2012. (Revised August 2015.)
- 08 Aug 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Managing Governments: Unilever in India and Turkey, 1950–1980
Keywords: by Geoffrey G. Jones
- Research Summary
International Financial Integration and Entrepreneurship (joint with Andrew Charlton)
By: Laura Alfaro
We explore the relation between international financial integration and the level of entrepreneurial activity in a country. Researchers have stressed the role of new firm activity and economic dynamism on growth. Yet, the empirical effects of international capital... View Details
- March 2021 (Revised May 2021)
- Case
ALDDN: Advancing Local Dairy Development in Nigeria
By: Meg Rithmire and Debora L. Spar
In 2020, Ndidi Nwuneli, founder and CEO of Sahel Consulting in Nigeria, faced a thorny set of problems. Her firm partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in a large project to develop the local dairy industry as a way to facilitate equitable growth and... View Details
Keywords: Animal-Based Agribusiness; Food; Rural Scope; Growth and Development; Nonprofit Organizations; Globalized Markets and Industries; Business and Government Relations; Equality and Inequality; Food and Beverage Industry; Consulting Industry; Nigeria
Rithmire, Meg, and Debora L. Spar. "ALDDN: Advancing Local Dairy Development in Nigeria." Harvard Business School Case 721-026, March 2021. (Revised May 2021.)
- 24 Apr 2007
- First Look
First Look: April 24, 2007
Purchase this note: Note on U.S. Public Education Finance (B): Expenditures Harvard Business School Note 307-070 Describes the cost structure and spending policies of... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 22 Jan 2007
- Research & Ideas
The Immigrant Technologist: Studying Technology Transfer with China
followed by people who are 100 miles away, and so forth in concentric circles. My research on ethnic networks suggests this channel facilitates faster knowledge transfer and faster adoption of foreign technologies. For example, if the... View Details
- 2018
- Book
Kissinger the Negotiator: Lessons from Dealmaking at the Highest Level
By: James K. Sebenius, R. Nicholas Burns and Robert H. Mnookin (with a forward by Henry A. Kissinger)
As professors and practitioners with careers devoted to negotiation, we are often asked “Who are the world’s best negotiators? What makes them effective?” Inevitably Henry Kissinger’s name comes up as an elite, if controversial, negotiator from whom we can learn a... View Details
Keywords: History; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Tactics; Personal Development and Career; Negotiation Style; United States
Sebenius, James K., R. Nicholas Burns, and Robert H. Mnookin (with a forward by Henry A. Kissinger). Kissinger the Negotiator: Lessons from Dealmaking at the Highest Level. New York: HarperCollins, 2018.
- 11 Mar 2014
- First Look
First Look: March 11
evolution of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in host countries over time. We argue that a change in the policy environment in a host country presents an MNE with two sets of interrelated decisions. First, the MNE has to decide whether to... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 26 Jun 2000
- Research & Ideas
Three Countries, Three Choices in Post-Soviet Eurasia
internal upheaval or violence. And, Abdelal contends, mainstream nationalists in Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine in the first post-Soviet decade had nearly identical ideologies and foreign policy goals. For... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 16 Jan 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
The Political Economy of “Natural” Disasters
Keywords: by Charles Cohen & Eric D. Werker
- December 2014 (Revised May 2019)
- Case
Bhutan: Governing for Happiness
By: Sophus A. Reinert, Thomas Humphrey and Benjamin Safran
Unique among the world’s countries, the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan had abandoned the traditional policy goal of increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in favor of pursuing Gross National Happiness (GNH). Famously, Bhutan ranked highly on lists of the happiest... View Details
Reinert, Sophus A., Thomas Humphrey, and Benjamin Safran. "Bhutan: Governing for Happiness." Harvard Business School Case 715-024, December 2014. (Revised May 2019.)
- August 2008 (Revised July 2009)
- Case
Gazprom (A): Energy and Strategy in Russian History
By: Rawi E. Abdelal, Sogomon Tarontsi and Alexander Jorov
Critics have accused Gazprom, the world's largest natural gas producer, of eschewing market principles in favor of the foreign policy priorities of the Russian government, ever since the energy giant cut off the supply to Ukraine in January of 2006. The purported... View Details
Keywords: History; International Relations; Trade; Energy Industry; Russia; Soviet Union; Ukraine; Europe
Abdelal, Rawi E., Sogomon Tarontsi, and Alexander Jorov. "Gazprom (A): Energy and Strategy in Russian History." Harvard Business School Case 709-008, August 2008. (Revised July 2009.)
- Research Summary
Optimal Reserve Management and Sovereign Debt (with Fabio Kanczuk)
By: Laura Alfaro
Most models currently used to determine optimal foreign reserve holdings take the level of international debt as given. Some of the implications of this analysis, however, may not be generalized once one considers the joint decision to hold debt and reserves by a... View Details
- 25 Apr 2014
- Research & Ideas
To Pay or Not to Pay: Argentina and the International Debt Market
to collect on defaulted debt. In truth, most countries repay their debts, and sovereign default is far from the norm. At stake in the Argentina case is the idea that one should use foreign institutions and View Details
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro
- 2021
- Book
Global Goliaths: Multinational Corporations in the 21st Century Economy
By: C. Fritz Foley, James R. Hines Jr. and David Wessel
Globalization and multinational corporations have long seemed partners in the enterprise of economic growth: globalization-led prosperity was the goal, and giant corporations spanning the globe would help achieve it. In recent years, however, the notion that all... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Globalization; Economy; Economic Growth; Equality and Inequality; Employment; Policy
Foley, C. Fritz, James R. Hines Jr., and David Wessel, eds. Global Goliaths: Multinational Corporations in the 21st Century Economy. Brookings Institution Press, 2021.
- 17 Dec 2007
- Research & Ideas
The Rise of Medical Tourism
countries that similar development made sense. So it's a tricky public policy issue. Q: How does growth in private hospitals affect public health care in India? A: There is an assumption in the view often expressed in the media in India... View Details