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- Faculty Publications (134)
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- Faculty Publications (134)
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- February 1999 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
Royal Dutch/Shell in Nigeria (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Mihnea C. Moldoveanu
Working with Shell's country manager for Nigeria, the company's Committee of Managing Directors must decide how to respond to the Nigerian government's decision to impose the death sentence on Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other leaders of a movement for the rights of the... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Multinational Firms and Management; Courts and Trials; Rights; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Government Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Social Issues; Nigeria
Paine, Lynn S., and Mihnea C. Moldoveanu. "Royal Dutch/Shell in Nigeria (A)." Harvard Business School Case 399-126, February 1999. (Revised October 2009.)
- March 1998 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Shepard Quraeshi Associates (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Harold F. Hogan Jr
Samina Quraeshi, principal of Boston-based Shepard Quraeshi Associates, must decide whether to take legal action against her key employees after they leave her firm to start their own, taking with them key clients and data. Quraeshi sees the situation as reflecting... View Details
Keywords: Ethnicity; Nationality; Ethics; Employees; Gender; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Immigration; Growth and Development Strategy; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Harold F. Hogan Jr. "Shepard Quraeshi Associates (A)." Harvard Business School Case 398-112, March 1998. (Revised March 1999.)
- September 1994
- Case
Bob Fifer
By: David A. Thomas and Doug Cohen
Explores the life and concerns of Bob Fifer, HBS class of 1979 and CEO of Kaiser Associates. Explores the many influences on Bob's development and his subsequent career choices. It is written as a biography with extensive quotes from interviews with Bob. He describes... View Details
Keywords: Personal Development and Career; Entrepreneurship; Identity; Leadership Style; Ethnicity; Management Teams
Thomas, David A., and Doug Cohen. "Bob Fifer." Harvard Business School Case 495-013, September 1994.
- May 1994 (Revised August 1994)
- Case
By: Shoshana Zuboff and Janis Lee Gogan
S.K. Ko managed Motorola's Penang, Malaysia factory, producing telecommunications components and equipment. As a female manager of a multi-ethnic and labor-intensive plant in Asia, Ko faced a number of challenges. She had already promoted quality circles and quality... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Transformation; Decision Making; Ethnicity; Gender; Training; Leading Change; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Problems and Challenges; Technology Industry; Malaysia
Zuboff, Shoshana, and Janis Lee Gogan. "Motorola-Penang." Harvard Business School Case 494-135, May 1994. (Revised August 1994.)
- 1 Jan 1994
- Conference Presentation
Muticulturalism at Work: The Role of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in a Feminist Organization
By: R. Ely
- July 1993 (Revised September 1995)
- Supplement
Block 16: Indigenous Peoples' Perspective
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Susan E.A. Hall
Supplements Block 16: Conoco's Green Oil Strategy (A). Provides the indigenous people's perspective on Conoco's Ecuadorian strategy. Designed to be distributed to students who will be playing the role of Ecuadorian indigenous people. View Details
Salter, Malcolm S., and Susan E.A. Hall. "Block 16: Indigenous Peoples' Perspective." Harvard Business School Supplement 394-003, July 1993. (Revised September 1995.)
- February 1993 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
India (A)
By: Richard H.K. Vietor, Waleed J. Iskandar and Max L. Weston
Outlines India's import substitution strategy and its planned development process. The effects of the difficult political and social context on economic development are analyzed. The failure of the system to achieve sustainable growth and improvement leads to attempts... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Ethnicity; Development Economics; Trade; Economic Growth; Policy; Government and Politics; India
Vietor, Richard H.K., Waleed J. Iskandar, and Max L. Weston. "India (A)." Harvard Business School Case 793-112, February 1993. (Revised March 2003.)
- December 1989
- Article
Situational Ethnicity and Consumer Behavior
By: D. M. Stayman and Rohit Deshpandé
Deshpandé, Rohit, and D. M. Stayman. "Situational Ethnicity and Consumer Behavior." Journal of Consumer Research 16, no. 3 (December 1989): 361–371.
- 1988
- Chapter
The Significance of Race and Ethnicity for Understanding Organizational Behavior
By: D. A. Thomas and Clayton P. Alderfer
- Article
The Intensity of Ethnic Affiliation: A Study in the Sociology of Hispanic Consumption
By: Rohit Deshpandé, Wayne D. Hoyer and Naveen Donthu
- 1982
- Article
Cross-Cultural Influences on Buyer Behavior: The Impact of Hispanic Ethnicity
By: Rohit Deshpandé and Wayne D. Hoyer
Deshpandé, Rohit, and Wayne D. Hoyer. "Cross-Cultural Influences on Buyer Behavior: The Impact of Hispanic Ethnicity." AMA Educators' Proceedings (1982): 89–92.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Centralization and Organization Reproduction: Ethnic Innovation in R&D Centers and Satellite Locations
By: William R. Kerr
We study the relationship between firm centralization and organizational reproduction in satellite locations. For decentralized firms, the ethnic compositions of inventors in satellite locations mostly resemble their host cities, with little link to the inventor... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Reproduction; Centralization; Research and Development; Innovation and Invention; Organizational Design; Ethnicity
Kerr, William R. "Centralization and Organization Reproduction: Ethnic Innovation in R&D Centers and Satellite Locations." Organization Science (forthcoming). (Pre-published online October 24, 2023.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S.
By: Stefano Gagliarducci and Marco Tabellini
How do ethnic religious organizations influence immigrant assimilation? To answer this question, we assemble novel data from the Catholic directories to measure the presence of Italian Catholic churches in the US between 1890 and 1920, when four million Italians moved... View Details
Gagliarducci, Stefano, and Marco Tabellini. "Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S." Economic Journal (forthcoming). (Pre-published online February 20, 2025. Also available from NBER and featured in NBER Digest and VoxEU.)
- Research Summary
War & Peace
By: Deepak Malhotra
A second stream of research looks at issues related to conflict resolution in the context of international and ethno-political conflict, and in particular, at the role of negotiation in ending armed conflicts. I launched a new course at HBS entitled "War & Peace:... View Details
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