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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (1,186)
- 2023
- Working Paper
Investor Preferences, Security Design and Volatility Prices
By: Claire Célérier, Gordon Liao and Boris Vallée
This paper investigates the effects of the issuance of retail products with non-linear payoffs on option prices. For a given underlying asset, when the outstanding volume of products embedding a short-put position increases, implied volatility at the corresponding... View Details
Keywords: Security Design; Dividend; Options; Structured Products; Market Segmentation; Financial Instruments; Design; Volatility; Markets; Segmentation
Célérier, Claire, Gordon Liao, and Boris Vallée. "Investor Preferences, Security Design and Volatility Prices." Working Paper, 2023.
- March 2006 (Revised November 2010)
- Background Note
Protecting Foreign Investors
Describes the emergence of several kinds of efforts to assure the safety of foreign investment in emerging markets: international arbitration, expanded official political risk insurance, credit from government agencies, and intervention by investors' home governments.... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Risk Management; Emerging Markets; Agreements and Arrangements; Business and Government Relations; Safety
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Protecting Foreign Investors." Harvard Business School Background Note 706-044, March 2006. (Revised November 2010.)
- 20 Sep 2018
- News
Did Entrepreneur Ernesto Tornquist Help or Hurt Argentina?
- May 2008 (Revised March 2009)
- Case
SKS Microfinance
By: Shawn A. Cole and Theresa Chen
Vikram Akula, CEO of SKS Microfinance, seeks a venture capital investment to fund his firm. SKS, one of the largest and fastest growing microfinance institutions in India, is a profitable, for-profit institution with a social mission. In what is one of the first... View Details
Keywords: For-Profit Firms; Venture Capital; Microfinance; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Valuation; Financial Services Industry; India
Cole, Shawn A., and Theresa Chen. "SKS Microfinance." Harvard Business School Case 208-137, May 2008. (Revised March 2009.)
- 18 Sep 2013
- News
An Honest Wage: Dollars, Hours, And Ethics
- April 2018
- Supplement
By: Malcolm Baker and Emily R. McComb
In February 2011, Adam Koppel, a Managing Director at Brookside Capital, the public equity arm of Bain Capital, must decide whether to increase or exit the firm’s position in Celgene Corporation. News has emerged that raises potential safety concerns associated with... View Details
- 05 Aug 2021
- News
Professor Marlous van Waijenburg Awarded $330,000 NSF Grant
- September 2011 (Revised January 2012)
- Case
Gerson Lehrman Group: Managing Risks
By: Boris Groysberg, Paul Healy and Sarah L. Abbott
It was June 2011 and Alexander Saint-Amand, President and CEO of Gerson Lehrman Group, the largest expert network firm globally, has found his firm once again in the midst of controversy. This controversy centered around a number of insider trading cases that had been... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management
Groysberg, Boris, Paul Healy, and Sarah L. Abbott. "Gerson Lehrman Group: Managing Risks." Harvard Business School Case 412-004, September 2011. (Revised January 2012.)
- October 2013 (Revised August 2016)
- Case
By: Ramana Nanda, William A. Sahlman and Lauren Barley
It was September 2013, and NOWaccount Network Corporation (NOW®) co-founders John Hayes and Lara Hodgson were putting the final touches on the presentation deck for their annual shareholders' meeting. Along with co-founder Stacey Abrams, the pair had designed NOW's... View Details
Nanda, Ramana, William A. Sahlman, and Lauren Barley. "NOWaccount." Harvard Business School Case 814-048, October 2013. (Revised August 2016.)
Earnings Call that get Lost in Translation
Does the form in which financial information is presented have consequences for the capital markets? The authors examine the level of linguistic complexity of more than 11,000 conference call transcripts from non-US firms between 2002 and 2010.... View Details
- July 2001 (Revised March 2002)
- Case
Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., The
By: Andre F. Perold and Austin K Scee
NASDAQ's mission "to facilitate capital formation" is threatened by the emergence of Electronic Communication Networks, which are not as heavily regulated by the SEC. This case reviews the development of NASDAQ and its evolution from a loose network of broker-dealers... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Stocks; Financial Markets; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Innovation Strategy; Performance Efficiency; Perspective
Perold, Andre F., and Austin K Scee. "Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., The." Harvard Business School Case 202-008, July 2001. (Revised March 2002.)
- July 2003
- Case
Deutsche Borse
Focuses on how Deutsche Borse's (the German stock exchange based in Frankfurt) acquisition of a 50% stake in Clearstream International, a company specialized in clearing, settlement, and custody of securities across borders, may or may not confirm its position as the... View Details
Chacko, George C., Vincent Dessain, Eli Strick, and Jose-Abel Defina. "Deutsche Borse." Harvard Business School Case 204-008, July 2003.
- TeachingInterests
Behavioral Finance (Econ 970, Spring 2015)
Second-year undergraduate course covering recent advances in the field of behavioral finance. The course begins by examining some of the most canonical pricing anomalies, such as claims to identical cashflows trading at different prices in different markets, and... View Details
- December 2005 (Revised July 2006)
- Case
Bunge: Poised for Growth
By: David E. Bell and Mary L. Shelman
As CEO of the world's largest oilseed processor, Alberto Weisser of Bunge must not only decide how quickly to expand in fast-growing markets of Eastern Europe and Asia, but also how best to leverage the firm's global footprint and leadership position. The firm is... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Trade; Global Strategy; Leadership; Growth Management; Management Style; Demand and Consumers; Supply Chain; Integration; Technology; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Asia; Europe
Bell, David E., and Mary L. Shelman. "Bunge: Poised for Growth." Harvard Business School Case 506-036, December 2005. (Revised July 2006.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
Money, Time, and Grant Design
By: Kyle Myers and Wei Yang Tham
The design of research grants has been hypothesized to be a useful tool for
influencing researchers and their science. We test this by conducting two thought
experiments in a nationally representative survey of academic researchers. First,
we offer participants a... View Details
Myers, Kyle, and Wei Yang Tham. "Money, Time, and Grant Design." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-037, December 2023.
- Research Summary
Pricing and Promotions
Price promotions offered by product manufacturers to channel intermediaries are the subject of much current debate, as well as attempts by packaged goods manufacturers to curb, if not eliminate, their use. Samuel S. Chun's research, which includes the development of... View Details
- March 2009 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
Denmark: Globalization and the Welfare State
By: Arthur A. Daemmrich and Benjamin Kramarz
This case describes how Denmark has balanced the impacts of globalization, including outsourcing and movement of labor, with its social welfare offerings. Reforms implemented during the past two decades drove down unemployment, promoted new company formation, and put... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Employment; Welfare or Wellbeing; Denmark
Daemmrich, Arthur A., and Benjamin Kramarz. "Denmark: Globalization and the Welfare State." Harvard Business School Case 709-015, March 2009. (Revised June 2012.)
- March 2005 (Revised May 2006)
- Case
Buckingham Park
By: Arthur I Segel and Joshua A. Katzin
In September, 2004, Stephen Lebowitz, President of CBL, a $6 billion publicly traded shopping mall real estate investment trust (REIT) with over 70 million square feet, is considering acquiring 170 acres for a new retail development at a racetrack site in Southern New... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Debt Securities; Investment; Real Estate Industry; New Hampshire
Segel, Arthur I., and Joshua A. Katzin. "Buckingham Park." Harvard Business School Case 205-085, March 2005. (Revised May 2006.)
- December 2022
- Case
To Feed the Planet: Juan Luciano at ADM
By: Joshua D. Margolis, David E. Bell, Damien McLoughlin, Stacy Straaberg and James Weber
In December 2022, Juan Luciano, Chairman and CEO of agribusiness and nutrition giant ADM, considered the next phase of the historic company’s future. Beginning in 2011 when he joined as COO and moving into his tenure as CEO in 2015, Luciano led a transformation of ADM... View Details
Keywords: Agriculture; Leadership; Agribusiness; Acquisition; Business Units; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Value and Value Chain; Forecasting and Prediction; Capital; Cash; Cost of Capital; Cost Management; Profit; Food; Global Range; Innovation Strategy; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Growth and Development Strategy; Risk Management; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Strategic Planning; Risk and Uncertainty; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Vertical Integration; Value Creation; Transformation; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Energy Industry; United States; Chicago
Margolis, Joshua D., David E. Bell, Damien McLoughlin, Stacy Straaberg, and James Weber. "To Feed the Planet: Juan Luciano at ADM." Harvard Business School Case 423-060, December 2022.
- September 2008
- Case
Harrington Collection: Sizing Up the Active-Wear Market
By: Richard S. Tedlow and Heather Beckham
In the wake of slumping sales and sagging profit margins, a leading manufacturer and retailer of high-end women's apparel, Harrington Collection, must evaluate an opportunity to expand into the high-growth active-wear market. Sara Huey, Vice President of Strategic... View Details
Keywords: Breakeven Analysis; Product Introduction; Expansion; Consumer Behavior; Supply and Industry; Product Launch; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Tedlow, Richard S., and Heather Beckham. "Harrington Collection: Sizing Up the Active-Wear Market." Harvard Business School Brief Case 083-258, September 2008.