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- All HBS Web
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- Research Summary
Strategic Human Capital
My research focuses on the links between managerial background, job attributes, organizational/firm characteristics, and firm performance. Broadly speaking, I am interested in how a manager's skills, knowledge, connections, experiences, and other attributes... View Details
- 22 Oct 2021
- Research & Ideas
Want Hybrid Work to Succeed? Trust, Don’t Track, Employees
innovation, specific collaboration needs, or team building—meeting in person may be preferable. But rather than dictate a one-size-fits-all approach, Neeley says, business leaders should allow individuals and View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- May 2021 (Revised August 2021)
- Case
Airbnb During the Pandemic: Stakeholder Capitalism Faces a Critical Test
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Allison Ciechanover
As the COVID pandemic spread in early 2020, global travel ground to a halt. For Airbnb, the San Francisco-based platform for renting accommodations, the impact was both swift and severe as revenues plummeted more than 70% over the prior year. Responding to the sudden... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Corporate Governance; Crisis Management; Leadership; Digital Platforms; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Value Creation; Decision Making; Goals and Objectives; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Travel Industry; Tourism Industry; Service Industry; United States
Esty, Benjamin C., and Allison Ciechanover. "Airbnb During the Pandemic: Stakeholder Capitalism Faces a Critical Test." Harvard Business School Case 221-050, May 2021. (Revised August 2021.)
- November 2021 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
Nicole M. Jones and The Hangar℠: Delta Air Lines' Global Innovation Center
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Tedards
In 2016, Nicole M. Jones was hired to lead The Hangar, Delta Air Lines’ new innovation center in Atlanta, Georgia. Delta’s leadership had intended for The Hangar to catalyze a new approach to innovation at the company. After conducting three months of research on... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Lab; Breakthrough Innovation; Biometric Technology; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Innovation and Management; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Georgia (state, US)
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Tedards. "Nicole M. Jones and The Hangar℠: Delta Air Lines' Global Innovation Center." Harvard Business School Case 422-042, November 2021. (Revised January 2022.)
- December 2014 (Revised July 2021)
- Case
Discovery Limited
By: Michael E. Porter, Mark R. Kramer and Aldo Sesia
Discovery Ltd. is a South Africa-based insurance company. Started in the early 1990s, Discovery used behavioral economics and data collection to innovate in the health care insurance industry. Its founder Adrian Gore believed that the company's products needed to not... View Details
Keywords: Shared Value; Health Care; Financial Services; Strategy; Value Creation; Health Care and Treatment; Insurance; Growth and Development Strategy; Financial Services Industry; Health Industry; Insurance Industry; South Africa
Porter, Michael E., Mark R. Kramer, and Aldo Sesia. "Discovery Limited." Harvard Business School Case 715-423, December 2014. (Revised July 2021.)
- September 26, 2022
- Article
Is Your Family Office Built for the Future?
By: Josh Baron and Rob Lachenauer
Family offices can provide a number of benefits, including privacy, customization, and having your own team to handle a wide range of services, such as guiding family philanthropy, managing shared properties, or even managing household help. Successful principals in... View Details
Baron, Josh, and Rob Lachenauer. "Is Your Family Office Built for the Future?" Harvard Business Review (website) (September 26, 2022).
- March 2004 (Revised April 2004)
- Background Note
Seeing What's on Red Auerbach's Mind
Analysis of an interview with Red Auerbach, HBR No. 87201. Alan M. Webber, who conducted the interview, probed for the lessons that Auerbach has learned from a long and productive career coaching and managing the Boston Celtics, a professional basketball team in the... View Details
Keywords: Markets; Research; Sports; Product Development; Communication Intention and Meaning; Sports Industry
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and John T. Gourville. "Seeing What's on Red Auerbach's Mind." Harvard Business School Background Note 804-160, March 2004. (Revised April 2004.)
- December 1996 (Revised July 1997)
- Case
Parker's Biscuits, Inc.: Venturing into China
Carol Wittenberg's first major task as president of the Asia/Pacific business for Parker's Biscuits is to set up a joint venture to manufacture biscuits in China. The team that Wittenberg has put together to find a joint venture partner has narrowed the choice down to... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Decision Choices and Conditions; Manufacturing Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; China
Gray, Ann E. "Parker's Biscuits, Inc.: Venturing into China." Harvard Business School Case 697-056, December 1996. (Revised July 1997.)
- October 1998 (Revised December 2001)
- Case
Procter & Gamble: Always Russia
P&G has rapidly gained market leadership in Russia with the Always feminine protection brand. The distinctive emerging market strategies employed by P&G are discussed. In planning further market development, the management team faces three decisions: 1) whether to... View Details
Arnold, David J. "Procter & Gamble: Always Russia." Harvard Business School Case 599-050, October 1998. (Revised December 2001.)
- 25 Oct 2011
- Research & Ideas
Chasing Stars: Why the Mighty Red Sox Struck Out
consistently well on all six major league teams for which he has played from 1995 to 2011. The Tricky Business Of Managing Stars Shortly after the historic 2011 meltdown, Red Sox View Details
- July 2012 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
How Much? (A)
By: Clayton Rose
The leader of a small business team must deal with an employee who is unwilling to reveal to him the profitability of a transaction for the firm and client. View Details
Keywords: Culture; Client Responsibility; Leadership; Groups and Teams; Ethics; Finance; Conflict Management
Rose, Clayton. "How Much? (A)." Harvard Business School Case 313-004, July 2012. (Revised July 2012.)
- March 2021 (Revised September 2021)
- Case
Applied: Using Behavioral Science to Debias Hiring
By: Ashley Whillans and Jeff Polzer
The UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) needed to hire a new associate and were trying to increase the diversity of their job candidates. This decision was based on academic research showing that recruiters and managers often fell into common traps like... View Details
Keywords: Hiring; Bias; Behavioral Science; Selection and Staffing; Diversity; Prejudice and Bias; Information Technology; Recruitment
Whillans, Ashley, and Jeff Polzer. "Applied: Using Behavioral Science to Debias Hiring." Harvard Business School Case 921-046, March 2021. (Revised September 2021.) (
- 19 Nov 2001
- Research & Ideas
Wrapping Your Alliances In a World Wide Web
chain management and advanced planning and scheduling software embed more advanced algorithms than their predecessors and offer the possibility of optimizing decisions across an entire supply chain, as opposed to within single firms. 52... View Details
Keywords: by Andrew McAfee
- October 2006 (Revised August 2007)
- Case
Marketing Chateau Margaux
By: John A. Deighton, Leyland Pitt, Vincent Marie Dessain, Daniela Beyersdorfer and Anders Sjoman
Chateau Margaux, luxury brand or connoisseur brand? Although France is awash with unsold wine, demand has never been stronger for the very finest Bordeaux. How should Margaux sustain and grow its business? The Chateau management team is wondering if it can take more... View Details
Keywords: Price; Growth and Development Strategy; Brands and Branding; Distribution; Luxury; Food and Beverage Industry; France
Deighton, John A., Leyland Pitt, Vincent Marie Dessain, Daniela Beyersdorfer, and Anders Sjoman. "Marketing Chateau Margaux." Harvard Business School Case 507-033, October 2006. (Revised August 2007.) (request a courtesy copy.)
Mihir A. Desai
Mihir A. Desai is the Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance at Harvard Business School and a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He received his Ph.D. in political economy from Harvard... View Details
- March 2008 (Revised June 2009)
- Case
Actis: January 2008
By: Felda Hardymon, Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
Paul Feltcher, the CEO of Actis, a leading private equity investor in emerging markets, is preparing for an executive retreat at which the management team will consider how best to position the firm for the future. Actis could move in a number of different directions... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Private Equity; Investment; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Teams; Emerging Markets; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Hardymon, Felda, Josh Lerner, and Ann Leamon. "Actis: January 2008." Harvard Business School Case 808-130, March 2008. (Revised June 2009.)
- 1 Mar 2013 - 2 Mar 2013
- Conference Presentation
The Value of Flexibility in Baseball Roster Construction
By: Timothy Chan and Douglas S. Fearing
Drawing inspiration from the theory of production flexibility in manufacturing networks, we provide the first optimization-based analysis of the value of positional flexibility (the ability of a player to play multiple positions) for a major league baseball team in the... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Design; Production; Resource Allocation; Groups and Teams; Adaptation; Sports
- Article
Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development
By: Michael Beer
A normative and actionable theory of planned organizational change and development is proposed based on fifty years of engagement by the author as a scholar-consultant. Five principles are central features of the theory and practice proposed: 1) Organizations are... View Details
Keywords: Consultant; Process; Systems; Silence; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership; Learning; Management Teams
Beer, Michael. "Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development." Journal of Change Management 21, no. 1 (2021).
- 09 Dec 2013
- Research & Ideas
Cultural Disharmony Undermines Workplace Creativity
Conflicts in Social Environment Undermine Creativity, a paper published this month in the Academy of Management Journal. Multicultural teams may need managerial nurturing to overcome frictions. Photo:... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- March 2022 (Revised September 2022)
- Case
Can Papaya Global Keep Scaling Fast?
By: Daniel Isenberg and William R. Kerr
Companies that employ people all around the world also need to pay those people. That can be an exceedingly complex task, though - defining terms of employment, complying with global regulations, and working with huge quantities of data, among other obstacles,... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Scaling And Growth; Job Design and Levels; Compensation and Benefits; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Global Range
Isenberg, Daniel, and William R. Kerr. "Can Papaya Global Keep Scaling Fast?" Harvard Business School Case 222-072, March 2022. (Revised September 2022.)