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- Faculty Publications (1,153)
- March 1987 (Revised October 1993)
- Case
Au Bon Pain: The French Bakery Cafe, The Partner/Manager Program
By: W. Earl Sasser
In recent years, Au Bon Pain (ABP), a chain of upscale French bakeries/sandwich cafes based in Boston, confronted a set of human resource problems endemic to the fast food industry (i.e., a labor shortage which made it difficult to attract and maintain quality crew... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Managerial Roles; Retention; Employees; Performance Improvement; Recruitment; Problems and Challenges; Compensation and Benefits; Food and Beverage Industry; Service Industry; Boston
Sasser, W. Earl. "Au Bon Pain: The French Bakery Cafe, The Partner/Manager Program." Harvard Business School Case 687-063, March 1987. (Revised October 1993.)
- March 1987 (Revised July 1996)
- Case
Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc.
By: Kenneth A. Merchant, Krishna G. Palepu and Joseph P. Mulloy
Describes a dispute between the owners of the major league baseball teams and the players' union about the profitability of the baseball teams. The issue is important because of the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations. A consultant is brought in to decide... View Details
Keywords: State Ownership; Compensation and Benefits; Entrepreneurship; For-Profit Firms; Accounting; Activity Based Costing and Management; Resource Allocation; Cost Accounting; Cost Management; Labor and Management Relations; Financial Management; Sports; Sports Industry; Kansas
Merchant, Kenneth A., Krishna G. Palepu, and Joseph P. Mulloy. "Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 187-088, March 1987. (Revised July 1996.)
- November 1986 (Revised June 1987)
- Case
Fieldcrest Division of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc.: Compensation System for Field Sales Representatives
Focuses on the compensation plan for Fieldcrest sales representatives. Management is reviewing the structure of the plan and must decide how to establish compensation goals and guidelines for the following year so that sales efforts are allocated among products and/or... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Fieldcrest Division of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc.: Compensation System for Field Sales Representatives." Harvard Business School Case 587-097, November 1986. (Revised June 1987.)
- October 1986 (Revised July 2010)
- Case
Karen Leary (A)
By: Linda A. Hill
Describes the evolution of the working relationship of Karen Leary, a new manager of a Merrill Lynch retail branch, and Ted Chung, a new financial consultant in the branch. Leary has some concerns about her working relationship with Chung and with his performance.... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Employee Relationship Management; Decision Choices and Conditions; Personal Development and Career; Performance Evaluation; Diversity; Financial Services Industry
Hill, Linda A. "Karen Leary (A)." Harvard Business School Case 487-020, October 1986. (Revised July 2010.)
- 01 Dec 1985
- Conference Presentation
Risk Sharing and Corporate Pension Policy
By: André Perold and Jay O. Light
- 1985
- Chapter
Implicit Labor Contracts Viewed as Options: A Discussion of 'Insurance Aspects of Pensions'
By: Robert C. Merton
Keywords: Compensation and Benefits; Decision Choices and Conditions; Contracts; Labor and Management Relations; Insurance
Merton, Robert C. "Implicit Labor Contracts Viewed as Options: A Discussion of 'Insurance Aspects of Pensions'." In Pensions, Labor and Individual Choice, edited by David A. Wise. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
- 01 Aug 1985
- Conference Presentation
The New Workforce Meets the Changing Workplace: Strains, Dilemmas, and Contradictions in Attempts to Implement Participative and Entrepreneurial Management
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "The New Workforce Meets the Changing Workplace: Strains, Dilemmas, and Contradictions in Attempts to Implement Participative and Entrepreneurial Management." Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, August 01, 1985. (Reprintings include: Human Resource Management, vol. 25 (Winter 1986); The Nature of Work: Sociological Perspectives, edited by K.T. Erikson and S.P. Vallas. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990; Creative Personnel Practices, edited by J.N. Matzer. Washington, D.C.: International City Management Association, 1988.)
- May 1985
- Supplement
Milford Industries (A1)
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents the salesforce performance data of the Milford (A) case in a format suitable for spreadsheet analysis using a personal computer. View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J. "Milford Industries (A1)." Harvard Business School Supplement 585-138, May 1985.
- March 1985 (Revised July 1986)
- Case
Springs Industries: Textile Manufacturing--1983 (B)
By: Kim B. Clark
Clark, Kim B. "Springs Industries: Textile Manufacturing--1983 (B)." Harvard Business School Case 685-064, March 1985. (Revised July 1986.)
- January 1985 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Conex do Brasil
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and John Young
Describes interactions between Brazilian local, Latin American regional, and USA headquarters staff during the three years after establishing a manufacturing subsidiary in Sao Paulo. In a highly protected national environment, a market entry plan is developed to meet... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Resignation and Termination; Goals and Objectives; Market Entry and Exit; Operations; Performance Expectations; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Latin America; United States; Brazil
Bartlett, Christopher A., and John Young. "Conex do Brasil." Harvard Business School Case 385-257, January 1985. (Revised March 2003.)
- 1985
- Chapter
Corporatewide Transformations in Human Resource Management
By: Michael Beer and Bert Spector
Beer, Michael, and Bert Spector. "Corporatewide Transformations in Human Resource Management." In HRM Trends and Challenges, edited by Richard E. Walton and Paul Lawrence. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1985.
- 1985
- Book
Readings in Human Resource Management
By: Michael Beer and Bert Spector
Beer, Michael and Bert Spector, eds. Readings in Human Resource Management. New York: Free Press, 1985.
- 1985
- Chapter
The Riskiness of Private Pensions
By: Jerry R. Green
Keywords: Retirement; Compensation and Benefits; Employee Relationship Management; Risk and Uncertainty
Green, Jerry R. "The Riskiness of Private Pensions." Chap. 12 in Pensions, Labor and Individual Choice, edited by David A. Wise, 357–378. University of Chicago Press, 1985.
- October 1984
- Case
Transition from Contract to Consensus at General Motors
By: George C. Lodge
Lodge, George C. "Transition from Contract to Consensus at General Motors." Harvard Business School Case 385-168, October 1984.
- September 1983 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
Heather Evans
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Michael J. Roberts
Focuses on the efforts of Heather Evans, a second-year MBA student, and her attempts to start her own dress business. Examines the business plan and the process of acquiring control over the financial and human resources necessary to implement the plan. View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Business Startups; Investment; Human Resources; Strategic Planning; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Stevenson, Howard H., and Michael J. Roberts. "Heather Evans." Harvard Business School Case 384-079, September 1983. (Revised July 1998.)
- September 1983
- Article
A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Boundary Spanning Supervision on Turnover and Promotion in Research and Development
By: Michael Tushman and R. Katz
Tushman, Michael, and R. Katz. "A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Boundary Spanning Supervision on Turnover and Promotion in Research and Development." Academy of Management Journal 26, no. 3 (September 1983): 437–459.
- August 1983 (Revised May 2007)
- Case
Milford Industries (A)
By: Robert J. Dolan and Benson P. Shapiro
The new district sales manager for a tool company must determine how to get his district "back on track." The case presents various qualitative and quantitative information on the salespeople. Teaching objectives include the specification of the tasks of a district... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Milford Industries (A)." Harvard Business School Case 584-012, August 1983. (Revised May 2007.)
- August 1983 (Revised June 1985)
- Supplement
Milford Industries (B)
By: Robert J. Dolan and Benson P. Shapiro
Supplements the (A) case. A rewritten version of part of an earlier series. View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Milford Industries (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 584-013, August 1983. (Revised June 1985.)
- August 1983 (Revised June 1985)
- Supplement
Milford Industries (C)
By: Robert J. Dolan and Benson P. Shapiro
Supplements the (A) case. A rewritten version of part of an earlier series. View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Milford Industries (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 584-014, August 1983. (Revised June 1985.)
- 1983
- Chapter
On the Role of Social Security as a Means for Efficient Risk-Bearing in an Economy Where Human Capital is Not Tradeable
By: Robert C. Merton
Merton, Robert C. "On the Role of Social Security as a Means for Efficient Risk-Bearing in an Economy Where Human Capital is Not Tradeable." In Financial Aspects of the U.S. Pension System, edited by Zvi Bodie and John B. Shoven. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983. (Reprinted in The Foundations of Pension Finance, Volume I, Zvi Bodie and E. Philip Davis, eds., Edward Elger, 2000.)