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- August 2019
- Teaching Note
Back to the Roots
By: Elizabeth A. Keenan and Leslie K. John
Email for a courtesy copy.
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Back to the Roots HBS case No. 518-073. Back to the Roots (BTTR) is a start-up with a... View Details
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Back to the Roots HBS case No. 518-073. Back to the Roots (BTTR) is a start-up with a... View Details
Keywords: Organic Food; Startup; Crowdfunding; Sustainability; Transparency; Entrepreneurship; Product Development; Product Marketing; Growth and Development Strategy; Decision Making; Food; Food and Beverage Industry
Keenan, Elizabeth A., and Leslie K. John. "Back to the Roots." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 520-028, August 2019. (Email for a courtesy copy.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
Is a VC Partnership Greater Than the Sum of Its Partners?
By: Michael Ewens and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf
This paper investigates whether individual venture capitalists have repeatable investment skill and to what extent their skill is impacted by the VC firm where they work. We examine a unique dataset that tracks the performance of individual venture capitalists'... View Details
Keywords: Investing; Persistence; Performance Persistence; Theory Of The Firm; Venture Capital; Organizations; Human Capital; Performance Evaluation
Ewens, Michael, and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf. "Is a VC Partnership Greater Than the Sum of Its Partners?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-097, April 2012. (Revised January 2013, June 2013. Revise and Resubmit Journal of Finance. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 19120, June 2013)
- March 2013
- Article
Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities
By: Andras Tilcsik and Christopher Marquis
Geographic communities have been shown to affect organizations through their enduring features, but less attention has been given to communities as sites of human-made and natural events that occasionally disrupt the lives of organizations. We develop a... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Communities; Punctuated Equilibrium; Corporate Social Responsibility; Institutional Theory; Natural Disasters; Situation or Environment; Balance and Stability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Community Relations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; United States
Tilcsik, Andras, and Christopher Marquis. "Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities." Administrative Science Quarterly 58, no. 1 (March 2013): 111–148.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality: The Work-Family Narrative as a Social Defense Against the 24/7 Work Culture
By: Irene Padavic, Robin J. Ely and Erin M. Reid
It is widely accepted that the conflict women experience between family obligations and professional jobs’ long hours lies at the heart of their stalled advancement. Yet research suggests that this “work-family narrative” is partial at best: men, too, experience... View Details
Keywords: 24/7 Work Culture; Hegemonic Narrative; Social Defense; Work-family Conflict; Systems Psychodynamic Theory; Work-Life Balance; Personal Development and Career; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Organizational Culture
Padavic, Irene, Robin J. Ely, and Erin M. Reid. "Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality: The Work-Family Narrative as a Social Defense Against the 24/7 Work Culture." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-038, October 2016.
- 2016
- Chapter
Wrong Paths to Right: Defining Morality With or Without a Clear Red Line
By: Ryann Elizabeth Manning and Michel Anteby
The extensive literature on organizational wrongdoing tends to assume that a clear red line divides the moral terrain. However, many organizations function not as moral orders, but as moral pursuits in which there is intentionally no explicit definition of right and... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Organizational Theory; Sociology Of Ethics And Morality; Morality; Organizational Culture; Culture; Ethics; Africa; North and Central America
Manning, Ryann Elizabeth, and Michel Anteby. "Wrong Paths to Right: Defining Morality With or Without a Clear Red Line." In Organizational Wrongdoing: Key Perspectives and New Directions, edited by Donald Palmer, Kristen Smith-Crowe, and Royston Greenwood, 47–71. Cambridge Companions to Management. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- 2021
- Article
The Virtues and Limitations of Dynamic Capabilities
By: Bharat Anand and David J. Collis
Dynamic capabilities have been identified as a key determinant of competitive advantage. This paper explores the foundations of dynamic capabilities, and the limits to their effectiveness, first theoretically and then through the case of Danaher, the most successful... View Details
Keywords: Dynamic Capabilities; Danaher; Resources; Theory Of The Firm; Value-based Strategy; Organizations; Performance Effectiveness; Competitive Advantage; Strategy
Anand, Bharat, and David J. Collis. "The Virtues and Limitations of Dynamic Capabilities." Strategic Management Review 2, no. 1 (2021): 47–78.
- December 2012
- Article
What Drives Corporate Social Performance? The Role of Nation-level Institutions
By: Ioannis Ioannou and George Serafeim
Based on Whitley's "National Business Systems" (NBS) institutional framework (Whitley 1997, 1999), we theorize about and empirically investigate the impact of nation-level institutions on firms' corporate social performance (CSP). Using a sample of firms from 42... View Details
Keywords: Environment; Environmental Performance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainability; Institutions; Institutional Theory; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Governance
Ioannou, Ioannis, and George Serafeim. "What Drives Corporate Social Performance? The Role of Nation-level Institutions." Journal of International Business Studies 43, no. 9 (December 2012): 834–864.
- Research Summary
My research is at the intersection of organizational strategy, global sustainability governance, and social change. It explores the diffusion of sustainability standards to non-traditional sectors (e.g. jewelry, cannabis, plastics, pets) and the relationship between... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability Standards; Extractive Industries; Luxury; Gold; Institutional Change; Institutional Entrepreneurship; Hybrid Organizations; Governance; Policy; Consumer Behavior; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Pollution and Pollutants; Environmental Sustainability; Social Enterprise; Non-Governmental Organizations; Poverty; Diversification; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Tourism Industry; Africa; Latin America; Europe
- February 2023
- Article
The Effect of Systems of Management Controls on Honesty in Managerial Reporting
By: Aishwarrya Deore, Susanna Gallani and Ranjani Krishnan
While budgetary controls with capital rationing are optimal in theory and widespread in practice, empirical research documents their association with higher employee dishonesty compared to budgetary controls without rationing. In this study, we examine whether... View Details
Keywords: Directing Controls; Misreporting; Mission Statements; Participative Budgeting; Stewardship Theory; Systems Of Management Controls; Capital; Budgets and Budgeting; Mission and Purpose
Deore, Aishwarrya, Susanna Gallani, and Ranjani Krishnan. "The Effect of Systems of Management Controls on Honesty in Managerial Reporting." Art. 101401. Accounting, Organizations and Society 105 (February 2023).
- August 2016
- Article
'Meso'-Foundations of Dynamic Capabilities: Team-Level Synthesis and Distributed Leadership as the Source of Dynamic Creativity
By: Ikujiro Nonaka, Ayano Hirose and Yusaku Takeda
This article examines the theoretical foundations of an organization's dynamic capabilities—sensing, seizing, and transforming—from the perspective of organizational knowledge creation. Making a distinction between the creative and adaptive aspects of dynamic... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory; Dynamic Capabilities; Middle-up-down Management; Wise Leadership; Phronesis; Multinational Enterprise; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Multinational Firms and Management; Management Practices and Processes; Creativity; Organizational Structure; Knowledge
Nonaka, Ikujiro, Ayano Hirose, and Yusaku Takeda. "'Meso'-Foundations of Dynamic Capabilities: Team-Level Synthesis and Distributed Leadership as the Source of Dynamic Creativity." Global Strategy Journal 6, no. 3 (August 2016): 168–182.
- April 2024
- Article
Decision Authority and the Returns to Algorithms
By: Hyunjin Kim, Edward L. Glaeser, Andrew Hillis, Scott Duke Kominers and Michael Luca
We evaluate a pilot in an Inspections Department to explore the returns to a pair of algorithms that varied in their sophistication. We find that both algorithms provided substantial prediction gains, suggesting that even simple data may be helpful. However, these... View Details
Keywords: Algorithmic Aversion; Algorithmic Decision Making; Algorithms; Public Entrepreneurship; Govenment; Local Government; Crowdsourcing; Crowdsourcing Contests; Inspection; Principal-agent Theory; Government Administration; Decision Making; Public Administration Industry; United States
Kim, Hyunjin, Edward L. Glaeser, Andrew Hillis, Scott Duke Kominers, and Michael Luca. "Decision Authority and the Returns to Algorithms." Strategic Management Journal 45, no. 4 (April 2024): 619–648.
- January–February 2023
- Article
Triadic Advocacy Work
By: Summer R. Jackson and Katherine C. Kellogg
Scholars of street-level bureaucracy and institutional research focus primarily on the relationships between advocates and their larger bureaucratic and social systems, assuming that advocates have little need to satisfy their beneficiaries. We find otherwise in our... View Details
Keywords: Occupations And Professions; Ethnography; Power And Politics; Work And Organizations; Advocacy; Public Management; Justice
Jackson, Summer R., and Katherine C. Kellogg. "Triadic Advocacy Work." Organization Science 34, no. 1 (January–February 2023): 456–483.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Collusion in Brokered Markets
By: John William Hatfield, Scott Duke Kominers and Richard Lowery
High commissions in the U.S. residential real estate agency market present a puzzle for economic theory because brokerage is not a concentrated industry. We model brokered markets as a game in which agents post prices for customers and then choose which other agents to... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate Agents; Real Estate; Realtors; Broker Networks; Brokerage; Brokerage Commissions; "Brokerage Industry; Brokered Markets; Brokering; Brokers; Industrial Organization; Repeated Game Framework; "Repeated Games"; Collusion; Antitrust; Microeconomics; Market Design; Theory; Game Theory; Real Estate Industry
Hatfield, John William, Scott Duke Kominers, and Richard Lowery. "Collusion in Brokered Markets." Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
- 01 Sep 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Transaction Cost Economics in the Digital Economy: A Research Agenda
- 18 Apr 2000
- Research & Ideas
Learning in Action
"The most effective learning strategy depends on the situation," writes David A. Garvin. "There is no stock answer, nor is there a single best approach." In Learning in Action, he illustrated the diversity of learning organization... View Details
Keywords: by David A. Garvin
- March 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Background Note
Putting Your Finger on Capability
By: Clayton M. Christensen and Tara Donovan
Presents a model or theory about the competence or capability of organizations. Written to help managers be more precise about what the capabilities and disabilities of an organization are, and to be able to put their finger precisely on the place in the organization... View Details
Christensen, Clayton M., and Tara Donovan. "Putting Your Finger on Capability." Harvard Business School Background Note 399-148, March 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- 2010
- Chapter
The Shape of Things to Come: Institutions, Entrepreneurs, and the Case of Hedge Funds
By: Pamela Tolbert and Shon R. Hiatt
Foundational work on institutional theory as a framework for studying organizations underscored its relevance to analyses of entrepreneurship, but entrepreneurship research has often ignored the insights provided by this theoretic approach. In this chapter, we... View Details
Tolbert, Pamela, and Shon R. Hiatt. "The Shape of Things to Come: Institutions, Entrepreneurs, and the Case of Hedge Funds." In Institutions and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 21, edited by Wesley Sine and Robert David, 157–182. Research in the Sociology of Work. Bingley, England: Emerald Group Publishing, 2010.
- February 1991 (Revised May 2016)
- Background Note
Note on Organizational Structure
By: Ethan Bernstein and Nitin Nohria
Provides the reader with a basic understanding of organizational structure. The first section outlines some of the key tools and criteria that must be taken into account in designing organizational structures. In the second section, some archetypal forms of... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure
Bernstein, Ethan, and Nitin Nohria. "Note on Organizational Structure." Harvard Business School Background Note 491-083, February 1991. (Revised May 2016.)
- 16 Apr 2001
- Research & Ideas
Breaking the Code of Change
which we developed cases, seem to be pure cases of these archetypes. An examination of many other organizations will show a mixture of these strategies, often in uneasy coexistence. We argue that both View Details
Keywords: by Michael Beer & Nitin Nohria
- 2012
- Chapter
Problem Solving and Search in Networks
By: David Lazer and Ethan Bernstein
This chapter examines the role that networks play in facilitating or inhibiting search for solutions to problems at both the individual and collective levels. At the individual level, search in networks enables individuals to transport themselves to a very different... View Details
Keywords: Network Organizations; Search; Problem Solving; Individual; Individuals And Teams; Collective; Cognitive Search; Network Search; Search Typology; Networks; Social and Collaborative Networks; Theory; Knowledge Sharing
Lazer, David, and Ethan Bernstein. "Problem Solving and Search in Networks." Chap. 17 in Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain, edited by Peter M. Todd, Thomas T. Hills, and Trevor W. Robbins, 269–282. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.