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- All HBS Web
- People (8)
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- Faculty Publications (706)
- February 2010
- Case
Foxwoods: Turning Data into Insights in the Hospitality Industry
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Deborah L. Soule
This case describes how an IT director identified an opportunity and implemented an innovative business solution designed to enable line managers and executives to convert data to information to insights. The case also details how the company partnered with an emerging... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Connecticut
Applegate, Lynda M., and Deborah L. Soule. "Foxwoods: Turning Data into Insights in the Hospitality Industry." Harvard Business School Case 810-083, February 2010.
- September 2017 (Revised December 2017)
- Case
Hulu: Redefining the Way People Experience TV
By: Henry W. McGee and Christine Snively
In May 2017, Hulu CEO Mike Hopkins announced the launch of Hulu Live TV, a new offering that would "change the way people experience TV." The new service would allow consumers to bypass traditional cable and satellite delivery and use the Internet to access live... View Details
Keywords: Television Industry; Internet; Television Entertainment; Internet and the Web; Disruptive Innovation; Competitive Strategy; Price; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
McGee, Henry W., and Christine Snively. "Hulu: Redefining the Way People Experience TV." Harvard Business School Case 318-002, September 2017. (Revised December 2017.)
- January 2018 (Revised July 2019)
- Case
Big Apple Circus: Time to Fold the Tent?
By: David G. Fubini and Matthew Wiger
By 2016, the Big Apple Circus has weathered many storms in its 38 seasons as one of the most well-known New York City nonprofits. Will Weiss, the executive director, has witnessed his share of chaos during four years at Big Apple. After a slight resurgence following... View Details
Keywords: Turnarounds; Bankruptcy; "Live Entertainment; Art; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Organizational Culture; Entertainment; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Fubini, David G., and Matthew Wiger. "Big Apple Circus: Time to Fold the Tent?" Harvard Business School Case 418-050, January 2018. (Revised July 2019.)
- December 2018 (Revised August 2019)
- Case
Super Bowl Storytelling
By: Shelle Santana and Jill Avery
The one day a year when consumers not only tolerate but actually eagerly anticipate ads is during the NFL's Super Bowl. In sharp contrast to their behavior on the other 364 days of the year, consumers watch an average of 89 commercials per Super Bowl game for an... View Details
Keywords: Television Advertising; Entertainment; Brand Management; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Marketing Communications; Advertising; Television Entertainment; Brands and Branding; Media; Cost vs Benefits; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; United States; North America
Santana, Shelle, and Jill Avery. "Super Bowl Storytelling." Harvard Business School Case 519-041, December 2018. (Revised August 2019.)
- August 2014
- Case
Netflix in 2011
By: Willy Shih and Stephen Kaufman
Reed Hastings founded Netflix to provide a home movie service that would do a better job satisfying customers than the traditional retail rental model. But as it encountered challenges it underwent several major strategy shifts, ultimately developing a business model... View Details
Keywords: Netflix; DVD; DVD-by-mail; Streaming; Online Entertainment; Online Video; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Business Model; Disruption; Operations; Service Operations; Entertainment; Film Entertainment; Television Entertainment; Media; Strategy; Business or Company Management; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Technology; Technology Adoption; Technology Platform; Web; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Shih, Willy, and Stephen Kaufman. "Netflix in 2011." Harvard Business School Case 615-007, August 2014.
- 2019
- Working Paper
Judgment Aggregation in Creative Production: Evidence from the Movie Industry
By: Hong Luo, Jeffrey T. Macher and Michael Wahlen
This paper studies a novel, light-touch approach to aggregate judgment from a large number of industry experts on ideas that they encounter in their normal course of business. Our context is the movie industry, in which customer appeal is difficult to predict and... View Details
Keywords: Judgment Aggregation; Creativity; Film Entertainment; Judgments; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Luo, Hong, Jeffrey T. Macher, and Michael Wahlen. "Judgment Aggregation in Creative Production: Evidence from the Movie Industry." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-082, January 2019. (Revised September 2019.)
- May 2022
- Case
The NFL’s $110-Billion Media Rights Deals
By: Anita Elberse and Elizabeth Warner
On March 18, 2021, Brian Rolapp, chief media and business officer at the National Football League (NFL) presented the results of a months-long effort to renegotiate rights deals with the NFL’s current partners in television—the media conglomerates behind the networks... View Details
Keywords: Sports; Entertainment; Media; Marketing; Strategy; General Management; Negotiation; Partners and Partnerships; Competition; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Elizabeth Warner. "The NFL’s $110-Billion Media Rights Deals." Harvard Business School Case 522-090, May 2022.
- 01 Dec 2017
- News
2017 in Media: Courting the Cord-Cutters
dropped their $120 subscription it cost everyone in the chain, from the distributor to every content channel. Eventually the industry had to pay attention. There are currently two primary approaches to winning back cord-cutters View Details
- 20 Apr 2017
- Blog Post
Why I Love My Job: Ching Ching Chen On Her Passion For the Music Industry
Name and Graduation Year: Ching Ching Chen, 2017 What inspires you to want to make an impact in the music industry? I grew up studying violin, piano, and opera and my mother... View Details
Keywords: Entertainment / Media / Sports
- May 2017
- Supplement
Betfair (B), (C), and (D) Case Slides
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and John Heilbron
Contains slides related to the Betfair B, C, and D cases.
B) Buoyed by success in the market for gambling contracts, Betfair attempts to enter the market for financial products using its exchange model.
C) Prompted by a takeover bid from... View Details
B) Buoyed by success in the market for gambling contracts, Betfair attempts to enter the market for financial products using its exchange model.
C) Prompted by a takeover bid from... View Details
- 08 Oct 2020
- Research & Ideas
Keep Your Weary Workers Engaged and Motivated
complicated them: Cost-cutting and remote work mean that both the acquisition and bonding drives are harder to meet via traditional means such as raises and team outings.... View Details
Keywords: by Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams
- July 2015 (Revised January 2020)
- Case
Horst Dassler, Adidas, and the Commercialization of Sport
By: Geoffrey Jones, Michael Norris and Sophi Kim
The case focuses on the career of Horst Dassler, the son of the founder of the German-based sports shoe manufacturer Adidas. The origins of the firm were in the interwar years, and it rose to public prominence after it provided spikes for Jesse Owens, the famous... View Details
Keywords: Corruption; Economic History; Business History; Entertainment; Business; Strategy; Media; Digital Technology; Blockbuster; Superstar; Film; Television; Music; Publishing; Performing Arts; Nightlife; Crime and Corruption; Entrepreneurship; Globalization; History; Sports; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Germany; South America; Europe; Asia; North and Central America
Jones, Geoffrey, Michael Norris, and Sophi Kim. "Horst Dassler, Adidas, and the Commercialization of Sport." Harvard Business School Case 316-007, July 2015. (Revised January 2020.)
- 2022
- Working Paper
Gender Inequality and the Direction of Ideas: Evidence from the Weinstein Scandal and #MeToo
By: Hong Luo and Laurina Zhang
How do the Harvey Weinstein scandal and #MeToo affect women’s likelihood of working
in male-dominated domains and the types of ideas developed in Hollywood? To discern these
events’ impact, we exploit the variation in whether a producer previously collaborated with... View Details
Keywords: Gender Inequality; Gender Segregation; Social Movement; Direction Of Innovation; Creative Industries; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Social Issues; Creativity; Film Entertainment
Luo, Hong, and Laurina Zhang. "Gender Inequality and the Direction of Ideas: Evidence from the Weinstein Scandal and #MeToo." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-107, March 2021. (Revised December 2022.)
- October 2017
- Case
LeBron James: Building a Hollywood Empire
By: Anita Elberse
It is June 2016. Superstar basketball player LeBron James and his childhood friend and business partner Maverick Carter are celebrating James’ third NBA championship. The duo will soon have to decide on a strategy for their media businesses—their film and television... View Details
Keywords: Film; Motion Picutres; Superstar; Innovation; Creative Industries; Talent; General Management; Celebrities; Marketing; Entertainment; Sports; Media; Film Entertainment; Innovation Strategy; Talent and Talent Management; Strategy; Digital Strategy; Sports Industry; Sports Industry; Sports Industry; Sports Industry
Elberse, Anita. "LeBron James: Building a Hollywood Empire." Harvard Business School Case 518-042, October 2017.
- March 2013
- Case
Robin Ash and Printzhof Press
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Lynda St. Clair
Robin Ash has just been promoted to Chief Operating Officer of Printzhof Press and Vice President of its parent company, Education and Entertainment Holdings, Inc. Her first objective is to create an action plan that will achieve two seemingly contradictory corporate... View Details
Keywords: United States; Organizational Change; Management Styles; General Management; Change Management; Morale; Communication; Human Resource Management; Book Publishing; Information Technology; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Conflict Management; Leading Change; Competitive Strategy; Organizational Culture; Planning; Education Industry; Education Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Lynda St. Clair. "Robin Ash and Printzhof Press." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-554, March 2013.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Personalized Game Design for Improved User Retention and Monetization in Freemium Games
By: Eva Ascarza, Oded Netzer and Julian Runge
One of the most crucial aspects and significant levers that gaming companies possess in designing
digital games is setting the level of difficulty, which essentially regulates the user’s ability to
progress within the game. This aspect is particularly significant in... View Details
Keywords: Freemium; Retention/churn; Field Experiment; Field Experiments; Gaming; Gaming Industry; Mobile App; Mobile App Industry; Monetization; Monetization Strategy; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Customers; Retention; Product Design; Strategy
Ascarza, Eva, Oded Netzer, and Julian Runge. "Personalized Game Design for Improved User Retention and Monetization in Freemium Games." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-062, November 2020. (Revised December 2023.)
- August 2022 (Revised June 2024)
- Exercise
How Should Netflix Add an Ad-Supported Tier?
By: Elie Ofek and Olivier Toubia
In the summer of 2022, it became clear that Netflix would introduce an ad-supported tier alongside its existing subscription plans in the near future. Speculation abounded as to the details of the new tier: How many minutes of advertising would it include? What picture... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Television Industry; Price; Marketing Strategy; Digital Platforms; Customer Value and Value Chain; Competitive Strategy; Customer Satisfaction; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Ofek, Elie, and Olivier Toubia. "How Should Netflix Add an Ad-Supported Tier?" Harvard Business School Exercise 523-033, August 2022. (Revised June 2024.)
- Article
Scandal, Social Movement, and Change: Evidence from #MeToo in Hollywood
By: Hong Luo and Laurina Zhang
Social movements have the potential to effect change in firm decision-making. In this paper, we examine whether the #MeToo movement, spurred by the Harvey Weinstein scandal, led to changes in the likelihood of Hollywood producers working with female writers on new... View Details
Keywords: Gender Inequality; Social Movement; Scandal; Creative Industries; Project Selection; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Social Issues; Film Entertainment; Projects; Change
Luo, Hong, and Laurina Zhang. "Scandal, Social Movement, and Change: Evidence from #MeToo in Hollywood." Management Science 68, no. 2 (February 2022): 1278–1296.
- November 2018 (Revised February 2019)
- Teaching Plan
Gimlet Media: A Podcasting Startup
By: John Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
When digital distribution becomes an option for an analog industry, the effects on the incumbents can be devastating. Is podcasting the beginning of the end of radio? Can it do what streaming video did to television and websites did to print? Two former public radio... View Details