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- March 2020 (Revised September 2020)
- Case
Opportunity Insights: Research and Policy for Social Mobility
By: Scott Duke Kominers, Jeffrey Huizinga and Allison Ciechanover
Opportunity Insights -- a non-profit that researches drivers of economic opportunity and develops policy solutions to help families achieve better life outcomes -- seeks to expand its impact. View Details
Keywords: Economic Opportunity; Social Mobility; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Issues; Housing; Policy; Opportunities
Kominers, Scott Duke, Jeffrey Huizinga, and Allison Ciechanover. "Opportunity Insights: Research and Policy for Social Mobility." Harvard Business School Case 820-714, March 2020. (Revised September 2020.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Mortgage Prepayment, Race, and Monetary Policy
By: Kristopher Gerardi, Paul Willen and David Hao Zhang
Over the period 2005 to 2015, Black borrowers paid more than 40 basis points higher mortgage interest rates than Non-Hispanic white borrowers. We show that the main reason is that Non-Hispanic white borrowers are much more likely to exploit periods of falling interest... View Details
Keywords: Mortgages; Consumer Behavior; Race; Ethnicity; Equality and Inequality; Policy; United States
Gerardi, Kristopher, Paul Willen, and David Hao Zhang. "Mortgage Prepayment, Race, and Monetary Policy." Working Paper, September 2020.
- 31 Jan 2011
- Research & Ideas
Taking the Fear out of Diversity Policies
working across group lines and group differences. And I think that makes a lot of people wary." “A lot of policies in the workplace about diversity are based on research that's focused on the negative.” The wariness is due in part to... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- October 2014
- Supplement
Financial Policy at Apple, 2013 Excel Supplement
By: Mihir Desai and Elizabeth A. Meyer
This is the Excel Supplement to Teaching Note 215-022: Financial Policy at Apple, 2013 (A) - (B). View Details
Keywords: Apple; Steve Jobs; Forecast; Forecasting; Forecasting And Prediction; Shareholder Activism; Share Repurchase; Dividends; Financial Ratios; Preferred Shares; Cash Distribution; Corporate Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; United States; Republic of Ireland
- October 1994 (Revised November 1995)
- Case
N.V. Philips Electronics - Currency Hedging Policies
By: Richard F. Meyer
Describes Philips Electronics' policies and problems relating to foreign exchange risk and hedging. Explains centralization versus decentralization of currency hedging, economic role versus transaction role, the difficulties of capturing the necessary information... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Currency Exchange Rate; International Finance; Globalization; Policy; Information Management; Management; Problems and Challenges; Risk and Uncertainty
Meyer, Richard F. "N.V. Philips Electronics - Currency Hedging Policies." Harvard Business School Case 295-055, October 1994. (Revised November 1995.)
- October 2012
- Case
Romney vs. Obama and U.S. Energy Policy
By: Rawi Abdelal and Kaitlyn Tuthill
In 2012, the energy sector in the United States was demanding major reform. Prices of oil and gas had continued to cripple the middle and lower class as the U.S. economy slowly recovered. At the same time, the U.S. lagged behind developed economies in production of... View Details
Keywords: Mitt Romney; Barack Obama; Energy; Election Outcomes; Climate Change; Renewable Energy; Political Elections; Policy; Business and Government Relations; Public Administration Industry; United States
Abdelal, Rawi, and Kaitlyn Tuthill. "Romney vs. Obama and U.S. Energy Policy." Harvard Business School Case 713-050, October 2012.
- March 1995 (Revised November 1995)
- Supplement
Dividend Policy at FPL Group, Inc. (B)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Craig F Schreiber
FPL's dividend policy and the reaction of the financial markets are examined. View Details
Esty, Benjamin C., and Craig F Schreiber. "Dividend Policy at FPL Group, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 295-106, March 1995. (Revised November 1995.)
- 23 Jul 2020
- Research & Ideas
How Countries Use Financial Policy to Fight COVID-19
The fiscal and monetary response to the coronavirus pandemic has been emergent, global, and deep. Some countries have more sophisticated fiscal and monetary tools—and the ability to use them swiftly—than others. The ability to compare View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- June 2005 (Revised January 2006)
- Case
Investment Policy at the Hewlett Foundation (2005)
By: Luis M. Viceira
In early January 2005, Laurance Hoagland Jr., VP and CIO of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (HF), and his investment team met to finish their recommendations to the HF Investment Committee for a new asset allocation policy for the foundation's investment... View Details
Keywords: Investment Portfolio; Risk and Uncertainty; Public Equity; Globalization; Investment; Property; Risk Management; Asset Management; Financial Services Industry
Viceira, Luis M. "Investment Policy at the Hewlett Foundation (2005)." Harvard Business School Case 205-126, June 2005. (Revised January 2006.)
- June 2014
- Supplement
Financial Policy at Apple, 2013 Student Supplement
By: Mihir Desai and Elizabeth A. Meyer
This is the student spreadsheet supplement to case 214-085, Financial Policy at Apple, 2013 (A). View Details
Keywords: Apple; Steve Jobs; Forecast; Forecasting; Forecasting And Prediction; Shareholder Activism; Share Repurchase; Dividends; Financial Ratios; Preferred Shares; Cash Distribution; Corporate Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Technology Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States; Republic of Ireland
- 10 Mar 2008
- Research & Ideas
Encouraging Entrepreneurs: Lessons for Government Policy
were virtually unaffected.) These numbers should be of interest to policymakers in developed countries, Nanda says. "This goes against the conventional wisdom held in government policy circles and elsewhere that there are a large... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna
- March 2011 (Revised June 2011)
- Background Note
Government Policy and Clean-Energy Finance
By: Ramana Nanda, Sanjay Aggarwal and Nilam Ganenthiran
What leads to market failures in finance of clean energy startups? How do different governments approach this issue? View Details
Nanda, Ramana, Sanjay Aggarwal, and Nilam Ganenthiran. "Government Policy and Clean-Energy Finance." Harvard Business School Background Note 811-026, March 2011. (Revised June 2011.)
- 1992
- Chapter
Technology Challenges to Trade Policy
By: D. B. Yoffie
- August 1998
- Case
General Motors Corp. (B), The : Financial Policies
By: Peter Tufano
The second in a four-part series, the case details the financial policies and practices at General Motors from 1990 to 1996. This part describes the stated financial policies of the firm, including its approach to capital structure, liability structure, equity... View Details
Tufano, Peter, William J Wildern, and Markus Mullarkey. "General Motors Corp. (B), The : Financial Policies." Harvard Business School Case 299-007, August 1998.
- March 1996 (Revised June 1996)
- Case
Choices in U.S. Trade Policy
By: Louis T. Wells Jr. and Courtenay Sprague
Describes the moments leading to the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of international trade negotiations and the outcome of those negotiations. Discusses some of the options facing the Clinton Administration with respect to its international trade policy. View Details
Keywords: Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Negotiation; Outcome or Result; United States
Wells, Louis T., Jr., and Courtenay Sprague. "Choices in U.S. Trade Policy." Harvard Business School Case 796-117, March 1996. (Revised June 1996.)
- August 2023
- Article
Taking Stock of the Implementation Gap in Climate Policy
By: Taryn Fransen, Jonas Meckling, Anna Stunzi, Tobias Schmidt, Florian Egli, Nicolas Schmid and Christopher Beaton
A gap persists between the emissions reductions pledged by countries under the Paris Agreement and those resulting from their domestic policies. We argue that this gap in fact contains two parts: one in the policies that countries adopt, and the other in the outcomes... View Details
Keywords: Emission Reduction; Outcome or Result; Policy; Environmental Regulation; Equality and Inequality
Fransen, Taryn, Jonas Meckling, Anna Stunzi, Tobias Schmidt, Florian Egli, Nicolas Schmid, and Christopher Beaton. "Taking Stock of the Implementation Gap in Climate Policy." Nature Climate Change 13, no. 8 (August 2023): 752–755.
- Article
Public Policy Towards Patent Pools
By: Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole
Lerner, Josh, and Jean Tirole. "Public Policy Towards Patent Pools." Innovation Policy and the Economy 8 (2007): 157–186.
- 11 May 2020
- Op-Ed
Immigration Policies Threaten American Competitiveness
It is no secret that immigration has reshaped American innovation. Immigrants are the backbone of America’s most innovative industries, provide a quarter of our patent applications, and are numerous among our science and engineering superstars. Taken from World... View Details
Keywords: by William R. Kerr
- 2012
- Article
Conflict Policy and Advertising Agency-Client Relations: The Problem of Competing Clients Sharing a Common Agency
By: Alvin J. Silk
What restrictions should be placed on advertising agencies with respect to serving accounts or clients that are competitors of one another in order to avoid conflicts of interest? In recent decades, the advertising and marketing services industry has undergone a number... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Agency; Competitors; Marketing Services Industry; Structural Changes; Agency-client Relationships; Hybrid Conflict Policies; Safeguards; Advertising; Advertising Industry; Europe; Latin America; North and Central America
Silk, Alvin J. "Conflict Policy and Advertising Agency-Client Relations: The Problem of Competing Clients Sharing a Common Agency." Foundations and Trends® in Marketing 6, no. 2 (2012): 63–149.
- 2019
- Working Paper
U.S. Antitrust Law and Policy in Historical Perspective
By: Laura Phillips Sawyer
The key pieces of antitrust legislation in the United States—the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and the Clayton Act of 1914—contain broad language that has afforded the courts wide latitude in interpreting and enforcing the law. This article chronicles the judiciary’s... View Details
Keywords: Antitrust; Trusts; Restraint Of Trade; Merger; Cartel; New Deal; Harvard School; Chicago School Of Law And Economics; Post-Chicago; Law; Competition; Policy; Vertical Integration; Horizontal Integration; Acquisition
Phillips Sawyer, Laura. "U.S. Antitrust Law and Policy in Historical Perspective." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-110, May 2019. (Revised September 2019.)