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- All HBS Web
- People (6)
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- Faculty Publications (917)
- 2007
- Report
Competitiveness at the Crossroads: Choosing the Future Direction of the Russian Economy
By: Michael E. Porter and Christian H.M. Ketels
The report synthesizes, interprets, and draws implications about Russia's economic progress, applying the Porter competitiveness framework. It is part of a Strategic Audit of the Russian Federation, a broader set of research activities coordinated by CSR to provide a... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Globalized Economies and Regions; Policy; Business and Government Relations; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Russia
Porter, Michael E., and Christian H.M. Ketels. "Competitiveness at the Crossroads: Choosing the Future Direction of the Russian Economy." Report, Center for Strategic Research, Moscow, Russia, December 2007.
- 2022
- White Paper
The American Opportunity Index: A Corporate Scorecard of Worker Advancement
By: Matt Sigelman, Joseph Fuller, Nik Dawson and Gad Levanon
The American Opportunity Index: A Corporate Scorecard of Worker Advancement is a new effort to give companies and other stakeholders a set of robust tools that measure how well major employers are doing in fostering economic mobility for workers and how they could do... View Details
Keywords: Upward Mobility; Career Advancement; Personal Development and Career; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Wages; Human Capital; Recruitment
Sigelman, Matt, Joseph Fuller, Nik Dawson, and Gad Levanon. "The American Opportunity Index: A Corporate Scorecard of Worker Advancement." White Paper, Burning Glass Institute, October 2022 (A joint project with Harvard Business School Project on Managing the Future of Work and Schultz Family Foundation.)
- 2014
- Book
Consumer Lending in France and America: Credit and Welfare
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Why did America embrace consumer credit over the course of the twentieth century, when most other countries did not? How did American policy makers by the late twentieth century come to believe that more credit would make even poor families better off? This book traces... View Details
Trumbull, Gunnar. Consumer Lending in France and America: Credit and Welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- September 1989 (Revised December 1989)
- Case
Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)
Explores how a cost system can help support a firm's decision to change strategies. In the process, students are exposed to a simple activity-based cost system. Also examines Siemens policy for transferring products between sales and manufacturing divisions. Transfer... View Details
Cooper, Robin, and Karen Wruck. "Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)." Harvard Business School Case 190-052, September 1989. (Revised December 1989.)
- 15 Aug 2016
- News
Entrepreneurship Needs to Be a Bigger Part of U.S. Foreign Aid
- Summer 2018
- Article
CSR needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics
By: Thomas Lyon, Magali A. Delmas, John W. Maxwell, Pratima Bansal, Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, Patricia Crifo, Rodolphe Durand, Jean-Pascal Gond, Andrew King, Michael Lenox, Michael W. Toffel, David Vogel and Frank Wijen
Corporate sustainability has gone mainstream, and many companies have taken meaningful steps to improve their own environmental performance. But while corporate political actions such as lobbying can have a greater impact on environmental quality, they are ignored in... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Communication; Policy; Business and Government Relations
Lyon, Thomas, Magali A. Delmas, John W. Maxwell, Pratima Bansal, Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, Patricia Crifo, Rodolphe Durand, Jean-Pascal Gond, Andrew King, Michael Lenox, Michael W. Toffel, David Vogel, and Frank Wijen. "CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics." California Management Review 60, no. 4 (Summer 2018): 5–24.
- Forthcoming
- Book
The World Is Your Office: How Work from Anywhere Boosts Talent, Productivity, and Innovation
A research-based look at a growing phenomenon—companies allowing their employees to work from anywhere in the world—and how those who adopt this model can boost talent, innovation, and productivity.
In recent years, companies in a wide range of industries have... View Details
In recent years, companies in a wide range of industries have... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Telecommuting; Employees; Business Offices; Organizational Culture; Retention; Recruitment; Policy; Competitive Advantage
Choudhury, Prithwiraj. The World Is Your Office: How Work from Anywhere Boosts Talent, Productivity, and Innovation. Harvard Business Review Press, forthcoming. (Due in April.)
- September 2009 (Revised December 2009)
- Case
The Future of Iraq Project (A)
By: Noel Maurer and Sogomon Tarontsi
In March 2009, the government of Iraq decided to hold its first oil field auctions. The auctions were for service contracts on the country's southern oil fields; the winner would obtain the right to produce oil above a certain target for a fixed fee. The bidders... View Details
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; Foreign Direct Investment; Policy; Auctions; Production; Business and Government Relations; Energy Industry; Iraq
Maurer, Noel, and Sogomon Tarontsi. "The Future of Iraq Project (A)." Harvard Business School Case 710-002, September 2009. (Revised December 2009.)
- 12 Aug 2014
- First Look
First Look: August 12 Harvard Business School Case 214-085 Financial Policy at Apple, 2013 (A) By the end of 2013, Apple had... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Web
Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
is a nonprofit research, education, and policy organization founded by Michael Porter and based at Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts. Our mission is to advance scholarship; develop practical,... View Details
- 19 Oct 2021
- Research & Ideas
Fed Up Workers and Supply Woes: What's Next for Dollar Stores?
stores,” which now outnumber all of the Starbucks and McDonald’s in the United States combined. They will account for 40 percent of all new store openings this year, according to a Coresight Research report. Willy Shih, the Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Management... View Details
- January 1999
- Case
Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Based on extensive interviews, this case discusses the environmental policies of a successful firm in the specialty chemicals business. Executives at Ciba have differentiated products along environmental lines and have used environmental scrutiny as a tool for cutting... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Business or Company Management; Cost Management; Risk Management; Business Strategy; Globalized Firms and Management; Competitive Advantage; Chemical Industry
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Ciba Specialty Chemicals." Harvard Business School Case 799-086, January 1999.
- August 2020 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
Just Arrived: Integrating Refugees in Sweden
By: Brian Trelstad, Emilie Billaud and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej
Just Arrived is an online platform that matches newly-arrived immigrants in Sweden with employment opportunities. As one of several for-profit and non-profit start-ups in Europe that is looking to address the refugee crisis, the case enables a comparative analysis of... View Details
Keywords: Immigration; Refugees; Employment; Integration; Business Model; Social Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; Employment Industry; Sweden; Italy; Germany
Trelstad, Brian, Emilie Billaud, and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej. "Just Arrived: Integrating Refugees in Sweden." Harvard Business School Case 321-040, August 2020. (Revised June 2021.)
- 30 Jun 2015
- First Look
First Look: June 30, 2015
social auditors and for auditing firms. Publisher's link: Working Papers Monetary Policy Drivers of Bond and Equity Risks By: Campbell, John Y., Carolin E. Pflueger, and Luis M.... View Details
Keywords: Carmen Nobel
- January 2001 (Revised August 2003)
- Case
Diageo plc
A major U.K.-based multinational is reevaluating its leverage policy as it restructures its business. The treasury team models the tradeoffs between the benefits and costs of debt financing, using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the savings from the interest tax... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Multinational Firms and Management; Capital Structure; Restructuring; United Kingdom
Chacko, George C., Peter Tufano, and Joshua Musher. "Diageo plc." Harvard Business School Case 201-033, January 2001. (Revised August 2003.)
- December 2020 (Revised February 2021)
- Supplement
The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations
By: Mihir A. Desai and Suzanne Antoniou
How should historic social injustices be addressed? Survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and their descendants, including Representative Regina Goodwin of Tulsa, believe they should be addressed through reparations and have consequently continued to push the government... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Decision Choices and Conditions; Decisions; Judgments; Race; Fairness; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Policy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Government Legislation; Government and Politics; Government Administration; Lawsuits and Litigation; Legal Liability; Leading Change; Mission and Purpose; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Conflict and Resolution; Conflict Management; Loss; Motivation and Incentives; Perspective; Prejudice and Bias; Civil Society or Community; Social Issues; Welfare; Tulsa; Oklahoma; United States
- Research Summary
Research and Publication Interests
Michelle Craig McDonald is currently writing a Harvard Business School case study on the impact of the International Coffee Act on small producers. She is interested in early American economic development, especially the role of foreign trade and re-exported... View Details
- 2016
- Chapter
Trade Associations, State Building, and the Sherman Act: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1912–25
By: Laura Phillips Sawyer
From its founding in 1912 through the interwar years, the Chamber’s history shows a persistent preoccupation with progressive economics and policy making. Rather than flouting the new ideas of institutional economics, which favored federal regulators overseeing data... View Details
Keywords: Competition; Fairness; Supply and Industry; Policy; Business and Government Relations; United States
Phillips Sawyer, Laura. "Trade Associations, State Building, and the Sherman Act: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1912–25." Chap. 1 in Capital Gains: Business and Politics in Twentieth-Century America, edited by Richard R. John and Kim Phillips-Fein, 25–42. Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
- 22 Oct 2013
- First Look
First Look: October 22
talent has become one of the biggest competitive issues for law firms. But although talent management is now recognized as a business issue of prime importance, law firms often lack the experience, vision, and tools to do it. This... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- March 2010 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Chrysler's Sale to Fiat
By: C. Fritz Foley, Lena G. Goldberg and Linnea Meyer
This case provides students with an opportunity to analyze the restructuring of Chrysler in the midst of the financial crisis of 2008–2009. It describes how debtors can use section 363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to sell assets quickly. It allows for discussion of who... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Restructuring; Financial Crisis; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Laws and Statutes; Business and Government Relations; Sales; Auto Industry; United States
Foley, C. Fritz, Lena G. Goldberg, and Linnea Meyer. "Chrysler's Sale to Fiat." Harvard Business School Case 210-022, March 2010. (Revised May 2010.)