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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (12)
- News (1,092)
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- Faculty Publications (1,000)
- 2019
- Book
Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership
By: Linda A. Hill
In your career, or anyone's, there is one transition that stands out as the most crucial—going from individual contributor to competent manager.
New managers have to learn how to lead others rather than do the work themselves, to win trust and respect, to... View Details
New managers have to learn how to lead others rather than do the work themselves, to win trust and respect, to... View Details
Hill, Linda A. Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership. 2nd ed., Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2019.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Credit-Market Sentiment and the Business Cycle
By: David Lopez-Salido, Jeremy C. Stein and Egon Zakrajsek
Using U.S. data from 1929 to 2013, we show that elevated credit-market sentiment in year t – 2 is associated with a decline in economic activity in years t and t + 1. Underlying this result is the existence of predictable mean reversion in credit-market conditions.... View Details
Lopez-Salido, David, Jeremy C. Stein, and Egon Zakrajsek. "Credit-Market Sentiment and the Business Cycle." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 21879, January 2016.
- November 2011
- Article
Social Strategies That Work
By: Mikolaj Jan Piskorski
Although most companies have collected lots of friends and followers on social platforms such as Facebook, few have succeeded in generating profits there. That's because they merely port their digital strategies into social environments by broadcasting their commercial... View Details
Keywords: Social Platforms; Social Strategies; Social and Collaborative Networks; Customers; Relationships; Business Strategy; Profit
Piskorski, Mikolaj Jan. "Social Strategies That Work." Harvard Business Review 89, no. 11 (November 2011): 116–122.
- 2010
- Article
Corporate Governance at the World Bank and the Dilemma of Global Governance
By: Ashwin Kaja and Eric Werker
Most major decisions at the World Bank are made by its Board of Executive Directors. While some countries enjoy the opportunity to serve on this powerful body, most countries rarely, if ever, get that chance. This gives rise to the question: does board membership lead... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Decisions; Governing and Advisory Boards; Banks and Banking; Financing and Loans; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Voting; Globalized Economies and Regions
Kaja, Ashwin, and Eric Werker. "Corporate Governance at the World Bank and the Dilemma of Global Governance." World Bank Economic Review 24, no. 2 (2010).
- January 2001
- Background Note
Country Analysis in a "Global Village"
By: Bruce R. Scott
Substantially rewritten to establish the relevance of countries in the global context. It does so in terms of their differing economic performance in recent decades, and also by contrasting those that have "converged" toward the rich country norm (as theory would... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Economies and Regions; Macroeconomics; Trade; Business Strategy; Performance Evaluation; Industry Growth; Currency; Policy; Development Economics
Scott, Bruce R. Country Analysis in a "Global Village". Harvard Business School Background Note 701-074, January 2001.
Climate Change is Going to Transform Where and How We Build
As fires, floods, and droughts increasingly threaten homes, businesses, and other institutions, climate risk has become financial risk. Mortgages written on homes in exposed locations are being shed by banks and absorbed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,... View Details
- Web
The General Management Program Impact
Career-changing, life-changing where passionate leaders become the change. When senior executives from all corners of the world join forces at GMP, their energy, excitement, and expectations are flying high. From attending virtual... View Details
- 09 Dec 2002
- Research & Ideas
UnileverA Case Study
that foreign firms possess an "advantage" when they invest in a foreign market, it might be expected that they would earn higher returns than their domestic competitors. 7 This seems to be the general case, but perhaps not for... View Details
- Blog
Take Control of Your Personal Brand
emotions, attitudes, and expectations others have about you. Let's say you’re in a high-stakes situation—you're applying for a new job, seeking a raise, promoting your company to investors, or trying to engage a new client. Whether you... View Details
- 16 Nov 2021
- HBS Case
How a Company Made Employees So Miserable, They Killed Themselves
start, the company encouraged additional voluntary departures and offered to help people find new jobs, but got few takers. Many workers were civil servants who expected job security for life. And, at the time, unemployment was also high... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- 01 May 2013
- What Do You Think?
Why Isn’t ‘Servant Leadership’ More Prevalent?
The remarkable thing was that board members and employees alike hardly noticed as he did it. It was as if it was expected in a company with self-proclaimed servant leadership. Lao-Tzu wrote about servant leadership in the fifth-century... View Details
Keywords: by Jim Heskett
- 12 Dec 2017
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, December 12, 2017
Organizational Behavior The Energizing Nature of Work Engagement: Toward a New Need-Based Theory of Work Motivation By: Green, Paul, Eli Finkel, Grainne Fitzsimons, and Francesca Gino Abstract—We present theory suggesting that experiences at work that meet employees’... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 05 Dec 2023
- Research & Ideas
Are Virtual Tours Still Worth It in Real Estate? Evidence from 75,000 Home Sales
you’re an agent or a virtual-tour creator, temper your clients’ expectations and highlight potential benefits, like their ability to reduce showings with unlikely buyers. You Might Also Like: When Glasses Land the Gig: Employers Still... View Details
- Research Summary
Selling your Heritage: The Challenge of Legacy Divestitures
This paper studies companies that diversify away from and later divest their historical cores, or "legacy" businesses. There are many reasons a firm might undertake this strategy, including a concentration of the legacy business in a declining... View Details
- Research Summary
The Effects of Firm Size and Sales Growth Rate on Inventory Turnover Performance in the U.S. Retail Sector
We review and extend recent academic literature on the inventory turnover performance of public-listed U.S. retailers using firm-level financial data. Past research has shown that there is a large variation in the inventory turnover performance of retailers across... View Details
- February 1992 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
Intel Corp.--1992
By: Kenneth A. Froot
Intel Corp., the world's dominant designer and manufacturer of microprocessors (the "brains" of the personal computer), has accumulated a large amount of cash (net of debt). Furthermore, it expects to continue to accumulate cash at an unprecedented rate. Has the... View Details
Keywords: Dividends; Financial Management; Competition; Multinational Firms and Management; Cash; Technological Innovation; Capital Structure; Investment Return; Equity; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Semiconductor Industry; United States
Froot, Kenneth A. "Intel Corp.--1992." Harvard Business School Case 292-106, February 1992. (Revised March 1993.)
- Article
Managing the Unknowable: The Effectiveness of Early-stage Investor Gut Feel in Entrepreneurial Investment Decisions
By: Laura Huang and Jone L. Pearce
Using an inductive theory-development study, a field experiment, and a longitudinal field test, we examine early-stage entrepreneurial investment decision making under conditions of extreme uncertainty. Building on existing literature on decision making and risk in... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Risk and Uncertainty; Decision Making; Emotions; Performance Effectiveness
Huang, Laura, and Jone L. Pearce. "Managing the Unknowable: The Effectiveness of Early-stage Investor Gut Feel in Entrepreneurial Investment Decisions." Administrative Science Quarterly 60, no. 4 (December 2015): 634–670.
- December 2017 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
Tesla's Bid for SolarCity
By: Charles C.Y. Wang and Raaj Zutshi
In October 2016, Tesla asked its shareholders to ratify their $2.4 billion bid for SolarCity. Tesla had announced a series of large projects in the preceding months including the unveiling of the Model 3, the new Solar Roof, and pushing forward the opening of the... View Details
Wang, Charles C.Y., and Raaj Zutshi. "Tesla's Bid for SolarCity (A)." Harvard Business School Case 118-044, December 2017. (Revised June 2021.)
- August 2013
- Article
The Price of Diversifiable Risk in Venture Capital and Private Equity
By: Michael Ewens, Charles Jones and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf
This paper explores the private equity and venture capital (VC) markets and extends the standard principal-agent problem between the investors and venture capitalist to show how it alters the interaction between the venture capitalist and the entrepreneur. Since the... View Details
Keywords: Price; Risk and Uncertainty; Venture Capital; Private Equity; Contracts; Investment; Competition; Agency Theory; Investment Return; Forecasting and Prediction; Theory; Diversification
Ewens, Michael, Charles Jones, and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf. "The Price of Diversifiable Risk in Venture Capital and Private Equity." Review of Financial Studies 26, no. 8 (August 2013): 1854–1889.
- 10 Nov 2022
- Research & Ideas
Too Nice to Lead? Unpacking the Gender Stereotype That Holds Women Back
If you’re a woman in the workplace, chances are your boss and colleagues expect you to be nicer than your male peers, new research suggests. And that perception could contribute to differences in which jobs you are hired for, which tasks... View Details
Keywords: by Shalene Gupta