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- Faculty Publications (1,211)
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- Faculty Publications (1,211)
- December 1982
- Article
Determinants of Food Consumption in American Households
By: D. Schmalensee and J. Quelch
Schmalensee, D., and J. Quelch. "Determinants of Food Consumption in American Households." Marketing Science Institute, Report (December 1982). (Cambridge, Mass., Report 82:112.)
- September 1982
- Teaching Note
Mattson Foods, Inc.: The Bardolini Division, Teaching Note
By: W. Earl Sasser
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
- 1982
- Chapter
The Capacity Expansion Process in a Growing Oligopoly: The Case of Corn Wet Milling
By: A. Michael Spence and M. E. Porter
- July 1982 (Revised December 1984)
- Case
Esmark, Inc. (A)
Involves the management of a firm with a market value of a going concern that is less than its breakup value. How does management maximize value for shareholders in this environment? View Details
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "Esmark, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 283-013, July 1982. (Revised December 1984.)
- April 1982 (Revised March 1986)
- Case
Standard Fruit Co. in Nicaragua (B)
By: James E. Austin
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Developing Countries and Economies; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Nicaragua
Austin, James E. "Standard Fruit Co. in Nicaragua (B)." Harvard Business School Case 382-149, April 1982. (Revised March 1986.)
- April 1982
- Case
Total Cereal
By: Stephen A. Greyser and John A. Quelch
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Greyser, Stephen A., and John A. Quelch. "Total Cereal." Harvard Business School Case 582-114, April 1982.
- March 1982
- Supplement
General Foods: Food Service Division, Video
By: John P. Kotter
Kotter, John P. "General Foods: Food Service Division, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 882-515, March 1982.
- February 1982 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
Breakfast Foods Corp. (A)
By: David E. Bell
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Bell, David E. "Breakfast Foods Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 182-202, February 1982. (Revised April 1994.)
- January 1982 (Revised November 1982)
- Case
General Foods: Productivity Measurement Program
By: Robert H. Hayes and Kim B. Clark
Hayes, Robert H., and Kim B. Clark. "General Foods: Productivity Measurement Program." Harvard Business School Case 682-072, January 1982. (Revised November 1982.)
- November 1981
- Supplement
General Foods: Food Service Division (B)
By: John P. Kotter
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Kotter, John P. "General Foods: Food Service Division (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 482-101, November 1981.
- November 1981 (Revised October 1985)
- Supplement
General Foods: Food Service Division (C)
By: John P. Kotter
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Kotter, John P. "General Foods: Food Service Division (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 482-102, November 1981. (Revised October 1985.)
- November 1981
- Case
Carnation International
By: Roy D. Shapiro
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Shapiro, Roy D. "Carnation International." Harvard Business School Case 682-042, November 1981.
- July 1981
- Supplement
American Distilling Co. (C)
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "American Distilling Co. (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 281-010, July 1981.
- July 1981
- Supplement
American Distilling Co. (D)
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "American Distilling Co. (D)." Harvard Business School Supplement 281-011, July 1981.
- July 1981
- Supplement
American Distilling Co. (E)
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "American Distilling Co. (E)." Harvard Business School Supplement 281-012, July 1981.
- June 1981 (Revised August 1985)
- Case
Shopfair Supermarkets (A)
By: John A. Quelch
The marketing vice president of the leading supermarket chain in a major metropolitan area has to plan his 1981 strategy in light of increasing warehouse store competition. Considers relationships with major manufacturers who are supplying warehouse stores with deal... View Details
Quelch, John A. "Shopfair Supermarkets (A)." Harvard Business School Case 581-158, June 1981. (Revised August 1985.)
- April 1981
- Case
Mexican Rural Development: SAM and PIDER
By: James E. Austin
Austin, James E. "Mexican Rural Development: SAM and PIDER." Harvard Business School Case 581-139, April 1981.
- March 1981
- Case
Heinz U.S.A.: Baby Food
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Heinz U.S.A.: Baby Food." Harvard Business School Case 381-102, March 1981.
- March 1981 (Revised July 1985)
- Supplement
Morris Alper & Sons, Inc. (C): Introduction to Video 1
Introduces Video 1. View Details
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Shapiro, Benson P. "Morris Alper & Sons, Inc. (C): Introduction to Video 1." Harvard Business School Supplement 581-100, March 1981. (Revised July 1985.)
- March 1981 (Revised July 1985)
- Supplement
Morris Alper & Sons, Inc. (D): Introduction to Video 2
Introduces Video 2. View Details
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
Shapiro, Benson P. "Morris Alper & Sons, Inc. (D): Introduction to Video 2." Harvard Business School Supplement 581-101, March 1981. (Revised July 1985.)