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- Faculty Publications (531)
- Article
Unconscious Bias Training That Works
By: Francesca Gino and Katherine Coffman
To become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive, many companies have turned to unconscious bias (UB) training. By raising awareness of the mental shortcuts that lead to snap judgments—often based on race and gender—about people’s talents or character, it strives to... View Details
Keywords: Implicit Bias; Social Integration; Empathy; Prejudice and Bias; Employees; Training; Attitudes; Behavior; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Gino, Francesca, and Katherine Coffman. "Unconscious Bias Training That Works." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 5 (September–October 2021): 114–123.
- Article
What Evolution Can Teach Us About Innovation
By: Noubar Afeyan and Gary P. Pisano
Many people believe that the process for achieving breakthrough innovations is chaotic, random, and unmanageable. But that view is flawed, the authors argue. Breakthroughs can be systematically generated using a process modeled on the principles that drive evolution in... View Details
Keywords: Breakthrough Innovation; Variance Generation; Selection Pressure; Emergent Discovery; Innovation and Invention; Value Creation; Innovation Leadership
Afeyan, Noubar, and Gary P. Pisano. "What Evolution Can Teach Us About Innovation." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 5 (September–October 2021): 62–72.
- August 2021
- Case
Danone S.A.: Becoming a Mission-Driven Company (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Emilie Billaud
Emmanuel Faber became CEO of Danone SA, the French food and beverage company, in 2014. Right from the start, he ran the company with a dual commitment to both profit and purpose (i.e., ESG objectives). In fact, in 2018, he said, “It’s time to make sustainable business... View Details
Keywords: Business and Stakeholder Relations; Corporate Governance; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Environmental Sustainability; Goals and Objectives; Consumer Products Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; France; Europe
Esty, Benjamin C., and Emilie Billaud. "Danone S.A.: Becoming a Mission-Driven Company (A)." Harvard Business School Case 722-354, August 2021.
- August 2021
- Article
Crowdsourcing Memories: Mixed Methods Research by Cultural Insiders-Epistemological Outsiders
By: Tarun Khanna, Karim R. Lakhani, Shubhangi Bhadada, Nabil Khan, Saba Kohli Davé, Rasim Alam and Meena Hewett
This paper examines the role that the two lead authors’ personal connections played in the research methodology and data collection for the Partition Stories Project—a mixed-methods approach to revisiting the much-studied historical trauma of the Partition of British... View Details
Keywords: Mixed Methods; Insider-outsiders; Myth Of Informed Objectivity; Hybrid Research; Oral Narratives; Research; Analysis; India
Khanna, Tarun, Karim R. Lakhani, Shubhangi Bhadada, Nabil Khan, Saba Kohli Davé, Rasim Alam, and Meena Hewett. "Crowdsourcing Memories: Mixed Methods Research by Cultural Insiders-Epistemological Outsiders." Academy of Management Perspectives 35, no. 3 (August 2021): 384–399.
- 9 Jul 2021
- Interview
Matthew Barzun and Amy Edmondson
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Matthew Barzun
Writer Matthew Barzun speaks with Harvard Professor and author Amy Edmondson about Barzun's book, "The Power of Giving Away Power: How the Best Leaders Learn to Let Go". Matthew Barzun has served as U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom and Sweden. He served as... View Details
"Matthew Barzun and Amy Edmondson." Great Podversations (podcast), July 9, 2021.
- 6 Jul 2021
- Interview
Best Buy's Hubert Joly on Walking the Talk of Stakeholder Capitalism
By: Hubert Joly and Alison Beard
Hubert Joly, former chairman and CEO of Best Buy, says that now is the time for companies to get serious about operating to benefit not just shareholders but also employees, customers and broader society. In the face of environmental crisis, racial turmoil, and rising... View Details
Keywords: Stakeholder Capitalism; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Mission and Purpose; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
"Best Buy's Hubert Joly on Walking the Talk of Stakeholder Capitalism." Episode 808, HBR IdeaCast (podcast), Harvard Business Review Group, July 6, 2021. (Interview with Alison Beard.)
- June 23, 2021
- Article
Research: When A/B Testing Doesn't Tell You the Whole Story
By: Eva Ascarza
When it comes to churn prevention, marketers traditionally start by identifying which customers are most likely to churn, and then running A/B tests to determine whether a proposed retention intervention will be effective at retaining those high-risk customers. While... View Details
Keywords: Customer Retention; Churn; Targeting; Market Research; Marketing; Investment Return; Customers; Retention; Research
Ascarza, Eva. "Research: When A/B Testing Doesn't Tell You the Whole Story." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (June 23, 2021).
- 16 Jun 2021
- Interview
Harvard Business School: How to Build Fearless Organizations
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Ron Lovett
Our guest is Amy Edmondson - Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School. Amy has authored multiple books, including her most recent, The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation and... View Details
"Harvard Business School: How to Build Fearless Organizations." No. 51. Scaling Culture (podcast), June 16, 2021.
- 2021
- Article
To Thine Own Self Be True? Incentive Problems in Personalized Law
By: Jordan M. Barry, John William Hatfield and Scott Duke Kominers
Recent years have seen an explosion of scholarship on “personalized law.” Commentators foresee a world in which regulators armed with big data and machine learning techniques determine the optimal legal rule for every regulated party, then instantaneously disseminate... View Details
Keywords: Personalized Law; Regulation; Regulatory Avoidance; Regulatory Arbitrage; Law And Economics; Law And Technology; Law And Artificial Intelligence; Futurism; Moral Hazard; Elicitation; Signaling; Privacy; Law; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Information Technology; AI and Machine Learning
Barry, Jordan M., John William Hatfield, and Scott Duke Kominers. "To Thine Own Self Be True? Incentive Problems in Personalized Law." Art. 2. William & Mary Law Review 62, no. 3 (2021).
- May–June 2021
- Article
How to Close the Gender Gap
By: Colleen Ammerman and Boris Groysberg
Most companies say they’re committed to advancing women into leadership roles. What they may fail to recognize, though, is that systemic barriers are holding women back. As a result, women remain disadvantaged at every stage of their employment and underrepresented in... View Details
Keywords: Gender Discrimination; Employment; Gender; Prejudice and Bias; Talent and Talent Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Ammerman, Colleen, and Boris Groysberg. "How to Close the Gender Gap." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 3 (May–June 2021): 124–133.
- May 2021
- Article
Making Doctors Effective Managers and Leaders: A Matter of Health and Well-Being
By: Lisa Rotenstein, Robert S. Huckman and Christine K. Cassel
The COVID-19 crisis has forced physicians to make daily decisions that require knowledge and skills they did not acquire as part of their biomedical training. Physicians are being called upon to be both managers—able to set processes and structures—and leaders—capable... View Details
Rotenstein, Lisa, Robert S. Huckman, and Christine K. Cassel. "Making Doctors Effective Managers and Leaders: A Matter of Health and Well-Being." Academic Medicine 96, no. 5 (May 2021).
- May–June 2021
- Article
Savvy Self-Promotion: The Delicate Art and Science of Bragging
By: Leslie K. John
Everyone knows that success at work depends on being—and being seen as—both competent and likable. You need people to notice your growth and accomplishments while also enjoying your company. But if you draw attention to the value you’ve created, to ensure that managers... View Details
John, Leslie K. "Savvy Self-Promotion: The Delicate Art and Science of Bragging." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 3 (May–June 2021): 145–148.
- May–June 2021
- Article
Why Start-ups Fail
If you’re launching a business, the odds are against you: Two-thirds of start-ups never show a positive return. Unnerved by that statistic, a professor of entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School set out to discover why. Based on interviews and surveys with hundreds... View Details
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Why Start-ups Fail." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 3 (May–June 2021): 76–85.
- Article
Look 'Outside the Building' for the Future of Leadership
The author discusses what she terms “outside the building” issues, such as climate change, pandemics, and racial/gender justice. These complex issues are “beyond the boundaries of single organizations.” As she writes, “I call this new leadership for the future... View Details
Keywords: Change Leadership; Advanced Leadership; Innovation; Complex Systems; Impact; Leadership; Change; Leading Change; Innovation Leadership
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Look 'Outside the Building' for the Future of Leadership." Leader to Leader 100 (Spring 2021): 31–34.
- March 29, 2021
- Editorial
Research: A Little Recognition Can Provide a Big Morale Boost
By: Shibeal O'Flaherty, Michael Sanders and A.V. Whillans
As organizations large and small face the twin challenges of increasingly strained budgets and burned out workforces, what can managers do to keep employees engaged—without breaking the bank? In this piece, the authors share new research on the power of symbolic awards... View Details
O'Flaherty, Shibeal, Michael Sanders, and A.V. Whillans. "Research: A Little Recognition Can Provide a Big Morale Boost." Harvard Business Review (website) (March 29, 2021).
- March 12, 2021
- Article
Is Your C-Suite Equipped to Lead a Digital Transformation?
By: J. Yo-Jud Cheng, Cassandra Frangos and Boris Groysberg
The pandemic has rapidly accelerated many companies’ digital efforts, but do they have the right executives in place to lead this sort of transformation? To answer this question, the authors analyzed more than 100 search specifications for C-suite positions in Fortune... View Details
Keywords: Management Teams; Information Technology; Transformation; Competency and Skills; Digital Transformation
Cheng, J. Yo-Jud, Cassandra Frangos, and Boris Groysberg. "Is Your C-Suite Equipped to Lead a Digital Transformation?" Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (March 12, 2021).
- March 4, 2021
- Article
Are Your Managers in Sync with Your Change Strategy?
By: Joseph B. Fuller and Bill Theofilou
According to new research conducted by the authors, C-suite executives and upper management often don’t agree on how their organizations need to remake themselves for a post-COVID world. As a result, when CEOs and their teams begin implementing their plans, they are... View Details
Fuller, Joseph B., and Bill Theofilou. "Are Your Managers in Sync with Your Change Strategy?" Harvard Business Review (website) (March 4, 2021).
- 2022
- Article
Gender Inequality in Research Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
By: Ruomeng Cui, Hao Ding and Feng Zhu
We study the disproportionate impact of the lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak on female and male academics' research productivity in social science. The lockdown has caused substantial disruptions to academic activities, requiring people to work from home.... View Details
Keywords: Gender Inequality; Research Productivity; Telecommuting; COVID-19 Pandemic; Research; Performance Productivity; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Health Pandemics
Cui, Ruomeng, Hao Ding, and Feng Zhu. "Gender Inequality in Research Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24, no. 2 (March–April 2022): 707–726.
- Article
Manage the Suppliers That Could Harm Your Brand: Know When to Avoid, Engage, or Drop Them
By: Jodi L Short and Michael W. Toffel
The pandemic has placed a new spotlight on working conditions in factories that supply global companies. To avert problems, firms often impose codes of conduct on their suppliers and perform audits to assess compliance. Do these measures help identify unethical... View Details
Keywords: Auditing; Agency Cost; Quality And Safety; Quality Management System; Quality Management; Unions; Environmental Management; Globalization; Goods and Commodities; Governance; Labor; Labor Unions; Wages; Working Conditions; Operations; Supply Chain; Safety; Quality; China; Bangladesh; Asia; Pakistan
Short, Jodi L., and Michael W. Toffel. "Manage the Suppliers That Could Harm Your Brand: Know When to Avoid, Engage, or Drop Them." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 2 (March–April 2021).
- February 2021
- Background Note
Jobs to Be Done: A Toolbox
By: Derek C. M. van Bever, Bob Moesta, Iuliana Mogosanu, Shaye Roseman and Katie Zandbergen
The Jobs to Be Done methodology is both a theory and a practical approach for understanding customer behavior and why people make the choices they make. Many practitioners, whether they work for startups or incumbent businesses, find Jobs to Be Done useful because it... View Details
Keywords: Customer Value and Value Chain; Decision Choices and Conditions; Knowledge Acquisition; Attitudes; Perception; Theory; Behavior; Customer Relationship Management
van Bever, Derek C. M., Bob Moesta, Iuliana Mogosanu, Shaye Roseman, and Katie Zandbergen. "Jobs to Be Done: A Toolbox." Harvard Business School Background Note 321-095, February 2021.