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- All HBS Web
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- May 2007 (Revised April 2009)
- Case
By: Willy C. Shih, Stephen P. Kaufman and David Spinola
Reed Hastings founded Netflix with a vision to provide a home movie service that would do a better job satisfying customers than the traditional retail rental model. But as it encouraged challenges it underwent several major strategy shifts, ultimately developing a... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Film Entertainment; Disruptive Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Distribution Channels; Service Delivery; Renting or Rental; Competitive Strategy; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Shih, Willy C., Stephen P. Kaufman, and David Spinola. "Netflix." Harvard Business School Case 607-138, May 2007. (Revised April 2009.)
- March 1, 2021
- Article
Transitioning to Clean Energy Transportation Services: Life-cycle Cost Analysis for Vehicle Fleets
By: Stephen Comello, Gunther Glenk and Stefan Reichelstein
Comprehensive global decarbonization requires that transportation services cease to rely on fossil fuels for power generation. This paper develops a generic, time-driven life-cycle cost model for mobility services to address two closely related questions central to the... View Details
Keywords: Decarbonization; Electric Vehicles; Renewable Energy; Biofuel; Carbon Emissions; Mobility; Batteries; Energy; Environmental Management; Environmental Accounting; Transportation; Operations; Management; Sustainable Cities; Decision Making; Investment; Energy Industry; Transportation Industry; Utilities Industry; Motorcycle Industry; Auto Industry; Consulting Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Europe; North America; South America; Africa; Asia
Comello, Stephen, Gunther Glenk, and Stefan Reichelstein. "Transitioning to Clean Energy Transportation Services: Life-cycle Cost Analysis for Vehicle Fleets." Art. 116408. Applied Energy 285 (March 1, 2021).
Rosabeth M. Kanter
Rosabeth Moss Kanter holds the Ernest L. Arbuckle Professorship at Harvard Business School, specializing in strategy, innovation, and leadership for change. Her strategic and practical insights guide leaders worldwide through teaching, writing, and direct... View Details
Keywords: accounting industry; advertising; airline; apparel; arts; automobiles; banking; beauty products; beverage; biotechnology; broadcasting; chemical; clothing; communications; computer; consulting; consumer products; e-commerce industry; education industry; electrical equipment; electronics; entertainment; fashion; fast food; federal government; financial services; food; food processing; grocery; health care; high technology; hotels & motels; industrial goods; information; information technology industry; insurance industry; internet; legal services; management consulting; manufacturing; medical supplies; nonprofit industry; oil & gas; petroleum; pharmaceuticals; professional services; publishing industry; real estate; recreation; restaurant; retail financial services; retailing; semiconductor; soft drink; software; sports; state government; telecommunications; textiles; tourism; toy; transportation; travel; utilities; wine
- November 2008
- Case
Eden McCallum
By: Heidi K. Gardner and Robert G. Eccles
This case illustrates the leadership and management challenges of starting a new firm based on a new business model and how success creates pressures that challenge the work/life balance which was one of the original goals of its two founders. The case also raises... View Details
Gardner, Heidi K., and Robert G. Eccles. "Eden McCallum." Harvard Business School Case 409-060, November 2008.
Emily Tedards
Emily Tedards is a Doctoral Student in the Organizational Behavior program at Harvard Business School and a Doctoral Fellow for the Reimagining the Economy Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School. Emily is interested in interorganizational networks, alliances, and the... View Details
- 29 Nov 2022
- Research & Ideas
How Much More Would Holiday Shoppers Pay to Wear Something Rare?
Do you have that one friend who seems to snag the coolest, most fashionable shoes, jewelry, or clothes? Now new research shows that when luxury goods companies cater to these trendy consumers by controlling how rare certain items... View Details
- 2010
- Working Paper
Quality Provision, Expected Firm Altruism and Brand Extensions
By: Julio J. Rotemberg
This paper studies quality choice in a model where consumers expect firms to act altruistically. It is shown that, under plausible assumptions regarding this altruism and the reaction of consumers to firms that demonstrate insufficient altruism, existing firms (or... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Consumer Behavior; Product Development; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Quality; Mathematical Methods
Rotemberg, Julio J. "Quality Provision, Expected Firm Altruism and Brand Extensions." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 15635, January 2010.
- August 2006 (Revised October 2012)
- Case
Natura: Global Beauty Made in Brazil
By: Geoffrey G. Jones and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
Explores the globalization strategies of Natura, Brazil's largest cosmetics company. Founded in 1969, Natura grew using a direct selling model. Led by its three founders, the firm made distinctive use of Brazil's diversity and became characterized by high ethical and... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Globalized Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Brazil
Jones, Geoffrey G., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Natura: Global Beauty Made in Brazil." Harvard Business School Case 807-029, August 2006. (Revised October 2012.)
- 31 Mar 2017
- News
Institutional Ownership Spurs Tax Avoidance: Study
- May 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)
By: Alberto Cavallo and Christian Godwin
In April 2020, the world struggled to contain the exponential escalation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Dozens of countries had imposed restrictions on travel, work, and social gatherings. A large share of the global population was under lockdowns and... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Finance; Central Banking; Financial Markets; International Finance; Globalization; Government and Politics; Health Pandemics; Decision Making; Macroeconomics; Employment; Crisis Management; Supply Chain; Risk and Uncertainty; Air Transportation Industry; Banking Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Employment Industry; Financial Services Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Administration Industry; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Shipping Industry; Tourism Industry; Travel Industry; Asia; China; Europe; Latin America; Africa; United States
Cavallo, Alberto, and Christian Godwin. "The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 720-031, May 2020. (Revised March 2022.)
- 06 Oct 2016
- HBS Seminar
John Van Reenen, MIT Sloan School of Management
- January 2001
- Case
Valuing Project Achieve
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Project Achieve is a start-up providing information management solutions for schools. Its founders see a need for software both to manage the volumes of information necessary to administer a school and to connect parents, teachers, and students in a more effective way.... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Valuation; Venture Capital; Cost of Capital; Cash Flow; Forecasting and Prediction
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Valuing Project Achieve." Harvard Business School Case 201-080, January 2001.
- 13 Mar 2023
- Research & Ideas
What Would It Take to Unlock Microfinance's Full Potential?
new borrowers who are taking loans and repaying them is evidence enough that this sector has had enormous impact. But another view that we’re also deeply sympathetic to is that, 30 years into the microfinance story, around 2005 and 2010,... View Details
- March 2002 (Revised May 2002)
- Case
Genzyme: Engineering the Market for Orphan Drugs
Genzyme has made money with external technology in orphan drug markets generally considered to be too small to be attractive to other drug companies. Now competition is entering these same markets, placing Genzyme's business model under new pressures. View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Information Technology; Market Entry and Exit; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Chesbrough, Henry W., and Clarissa Ceruti. "Genzyme: Engineering the Market for Orphan Drugs." Harvard Business School Case 602-147, March 2002. (Revised May 2002.)
- Research Summary
Strength of Incentives
By: Jerry R. Green
When economists analyze the incentive properties of decision making systems they assume that all economic agents are capable of optimizing their decisions and that they respond without error to the incentives that the system creates. In this project, Jerry R. Green... View Details
- 2022
- Article
Reversible Power-to-Gas Systems for Energy Conversion and Storage
By: Gunther Glenk and Stefan Reichelstein
In the transition to decarbonized energy systems, Power-to-Gas (PtG) processes have the potential to connect the existing markets for electricity and hydrogen. Specifically, reversible PtG systems can convert electricity to hydrogen at times of ample power supply, yet... View Details
Keywords: Decarbonization; Energy Storage; Renewable Energy; Batteries; Carbon Emissions; Green Hydrogen; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Energy; Environmental Accounting; Environmental Management; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Decision Making; Investment; Operations; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; Transportation Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; Europe; North America; South America; Africa; Asia
Glenk, Gunther, and Stefan Reichelstein. "Reversible Power-to-Gas Systems for Energy Conversion and Storage." Art. 2010. Nature Communications 13 (2022).
- November 2019 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Russia: A Drama In Three Acts
By: Rawi Abdelal, Rafael Di Tella, Galit Goldstein, Sogomon Tarontsi and Lavinia Teodorescu
The collapse of central authority in the Soviet Union in 1991 ushered in a period of revolutionary transformations for the states that emerged in its wake. The leaders of Russia, the USSR's successor, struggled to reestablish central authority while also seeking to... View Details
Keywords: Business & Government Relations; Developing Countries; Government Policy; Policy Change; Policy Making; Economic Systems; Economics; Globalization; Emerging Markets; Privatization; Non-Renewable Energy; Governance; Global Strategy; Corporate Governance; Policy; Business History; Lawfulness; Problems and Challenges; Business and Government Relations; Risk and Uncertainty; Strategy; Change Management; Russia; Moscow
Abdelal, Rawi, Rafael Di Tella, Galit Goldstein, Sogomon Tarontsi, and Lavinia Teodorescu. "Russia: A Drama In Three Acts." Harvard Business School Case 720-020, November 2019. (Revised January 2025.)
- 03 Dec 2024
- HBS Seminar
Jing Dong, Columbia
- 29 Jan 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
An Exploration of the Japanese Slowdown during the 1990s
Keywords: by Diego A. Comin
- August 2011 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Mike Mayo Takes on Citigroup (A)
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Amy Kaser
The case details the conflict between Mike Mayo, an influential banking analyst and Citigroup about what Mayo considers aggressive accounting policies. Mike Mayo questions Citigroup's lack of a valuation allowance against their Deferred Tax Assets despite Citi's recent... View Details
Keywords: Accounting; Taxation; Capital; Financial Reporting; Corporate Disclosure; Valuation; Banks and Banking; Financial Strategy; Money; Conflict Management; Capital Budgeting; Asset Management; Banking Industry
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Amy Kaser. "Mike Mayo Takes on Citigroup (A)." Harvard Business School Case 112-025, August 2011. (Revised July 2012.)