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- Faculty Publications (1,464)
- May 2003
- Module Note
Building Capabilities for Experimentation, Learning, and Prototyping
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Describes the conceptual foundations and pedagogy for a module on managing experimentation, learning, and prototyping in the development of products and services. Can also be used as part of a more general course on Managing Technology and Innovation. Shows how... View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Product Development; Learning; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Management
Thomke, Stefan H. "Building Capabilities for Experimentation, Learning, and Prototyping." Harvard Business School Module Note 603-089, May 2003.
- May 2003
- Module Note
Managing Product Development
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Introduces students to the managerial aspects critical to conceiving, designing, and developing innovative products and services. Considers the full range of activities required: learning about customer needs, understanding and managing experimentation and problem... View Details
- May 2003
- Module Note
Product Development Process Design and Improvement
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Describes the conceptual foundations and pedagogy for a module on the design and improvement of processes for the development of products and services. Can also be used as part of a more general course on Managing Technology and Innovation. Central to Managing Product... View Details
- May 2003
- Case
Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times (A) (Abridged)
By: Linda A. Hill and Jennifer Suesse
Sun Hydraulics, 32-year-old global hydraulics engineering and manufacturing company headquartered in Sarasota, Florida; confronts tough choices due to the economic downturn in 2001. The company leadership debates how to maintain profitability and reduce labor costs... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; Manufacturing Industry; Florida
Hill, Linda A., and Jennifer Suesse. "Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 403-139, May 2003.
- April 2003
- Case
IBM Canada: Global Services (A)
By: Michael L. Tushman, David Kiron and Wendy Smith
IBM Canada Global Services is losing shares in a stagnant information technology market. A new leader must overcome a senior team rife with internal conflict and change internal processes to drive innovation streams. The leader struggles to build an ambidextrous... View Details
Keywords: Leading Change; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Management Teams; Innovation and Management; Conflict Management; Groups and Teams; Service Industry; Canada
Tushman, Michael L., David Kiron, and Wendy Smith. "IBM Canada: Global Services (A)." Harvard Business School Case 403-070, April 2003.
- April 2003
- Case
IBM Canada: Global Services (B)
By: Michael L. Tushman, David Kiron and Wendy Smith
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Leading Change; Technological Innovation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Management Teams; Information Technology; Organizational Structure; Information Technology Industry; Canada
Tushman, Michael L., David Kiron, and Wendy Smith. "IBM Canada: Global Services (B)." Harvard Business School Case 403-078, April 2003.
- April 2003
- Case
IBM Canada: Global Services (C)
By: Michael L. Tushman, David Kiron and Wendy Smith
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Leading Change; Technological Innovation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Management Teams; Information Technology; Organizational Structure; Information Technology Industry; Canada
Tushman, Michael L., David Kiron, and Wendy Smith. "IBM Canada: Global Services (C)." Harvard Business School Case 403-079, April 2003.
- April 2003
- Article
Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited
By: Mary J. Benner and Michael L. Tushman
We develop a contingency view of process management's influence on both technological
innovation and organizational adaptation. We argue that while process management
activities are beneficial for organizations in stable contexts, they are fundamentally
inconsistent... View Details
Benner, Mary J., and Michael L. Tushman. "Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited." Academy of Management Review 28, no. 2 (April 2003): 238–256. (Winner of Academy of Management Review. Best Paper Award. Also the 2013 AMR Decade Award winner.)
- March 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
P&G Japan: The SK-II Globalization Project
Traces changes in P&G's international strategy and structure, culminating in Organization 2005, a reorganization that places strategic emphasis on product innovation rather than geographic expansion and shifts power from local subsidiary to global business management.... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Globalization; Global Strategy; Innovation Strategy; Business or Company Management; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Hong Kong; Japan; Taiwan; Europe
Bartlett, Christopher A. "P&G Japan: The SK-II Globalization Project." Harvard Business School Case 303-003, March 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- 2003
- Conference Paper
Follow the Money: What Really Drives Technology Innovation in Construction
By: John D. Macomber
Technology enthusiasts, academics, and software companies remain concerned about the slow pace of innovation in the construction industry. Tools are widely available that seem to provide eminently sensible and clearly apparent improvement to the process of design and... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Technological Innovation; Construction; Design; Performance Improvement; Motivation and Incentives; Knowledge Management; Adoption; Business Model; Capital Structure; Supply Chain
Macomber, John D. "Follow the Money: What Really Drives Technology Innovation in Construction." Paper presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2003.
- March 2003
- Article
Technological Development and Medical Productivity: The Diffusion of Angioplasty in New York State
By: David M. Cutler and Robert S. Huckman
A puzzling feature of many medical innovations is that they simultaneously appear to reduce unit costs and increase total costs. We consider this phenomenon by examining the diffusion of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)—a treatment for coronary... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Invention; Cost; Health Care and Treatment; Health Disorders; Performance Improvement; Product; New York (state, US)
Cutler, David M., and Robert S. Huckman. "Technological Development and Medical Productivity: The Diffusion of Angioplasty in New York State." Journal of Health Economics 22, no. 2 (March 2003): 187–217.
- Article
The Growing Strategic Importance of End-of-Life Product Management
Requiring manufacturers to manage the their products when they become waste is an innovative form of regulation, one that has been adopted by countries in Asia, Europe, and North America on a variety of products that range from vehicles to appliances to batteries.... View Details
Keywords: Product; Environmental Sustainability; Cost Management; Wastes and Waste Processing; Strategy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Manufacturing Industry; Asia; Europe; North and Central America
Toffel, Michael W. "The Growing Strategic Importance of End-of-Life Product Management." California Management Review 45, no. 3 (Spring 2003): 102–129.
- February 2003
- Teaching Note
Bush Boake Allen (TN)
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Teaching Note for (9-601-061). View Details
- February 2003 (Revised August 2005)
- Case
UCB (A): Managing Information for Globalization and Innovation
By: F. Warren McFarlan and Brian DeLacey
This case presents a complex total MIS strategy case for a $3 billion European pharmaceutical/chemicals company based in Brussels. It covers corporate strategy alignment of IT portfolio, IT operations issues, and global coordination of IT. View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Operations; System; Corporate Strategy; Investment Portfolio; Globalization; Pharmaceutical Industry; Information Technology Industry; Brussels
McFarlan, F. Warren, and Brian DeLacey. "UCB (A): Managing Information for Globalization and Innovation." Harvard Business School Case 303-091, February 2003. (Revised August 2005.)
- February 2003 (Revised April 2003)
- Case
Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose, The
By: Allen S. Grossman and Christina Darwall
Patrick J. McGrath, the bishop of the healthy and growing San Jose diocese, is pioneering the use of long-term, business-like strategic planning to better deliver on his churches' core mission. The adopted plan addresses issues at the heart of how the diocese is... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Innovation Strategy; Leadership; Growth Management; Success; Performance Effectiveness; Strategic Planning; Problems and Challenges
Grossman, Allen S., and Christina Darwall. "Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose, The." Harvard Business School Case 303-069, February 2003. (Revised April 2003.)
- February 2003 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Mission to Mars (A)
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Jay Wynn
This case is set in spring 2000, several months after two successive, failed missions to the planet Mars. Students are asked to evaluate the reasons for these failures in the context of NASA's "Faster, Better, Cheaper" program, which was initiated in 1992. They are... View Details
Keywords: Failure; Change Management; Innovation Strategy; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Projects; Management; Risk Management; Risk and Uncertainty; Aerospace Industry; Technology Industry
MacCormack, Alan D., and Jay Wynn. "Mission to Mars (A)." Harvard Business School Case 603-083, February 2003. (Revised January 2004.)
- January 2003 (Revised April 2003)
- Case
Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Jennifer Suesse
Sun Hydraulics, 32-year-old global hydraulics engineering and manufacturing company headquartered in Sarasota, Florida, confronts tough choices due to the economic downturn in 2001. The company leadership debates how to maintain profitability and reduce labor costs... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; Manufacturing Industry; Florida
Hill, Linda A., and Jennifer Suesse. "Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times (A)." Harvard Business School Case 403-069, January 2003. (Revised April 2003.)
- January 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Silverado (A)
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Charles J. Woodard
Silverado has raised $50 million and launched its first product: an Internet-based trivia game with innovative software. In a highly uncertain environment, the young management team must decide whether to continue developing the product and whether to branch out into... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Technological Innovation; Strategic Planning; Internet and the Web; Decision Choices and Conditions; Product Launch; Business Strategy; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Charles J. Woodard. "Silverado (A)." Harvard Business School Case 703-441, January 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- December 2002 (Revised February 2003)
- Case
Wyndham International: Fostering High-Touch with High-Tech
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Gabriele Piccoli
Examines a hotel chain's attempt to use information technology to achieve market dominance and build customer loyalty during a period of global industry decline. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Competitive Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Accommodations Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Gabriele Piccoli. "Wyndham International: Fostering High-Touch with High-Tech." Harvard Business School Case 803-092, December 2002. (Revised February 2003.)
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
Legal Management: The Case for a Managed Model for the Delivery of Legal Services
This essay takes a brief look at the innovations in the delivery of legal services made due to the expansion of the pre-paid sector and uses those changes in the power dynamics of the industry to make a compelling case for a more widespread, managed model. The managed... View Details
Bernstein, Ethan S. "Legal Management: The Case for a Managed Model for the Delivery of Legal Services." December 2002. (Harvard Law School: Bellow-Sacks Access to Civil Legal Services Project.)