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- All HBS Web
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- Article
Beyond Emotional Similarity: The Role of Situation-specific Motives
By: Amit Goldenberg, David Garcia, Eran Halperin, Jamil Zaki, Danyang Kong, Golijeh Golarai and James J. Gross
It is well established that people often express emotions that are similar to those of other group members. However, people do not always express emotions that are similar to other group members, and the factors that determine when similarity occurs are not yet clear.... View Details
Keywords: Emotion Contagion; Emotional Influence; Motivation; Group Dynamics; Emotions; Situation or Environment; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior
Goldenberg, Amit, David Garcia, Eran Halperin, Jamil Zaki, Danyang Kong, Golijeh Golarai, and James J. Gross. "Beyond Emotional Similarity: The Role of Situation-specific Motives." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149, no. 1 (January 2020): 138–159.
- November–December 2017
- Article
Match Your Own Price? Self-Matching as a Retailer's Multichannel Pricing Strategy
By: Pavel Kireyev, Vineet Kumar and Elie Ofek
Multichannel retailing has created several new strategic choices for retailers. With respect to pricing, an important decision is whether to offer a “self-matching policy,” which allows a multichannel retailer to offer the lowest of its online and store prices to... View Details
Keywords: Price Self-matching; Multichannel Retailing; Pricing Strategy; Online Shopping; Omnichannel; Price Discrimination; Price; Strategy; Competitive Strategy
Kireyev, Pavel, Vineet Kumar, and Elie Ofek. "Match Your Own Price? Self-Matching as a Retailer's Multichannel Pricing Strategy." Marketing Science 36, no. 6 (November–December 2017): 908–930.
- March 2004 (Revised June 2006)
- Case
Journey to Sakhalin: Royal Dutch/Shell in Russia (A)
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Operations of Royal Dutch/Shell in Russia included a strategic alliance with Gazprom, the country's natural gas monopoly, the development of the Salym oil fields in Siberia, and a small retail refilling network in St. Petersburg. Focuses on the Sakhalin II project.... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Energy Generation; Foreign Direct Investment; Lawfulness; Agreements and Arrangements; Alliances; Business and Government Relations; Energy Industry; Russia
Abdelal, Rawi E. "Journey to Sakhalin: Royal Dutch/Shell in Russia (A)." Harvard Business School Case 704-040, March 2004. (Revised June 2006.)
- 21 Oct 2014
- First Look
First Look: October 21
credit constraints do affect entrepreneurship but that the overall magnitudes are small. Moreover, the marginal individuals selecting into entrepreneurship when constraints are relaxed may well be starting... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- December 2010
- Case
Financing Higher Education in Australia
By: David A. Moss and Stephanie Lo
Even before Australian lawmakers abolished university tuition in 1973, students in Australia had long benefited from low tuition and large government subsidies. By the early 1980s, however, the nation's universities faced growing budget challenges and an apparent... View Details
Keywords: Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Higher Education; Borrowing and Debt; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Education Industry; Australia
Moss, David A., and Stephanie Lo. "Financing Higher Education in Australia." Harvard Business School Case 711-047, December 2010.
- September – October 2011
- Article
The Manufacturer's Incentive to Reduce Lead Times
By: Santiago Kraiselburd, Richard Pibernik and Ananth Raman
It is generally a well acknowledged fact that, ceteris paribus, reducing the lead times between downstream and upstream parties in a supply chain is desirable from an overall system perspective. However, an upstream party (e.g., a manufacturer) may have strong... View Details
Keywords: Cost; Demand and Consumers; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Production; Supply Chain Management; Sales; Manufacturing Industry; Retail Industry
Kraiselburd, Santiago, Richard Pibernik, and Ananth Raman. "The Manufacturer's Incentive to Reduce Lead Times." Production and Operations Management 20, no. 5 (September–October 2011): 639–653.
- 15 May 2012
- First Look
First Look: May 15
each business unit and company-wide) be ranked as top, strong, moderate, or low performers. These ratings significantly impacted managers' bonus compensation. In late 2011-the time in which the case takes place-Henkel is View Details
Keywords: Carmen Nobel
- 21 Nov 2023
- Research & Ideas
Employee Negativity Is Like Wildfire. Manage It Before It Spreads.
Perspectives on Psychological Science. “When examining a forest fire, one can look at the fire within a single tree and examine how it accumulates the trees over time. But a forest fire can also be evaluated at the forest level: how it is... View Details
Keywords: by Kristen Senz
- 2009
- Other Unpublished Work
Financing Higher Education in Australia
By: David Moss and Stephanie Lo
Even before Australian lawmakers abolished university tuition in 1973, students in Australia had long benefited from low tuition and large government subsidies. By the early 1980s, however, the nation's universities faced growing budget challenges and an apparent... View Details
- January 2008
- Article
How to Change the World
Alan Wilson has a decision to make. The CEO of his company, Grepter, wants him to relocate to Zurich, where he can gain valuable experience for a rise to the top. Karl, his best friend, hopes to lure him to a hedge fund that promises big money fast. Shiori, an enticing... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Values and Beliefs; Compensation and Benefits; Personal Development and Career; Power and Influence
Stevenson, Howard H. "How to Change the World." Special Issue on HBS Centennial. Harvard Business Review 86, no. 1 (January 2008).
- 01 Aug 2000
- Research & Ideas
A Latin American Vision: New HBS Research Center Opens
be shared. This is not a commercial venture. Our purpose is developing research as well as course development that will be available for teaching at HBS and at other... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 14 Feb 2011
- Research & Ideas
Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing
honing with several colleagues for more than a decade. "The fact that you're 18 to 35 years old with a college degree does not cause you to buy a product," Christensen says. "It may be correlated with the decision, but it doesn't cause... View Details
- February 2024
- Article
Fifty Shades of QE: Robust Evidence
By: Brian Fabo, Marina Jančoková, Elisabeth Kempf and Ľuboš Pástor
Fabo et al. (2021) show that papers written by central bank researchers find quantitative easing (QE) to be more effective than papers written by academics. Weale and Wieladek (2022) show that a subset of these results lose statistical significance when OLS regressions... View Details
Keywords: Quantitative Easing; Research; Mathematical Methods; Perception; Banks and Banking; Body of Literature
Fabo, Brian, Marina Jančoková, Elisabeth Kempf, and Ľuboš Pástor. "Fifty Shades of QE: Robust Evidence." Art. 107065. Journal of Banking & Finance 159 (February 2024).
- 2023
- Working Paper
Toward Decision-Useful Carbon Information
By: Gunther Glenk
Companies are increasingly viewed as crucial drivers for timely decarbonization. Current accounting practices for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, however, often leave corporate carbon disclosures and abatement obscured. Here I introduce a taxonomy for assuring the... View Details
Keywords: Carbon Emissions; Decarbonization; Carbon Accounting; Net-zero Emissions; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Environment; Environmental Impact; Management; Sustainable Cities; Corporate Disclosure; Environmental Accounting; Environmental Management; Climate Change; Accounting Industry; Consulting Industry; Energy Industry; Auto Industry; Construction Industry; Transportation Industry; Financial Services Industry; Green Technology Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Information Technology Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Public Administration Industry; Steel Industry; Utilities Industry; Europe; North America; South America; Africa; Asia
Glenk, Gunther. "Toward Decision-Useful Carbon Information." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-026, September 2023. (TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Working Paper Series, No. 121, May 2023.)
- January 2020
- Article
Gifts of the Immigrants, Woes of the Natives: Lessons from the Age of Mass Migration
By: Marco Tabellini
In this paper, I jointly investigate the political and the economic effects of immigration and study the causes of anti-immigrant sentiments. I exploit exogenous variation in European immigration to U.S. cities between 1910 and 1930 induced by World War I and the... View Details
Keywords: Political Backlash; Age Of Mass Migration; Cultural Diversity; Immigration; History; Economy; Attitudes; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Diversity
Tabellini, Marco. "Gifts of the Immigrants, Woes of the Natives: Lessons from the Age of Mass Migration." Review of Economic Studies 87, no. 1 (January 2020): 454–486. (Also Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-005, July 2018. Available also from Cato Institute, Microeconomic Insights, VOX, Broadstreet, Cato Institute, and in Oxford University Press's Blog.)
- Winter 2014
- Article
Retail Inventory: Managing the Canary in the Coal Mine!
By: Vishal Gaur, Saravanan Kesavan and Ananth Raman
Retail inventory is a statistic that is closely watched by retailers as well as their investors, lenders, and suppliers. Retailers not only benefit from inventory, but also bear the cost of excess inventory. Investors, lenders, and suppliers interpret this statistic... View Details
Gaur, Vishal, Saravanan Kesavan, and Ananth Raman. "Retail Inventory: Managing the Canary in the Coal Mine!" California Management Review 56, no. 2 (Winter 2014): 55–76.
- November 2011
- Case
Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off
By: Suraj Srinivasan, Aldo Sesia and Amy Kaser
The case studies the decision of the security services corporation Brink's Company to spin-off its home security division from the rest of the company. The decision followed intense pressure on the company by three activist hedge funds that felt that Brink's was... View Details
Keywords: Activist Investors; Spin-off; Leveraged Recapitalization; Debt; Valuation; Hedge Funds; Conglomerates; Investment Activism
Srinivasan, Suraj, Aldo Sesia, and Amy Kaser. "Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off." Harvard Business School Case 112-055, November 2011.
- July 2010 (Revised December 2011)
- Background Note
Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Pricing and Profitability Analysis
By: Thomas J. Steenburgh and Jill Avery
Pricing is one of the most difficult decisions marketers make and the one with the most direct and immediate impact on the firm's financial position. This toolkit will introduce the fundamental terminology and calculations associated with pricing and profitability... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Price; Profit; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Demand and Consumers; Measurement and Metrics; Strategic Planning; Mathematical Methods; Retail Industry
Steenburgh, Thomas J., and Jill Avery. "Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Pricing and Profitability Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 511-028, July 2010. (Revised December 2011.)
- April 2009
- Case
GSK's Acquisition of Sirtris: Independence or Integration?
By: Toby E. Stuart and James Weber
An executive from pharmaceutical company GSK must choose how much to integrate a recently acquired biotechnology firm, Sirtris. Moncef Slaoui, GSK's global head of R&D, championed the acquisition of Sirtris to gain access to its potentially revolutionary science.... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Resource Allocation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Research and Development; Science-Based Business; Integration
Stuart, Toby E., and James Weber. "GSK's Acquisition of Sirtris: Independence or Integration?" Harvard Business School Case 809-026, April 2009.
- Teaching Interest
Grand Challenges for Entrepreneurs
By: Tarun Khanna
Grand Challenges for Entrepreneurs (GCE) is designed for students who are interested in entrepreneurial approaches to the biggest challenges of our time. Grand Challenges are near-intractable, global problems that offer the tantalizing... View Details