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- Faculty Publications (1,294)
- June 2000
- Case
Lifeline Systems, Inc. (A)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Marilyn Matis
Lifeline Systems provides emergency response equipment to the elderly who live at home. The company uses local hospitals to market, sell, and install these units in homes, while the hospital monitors and calls for aid to respond to emergency calls from the elderly... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Product Marketing; Sales; Problems and Challenges; Growth and Development Strategy; Managerial Roles; Service Operations; Information Infrastructure; Age; Service Delivery; Restructuring; Crisis Management; Health Industry; Health Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Marilyn Matis. "Lifeline Systems, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 600-099, June 2000.
- April 2000
- Teaching Note
Patient Care Delivery Model at the Massachusetts General Hospital, The TN
By: Amy C. Edmondson, Richard M.J. Bohmer and Emily Heaphy
Teaching Note for (9-699-154). View Details
- April 2000 (Revised July 2001)
- Case
Oxford Health Plans (B): Crisis Strikes
By: Robert S. Huckman and Jody H. Gittell
Supplements the (A) case. A rewritten version of an earlier supplement. View Details
Huckman, Robert S., and Jody H. Gittell. "Oxford Health Plans (B): Crisis Strikes." Harvard Business School Case 800-366, April 2000. (Revised July 2001.)
- March 2000
- Teaching Note
Oxford Health Plans (A): Specialty Management [and] Oxford Health Plans (B): Crisis Strikes TN
By: James L. Heskett, Richard M.J. Bohmer and Jody H. Gittell
Teaching Note for (9-898-042) and (9-800-366). View Details
- March 2000
- Case
Heartport, Inc.
By: Gary P. Pisano and Shoshana Dobrow
Heartport, an entrepreneurial medical device maker, has introduced several innovative systems for conducting less-invasive cardiac surgery. Despite initially high expectations, the company has struggled to get its technology adopted by cardiac surgeons. The company's... View Details
Keywords: History; Product Positioning; Knowledge Acquisition; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Technology Adoption; Health Care and Treatment
Pisano, Gary P., and Shoshana Dobrow. "Heartport, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 600-020, March 2000.
- February 2000
- Article
Protection of the Health Care Consumer: The 'Truth' Agency
- January 2000 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Cambridge Hospital Community Health Network - The Primary Care Unit
By: V.G. Narayanan, Lisa Brem and Ryan Moore
The Cambridge Hospital Community Health Network needed to gain a better understanding of its unit-of-service costs, which had been rising at a rate of 10% per year. The network's step-down costing system gave only aggregate costing information, and there was some... View Details
Keywords: Activity Based Costing and Management; Health Care and Treatment; Cost Accounting; Cost; Network Effects; Health Industry; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Narayanan, V.G., Lisa Brem, and Ryan Moore. "Cambridge Hospital Community Health Network - The Primary Care Unit." Harvard Business School Case 100-054, January 2000. (Revised October 2002.)
- January–February 2000
- Article
Consumer-Driven Changes in Health Care in the United States
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Consumer-Driven Changes in Health Care in the United States." Endocrine Practice 6, no. 1 (January–February 2000): 103–109.
- October 1999
- Article
Finding 'Truth' in Managed Care
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Finding 'Truth' in Managed Care." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 24, no. 5 (October 1999).
- October–November 1999
- Article
Why Market-Driven Health Care Will Replace Managed Care
- July 1999 (Revised July 1999)
- Teaching Note
Guidant: Cardiac Rhythm Management Business (A) and (B) TN
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and Edward T Smith
Teaching Note for (9-698-021) and (9-698-024). View Details
- June 1999 (Revised May 2000)
- Exercise
Working with your "Shadow Partner" in the healthcare industry (A)
By: Richard L. Nolan
Intended to introduce individuals to search engines and databases on the Internet, in particular those that are available to HBS. This exercise is a more difficult version of Working with Your "Shadow Partner" and is intended for those with some previous Internet... View Details
Nolan, Richard L. Working with your "Shadow Partner" in the healthcare industry (A). Harvard Business School Exercise 399-177, June 1999. (Revised May 2000.)
- May 1999 (Revised July 2000)
- Teaching Note
Reading Rehabilitation Hospital: Implementing Patient-Focused Care TN
By: Jody H. Gittell and Sandra J. Sucher
Teaching Note for (9-898-172). A rewritten version of an earlier teaching note. View Details
- March 1999
- Case
Merck & Co., Inc.: Corporate Strategy, Organization and Culture (A)
By: Michael Beer and Perry Fagan
In the early 1990s, Merck faced a series of challenges because of significant changes in its competitive and regulatory environment (e.g., growth in power of pharmaceutical buyers like managed care organizations led to price pressures and President Clinton's review of... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business or Company Management; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Management Practices and Processes; Competitive Strategy; Management Teams; Health Care and Treatment; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Situation or Environment; Alignment; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Beer, Michael, and Perry Fagan. "Merck & Co., Inc.: Corporate Strategy, Organization and Culture (A)." Harvard Business School Case 499-054, March 1999.
- March 1999 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Patient Care Delivery Model at the Massachusetts General Hospital, The
By: Amy C. Edmondson, Richard M.J. Bohmer and Emily Heaphy
Examines the implementation of a new patient care delivery model at Massachusetts General Hospital. Uses clinical and financial data to examine different choices for staffing non-physician health care professionals and to understand the challenges of managing change... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Service Delivery; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Edmondson, Amy C., Richard M.J. Bohmer, and Emily Heaphy. "Patient Care Delivery Model at the Massachusetts General Hospital, The." Harvard Business School Case 699-154, March 1999. (Revised February 2000.)
- February 1999
- Case
Lifeline Systems, Inc. (B)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Marilyn Matis
In 1997, Lifeline Systems continues to grow its service business to $32 million, 56% of the company's total revenues. More local hospital Lifeline programs turn over their monitoring service to Lifeline Central, expanding the company's subscriber base by 30%. The... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Information Technology; Expansion; Cost Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Change; Customer Relationship Management; Service Operations; Age; Investment; Health Industry; Health Industry; Cambridge; Boston
Bowen, H. Kent, and Marilyn Matis. "Lifeline Systems, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 699-038, February 1999.
- December 1998 (Revised September 1999)
- Case
Novartis: Betting on Life Sciences
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Srinivas Sunder
The merger of Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz produced genomic-based synergies for health care, agribusiness, and nutritional supplements. How to build on the strength of the individual divisions and provide synergies that would continue Novartis' leadership role is the question... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Divisions; Health Care and Treatment; Leadership; Product Positioning; Science-Based Business; Corporate Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Srinivas Sunder. "Novartis: Betting on Life Sciences." Harvard Business School Case 599-076, December 1998. (Revised September 1999.)
- November 1998
- Case
Wegmans Food Markets: Diabetes Counseling
By: Ray A. Goldberg, David E. Bell and Ann Leamon
Danny Wegman, president of Wegmans Food Markets, is trying to decide how to evaluate the success of a nutrition-counseling program for diabetics, and whether and how to expand the program beyond the two stores currently involved. Wegmans, with 57 stores and $2.3... View Details
Keywords: Performance Evaluation; Expansion; Programs; Human Needs; Financial Management; Health Care and Treatment; Nutrition; Consumer Behavior; Pharmaceutical Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., David E. Bell, and Ann Leamon. "Wegmans Food Markets: Diabetes Counseling." Harvard Business School Case 599-057, November 1998.
- October 1998 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
Gene Research, the Mapping of Life and the Global Economy
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Juan Enriquez-Cabot
A new firm is being created to speed up the process of mapping humans, animals, and plants by combining gene technology with rapid gene identification to improve the health and well being of the human population and the productivity of crops and animals. How does one... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Organizational Structure; Technological Innovation; Business Processes; Health Care and Treatment; Performance Productivity; Welfare; Agribusiness; Genetics; Science-Based Business; Biotechnology Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Juan Enriquez-Cabot. "Gene Research, the Mapping of Life and the Global Economy." Harvard Business School Case 599-016, October 1998. (Revised December 1999.)
- August 1998
- Case
Record Masters
By: William A. Sahlman, Michael J. Roberts and Laurence E. Katz
Kent Dauten, a former general partner at the Chicago private equity firm of Madison Dearborn Partners, has engaged in a search to personally sponsor a buyout in which he can play an active management role. He has received a selling memorandum for Record Masters, a... View Details
Sahlman, William A., Michael J. Roberts, and Laurence E. Katz. "Record Masters." Harvard Business School Case 899-020, August 1998.