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- Faculty Publications (229)
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- 2021
- Working Paper
Equilibrium Effects of Pay Transparency
By: Zoë B. Cullen and Bobak Pakzad-Hurson
The public discourse around pay transparency has focused on the direct effect: how workers seek
to rectify newly-disclosed pay inequities through renegotiations. The question of how wage-setting
and hiring practices of the firm respond in equilibrium has received... View Details
- 2005
- Chapter
Environmental Federalism in the European Union and the United States
By: David Vogel, Michael W. Toffel and Diahanna Post
The United States (US) and the European Union (EU) are federal systems in which the responsibility for environmental policy-making is divided or shared between the central government and the (member) states. The attribution of decision-making power has important policy... View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Government Legislation; Natural Environment; Pollutants; Climate Change; European Union; United States
Vogel, David, Michael W. Toffel, and Diahanna Post. "Environmental Federalism in the European Union and the United States." Chap. 9 in A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy: National Government Interventions in a Global Arena, edited by F. Wijen, K. Zoeteman, and J. Pieters, 247–276. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005.
- 2022
- Working Paper
The Limits of Decentralized Administrative Data Collection: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
By: Natalia Garbiras-Diaz and Tara Slough
States collect vast amounts of data for use in policymaking and public administration. To
do so, central governments frequently solicit data from decentralized bureaucrats. Because
central governments use these data in policymaking, decentralized bureaucrats may face... View Details
Keywords: Decentralization; Policy-making; Policy/economics; Policy Evaluation; Governance; Government Administration; Government and Politics; Government Legislation; Policy; Public Opinion; Analytics and Data Science; Latin America; South America; Colombia
Garbiras-Diaz, Natalia, and Tara Slough. "The Limits of Decentralized Administrative Data Collection: Experimental Evidence from Colombia." Working Paper, December 2022.
- 07 Sep 2020
- Research & Ideas
How to Help Small Businesses Survive COVID's Next Phase
government: Aid that’s easier to access The US government also needs to do its part and extend aid efforts, Mills says. The Paycheck Protection Program allocated $659 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses that agreed to retain... View Details
- 23 Jun 2020
- Book
Beginning America Over Again with a New Electoral System
result, write the authors, is a polarized government unable to compromise to solve the nation's greatest problems or realize its highest aspirations. The Politics Industry: How Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 29 Jul 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Can Paying Firms Quicker Affect Aggregate Employment?
Keywords: by Jean-Noel Barrot and Ramana Nanda
- 31 Jan 2007
- Working Paper Summaries
Behavioral Decision Research, Legislation, and Society: Three Cases
Keywords: by Max H. Bazerman
- June 2014
- Article
The Price of Wall Street's Power
By: Gautam Mukunda
Over and over again, executives make decisions that aren't in their companies' best interests, in response to pressure from Wall Street. Though many believe this happens because firms have a "fiduciary duty" to maximize shareholder returns, U.S. executives do not, as a... View Details
Mukunda, Gautam. "The Price of Wall Street's Power." Harvard Business Review 92, no. 6 (June 2014): 70–78.
- December 2008 (Revised October 2012)
- Case
Special Economic Zones in India: Public Purpose and Private Property (A)
By: Laura Alfaro and Lakshmi Iyer
In 2005, the government of India enacted the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Act in order to attract investment, generate export revenues, and create manufacturing jobs. However, several planned projects faced difficulties in acquiring land for setting up the SEZ. In... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Development Economics; Economic Growth; Policy; Government Legislation; Property; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; India
Alfaro, Laura, and Lakshmi Iyer. "Special Economic Zones in India: Public Purpose and Private Property (A)." Harvard Business School Case 709-027, December 2008. (Revised October 2012.)
- October 2021 (Revised November 2022)
- Case
The 2012 Spanish Labor Reform: Lifting All Boats, or Leveling Down?
By: Vincent Pons, Rafael Di Tella, Santiago Botella and Elena Corsi
Since 1978, Spain had struggled to control unemployment. The country’s labor law was protective of employees hired long-term and companies used temporary contracts as buffers. In 2012, amid economic recession and a 23.6% unemployment rate, a center-right government of... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Labor Market; Unemployment; Recession; Globalized Markets and Industries; Government Legislation; International Relations; Working Conditions; Employment; Labor Unions; Contracts; Social Issues; Public Opinion; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Spain; European Union
Pons, Vincent, Rafael Di Tella, Santiago Botella, and Elena Corsi. "The 2012 Spanish Labor Reform: Lifting All Boats, or Leveling Down?" Harvard Business School Case 722-008, October 2021. (Revised November 2022.)
- July 2009 (Revised June 2010)
- Supplement
Executive Pay and the Credit Crisis of 2008 (B)
By: V.G. Narayanan and Lisa Brem
As the recession lingered on into 2009, the U.S. government sought to limit executive pay and excessive risk. The debate raged over what constituted excessive risk and how best to mitigate it. This case describes the government restrictions on executive pay for TARP... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Government Legislation; Executive Compensation; Risk Management; Business and Government Relations; Motivation and Incentives; United States
Narayanan, V.G., and Lisa Brem. "Executive Pay and the Credit Crisis of 2008 (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 110-005, July 2009. (Revised June 2010.)
- October 2016
- Case
Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel's Cellular Market (A)
By: Joshua Margolis, Amram Migdal and Kerry Herman
The case addresses reforms to regulations in Israel’s telecommunications industry initiated and implemented under the leadership of Minister of Communications Moshe Kahlon in 2009-2010. The case highlights the challenges faced by a politician attempting to institute... View Details
Keywords: Market Reform; Political Leadership; Industry Regulation; Regulatory Reforms; Economic Sectors; Private Sector; Public Sector; Ethics; Values and Beliefs; Geopolitical Units; Country; Geography; Government Administration; Government Legislation; Business History; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Market Design; Market Participation; Supply and Industry; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Industry Structures; Telecommunications Industry; Communications Industry; Public Administration Industry; Israel
Margolis, Joshua, Amram Migdal, and Kerry Herman. "Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel's Cellular Market (A)." Harvard Business School Case 417-017, October 2016.
- March 2018
- Teaching Note
Making Target the Target: Boycotts and Corporate Political Activity (A) and (B)
By: Nien-hê Hsieh and Victor Wu
Through the challenges facing Target, the case examines the ways in which corporations can become involved in political and legislative debates and processes, ranging from campaign contributions to lobbying. In 2016, Target CEO Brian Cornell must determine how to... View Details
Keywords: Public Opinion; Social Issues; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Problems and Challenges; Laws and Statutes; Rights; Crisis Management; Risk Management; Media; Political Elections; Taxation; Corporate Accountability; Values and Beliefs; Fairness; Diversity; Customers; Communication; Business and Government Relations; Retail Industry; United States
- July 2018 (Revised September 2018)
- Case
Donald Trump and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
By: Matthew Weinzierl and Robert Scherf
In January 2018, President Donald Trump was full of optimism. He had just signed the most substantial legislation of his young presidency, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), making major changes to the tax code. Echoing his campaign slogan—Make America Great Again—Trump... View Details
Weinzierl, Matthew, and Robert Scherf. "Donald Trump and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." Harvard Business School Case 719-002, July 2018. (Revised September 2018.)
- 2007
- Article
Pharmacovigilance and the Missing Denominator: The Changing Context of Pharmaceutical Risk Mitigation
By: Arthur A. Daemmrich
In the wake of Vioxx, Avandia, and other recent prominent cases of drugs found to cause side effects after marketing, the safety of pharmaceuticals has come to the forefront of American public policy. Press attention, congressional investigations, and legislative... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Policy; Risk Management; Government Legislation; Risk and Uncertainty; Goals and Objectives; Customers; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry; United States
Daemmrich, Arthur A. "Pharmacovigilance and the Missing Denominator: The Changing Context of Pharmaceutical Risk Mitigation." Pharmacy in History 49, no. 2 (2007): 61–75.
- December 2018
- Case
DraftKings and the Future of Fantasy Sports
By: Robert F. Higgins and Julia Kelley
Founded in 2012, DraftKings helped change the fantasy sports landscape by popularizing daily fantasy sports (DFS), or short-term fantasy sports tournaments that offered big cash prizes to winners. The company’s valuation exceeded $1 billion by 2015, but DraftKings soon... View Details
Keywords: Fantasy Sports; Daily Fantasy Sports; DraftKings; FanDuel; Supreme Court; Sports Betting; Sports Gambling; Sports; Business Model; Government Legislation; Lawsuits and Litigation; Laws and Statutes; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Sports Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States; Massachusetts; Boston
Higgins, Robert F., and Julia Kelley. "DraftKings and the Future of Fantasy Sports." Harvard Business School Case 819-074, December 2018.
- August 2020
- Article
A History of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs in the United States: Political Appeal and Public Health Efficacy
By: A Jay Holmgren, Alyssa Botelho and Allan M Brandt
Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) have become a widely embraced policy to address the US opioid crisis. Despite mixed scientific evidence on their effectiveness at improving health and reducing overdose deaths, 49 states and Washington, DC have adopted... View Details
Keywords: Health Disorders; Information Technology; Programs; Technology Adoption; History; Government and Politics; Policy; United States
Holmgren, A Jay, Alyssa Botelho, and Allan M Brandt. "A History of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs in the United States: Political Appeal and Public Health Efficacy." American Journal of Public Health 110, no. 8 (August 2020).
- Forthcoming
- Article
What's My Employee Worth? The Effects of Salary Benchmarking
By: Zoë B. Cullen, Shengwu Li and Ricardo Perez-Truglia
While U.S. legislation prohibits employers from sharing information about their employees’
compensation with each other, companies are still allowed to acquire and use more aggregated
data provided by third parties. Most medium and large firms report using this type... View Details
- August 2008 (Revised May 2009)
- Background Note
Note on Generic Drugs in the European Union
By: Robert C. Pozen and Elizabeth M. Leonard
Rules governing the introduction of generic drugs in U.S. and EU have some similarities but significant differences because of the Hatch-Waxman Act in the U.S. View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Government Legislation; Health Care and Treatment; Trademarks; Brands and Branding; Pharmaceutical Industry; European Union; United States
Pozen, Robert C., and Elizabeth M. Leonard. "Note on Generic Drugs in the European Union." Harvard Business School Background Note 309-019, August 2008. (Revised May 2009.)
- 21 Sep 2009
- Research & Ideas
Excessive Executive Pay: What’s the Solution?
AIG phenomenon. On Wall Street, it was endemic. Bankers gave themselves nearly $20 billion in 2008 bonuses, even as the economy was spiraling downward and the government was spending billions on bailouts. Politicians pounced. President... View Details
Keywords: by Roger Thompson