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- All HBS Web
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- November 2012 (Revised August 2013)
- Case
A Politician in a Leather Suit and the Paradox of Japanese Capitalism
By: Karthik Ramanna and Matthew Shaffer
Two lost decades later, capitalism in Japan embodies peculiar contradictions—preserving wealth and social stability in the face of declining economic power. Scant transparency in Japanese corporate practices plays an important role in this phenomenon. Sometimes... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Economic Systems; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Fairness; Values and Beliefs; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Civil Society or Community; Japan; Tokyo
Ramanna, Karthik, and Matthew Shaffer. "A Politician in a Leather Suit and the Paradox of Japanese Capitalism." Harvard Business School Case 113-026, November 2012. (Revised August 2013.)
- 01 Jun 2024
- News
Decoding the Promise and Perils of Generative AI
can veer from routine memos to unexpected management questions to high-stakes strategy development. They wanted to know if GPT-4 could guide entrepreneurs through these disparate tasks. To answer this question, they made the tool... View Details
Keywords: April White
- March 2020
- Article
Voluntary, Self-Regulatory, and Mandatory Disclosure of Oil and Gas Company Payments to Foreign Governments
By: Paul M. Healy and George Serafeim
Concerns about high rates of government corruption in resource-rich countries have led transparency advocates to urge oil and gas firms to disclose payments to host governments for natural resources. Transparency, they argue, can increase government accountability and... View Details
Keywords: Oil & Gas; Corruption; Transparency; Self-regulation; Industry Self-regulation; Regulation; Disclosure; Disclosure Regulation; Energy Sources; Crime and Corruption; Corporate Disclosure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Energy Industry
Healy, Paul M., and George Serafeim. "Voluntary, Self-Regulatory, and Mandatory Disclosure of Oil and Gas Company Payments to Foreign Governments." Accounting Horizons 34, no. 1 (March 2020): 111–129.
- September 2011
- Article
Political Instability: Effects on Financial Development, Roots in the Severity of Economic Inequality
By: Mark J. Roe and Jordan I. Siegel
We here bring forward strong evidence that political instability impedes financial development, with its variation a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. As such, it needs to be added to the short list of major determinants of... View Details
Keywords: Financial Development; Political Instability; Government and Politics; Finance; Growth and Development; Economics; Equality and Inequality
Roe, Mark J., and Jordan I. Siegel. "Political Instability: Effects on Financial Development, Roots in the Severity of Economic Inequality." Journal of Comparative Economics 39, no. 3 (September 2011): 279–309. (We here bring forward strong evidence that political instability impedes financial development, with its variation a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. As such, it needs to be added to the short list of major determinants of financial development. First, structural conditions first postulated by
Engerman and Sokoloff (2002) as generating long-term inequality are shown here empirically to be exogenous determinants of political instability. Second, that exogenously-determined political instability in turn holds back financial development, even when we control for factors prominent in the last decade's cross-country studies of
financial development. The findings indicate that inequality-perpetuating conditions that result in political instability are fundamental roadblocks for international organizations like the World Bank that seek to promote financial development. The evidence here includes country fixed effect regressions and an instrumental model inspired by Engerman and Sokoloff's (2002) work, which to our knowledge has not yet been used in finance and which is consistent with current tests as valid instruments. Four conventional measures of national political instability — Alesina and Perotti's (1996) well-known index of instability, a subsequent index derived from Banks' (2005) work,
and two indices of managerial perceptions of nation-by-nation political instability — persistently predict a wide range of national financial development outcomes for recent decades. Political instability's significance is time consistent in cross-sectional regressions back to the 1960's, the period when the key data becomes available, robust
in both country fixed-effects and instrumental variable regressions, and consistent across multiple measures of instability and of financial development. Overall, the results indicate the existence of an important channel running from structural inequality to political instability, principally in nondemocratic settings, and then to financial
backwardness. The robust significance of that channel extends existing work demonstrating the importance of political economy explanations for financial development and financial backwardness. It should help to better understand which policies will work for financial development, because political instability has causes, cures, and effects quite distinct from those of many of the key institutions most studied in the past decade as explaining financial backwardness.)
- 06 Sep 2005
- What Do You Think?
What are the Lessons of New Orleans?
Summing Up Management is a complex process. Good plans executed poorly may be worse than poor plans executed well. This is never truer than at times of disaster, in which plans made from afar have to be... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 27 Nov 2017
- Research & Ideas
Beware the Lasting Impression of a 'Temporary' Selfie
Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Lucerne; Roland Rüppell, of Simon-Kucher & Partners;... View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- 10 Apr 2013
- Research & Ideas
Learning Curve: Making the Most of Outsourcing
telemedicine and specialized providers of niche services such as retail clinics, single-specialty hospitals, and disease management companies. The research, he says, reflects the traditional pendulum swing... View Details
- January 1999 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Rich-Con Steel
One month after "going live" with a new information system, Rich-Con Steel is in crisis. The new system was intended to give the company basic visibility and control over its business processes, but instead, visibility and control appear to have evaporated. Marty... View Details
McAfee, Andrew P. "Rich-Con Steel." Harvard Business School Case 699-133, January 1999. (Revised March 2003.)
- July 2005 (Revised September 2016)
- Case
24 Hour Fitness (A): The Rise, 1983–2004
By: John R. Wells, Elizabeth A. Raabe and Gabriel Ellsworth
In October 2004, Mark S. Mastrov, CEO of 24 Hour Fitness, reflected on how far his company had come in just over 20 years. From humble beginnings in 1983 in San Leandro, California, 24 Hour Fitness had grown to become the largest privately-owned health-club chain in... View Details
Keywords: 24 Hour Fitness; Mark Mastrov; Health Clubs; Fitness; Gyms; Chain; Weight Loss; Exercise; Personal Training; Retention; Sales Force Compensation; Incentive Systems; Buildings and Facilities; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; For-Profit Firms; Customers; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Private Equity; Revenue; Geographic Scope; Multinational Firms and Management; Nutrition; Business History; Employees; Recruitment; Selection and Staffing; Human Capital; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Marketing; Operations; Service Operations; Private Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Sales; Salesforce Management; Sports; Strategy; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Segmentation; Information Technology; Internet; Technology Platform; Web; Web Sites; Capital Structure; Performance; Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Health Industry; United States; California; San Francisco
Wells, John R., Elizabeth A. Raabe, and Gabriel Ellsworth. "24 Hour Fitness (A): The Rise, 1983–2004." Harvard Business School Case 706-404, July 2005. (Revised September 2016.)
- 29 Dec 2014
- Research & Ideas
Most Popular Articles and Research Papers of 2014
It's better to look good than to feel good. That was the observation of Billy Crystal's SNL character Fernando, and it seems to be born out in two articles from this year's most popular list. In The Manager... View Details
- 2008
- Other Unpublished Work
From Public Purpose to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth Century America
By: Marion Fourcade and Rakesh Khurana
As the main producers of managerial elites, business schools represent strategic research sites for understanding the formation of economic practices and representations. This article draws on historical material to analyze the changing place of economics in American... View Details
- 18 Jun 2014
- Research & Ideas
Leading Innovation is the Art of Creating ‘Collective Genius’
of innovative leadership. At eBay Germany, the authors found examples of how a maturing company like eBay can retain its innovative spirit. For a holiday promotion, a young project View Details
Keywords: by Kim Girard
- 2009
- Working Paper
Watch What I Do, Not What I Say: The Unintended Consequences of the Homeland Investment Act
By: Dhammika Dharmapala, C. Fritz Foley and Kristin J. Forbes
This paper analyzes the impact on firm behavior of the Homeland Investment Act of 2004, which provided a one-time tax holiday for the repatriation of foreign earnings by U.S. multinationals. The analysis controls for endogeneity and omitted variable bias by using... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Multinational Firms and Management; Government Legislation; Taxation; Business and Shareholder Relations; Behavior; United States
Dharmapala, Dhammika, C. Fritz Foley, and Kristin J. Forbes. "Watch What I Do, Not What I Say: The Unintended Consequences of the Homeland Investment Act." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 15023, June 2009.
- 2003
- Other Unpublished Work
Sources of Structural Inequality in Managerial Labor Markets
By: Rakesh Khurana and Mikolaj J. Piskorski
- 06 Sep 2011
- Research & Ideas
The Power of Leadership Groups for Staying on Track
collaboration rather than command and control as their basis for interaction.. “Over the long term, organizations filled with empowered employees who collaborate to serve customers will consistently outperform hierarchical organizations”... View Details
Keywords: by Bill George
- June 2013
- Teaching Note
A Politician in a Leather Suit and the Paradox of Japanese Capitalism
By: Karthik Ramanna
Two lost decades later, capitalism in Japan embodies peculiar contradictions—preserving wealth and social stability in the face of declining economic power. Scant transparency in Japanese corporate practices plays an important role in this phenomenon. Sometimes... View Details
- 23 Jul 2001
- Research & Ideas
How the Giants of Enterprise Seized the Future
technologies could leverage their abilities. It is generally agreed that Wal-Mart would have been impossible to manage so efficiently without state of the art, computerized data processing. So Walton... View Details
Keywords: by Richard S. Tedlow
- 2006
- Other Unpublished Work
Does Competition Increase Patent Litigation? Empirical Evidence of Strategic Patenting in the Telecom Equipment Industry
By: Juan Alcacer and Rachelle C. Sampson
Anecdotal evidence suggests that patent litigation has increased in the last 20 years as firms in knowledge intensive industries use patents more frequently to protect their knowledge stocks and managers focus on extracting new revenue streams from existing patent... View Details
- 21 Nov 2019
- Blog Post
The Power of Business in the Energy Transition
management systems for buildings. Tying in a policy perspective, Former US Energy Secretary and MIT Professor emeritus, Dr. Ernest Moniz, presented a perspective of a Green... View Details