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- Faculty Publications (1,464)
- August 1999 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Cisco Systems, Inc.: Acquisition Integration for Manufacturing (A)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright, Charles A. Holloway, Nicole Tempest and Christian G. Kasper
Describes the procedures and processes used by Cisco Systems in its acquisition of high-technology firms. Its goal is to retain key engineering talent and to leverage existing product development efforts, but to quickly merge acquired companies its own systems and... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Leveraged Buyouts; Acquisition; Integration; Mergers and Acquisitions; Production; Activity Based Costing and Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Management; Technological Innovation; Talent and Talent Management; Human Resources; Manufacturing Industry; Technology Industry; England
Wheelwright, Steven C., Charles A. Holloway, Nicole Tempest, and Christian G. Kasper. "Cisco Systems, Inc.: Acquisition Integration for Manufacturing (A)." Harvard Business School Case 600-015, August 1999. (Revised February 2000.)
- July 1999 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Jay R. Girotto
In the wake of major competitive moves, CEO Tim Koogle and his senior team at Yahoo!, an Internet portal, must decide whether and how to adjust their strategy. Following deals between AOL and Netscape, Excite and @Home, Infoseek and Disney, and Snap and NBS, Yahoo!... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Organizational Structure; Industry Structures; Internet and the Web; Risk Management; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Jay R. Girotto. "Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time." Harvard Business School Case 700-013, July 1999. (Revised January 2000.)
- June 1999 (Revised June 2000)
- Case
Robert Mondavi: Competitive Strategy
By: Michael E. Porter and Gregory C Bond
Describes the competitive situation facing Robert Mondavi, the leading premium California winery. Mondavi has been an industry innovator and has recently taken steps to become more international. Mondavi has to cope with growing domestic competition as well as market... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Industry Structures; Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Food and Beverage Industry; California; Australia; Chile
Porter, Michael E., and Gregory C Bond. "Robert Mondavi: Competitive Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 799-125, June 1999. (Revised June 2000.)
- Article
Fixing What Really Ails Japan
By: Michael E. Porter and Hirotaka Takeuchi
Conventional wisdom claims that Japan’s “economic miracle” stemmed from its unique model of government guidance and its revolutionary corporate management techniques. An in-depth study proves this seriously wrong. Rampant government intervention has caused more... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Competition; Innovation and Invention; Business and Government Relations; Japan
Porter, Michael E., and Hirotaka Takeuchi. "Fixing What Really Ails Japan." Foreign Affairs 78, no. 3 (May–June 1999): 66–81.
- April 1999
- Case
Steve Perlman and WebTV (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Ron Fortgang
The dynamics of a linked series of internal and external negotiations involved in launching, growing, and selling a high-tech, Internet start-up are explored. Steve Perlman unfurled an impressive new technology, recruited a top technical and management team, secured... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Process; Value Creation; Alliances; Technological Innovation; Business Exit or Shutdown; Television Entertainment; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Sebenius, James K., and Ron Fortgang. "Steve Perlman and WebTV (B)." Harvard Business School Case 899-271, April 1999.
- March 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Apple Computer--1999
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
In 1980, Apple was the leader of the PC industry, but by 1999, it had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Wintel camp. This case examines Apple's efforts to create sustainable competitive advantage as the PC industry evolves. After discussing Apple's history and... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Business or Company Management; Management Practices and Processes; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Mary Kwak. "Apple Computer--1999." Harvard Business School Case 799-108, March 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- February 1999
- Case
Volant Skis
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and Matt Verlinden
Volant brought innovation to the ski equipment industry in 1989 by developing a stainless steel ski. He claimed the skis could turn more easily, could hold an edge in icy conditions, and were more stable than aluminum or fiberglass skis. The company's "soft-flex"... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Operations; Product Development; Performance Improvement; Quality; Corporate Strategy; Value Creation
Wheelwright, Steven C., and Matt Verlinden. "Volant Skis." Harvard Business School Case 699-129, February 1999.
- 1999
- Chapter
The Impact of Downsizing on Organizational Creativity and Innovation
By: R. Conti and T. M. Amabile
Keywords: Restructuring; Strategy; Innovation and Management; Creativity; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Conti, R., and T. M. Amabile. "The Impact of Downsizing on Organizational Creativity and Innovation." In Social Creativity. Vol. 2, edited by A. Montuori and R. E. Purser. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1999.
- January 1999
- Case
Bell Atlantic and the Union City Schools (D): Results and Replication
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Ellen Pruyne
The last in a five-part series about Bell Atlantic Corp.'s technology-in-education partnership with the Union City, New Jersey school system. Reviews the various outcomes of the partnership called Project Explore, from the perspective of Bell Atlantic managers and... View Details
Keywords: Mobile and Wireless Technology; Strategic Planning; Change Management; Leadership Development; Outcome or Result; Horizontal Integration; Partners and Partnerships; Trends; Education; Technological Innovation; Telecommunications Industry; Education Industry; New Jersey
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Ellen Pruyne. "Bell Atlantic and the Union City Schools (D): Results and Replication." Harvard Business School Case 399-084, January 1999.
- December 1998
- Case
Bell Atlantic and the Union City Schools (A): The Intelligent Network
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Ellen Pruyne
The first in a five-part series about Bell Atlantic Corp.'s technology-in-education partnership with the Union City, New Jersey school system. Provides an overview of the telecommunications industry in general and Bell Atlantic in particular, with special attention to... View Details
Keywords: Mobile and Wireless Technology; Strategic Planning; Change Management; Leadership Development; Horizontal Integration; Partners and Partnerships; Trends; Education; Technological Innovation; Telecommunications Industry; New Jersey
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Ellen Pruyne. "Bell Atlantic and the Union City Schools (A): The Intelligent Network." Harvard Business School Case 399-029, December 1998.
- December 1998 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
Vivendi (A): Revitalizing a French Conglomerate
By: Cynthia A. Montgomery and John M. Turner
Examines corporate strategy for a diversified firm in the French business context. Issues include corporate governance, vision, and the management of unrelated diversification. After the company's first loss ever, the Vivendi board elected a new chairman who completed... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Telecommunications Industry; France
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and John M. Turner. "Vivendi (A): Revitalizing a French Conglomerate." Harvard Business School Case 799-019, December 1998. (Revised May 2003.)
- December 1998
- Case
MD Foods Amba
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Cate Reavis
In 1998, MD Foods, a Denmark-based dairy cooperative, was searching for growth opportunities that would enable it to become northern Europe's preferred retail dairy supplier. The options being considered included expanding in existing markets, entering into new... View Details
Keywords: Cooperative Ownership; Growth and Development Strategy; Expansion; Market Entry and Exit; Alliances; Innovation and Management; Food and Beverage Industry; Europe; United Kingdom; Denmark
Goldberg, Ray A., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Cate Reavis. "MD Foods Amba." Harvard Business School Case 599-052, December 1998.
- December 1998 (Revised October 2007)
- Case
Tele-Communications, Inc.: Accelerating Digital Deployment
The top management team at Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), the largest U.S. cable company, conceived and implemented a dramatic operational turnaround and a radical new technology strategy over an 18-month period beginning in late 1996. View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Value Creation; Operations; Information Management; Business Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Tele-Communications, Inc.: Accelerating Digital Deployment." Harvard Business School Case 899-141, December 1998. (Revised October 2007.)
- November 1998 (Revised February 1999)
- Case
Microsoft Office: Finding the Suite Spot
By: Stefan H. Thomke and Steven Sinofsky
Describes a key decision-making process within Microsoft's Office products division. At a time when the PC software business has a great deal of uncertainty, Microsoft's management has to make a key decision regarding the future of software suites. A strengthening of... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Applications and Software; Strategic Planning; Organizational Design; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Product Development; Managerial Roles; Growth and Development Strategy; Risk and Uncertainty; Goals and Objectives; Digital Platforms; Innovation and Management; Computer Industry; Information Technology Industry
Thomke, Stefan H., and Steven Sinofsky. "Microsoft Office: Finding the Suite Spot." Harvard Business School Case 699-046, November 1998. (Revised February 1999.)
- October 1998 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
Gene Research, the Mapping of Life and the Global Economy
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Juan Enriquez-Cabot
A new firm is being created to speed up the process of mapping humans, animals, and plants by combining gene technology with rapid gene identification to improve the health and well being of the human population and the productivity of crops and animals. How does one... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Organizational Structure; Technological Innovation; Business Processes; Health Care and Treatment; Performance Productivity; Welfare; Agribusiness; Genetics; Science-Based Business; Biotechnology Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Juan Enriquez-Cabot. "Gene Research, the Mapping of Life and the Global Economy." Harvard Business School Case 599-016, October 1998. (Revised December 1999.)
- September 1998 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Sun Microsystems and the N-tier Architecture
By: Richard L. Nolan and Kelley Porter
Sun Microsystems is a pioneer in networking computing. Sun's servers maintain a large market share and are considered highly scaleable. The case describes the n-tier architecture for building and managing large networks in which thousands of workers and customers are... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Information Technology; Technological Innovation; Business Strategy; Innovation Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Nolan, Richard L., and Kelley Porter. "Sun Microsystems and the N-tier Architecture." Harvard Business School Case 399-037, September 1998. (Revised March 1999.)
- September 1998 (Revised August 1999)
- Case
IBM's Lotus Development in 1999
By: Stephen P. Bradley and Kelley Porter
Describes Lotus' acquisition by IBM, its movement from proprietary standards to open standards, and its current market position. Microsoft is gaining ground with its Exchange Server, and Lotus has received unfavorable press. View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Product Marketing; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Bradley, Stephen P., and Kelley Porter. "IBM's Lotus Development in 1999." Harvard Business School Case 799-014, September 1998. (Revised August 1999.)
- August 1998 (Revised July 2002)
- Case
Innovation at 3M Corporation (A)
By: Stefan H. Thomke and Ashok Nimgade
Describes how 3M Corp. introduces and learns a new and innovative methodology called Lead User research to understand future customer and market needs. A team from 3M's Medical-Surgical Markets Division applies the Lead User methodology to the field of surgical... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Managerial Roles; Marketing Strategy; Demand and Consumers; Market Timing; Product Development; Problems and Challenges; Business Strategy; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Thomke, Stefan H., and Ashok Nimgade. "Innovation at 3M Corporation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 699-012, August 1998. (Revised July 2002.)