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- All HBS Web (1,313)
- Faculty Publications (829)
- 2012
- Book
Auctions, Market Mechanisms, and Their Applications: Second International ICST Conference, AMMA 2011
By: Peter Coles, Sanmay Das, Sebastien Lahaie and Boleslaw Szymanski
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International ICST on Auctions, Market Mechanisms, and Their Applications (AMMA 2011) held in New York, August 22–23, 2011. The 22 revised full papers presented were carefully... View Details
Keywords: Internet; Market Design; Internet and the Web; Auctions; Information Management; Computer Industry
Coles, Peter, Sanmay Das, Sebastien Lahaie and Boleslaw Szymanski, eds. Auctions, Market Mechanisms, and Their Applications: Second International ICST Conference, AMMA 2011. Springer, 2012. (Revised Selected Papers.)
- April 1999
- Article
Software Development Strategy for the Internet Age: Lessons from Netscape's Cross-platform Development Strategy
By: M. A. Cusumano and D. B. Yoffie
Keywords: Applications and Software; Research and Development; Strategy; Internet and the Web; Learning; Web Services Industry
Cusumano, M. A., and D. B. Yoffie. "Software Development Strategy for the Internet Age: Lessons from Netscape's Cross-platform Development Strategy." Jōhō shori [Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan] 40, no. 4 (April 1999): 418–423.
- 20 May 2013
- Op-Ed
Making America an Industrial Powerhouse Again
industries. Research funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sowed the seeds for the internet and advanced computer graphics. And massive investments by the National Institutes of Health in biomedical research,... View Details
- 01 Sep 2017
- News
The Biggest Industry You’ve Never Heard Of
Glass (MBA 1994), a serial entrepreneur and co-owner of an esports team, explains, “Esports is the most gigantic industry that nobody’s ever heard of.” Bjerg, third from left, and Team SoloMid compete in a League of Legends tournament in... View Details
- November 2017
- Case
The Digital Factory – Siemens: Electronic Works Amberg
By: Rajiv Lal and Scott F. Johnson
The Electronic Works Amberg (EWA) was Siemens' most advanced factory. The plant built industrial automation equipment using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques. Siemens was considering creating a consulting business for its manufacturing clients. Given the EWA's... View Details
Keywords: Siemens; Internet Of Things; Industrie 4.0; Manufacturing; Consulting; Digital Factory; Ewa; Amberg; Electronic Works Amberg; Information Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Applications and Software; Internet and the Web; Production; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Germany
Lal, Rajiv, and Scott F. Johnson. "The Digital Factory – Siemens: Electronic Works Amberg." Harvard Business School Case 518-054, November 2017.
- September 2016 (Revised September 2016)
- Case
Spectio: A Digital Lighting Company
By: Rajiv Lal and Sarah McAra
Spectio Tech, founded in 2005, developed and implemented intelligent LED lighting solutions for the industrial market. Sensors and wireless connectivity embedded in its LED fixtures not only significantly reduced lighting-related energy use—by up to 90% in some... View Details
Keywords: Internet Of Things; IoT; LED Lighting; Start-up; Energy Efficiency; Information Technology; Technology Adoption; Technological Innovation; Business Startups; Internet and the Web
Lal, Rajiv, and Sarah McAra. "Spectio: A Digital Lighting Company." Harvard Business School Case 517-002, September 2016. (Revised September 2016.)
- September 2018 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Sigfox: Building a Global IoT Network
By: Rajiv Lal, Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej and Emilie Billaud
In 2018, Ludovic Le Moan and Christophe Fourtet, co-founders of the French tech startup Sigfox, reflected on the evolution of their venture and the way forward. Founded in 2009, Sigfox was a company that provided a global connectivity network for devices connected to... View Details
Keywords: Internet Of Things; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Transition; Information Technology; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Technology Adoption; Technology Industry; Technology Industry; France; Europe
Lal, Rajiv, Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej, and Emilie Billaud. "Sigfox: Building a Global IoT Network." Harvard Business School Case 519-032, September 2018. (Revised April 2019.)
- November 2018
- Case
Komatsu Komtrax: Asset Tracking Meets Demand Forecasting
By: Willy Shih, Paul Hong and YoungWon Park
Komatsu's Komtrax system started as a way of remotely monitoring and tracking equipment for the purpose of improving operational efficiency. This case follows its evolution towards other uses including demand forecasting for its sales, marketing, and production... View Details
Keywords: Big Data; Manufacturing; Manufacturing Industry; Data Strategy; Internet Of Things; Construction; Production; Analytics and Data Science; Strategy; Performance Efficiency; Forecasting and Prediction; Industrial Products Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Japan
Shih, Willy, Paul Hong, and YoungWon Park. "Komatsu Komtrax: Asset Tracking Meets Demand Forecasting." Harvard Business School Case 619-022, November 2018.
- July 2014 (Revised August 2015)
- Case
By: Feng Zhu
Qihoo, one of the largest Internet companies in China today, was founded in 2005. The company started its business by offering a security software product, and quickly dominated the market in China after its unusual move of giving its product away for free in 2009.... View Details
- December 2003 (Revised May 2004)
- Case
Blockbuster Inc. & Technological Substitution (A): Achieving Dominance in the Video Rental Industry
Provides a comprehensive background of the video rental industry and home entertainment giant, Blockbuster Inc. Follows the life of Blockbuster Inc. from its first days under founder Wayne Huizenga to its most recent developments under 2003 CEO John Antioco. By looking... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Decisions; Technological Innovation; Competition; Change Management; Economics; Service Industry; Service Industry
Coughlan, Peter J., and Jenny Illes. "Blockbuster Inc. & Technological Substitution (A): Achieving Dominance in the Video Rental Industry." Harvard Business School Case 704-404, December 2003. (Revised May 2004.)
- Fast Answer
Challenges and Opportunities in the Restaurant Industry
financial fundamentals for valuation; equity research and investment firm data; For a multimedia learning module on LSEG Workspace check out our Learn with Baker Library LSEG Workspace Introduction. Industry and... View Details
- June 2012 (Revised August 2013)
- Case
Driving Towards a Disruption?
By: Willy Shih and William Noble
As Clayton Christensen drove to the studio to deliver an online executive education class, he pondered the future of management education. How big a threat did online degree programs, corporate universities, and other innovations in the delivery of management training... View Details
Keywords: Disruptive Technology; Performance Trajectories; Disruptive Innovations; Business Education; Business School; Internet And Online Services Industries; Disruptive Innovation; Higher Education; Corporate Strategy; Internet; Performance; Education Industry; Boston
Shih, Willy, and William Noble. "Driving Towards a Disruption?" Harvard Business School Case 612-101, June 2012. (Revised August 2013.)
- October 2010
- Teaching Note
Nettwerk: Digital Marketing in the Music Industry (TN)
By: John A. Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
Teaching Note for 510055. View Details
- 20 Oct 2003
- Research & Ideas
Gaps in the Historical Record: Development of the Electronics Industry
begin with consumer electronics. That industry began with radio. Two enterprises commercialized, that is, brought the technology into public use: Radio Corporation of America (RCA), a joint venture of the three leading U.S. electrical and... View Details
- Article
Marketing in the Age of Web 2.0
By: Jill Avery
Web 2.0 technologies empower consumers to create their own personalized experiences on the web, and to share them with others. Hence, web content is democratized and consumers' experiences online are largely social rather than individualistic. View Details
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Internet; Brands and Branding; Marketing; Marketing Communications; Internet and the Web; Social Media; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Avery, Jill. "Marketing in the Age of Web 2.0." Simmons Magazine, SOM Edition 90, no. 3 (Fall 2008): 21.
- May 2016 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens
By: Willy Shih
This case describes the motivation for and the development of Siemens' digital manufacturing enterprise vision, which became the foundation for its implementation of Industrie 4.0. While the effort started with a purely defensive move by Anton Huber, head of the... View Details
Keywords: Big Data; Internet Of Things; Internet Of Everything; Industrie 4.0; Digital Factory; Digital Enterprise; Digital Manufacturing; Manufacturing; Production Management; Production Planning; Computer Software; Germany; German Manufacturing; Machinery and Machining; Information Technology; Digital Platforms; Technological Innovation; Production; Supply Chain; Applications and Software; Information Infrastructure; Internet and the Web; Analytics and Data Science; Manufacturing Industry; Germany
Shih, Willy. "Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens." Harvard Business School Case 616-060, May 2016. (Revised April 2018.)
- April 2015 (Revised June 2020)
- Case
Comcast Corporation (A)
In March 2015, the U.S. television industry received a major wake-up call. HBO, a premium cable channel with over 30 million subscribers, had announced it would begin offering a standalone streaming service. This new service would allow customers to bypass the cable... View Details
Keywords: Cable Television; HBO; Industry Evolution; Television Entertainment; Disruption; Business Model; Competitive Strategy; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Gupta, Sunil, Henry McGee, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, and Margaret L. Rodriguez. "Comcast Corporation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 715-457, April 2015. (Revised June 2020.)
- June 2012 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Business-driven Research at IBM Research India
By: Willy Shih, Margaret Pierson, Pankaj Agarwal, Diego Medicina and Juan Prajogo
What is the right mix between business-driven and pure research? This case considers the question in the setting of IBM Research India, where a management push for balance between exploratory research and the fulfillment of business needs meets some resistance from... View Details
Keywords: R&D; Computer Services Industries; IT R&D; Internet; Web-enabled Application; Technological Planning; Emerging Technologies; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Research and Development; Projects; Practice; India
Shih, Willy, Margaret Pierson, Pankaj Agarwal, Diego Medicina, and Juan Prajogo. "Business-driven Research at IBM Research India ." Harvard Business School Case 612-076, June 2012. (Revised July 2012.)
- October 2016 (Revised February 2019)
- Case
PTC: A Transformation to IoT
By: Rajiv Lal and Sarah McAra
In the 2010s, PTC, a leading provider of software for discrete manufacturers, faced maturing markets and changing customer needs as smart, connected products took hold—the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). PTC saw a first mover advantage in entering the IoT space... View Details
- 01 Mar 2012
- News
Reinventing Radio Days
guaranteed new music they’ll enjoy, unlike recommendations based on more superficial data, such as purchasing patterns. Music stores were SBT’s customers, but Kennedy’s innovative idea was to reinvent SBT as a personalized Internet radio... View Details