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- 17 Sep 2001
- What Do You Think?
What Is “Business as Usual” After September 11?
this when she said "To be blunt, I am concerned about security in a way I have not been since the '70s. And I am prepared to put up with greater inconvenience and higher taxes (note taxes, not prices) to have more peace of mind.... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 12 Sep 2007
- Op-Ed
Building Sandcastles: The Subprime Adventure
market that seemed to promise endless double-digit returns. Typically, an investor bought a bundle of subprime loans from a mortgage bank. Investment banking houses such as Bear Sterns organized hedge funds. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China bought $1.23... View Details
- 06 May 2014
- First Look
First Look: May 6
workers, the middle class, and the nonpolitical rich, jeopardizing the nation's security in the process. The authors contend that this usurpation is the source of America's economic decline and fading international power and provide an... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 19 Jul 2011
- Research & Ideas
Rupert Murdoch and the Seeds of Moral Hazard
the food and apparel industries and the need to "secure" all elements of their production chain, most other industries have yet to recognize such a hazard. In the media business, news items require fair and secure sourcing,... View Details
- 25 Apr 2005
- Research & Ideas
New Learning at American Home Products
1931 of John Wyeth & Brothers. In prescription drugs, the company's initial learning base emerged with the purchase in 1931 of John Wyeth & Brothers, a respected mid-sized Philadelphia drug company established in 1860. The Wyeth family had made a substantial... View Details
- 26 Jan 2004
- Research & Ideas
What Developing-World Companies Teach Us About Innovation
enduring legacy. An inability to secure credit emerged as a primary obstacle to financing construction projects. The CEMEX team discovered that to raise capital for building, poor Mexicans would organize tandas, lotteries in which a group... View Details
- 10 Jun 2002
- Research & Ideas
Reinventing the Industrial Giant
However, this project was a failure. As one former securities analyst noted, "None of this stuff worked the way it was supposed to." 76 This history seems especially relevant given GM's current attempts to create yet another... View Details
- December 2013
- Case
Bruce Allyn: Negotiating with the KGB (A)
Isolated by the KGB in Moscow, Harvard graduate student Bruce Allyn faces high-pressure negotiation tactics to recruit him for the Soviet spy agency. At the tense height of the Cold War, with CIA agents systematically being exposed and executed in Russia, Allyn was... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Bargaining; Hard Bargaining; KGB; Espionage; Spying; War; National Security; Alliances; Ethics; Negotiation Tactics; Decision Choices and Conditions; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Offer; Cambridge; Moscow; Soviet Union
Sebenius, James K. "Bruce Allyn: Negotiating with the KGB (A)." Harvard Business School Case 914-027, December 2013.
- March 2006
- Case
Wells Fargo Convertible Bonds
By: Malcolm P. Baker and Elizabeth Kind
Howard Atkins, the chief financial officer of Wells Fargo, is considering issuing $3 billion in convertible debt. With an investment-grade credit rating, Wells Fargo is not the typical issuer of convertible securities, but the market conditions in 2003 are unusual.... View Details
Keywords: Capital Structure; Financial Institutions; Banks and Banking; Debt Securities; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Strategy; Banking Industry
Baker, Malcolm P., and Elizabeth Kind. "Wells Fargo Convertible Bonds." Harvard Business School Case 206-022, March 2006.
- 24 Feb 2011
- Research & Ideas
What’s Government’s Role in Regulating Home Purchase Financing?
private mortgage credit dries up. "In that case, a government-owned corporation could guarantee newly issued, high-quality mortgage-backed securities to keep credit flowing," says Scharfstein. "This entity could have a small footprint in... View Details
- 15 Aug 2017
- First Look
First Look at New Research and Ideas, August 15, 2017
emerging and developed markets. The stated objective was to create a corruption-proof social security infrastructure that enables the disenfranchised to access benefits without any diversion to middlemen and unscrupulous elements. While... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 05 May 2003
- Research & Ideas
What It Takes to Restore Trust in Business
professionalism. Those are missing now, and those are exactly the qualities that are needed before we'll see any significant change in the prevailing lack of trust, he said. Our securities industry is broken. It's in terrible shape.— D.... View Details
- 23 Apr 2008
- Op-Ed
The Gap in the U.S. Treasury Recommendations
not disappear. With tightened credit standards and higher capital requirements on loans, it became more profitable for banks to package loans as securities and sell the credit risk to the buyers of View Details
- February 2019 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
Quiksilver Inc. and Oaktree Capital Management
By: Kristin Mugford and Mike Harmon
Sports lifestyle company Quiksilver filed for bankruptcy in September 2015. Oaktree is considering an additional investment in the company to facilitate the restructuring.
Students must consider whether Oaktree should invest given the risks of the turnaround... View Details
Keywords: Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Reorganization; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Acquisition; Restructuring; Debt Securities; Transformation; Decision Making; Borrowing and Debt; Investment Return; Crisis Management; Negotiation; Retail Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Consumer Products Industry; France; United States
Mugford, Kristin, and Mike Harmon. "Quiksilver Inc. and Oaktree Capital Management." Harvard Business School Case 219-097, February 2019. (Revised January 2021.)
- 16 Jan 2012
- Research & Ideas
Private Meetings of Public Companies Thwart Disclosure Rules
In the fall of, the US Securities and Exchange Commission issued a new rule meant to combat the problem of selective disclosure among public companies and their favorite investors. Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg FD) mandated that any... View Details
- 20 Sep 2011
- First Look
First Look: September 20
sections of an empirical research paper (introduction, method, results, and discussion), as well as guidelines on how to evaluate each section. Purchase this note: Securities Lending... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 17 Jan 2017
- Research & Ideas
Can China Maintain Its Economic Power?
economic experiments and progress on infrastructure and food security once they put the Cultural Revolution behind them. Postwar Japan had begun to rise in the 1960s. The four Asian tigers [Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan] got... View Details
Keywords: by Deborah Blagg
- 12 Oct 1999
- Research & Ideas
Spirit at Work: The Search for Deeper Meaning in the Workplace
computer consulting firm specializing in e-commerce; Akal Security Company; and natural food enterprises such as the Yogi Tea Company), for which he serves as executive vice president. "Our goal is to provide products and services... View Details
Keywords: by Marguerite Rigoglioso
- 23 Jun 2009
- First Look
First Look: June 23
port their data between products securely and reliably. This paper reviews the rationale for these principles and examines their impact on competition in the cloud computing ("Internet-software") environment. Download the paper:... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 14 Jul 2008
- Research & Ideas
HBS Cases: Reforming New Orleans Schools After Katrina
do not receive capital allocations for building or leasing facilities, which represent significant start-up and recurring costs. They must either reduce what they spend on teaching and learning or secure private funding to make the rent.... View Details