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- Faculty Publications (219)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (219)
- 2012
- Working Paper
An Outside-Inside Evolution in Gender and Professional Work
By: Lakshmi Ramarajan, Kathleen McGinn and Deborah Kolb
We study the process by which a professional service firm reshaped its activities and beliefs over nearly two decades as it adapted to shifts in the social discourse regarding gender and work. Analyzing archival data from the firm over eighteen years and... View Details
Keywords: Professional Service Firms; Social Institutions; Organizational Learning; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Employment; Gender; Society; Service Industry
Ramarajan, Lakshmi, Kathleen McGinn, and Deborah Kolb. "An Outside-Inside Evolution in Gender and Professional Work." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-051, November 2012. (Work in progress for requested submission, Research in Organizational Behavior.)
- July–September 2012
- Article
The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration
By: Tsedal Neeley, Pamela J. Hinds and Catherine D. Cramton
Companies are increasingly relying on a lingua franca, or common language (usually English), to facilitate cross-border collaboration. Despite the numerous benefits of a lingua franca, our research reveals myriad challenges that disrupt collaboration and contribute to... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Loss; Spoken Communication; Performance Productivity; Research; Global Range; Problems and Challenges; Diversity; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Neeley, Tsedal, Pamela J. Hinds, and Catherine D. Cramton. "The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration." Organizational Dynamics 41, no. 3 (July–September 2012): 236–244.
- 2012
- Working Paper
The Need for (long) Chains in Kidney Exchange
By: Itai Ashlagi, David Gamarnik, Michael A. Rees and Alvin E. Roth
It has been previously shown that for sufficiently large pools of patient-donor pairs, (almost) efficient kidney exchange can be achieved by using at most 3-way cycles, i.e., by using cycles among no more than 3 patient-donor pairs. However, as kidney exchange has... View Details
Keywords: Networks; Complexity; Performance Efficiency; Medical Specialties; Health Care and Treatment; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving
Ashlagi, Itai, David Gamarnik, Michael A. Rees, and Alvin E. Roth. "The Need for (long) Chains in Kidney Exchange." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 18202, July 2012.
- March 2012 (Revised April 2013)
- Case
Schön Klinik: Eating Disorder Care
By: Michael E. Porter, Emma Stanton, Jessica A. Hohman and Caleb Stowell
The Schön Klinik is a private, for-profit German hospital group trying to establish itself as a premium health care provider in a competitive German market. The case details Schön Klinik's founding, its early focus on measurement and improvement, and the design and... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Quality; Outcomes; Quality Improvement; Strategy And Performance Measurement; Integration; Measurement and Metrics; Competition; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Outcome or Result; Performance Evaluation; Business Processes; Health Industry; Germany
Porter, Michael E., Emma Stanton, Jessica A. Hohman, and Caleb Stowell. "Schön Klinik: Eating Disorder Care." Harvard Business School Case 712-475, March 2012. (Revised April 2013.)
- 2012
- Article
The Excess Burden of Government Indecision
By: Francisco J. Gomes, Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Luis M. Viceira
Governments are known for procrastinating when it comes to resolving painful policy problems. Whatever the political motives for waiting to decide, procrastination distorts economic decisions relative to what would arise with early policy resolution. In so doing, it... View Details
Keywords: Saving; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Portfolio; Decision Choices and Conditions; Retirement; Policy; Government and Politics
Gomes, Francisco J., Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and Luis M. Viceira. "The Excess Burden of Government Indecision." Tax Policy and the Economy 26 (2012): 125–163.
- 2011
- Working Paper
From Single Deals to Negotiation Campaigns
By: David A Lax and James K. Sebenius
Negotiation scholars typically take the individual deal, or a few linked deals, as the unit of analysis. While analyzing one deal requires a familiar conceptual framework, doing the same for a broader "negotiation campaign" calls for a different focus and set of... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Deal; Framework; Business Subsidiaries; Agreements and Arrangements; Mergers and Acquisitions; Information Management; Finance; Business and Shareholder Relations; Corporate Governance; Business and Government Relations; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Lax, David A., and James K. Sebenius. "From Single Deals to Negotiation Campaigns." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-046, December 2011.
- November 2011 (Revised December 2013)
- Case
Accretive Health
By: William A. Sahlman and Evan Richardson
Mary Tolan, CEO Accretive Health, examines whether to expand the company's operations in hospital revenue cycle management into the field of Total Cost of Care management. View Details
Sahlman, William A., and Evan Richardson. "Accretive Health." Harvard Business School Case 812-061, November 2011. (Revised December 2013.)
- October 29, 2011
- Other Article
Upstream Sovereigns
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
With all the focus on Europe, it is easy to ignore the argument that global imbalances remain a drag on economic recovery. This column decomposes international capital flows into public and private components and claims that upstream flows from emerging to advanced... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Economies and Regions; Business Cycles; Balance and Stability; Capital; Developing Countries and Economies
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Vadym Volosovych. "Upstream Sovereigns." Vox, CEPR Policy Portal (October 29, 2011).
- October 2011 (Revised July 2012)
- Supplement
Mike Mayo Takes on Citigroup (B)
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Amy Kaser
Mike Mayo takes on Citigroup (B) is a supplementary exercise to go along with Mike Mayo takes on Citigroup (A) case and is designed to give students an opportunity to understand the creation of deferred tax liabilities (DTLs) and the life cycle of a DTL using an... View Details
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Amy Kaser. "Mike Mayo Takes on Citigroup (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 112-051, October 2011. (Revised July 2012.)
- September 2011
- Article
How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Michael E. Porter
Existing health care costing systems have serious flaws that make it impossible to measure costs accurately at the individual patient and medical condition level. This gap has severely limited meaningful cost reduction throughout the system. The paper describes a new... View Details
Keywords: Cost; Health Care and Treatment; Measurement and Metrics; Service Delivery; Outcome or Result; Quality; Health Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Michael E. Porter. "How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care." Harvard Business Review 89, no. 9 (September 2011): 47–64.
- September – October 2011
- Article
Manage the Culture Cycle
By: James L. Heskett
Organizational culture—the shared assumptions, values, and behaviors that determine "how we do things around here"—can be measured and shaped. In organizations with large numbers of customer-facing employees, it can account for up to half of the difference in operating... View Details
- 2011
- Chapter
The Economics of Housing Finance Reform
By: David S. Scharfstein and Adi Sunderam
This paper analyzes the two leading types of proposals for reform of the housing finance system: (i) broad-based, explicit, priced government guarantees of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and (ii) privatization. Both proposals have drawbacks. Properly-priced... View Details
Keywords: Economics; Housing; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Government and Politics
Scharfstein, David S., and Adi Sunderam. "The Economics of Housing Finance Reform." In The Future of Housing Finance: Restructuring the U.S. Residential Mortgage Market, edited by Martin Neil Baily. Brookings Institution Press, 2011.
- June 2011
- Case
Fighting a Dangerous Financial Fire: The Federal Response to the Crisis of 2007-2009
By: David Moss and Cole Bolton
By the summer of 2009, many observers concluded that a catastrophic financial collapse- which seemed all but imminent the previous fall and winter - had been averted. Although the recession had still yet to be declared over and the economy's footing remained far from... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Financial Crisis; Financial Institutions; Financial Markets; Financial Strategy; Policy; Knowledge Acquisition
Moss, David, and Cole Bolton. "Fighting a Dangerous Financial Fire: The Federal Response to the Crisis of 2007-2009." Harvard Business School Case 711-104, June 2011.
- February 2011
- Background Note
GUIDESlines: Benchmark Values for the GUIDES Framework
By: Matthew C. Weinzierl, Jacob Kuipers and Jonathan Schlefer
GUIDESlines provides benchmark values of the key economic indicators identified in the GUIDES framework for both developed countries (the OECD) and fast-growing emerging markets (the BRINCS countries). View Details
Weinzierl, Matthew C., Jacob Kuipers, and Jonathan Schlefer. "GUIDESlines: Benchmark Values for the GUIDES Framework." Harvard Business School Background Note 711-067, February 2011.
- February 2011
- Article
Welfare Payments and Crime
By: C. Fritz Foley
Analysis of daily reported incidents of major crimes in twelve U.S. cities reveals an increase in crime over the course of monthly welfare payment cycles. This increase reflects an increase in crimes that are likely to have a direct financial motivation like burglary,... View Details
Foley, C. Fritz. "Welfare Payments and Crime." Review of Economics and Statistics 93, no. 1 (February 2011): 97–112.
- January – February 2011
- Article
Creating Shared Value
By: Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer
The capitalist system is under siege. In recent years business has been criticized as a major cause of social, environmental, and economic problems. Companies are widely thought to be prospering at the expense of their communities. Trust in business has fallen to new... View Details
Keywords: Customer Value and Value Chain; Economic Growth; Economic Systems; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Trust; Human Needs; Welfare; Competitive Advantage; Value Creation
Porter, Michael E., and Mark R. Kramer. "Creating Shared Value." Harvard Business Review 89, nos. 1-2 (January–February 2011): 62–77.
- January – February 2011
- Article
How to Design a Winning Business Model
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Joan E. Ricart
Most executives believe that competing through business models is critical for success, but few have come to grips with how best to do so. One common mistake is enterprises' unwavering focus on creating innovative models and evaluating their efficacy in standalone... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Design; Strength and Weakness; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Joan E. Ricart. "How to Design a Winning Business Model." Harvard Business Review 89, nos. 1-2 (January–February 2011): 100–107.
- Article
Values, Purpose, Meaning, and Expectations: Why Culture and Context Matter
The "rational person" standard, based on assumptions of economic self-interest, has long prevailed in legal reasoning. But understanding of decision making, behavioral choices, and possibilities for action must be enlarged to include a variety of factors that give... View Details
Keywords: Standards; Interests; Decision Making; Behavior; Value; Groups and Teams; Performance Expectations; Organizational Culture; Leadership; Business Cycles; Forecasting and Prediction; Motivation and Incentives
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Values, Purpose, Meaning, and Expectations: Why Culture and Context Matter." Alabama Law Review 62, no. 5 (2011).
- October 2010 (Revised June 2014)
- Case
Volkswagen do Brasil: Driving Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
A new management team at VW do Brazil develops and deploys a strategy map and Balanced Scorecard to accomplish a turnaround and cultural change after eight consecutive years of financial losses and market share declines. The team uses the strategy map to align... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Developing Countries and Economies; Management Teams; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Strategic Planning; Balance and Stability; Motivation and Incentives; Communication Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Auto Industry; Brazil; Germany
Kaplan, Robert S., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Volkswagen do Brasil: Driving Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 111-049, October 2010. (Revised June 2014.)
- October 2010
- Article
The Emerging Capital Market for Nonprofits
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Allen S. Grossman
Many of our largest and most successful companies today did not exist 50 years ago. During this same time interval, companies that ranked among top in the 1960s have disappeared, been merged out of existence, or become much smaller presences in the U.S. industrial... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Investment Funds; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Corporate Accountability; Management Practices and Processes; Infrastructure; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Performance Effectiveness; Nonprofit Organizations
Kaplan, Robert S., and Allen S. Grossman. "The Emerging Capital Market for Nonprofits." Harvard Business Review 88, no. 10 (October 2010).