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- Faculty Publications (136)
- January 2008 (Revised February 2008)
- Case
South Dakota Wheat Growers
By: David E. Bell and Mary L. Shelman
As a farmer-owned cooperative, South Dakota Wheat Growers (SDWG) serves the needs of its 3,600 active farmer-members by supplying farm inputs and organizing the marketing and transportation of grain produced in the co-op's service territory. For almost 80 years, the... View Details
Keywords: Cooperative Ownership; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Production; Rail Transportation; Marketing Strategy; Expansion; Economic Growth; Global Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; South Dakota
Bell, David E., and Mary L. Shelman. "South Dakota Wheat Growers." Harvard Business School Case 508-034, January 2008. (Revised February 2008.)
- December 2007 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Vegpro Group: Growing in Harmony
By: David E. Bell, Brian Milder and Mary Shelman
Vegpro, a horticulture company, is Kenya's largest exporter of fresh vegetables and flowers to top supermarkets in the U.K. and Europe. In 2007, Vegpro's business is threatened by growing consumer concern about the environmental impact of food production and transport,... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Developing Countries and Economies; Ethics; Food; Growth and Development Strategy; Operations; Environmental Sustainability; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Kenya; Europe; United Kingdom
Bell, David E., Brian Milder, and Mary Shelman. "Vegpro Group: Growing in Harmony." Harvard Business School Case 508-001, December 2007. (Revised February 2017.)
- November 2007 (Revised April 2008)
- Case
Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar: A Rural Business Initiative
By: David E. Bell, Nitin Sanghavi, Virginia Fuller and Mary L. Shelman
In rural India, farmers historically had limited access to quality input items for both their fields and homes. Indian conglomerate DSCL has undertaken a Rural Business Initiative to address this issue, establishing a chain of retail outlets throughout rural India... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Conglomerates; Agribusiness; Rural Scope; Customer Relationship Management; Business Strategy; Service Operations; Networks; Alliances; Retail Industry; India
Bell, David E., Nitin Sanghavi, Virginia Fuller, and Mary L. Shelman. "Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar: A Rural Business Initiative." Harvard Business School Case 508-012, November 2007. (Revised April 2008.)
- September 2007 (Revised November 2007)
- Case
Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets
By: Tarun Khanna, Santiago Mingo and Jonathan West
In 2007, Bunge, an agribusiness company, had over $26 billion in worldwide sales and was considered, along with Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), one of three very integrated worldwide agribusiness companies. Headquartered in White Plains, NY, the company has... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; Operations; Organizational Design; Situation or Environment; Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; White Plains; Brazil
Khanna, Tarun, Santiago Mingo, and Jonathan West. "Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets." Harvard Business School Case 708-443, September 2007. (Revised November 2007.)
- December 2006 (Revised October 2007)
- Case
Monsanto: Realizing Biotech Value in Brazil
By: David E. Bell and Mary L. Shelman
In 2003, Monsanto's patented "Roundup Ready" technology was used illegally on 70-80% of the soybean area in southern Brazil. Under pressure from U.S. soybean growers, who were paying to license the technology, the firm implemented an innovative delivery-based... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Patents; Lawfulness; Emerging Markets; Product Development; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Brazil
Bell, David E., and Mary L. Shelman. "Monsanto: Realizing Biotech Value in Brazil." Harvard Business School Case 507-018, December 2006. (Revised October 2007.)
- December 2006 (Revised October 2007)
- Case
By: David E. Bell and Mary L. Shelman
Brazil's national agricultural research corporation, Embrapa, has developed an integrated crop and livestock production system that will allow farmers and ranchers to intensify production and improve profitability. Broad adoption of the technology would provide the... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Policy; Business and Government Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Technology Adoption; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Brazil
Bell, David E., and Mary L. Shelman. "Embrapa." Harvard Business School Case 507-019, December 2006. (Revised October 2007.)
- November 2006
- Supplement
Sarah Talley and Frey Farms Produce: Negotiating with Wal-Mart (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Ellen Knebel
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Sebenius, James K., and Ellen Knebel. "Sarah Talley and Frey Farms Produce: Negotiating with Wal-Mart (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 907-004, November 2006.
- December 2005 (Revised July 2006)
- Case
Bunge: Poised for Growth
By: David E. Bell and Mary L. Shelman
As CEO of the world's largest oilseed processor, Alberto Weisser of Bunge must not only decide how quickly to expand in fast-growing markets of Eastern Europe and Asia, but also how best to leverage the firm's global footprint and leadership position. The firm is... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Trade; Global Strategy; Leadership; Growth Management; Management Style; Demand and Consumers; Supply Chain; Integration; Technology; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Asia; Europe
Bell, David E., and Mary L. Shelman. "Bunge: Poised for Growth." Harvard Business School Case 506-036, December 2005. (Revised July 2006.)
- December 2005 (Revised February 2006)
- Case
By: Forest L. Reinhardt, Vincent Marie Dessain and Anders Sjoman
In October 2005, Urs Riedener, head of marketing at Swiss retailer Migros, is contemplating the company's competitive position. Primarily a retailer for foods and near-foods products, the cooperative Migros, with close to 600 retail outlets in Switzerland (but only... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Corporate Governance; Corporate Strategy; Cooperative Ownership; Supply Chain Management; Product Marketing; Environmental Sustainability; Social Enterprise; Business or Company Management; Marketing Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Switzerland
- November 2005 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
Brazil Sugar and the WTO: Agricultural Reform in the European Union
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Kerry Herman and Irina Tarsis
Pedro de Camargo Neto, Brazil's secretary of trade and production for the Ministry of Agriculture, has won a WTO sugar decision for Brazil against the EU sugar policies. This case analyzes what this decision will mean to world food policies, especially those of the EU... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Governing and Advisory Boards; Policy; Government and Politics; Food and Beverage Industry; Europe; United States; Brazil
Goldberg, Ray A., Kerry Herman, and Irina Tarsis. "Brazil Sugar and the WTO: Agricultural Reform in the European Union." Harvard Business School Case 906-408, November 2005. (Revised April 2006.)
- November 2005 (Revised August 2007)
- Case
ConAgra Foods: The Next Chapter
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Mary L. Shelman
In 2005, CEO Bruce Rohde has almost completed the integration of ConAgra Foods' collection of 90 independent operating companies into a focused, value-added firm and was beginning to think about his successor. ConAgra had become the second largest food company and No.... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Corporate Strategy; Leading Change; Management Succession; Strategic Planning; Brands and Branding; Food; Agribusiness; Product Marketing; Management Teams; Transformation; Customer Focus and Relationships; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; United States
Goldberg, Ray A., and Mary L. Shelman. "ConAgra Foods: The Next Chapter." Harvard Business School Case 906-409, November 2005. (Revised August 2007.)
- October 2005
- Case
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 2005
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Mary L. Shelman
CEO Mayo Schmidt had just guided his firm through five difficult years. Survival had come with the difficult decision to change the 80-year-old agricultural cooperative into a Canadian business corporation. The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (SWP) now faced the future with a... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Customer Value and Value Chain; Capital; Technological Innovation; Leading Change; Demand and Consumers; Partners and Partnerships; Expansion; Technology Adoption; Food and Beverage Industry; Canada
Goldberg, Ray A., and Mary L. Shelman. "Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 2005." Harvard Business School Case 906-402, October 2005.
- December 2004 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Exporting Spanish Olive Oil to the U.S. Market
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Hal Hogan and Miguel Angel Llano Irusta
Spain is the largest olive oil producer, yet it sells much of its product to Italy, where it is repackaged as Italian olive oil. The decision maker in the case wants to develop Spain as the olive oil leader not just in production but in quality and value added. He... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Trade; Goods and Commodities; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Brands and Branding; Decisions; Customization and Personalization; Product Design; Product Development; Marketing Strategy; Product Marketing; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Spain; United States; Italy
- March 2004 (Revised August 2004)
- Case
Restricting Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value in Texas Public Schools
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Hal Hogan
The Commission of Agriculture in Texas wants to improve the nutritional quality of the school lunch program to help fight obesity in students. It needs the cooperation of the soft drink industry to change their products and the manner in which they provide financial... View Details
Keywords: Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Nutrition; Food; Quality; Education; Education Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Hal Hogan. "Restricting Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value in Texas Public Schools." Harvard Business School Case 904-420, March 2004. (Revised August 2004.)
- January 2004 (Revised November 2004)
- Case
Rwandan Tea Industry, The: Looking into the Future
By: Debora L. Spar
In 2003, the Rwandan government was focused on transforming the nation's tea industry into a world-class competitor. To accomplish this objective and stave off the downward prices that plagued the international tea market, the government believed that the industry... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Market Entry and Exit; Competitive Strategy; Privatization; Government and Politics; Developing Countries and Economies; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Rwanda
Spar, Debora L., and Cate Reavis. "Rwandan Tea Industry, The: Looking into the Future." Harvard Business School Case 704-007, January 2004. (Revised November 2004.)
- October 2003
- Case
ABS Global
By: David E. Bell, Hal Hogan and Jose M. M. Porraz
ABS Global is considering an acquisition in Australia. Efficient production and distribution is becoming more difficult as it becomes global. Yet trade restrictions and local preferences for its product, bull semen, dictate that ABS come up with a new way to... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Production; Global Strategy; Distribution; Adaptation; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Australia
Bell, David E., Hal Hogan, and Jose M. M. Porraz. "ABS Global." Harvard Business School Case 504-053, October 2003.
- November 2002 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
ConAgra Foods
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Ingrid Vargas
In 2002, ConAgra Foods CEO Bruce Rohde was deliberating the next steps in the process of transforming the company from an agribusiness giant to a value-added food processor. ConAgra had become the second largest food company and number one food service supplier in the... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Strategy; Leading Change; Change Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Food; Agribusiness; Product; Business Processes; Management Teams; Expansion; Brands and Branding; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; United States
Goldberg, Ray A., and Ingrid Vargas. "ConAgra Foods." Harvard Business School Case 903-412, November 2002. (Revised May 2003.)
- October 2002 (Revised February 2006)
- Case
Codex Alimentarius and Food Labeling
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Hal Hogan
Codex Alimentarius is a set of international food standards devised by the Codex Commission, a body within the United Nations jointly sponsored by the FAO and WHO. The purpose of the standards is to harmonize global trade in food products and agricultural commodities,... View Details
Keywords: Standards; Trade; Agreements and Arrangements; Food; Agribusiness; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Globalization; Health; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Hal Hogan. "Codex Alimentarius and Food Labeling." Harvard Business School Case 903-417, October 2002. (Revised February 2006.)
- December 2001 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
Nestle S.A.
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Hal Hogan
Peter Brabeck wants to focus Nestle as a wellness company in the global food system and do so in a way that provides both growth in sales and margins in both developed and developing countries. View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Product Development; Supply Chain Management; Food; Multinational Firms and Management; Business Growth and Maturation; Sales; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Switzerland
Goldberg, Ray A., and Hal Hogan. "Nestle S.A." Harvard Business School Case 902-419, December 2001. (Revised January 2002.)
- October 2001 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
Calgene, Inc.
By: Ray A. Goldberg and John T. Gourville
In 1993, Calgene is on the verge of introducing the world's first genetically engineered plant product--a tomato will taste better and stay fresh longer. At the same time, it is using biotechnology to produce improved plant products for the cottonseed and the... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Marketing Strategy; Market Entry and Exit; Product Launch; Innovation Strategy; Social Issues; Production; Problems and Challenges; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and John T. Gourville. "Calgene, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 502-041, October 2001. (Revised April 2002.)