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- 29 Sep 2015
- First Look
September 29, 2015
innovations from industry outsiders who saw economic opportunities where others didn’t—and how these mainstream firms had no choice but to innovate themselves. New models were tried: some succeeded, some failed. Commercial markets turned... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Article
Frame Flexibility: The Role of Cognitive and Emotional Framing in Innovation Adoption by Incumbent Firms
By: Ryan Raffaelli, Mary Ann Glynn and Michael Tushman
Why do incumbent firms frequently reject nonincremental innovations? Beyond technical, structural, or economic factors, we propose an additional factor: the degree of the top management team's (TMT) frame flexibility, i.e., their capability to cognitively expand an... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Adoption; Cognition; Framing; Emotional Resonance; Incumbent Inertia; Innovation and Invention; Technology Adoption; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management
Raffaelli, Ryan, Mary Ann Glynn, and Michael Tushman. "Frame Flexibility: The Role of Cognitive and Emotional Framing in Innovation Adoption by Incumbent Firms." Strategic Management Journal 40, no. 7 (July 2019): 1013–1039.
- Article
Thinking About Technology: Applying a Cognitive Lens to Technical Change
We apply a cognitive lens to understanding technology trajectories across the life cycle by developing a co-evolutionary model of technological frames and technology. Applying that model to each stage of the technology life cycle, we identify conditions under which a... View Details
Keywords: Technology; Transformation; Outcome or Result; Economics; Cognition and Thinking; Business Model; Forecasting and Prediction
Kaplan, Sarah, and Mary Tripsas. "Thinking About Technology: Applying a Cognitive Lens to Technical Change." Research Policy 37, no. 5 (June 2008): 790–805.
- 31 Mar 2002
- Research & Ideas
You’re Wasting Your Employees! What You Can Do About It
operations of any company that wishes to flourish in the new age. And yet, a decade of organizational delayering, destaffing, restructuring, and reengineering has produced employees who are more exhausted than empowered, more cynical than... View Details
- October 2012
- Case
Global Diversity and Inclusion at Royal Dutch Shell (A)
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Elena Corsi
Royal Dutch Shell has been among the early players to implement diversity and inclusion policies in the 1990s, first in the U.S. and then globally. In May 2009, Peter Voser, CFO and soon-to-be CEO, wants to adjust the company's business, headcount, and cost levels to... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Managerial Roles; Restructuring; Resignation and Termination; Diversity; Financial Crisis; Energy Industry; Netherlands
Sucher, Sandra J., and Elena Corsi. "Global Diversity and Inclusion at Royal Dutch Shell (A)." Harvard Business School Case 613-063, October 2012.
- July 2020
- Case
Amanda and Kristen: Mented Cosmetics
By: Steven Rogers, Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Alterrell Mills
The co-founders (Black HBS alumnae) of an e-commerce beauty startup explore the unmet needs within the beauty industry. This case study examines the entrepreneurial opportunities that come from identifying an underserved market, specifically within the Black community... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Competition; Customers; Disruption; Disruptive Innovation; Distribution Channels; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Macroeconomics; Marketing; Marketing Channels; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Product Design; Product Development; Product Positioning; Sales; Social Issues; Social Marketing; Business Startups; Strategic Planning; Strategy; Supply Chain Management; Venture Capital; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Advertising Industry; Public Relations Industry; Chemical Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Retail Industry; North and Central America; United States; New York (city, NY); New York (state, US)
Rogers, Steven, Jeffrey J. Bussgang, and Alterrell Mills. "Amanda and Kristen: Mented Cosmetics." Harvard Business School Case 321-002, July 2020.
- 2011
- Casebook
Transnational Management: Text Cases and Readings in Cross Border Management
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Paul W. Beamish
Transnational Management focuses on the management challenges associated with developing strategies and managing the operations of companies whose activities stretch across national boundaries. The purpose of this book is to provide a conceptual framework showing the... View Details
- 2004
- Working Paper
Thinking About Technology: Applying a Cognitive Lens to Technical Change
We apply a cognitive lens to understanding technology trajectories across the life cycle by developing a coevolutionary model of technological frames and technology. Applying that model to each stage of the technology life cycle, we identify conditions under which a... View Details
Kaplan, Sarah, and Mary Tripsas. "Thinking About Technology: Applying a Cognitive Lens to Technical Change." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 04-039, January 2004. (Revised September 2006, August 2007, April 2008.)
- 03 Oct 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Cartels and Competition: Neither Markets nor Hierarchies
Keywords: by Jeffrey Fear
- September–October 2012
- Article
Egalitarianism, Cultural Distance, and Foreign Direct Investment: A New Approach
By: Jordan I. Siegel, Amir N. Licht and Shalom H. Schwartz
This study addresses an apparent impasse in the research on organizations' responses to cultural distance. Using historically motivated instrumental variables, we observe that egalitarianism distance has a negative causal impact on FDI flows. This effect is robust to a... View Details
Keywords: FDI; Neo-institutionalism; Multinational Firm; Cultural Distance; Egalitarianism; Regulatory Arbitrage; Pollution Haven Hypothesis; Foreign Direct Investment; Global Strategy; Culture; Entrepreneurship
Siegel, Jordan I., Amir N. Licht, and Shalom H. Schwartz. "Egalitarianism, Cultural Distance, and Foreign Direct Investment: A New Approach." Organization Science 23, no. 5 (September–October 2012). (This study addresses an apparent impasse in the research on organizations' responses to cultural distance. Using historically motivated instrumental variables, we observe that egalitarianism distance has a negative causal impact on FDI flows. This effect is robust to a broad set of competing accounts, including the effects of other cultural dimensions, various features of the prevailing legal and regulatory regimes, other features of the institutional environment, economic development, and time-invariant unobserved characteristics of origin and host countries. We further show that egalitarianism correlates in a conceptually compatible way with an array of organizational practices pertinent to firms' interactions with non-financial stakeholders, such that national differences in these egalitarianism-related features may affect firms' international expansion decisions.)
- June 1994 (Revised August 1994)
- Case
Cunard Line Ltd.: Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
Cunard, the world's oldest luxury line company, is confronted with several key issues involving its marketing and marketing communications strategy. One concerns the balance between image/positioning advertising and short-term-oriented promotional... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Consumer Behavior; Organizational Structure; Identity; Balance and Stability; Shipping Industry
Greyser, Stephen A. "Cunard Line Ltd.: Managing Integrated Marketing Communications." Harvard Business School Case 594-046, June 1994. (Revised August 1994.)
- 2012
- Working Paper
Clear and Present Danger: Planning and New Venture Survival Amid Political and Civil Violence
By: Shon Hiatt and Wesley Sine
Although entrepreneurs constitute a key economic driving force for many emerging economies, they often face unstable environments due to the failure of governments to maintain civil and political order. Yet, we know very little about how environments characterized by... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Crime and Corruption; Balance and Stability; Strategic Planning
Hiatt, Shon, and Wesley Sine. "Clear and Present Danger: Planning and New Venture Survival Amid Political and Civil Violence." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-086, March 2012.
- September 2016
- Article
Whitened Résumés: Race and Self-Presentation in the Labor Market
By: Sonia K. Kang, K. A. DeCelles, András Tilcsik and Sora Jun
Using interviews, a laboratory experiment, and a résumé audit study, we examine racial minorities’ attempts to avoid anticipated discrimination in labor markets by concealing or downplaying racial cues in job applications, a practice known as "résumé whitening."... View Details
Kang, Sonia K., K. A. DeCelles, András Tilcsik, and Sora Jun. "Whitened Résumés: Race and Self-Presentation in the Labor Market." Administrative Science Quarterly 61, no. 3 (September 2016): 469–502.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Acting Globally but Thinking Locally? The Influence of Local Communities on Organizations
By: Christopher Marquis and Julie Battilana
We develop an institutional theory of how local communities continue to matter for organizations, and why community factors are particularly important in a global age. Since globalization has taken center stage in both practitioner and academic circles, research has... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Location; Local Range; Globalization; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business and Community Relations; Power and Influence
Marquis, Christopher, and Julie Battilana. "Acting Globally but Thinking Locally? The Influence of Local Communities on Organizations." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-034, November 2007.
- October 2008
- Article
Gender in Job Negotiations: A Two-Level Game
By: Hannah Riley Bowles and Kathleen McGinn
We propose taking a two-level-game perspective on gender in job negotiations. At Level One, candidates negotiate with employers. At Level Two, candidates negotiate with household members. In order to illuminate the interplay between these two levels, we review research... View Details
Keywords: Perspective; Negotiation; Research; Organizational Culture; Body of Literature; Jobs and Positions; Gender; Labor
Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Kathleen McGinn. "Gender in Job Negotiations: A Two-Level Game." Negotiation Journal 24, no. 4 (October 2008): 393–410.
- February 2005
- Article
European Integration and Corporate Restructuring: The Strategy of Unilever c1957-c1990
By: Geoffrey Jones and Peter Miskell
This article examines the role of the large Anglo-Dutch consumer products company in promoting European integration. It shows that Unilever contributed financially to campaigns to support the creation of the European Union, and its subsequent expansion, despite a... View Details
Keywords: Horizontal Integration; Organizations; Policy; Expansion; Market Transactions; Geographic Location; Restructuring; Competition; Brands and Branding; Production; Capital Structure; Value; Consumer Products Industry; European Union; United States
Jones, Geoffrey, and Peter Miskell. "European Integration and Corporate Restructuring: The Strategy of Unilever c1957-c1990." Economic History Review 58, no. 1 (February 2005): 113–139.
- 25 Jul 2005
- Research & Ideas
An Organization Your Customers Understand
criteria. A study by the Conference Board came to the following conclusion: There appears to be little evidence to suggest which of the [various] organizational formats would be best to assure the business's overall success, or even why... View Details
Keywords: by Robert Simons
- 2009
- Other Unpublished Work
The Flattening Firm and Product Market Competition: The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Corporate Hierarchies
By: Maria Guadalupe and Julie Wulf
This paper establishes a causal effect of product market competition on various characteristics of organizational design. Using a unique panel-dataset on firm hierarchies of large U.S. firms (1986-1999) and a quasi-natural experiment (trade liberalization), we find... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Managerial Roles; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy
Guadalupe, Maria, and Julie Wulf. "The Flattening Firm and Product Market Competition: The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Corporate Hierarchies." December 2009.
- Research Summary
Asset Specificity and Vertical Integration: Williamson's Hypothesis Reconsidered
A point repeatedly stressed by transaction cost economics is that the more specific the asset, the more likely is vertical integration to be optimal. In spite of the profusion of empirical papers supporting this prediction, recent surveys and casual observation... View Details
- 17 May 2012
- Working Paper Summaries