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- Faculty Publications (1,250)
- 2005
- Dissertation
Voluntary Environmental Management Initiatives: Smoke Signals or Smoke Screens?
Toffel, Michael W. "Voluntary Environmental Management Initiatives: Smoke Signals or Smoke Screens?" Diss., University of California, Berkeley, December 2005. (Winner of Academy of Management. Social Issues in Management Division. Best Dissertation Award presented by Academy of Management. Nominated for Academy of Management. Organizations and Natural Environment Division. Best Dissertation Award presented by Academy of Management. 2005.)
- November 2005
- Case
Playgrounds and Performance: Results Management at KaBOOM! (A)
By: Herman B. Leonard, Marc J. Epstein and Laura Winig
KaBOOM!, a successful playground-building social enterprise funded through corporate partnerships, wants to develop a performance measurement system that will enable the organization to expand its impact substantially. The board of directors and management are trying... View Details
Keywords: Governing and Advisory Boards; Growth and Development Strategy; Social Enterprise; Performance Evaluation; Management Systems; Design; Construction Industry
Leonard, Herman B., Marc J. Epstein, and Laura Winig. "Playgrounds and Performance: Results Management at KaBOOM! (A)." Harvard Business School Case 306-031, November 2005.
- August 2005
- Background Note
Dual Class Share Companies
By: Samuel L. Hayes III, Lynn S. Paine and Christopher Bruner
Provides a brief historical overview of dual class share companies in the United States, focusing on the New York Stock Exchange's evolving position on dual class structures since the 1920s, the impact of hostile takeovers on their use since the 1980s, and recent... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Debates; Capital Structure; Equity; Business History; Law; Organizational Structure; Business and Shareholder Relations; Perspective; Europe; United States
Hayes, Samuel L., III, Lynn S. Paine, and Christopher Bruner. "Dual Class Share Companies." Harvard Business School Background Note 306-032, August 2005.
- July 2005 (Revised October 2006)
- Case
Recall 2000: Bridgestone Corp. (A) (Abridged)
By: Lynn S. Paine
In September 2000, the president of Bridgestone-Firestone, the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Bridgestone Corp., was invited to appear before a U.S. congressional subcommittee investigating the August 2000 recall of more than 6.5 million tires made by the subsidiary. The... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Crisis Management; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Product; Trade; Organizational Culture; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Auto Industry; United States; Japan
Paine, Lynn S. "Recall 2000: Bridgestone Corp. (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 306-020, July 2005. (Revised October 2006.)
- July 2005
- Article
Profit Maximization versus Disadvantageous Inequality in Choice Behavior: The Impact of Self-Categorization
By: S. M. Garcia, A. Tor, M. Bazerman and D. T. Miller
Garcia, S. M., A. Tor, M. Bazerman, and D. T. Miller. "Profit Maximization versus Disadvantageous Inequality in Choice Behavior: The Impact of Self-Categorization." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 18, no. 3 (July 2005): 187–198.
- June 2005 (Revised March 2007)
- Case
ACHAP (African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships): the Merck/Gates Initiative in Botswana
By June 2004, ACHAP, a three-way partnership of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck, and the Botswana government, had committed nearly $60 million of the $100 million toward various AIDS education, prevention, and treatment programs. It was time to evaluate... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Performance Evaluation; Business and Government Relations; Partners and Partnerships; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "ACHAP (African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships): the Merck/Gates Initiative in Botswana." Harvard Business School Case 505-057, June 2005. (Revised March 2007.)
- June 2005 (Revised January 2007)
- Case
Equator Principles, The: An Industry Approach to Managing Environmental and Social Risks
By: Benjamin C. Esty, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Aldo Sesia
In June 2003, 10 leading international banks adopted new voluntary guidelines, called the Equator Principles, to promote sustainable development in project finance. In recent years, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) had raised issues about the lenders'... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Competition; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Social Issues; Environmental Sustainability; Policy; Project Finance; Standards; Projects; Commercial Banking; Non-Governmental Organizations
Esty, Benjamin C., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Aldo Sesia. "Equator Principles, The: An Industry Approach to Managing Environmental and Social Risks." Harvard Business School Case 205-114, June 2005. (Revised January 2007.)
- April 2005 (Revised February 2006)
- Case
Monster Networking
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and David Andrew Vivero
The management at, the leading U.S. provider of online recruitment services, must decide how to proceed with Monster Networking (MN), a new business launched in late 2003. MN helps users identify other individuals who can offer career advice. View Details
Keywords: Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Social and Collaborative Networks; Recruitment; Service Industry; Employment Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and David Andrew Vivero. "Monster Networking." Harvard Business School Case 805-145, April 2005. (Revised February 2006.)
- April 2005 (Revised November 2008)
- Case
Banco Real: Banking on Sustainability
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho
ABN AMRO REAL made corporate social responsibility central to its brand, adding to customer focus and reflecting its values. Leaders developed the Bank of Value theme and implemented it through activities such as microfinance in poor communities, environmentally... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Ricardo Reisen de Pinho. "Banco Real: Banking on Sustainability." Harvard Business School Case 305-100, April 2005. (Revised November 2008.)
- April 2005 (Revised October 2007)
- Case
Candy Land: The Utopian Vision of Milton Hershey
By: Nancy F. Koehn and Erica Helms
Explores the life, work, and achievements of Milton S. Hershey. Analyzes his entrepreneurial achievements, including the creation of the Hershey bar, the founding of the business, and the development of the mass market for chocolate. Also investigates the broader... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Creativity; Business and Community Relations
Koehn, Nancy F., and Erica Helms. "Candy Land: The Utopian Vision of Milton Hershey." Harvard Business School Case 805-066, April 2005. (Revised October 2007.)
- 2005
- Book
Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics, and Business
By: Bruce L. Hay, Robert Stavins and Richard Vietor
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business Ventures
Hay, Bruce L., Robert Stavins, and Richard Vietor, eds. Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics, and Business. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2005.
- 2005
- Chapter
Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from the Business Literature
By: Forest Reinhardt
Reinhardt, Forest. "Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from the Business Literature." In Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics, and Business, edited by Bruce L. Hay, Robert Stavins, and Richard Vietor, 151. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2005. (Resources for the Future.)
- Article
Organizational Beliefs and Managerial Vision
Can managers have an impact on their firm that goes beyond their direct actions and decisions? This article shows that a manager with strong beliefs about the right course of action will attract, through sorting in the labor market, employees with similar beliefs. This... View Details
Keywords: Organizations; Goals and Objectives; Decisions; Labor; Markets; Employees; Motivation and Incentives; Recruitment; Risk and Uncertainty; Values and Beliefs
Van den Steen, Eric J. "Organizational Beliefs and Managerial Vision." Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 21, no. 1 (April 2005): 256–283. (Reprinted in The Economics of Organisation and Bureaucracy, Peter M. Jackson (ed.), Edward Elgar (Cheltenham, UK), 2013.)
- December 2004 (Revised April 2006)
- Case
Managing Diversity at Spencer Owens & Co.
By: Robin J. Ely and Ingrid Vargas
Spencer Owens & Co, a disguised consulting firm, focuses on domestic and international economic development. As an extension of the firm's commitment to social justice, 20 years ago, Spencer Owens management introduced an affirmative action hiring and promotion... View Details
Keywords: Working Conditions; Selection and Staffing; Development Economics; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Employees; Diversity; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Consulting Industry
Ely, Robin J., and Ingrid Vargas. "Managing Diversity at Spencer Owens & Co." Harvard Business School Case 405-048, December 2004. (Revised April 2006.)
- December 2004 (Revised May 2005)
- Case
Nestle: Sustainable Agriculture Initiative
Swiss food giant Nestle attempts to improve the performance of its suppliers of agricultural commodities to raise quality, lower costs, and contribute to sustainable development. Its initiatives focus first on coffee, cocoa, and milk. Nestle managers assert that the... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Social Issues; Business and Community Relations; Corporate Strategy; Agribusiness; Supply Chain Management; Marketing Strategy; Value Creation; Food and Beverage Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Nestle: Sustainable Agriculture Initiative." Harvard Business School Case 705-018, December 2004. (Revised May 2005.)
- 2004
- Chapter
Institutional Pressure and Environmental Management Practices
By: Magali Delmas and Michael W. Toffel
Keywords: Management Practices and Processes; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability
Delmas, Magali, and Michael W. Toffel. "Institutional Pressure and Environmental Management Practices." Chap. 10 in Stakeholders, the Environment and Society, edited by Sanjay Sharma and Mark Starik, 230–245. New Perspectives in Research on Corporate Sustainability. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004.
- November 2004 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
Salomon Brothers (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine
Describes Salomon Brothers' recovery from the August 1991 Treasury auction scandal. Details the impact of the firm's disclosure of bidding improprieties and describes how the new management team, led by Warren Buffett and Deryck Maughan, guided the company through the... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Leadership; Crisis Management; Reputation; Financial Services Industry
Paine, Lynn S. "Salomon Brothers (A)." Harvard Business School Case 305-019, November 2004. (Revised February 2009.)
- September 20, 2004
- Comment
How Consumers Value Global Brands
By: Douglas Holt, John A. Quelch and Earl L. Taylor
In 2002, we carried out a two-stage research project in partnership with the market research company Research International/USA to find out how consumers in different countries value global brands. First, we conducted a qualitative study in forty-one countries to... View Details
Keywords: Global Brands; Brand Value; Multi-national Brands; Social Responsibility; Global Range; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Brands and Branding; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
Holt, Douglas, John A. Quelch, and Earl L. Taylor. "How Consumers Value Global Brands." Harvard Business School Working Knowledge (September 20, 2004).
- Aug 2004 - 2004
- Conference Presentation
Institutional Innovation: Socio-cognitive Reconstruction of Corporate Social Responsibility
By: Julie Battilana and E. Boxenbaum