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- Faculty Publications (1,251)
- April 1990 (Revised January 1993)
- Case
Ad Council's AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Janet Montgomery
Ad Council wished to run an educational campaign aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS. They were challenged to find acceptable ways to address this very sensitive subject matter--ways that the media and the public would approve. One of the big challenges was to make... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Goals and Objectives; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Success; Problems and Challenges; Social Issues; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Janet Montgomery. "Ad Council's AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 590-105, April 1990. (Revised January 1993.)
- August 1989
- Case
Ethics, Responsibility, and Ideology
By: George C. Lodge
Lodge, George C. "Ethics, Responsibility, and Ideology." Harvard Business School Case 390-014, August 1989.
- 1989
- Article
The Creative Environment Scales: The Work Environment Inventory
By: T. M. Amabile and N. Gryskiewicz
The Creative Environment Scales Work Environment Inventory (WEI) is a new paper-and-pencil instrument designed to assess stimulants and obstacles to creativity in the work environment. Unlike many instruments that are designed as comprehensive descriptions of the work... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Innovation and Invention; Working Conditions; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques
Amabile, T. M., and N. Gryskiewicz. "The Creative Environment Scales: The Work Environment Inventory." Creativity Research Journal 2 (1989): 231–254.
- November 1988 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
Tejon Ranch and California Water Use
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Tejon Ranch and California Water Use." Harvard Business School Case 589-066, November 1988. (Revised December 1988.)
- August 1988 (Revised August 1989)
- Case
Poletown Dilemma, The
By: Thomas R. Piper
Senior management of General Motors must select a site for a new assembly plant to replace two plants located in Detroit. The economics strongly favor a site in an adjacent state. However, a relocation would have substantial, negative impact on the existing work force,... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Business and Government Relations; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business Offices; Management Teams; Restructuring; Economics; Auto Industry; Michigan
Piper, Thomas R. "Poletown Dilemma, The." Harvard Business School Case 389-017, August 1988. (Revised August 1989.)
- 1988
- Chapter
Evaluation of Government Financial Incentives to Large Scale Energy Projects: A Contingent Claims Approach
By: Carliss Y. Baldwin and Scott P. Mason
- 1988
- Chapter
Creative Human Resources in the R&D Laboratory: How Environment and Personality Impact Innovation
By: T. M. Amabile and S. S. Gryskiewicz
- November 1986 (Revised October 1995)
- Case
Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A)
By: Linda A. Hill
Illustrates: 1) the impact of a manager's leadership style on corporate culture, direction, and performance; 2) the concept of fit between leadership style and the requirements of situations in which managers find themselves; and 3) the need for managers to adapt their... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Race; Organizational Culture; Leadership Style; Gender; Management Teams; Change Management; Situation or Environment; Creativity; Relationships; Music Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Hill, Linda A. "Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A)." Harvard Business School Case 487-042, November 1986. (Revised October 1995.)
- October 1982 (Revised May 1992)
- Case
Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy
In October 1982, Johnson & Johnson was confronted with a major crisis when seven deaths were attributed to poisoned Tylenol. The case reviews the facts as known a week after the incident occurred, and raises a wide range of questions regarding consumer behavior,... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Behavior; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Competitive Strategy; Crisis Management; Health Care and Treatment; Pharmaceutical Industry
Greyser, Stephen A. "Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy." Harvard Business School Case 583-043, October 1982. (Revised May 1992.)
- June 1982
- Case
Polaroid in South Africa (A), Supplement
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Polaroid in South Africa (A), Supplement." Harvard Business School Case 382-175, June 1982.
- 1982
- Article
When Self-Descriptions Contradict Behavior: Actions do Speak Louder than Words
By: T. M. Amabile and L. Kabat
Subjects viewed two videotapes, one depicting a stimulus person's self-description and the other depicting that person's behavior in a conversation, according to a four-way factorial design personality descriptor used in the self-description ("introvert" or... View Details
Amabile, T. M., and L. Kabat. "When Self-Descriptions Contradict Behavior: Actions do Speak Louder than Words." Social Cognition 1 (1982): 311–335.
- April 1981 (Revised June 1982)
- Case
Social Impact of Agribusiness: A Field Study of ALCOSA in Guatemala
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Social Impact of Agribusiness: A Field Study of ALCOSA in Guatemala." Harvard Business School Case 581-140, April 1981. (Revised June 1982.)
- March 1981 (Revised October 1998)
- Case
Corning Glass Works International (A)
Follows the impact of a change in global strategy on a diversified company's global organization structure. Traces two failed attempts at bringing a business perspective to a geographic organization, and poses the problem of what the international division president... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Framework; Global Strategy; Organizational Structure; Perspective; Power and Influence
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Michael Y. Yoshino. "Corning Glass Works International (A)." Harvard Business School Case 381-160, March 1981. (Revised October 1998.)
- September 1979
- Article
Impacts of Perceived Environmental Variability of Patterns of Work-Related Communication
By: Michael Tushman
Tushman, Michael. "Impacts of Perceived Environmental Variability of Patterns of Work-Related Communication." Academy of Management Journal 22, no. 3 (September 1979): 482–500.
- February 1979 (Revised December 1983)
- Case
Allied Chemical Corp. (A)
Describes Allied, the chemical industry, and the effects of the Kepone problem (a toxic pesticide dumped into the James River) as of 1976. The executive in the case must decide whether the company should support the passage of the Toxic Substances Control Act and an... View Details
Keywords: Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Decision Making; Laws and Statutes; Welfare; Legal Liability; Business and Government Relations; Chemical Industry
Lodge, George C., and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. "Allied Chemical Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 379-137, February 1979. (Revised December 1983.)
- 1 Sep 1975
- Conference Presentation
The Impact of Hierarchial Structures on the Work Behavior of Women and Men
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "The Impact of Hierarchial Structures on the Work Behavior of Women and Men." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, September 01, 1975. (Also in Social Problems, vol. 23 (April 1976), pp. 425-30. Reprintings include: Industrial Relations in a New Age, edited by C. Kerr and P.D. Staudohar. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1986; Sex and Gender Reader, edited by L. Richardson and V.A. Taylor Lexington. Mass.: Heath, 1981; Women and Work: Problems and Perspectives, edited by R. Kahn-Hut, et al. N.Y.: Oxford, 1982.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Branch-and-Price for Prescriptive Contagion Analytics
By: Alexandre Jacquillat, Michael Lingzhi Li, Martin Ramé and Kai Wang
Contagion models are ubiquitous in epidemiology, social sciences, engineering, and management. This paper formulates a prescriptive contagion analytics model where a decision maker allocates shared resources across multiple segments of a population, each governed by... View Details
Jacquillat, Alexandre, Michael Lingzhi Li, Martin Ramé, and Kai Wang. "Branch-and-Price for Prescriptive Contagion Analytics." Operations Research (forthcoming). (Pre-published online March 13, 2024.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Deep Responsibility, SDGs, and Asia: A Historical Perspective
By: Geoffrey Jones
Although it was only in 2015 the 17 SDGs were adopted by UN Member States, many of the underlying ideas can be found in the strategies of some businesses going back to the nineteenth century. Asia was the home of many of the most advanced concepts of business... View Details
Keywords: ESG; Multinational Corporation; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Governance; Leadership; Asia
Jones, Geoffrey. "Deep Responsibility, SDGs, and Asia: A Historical Perspective." Asian Business & Management (forthcoming). (Pre-published online February 7, 2025.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Disclosure Standards and Communication Norms: Evidence of Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Coordinating Device for Capital Markets
By: Khrystyna Bochkay, Jeffrey Hales and George Serafeim
In this paper, we examine how the development of voluntary sustainability standards has affected the nature of information covered in conference calls. Using industry-specific dictionaries of sustainability terms contained in the disclosure standards developed by the... View Details
Keywords: Voluntary Disclosure; Accounting Standards; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Standards; ESG; ESG Disclosure; Accounting; Corporate Disclosure; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Standards; United States
Bochkay, Khrystyna, Jeffrey Hales, and George Serafeim. "Disclosure Standards and Communication Norms: Evidence of Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Coordinating Device for Capital Markets." Review of Accounting Studies (forthcoming).
- Teaching Interest
Driving Digital Strategy (DIGS)
By: Sunil Gupta
Digital technologies have changed the way consumers search for information, communicate with each other, and buy products. Rapid changes in technology and consumer behavior have had a profound impact on business models and marketing practices. This program equips... View Details