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- Faculty Publications (1,220)
- October 1992 (Revised December 1992)
- Supplement
Salomon and the Treasury Securities Auction: 1992 Update
By: Dwight B. Crane
Briefly summarizes the events that transpired after the investment bank Salomon Brothers revealed that it had repeatedly violated the rules governing the auction of new U.S. Government securities. Includes a description of the violations, the management shake-up that... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Financial Instruments; Banking Industry; Banking Industry; United States
Crane, Dwight B. "Salomon and the Treasury Securities Auction: 1992 Update." Harvard Business School Supplement 293-057, October 1992. (Revised December 1992.)
- September 1992 (Revised November 1993)
- Supplement
Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification, Supplement Two
By: George C. Lodge
Designed to be handed out after discussion of Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification and its Supplement. View Details
Keywords: Political Elections; Economy; Situation or Environment; Inflation and Deflation; Interest Rates; Central Banking; Integration; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom; Europe
Lodge, George C. "Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification, Supplement Two." Harvard Business School Supplement 793-043, September 1992. (Revised November 1993.)
- September 1992 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification
By: George C. Lodge and James W. Ragsdale
In October 1990, eastern Germany was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany. The German people rewarded the architect of these changes, Helmut Kohl, with an enhanced majority in national elections. But only two years later it was hard to remember these heady... View Details
Keywords: Economy; Inflation and Deflation; Central Banking; Interest Rates; Political Elections; Situation or Environment; Integration; Europe; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom
Lodge, George C., and James W. Ragsdale. "Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification." Harvard Business School Case 793-033, September 1992. (Revised July 1998.)
- July 1992 (Revised May 1995)
- Teaching Note
Hawkeye Bancorporation TN
By: Krishna G. Palepu, G. Peter Wilson and Jane Palley Katz
Teaching Note for (9-192-064). View Details
Keywords: Banking Industry
- July 1992
- Case
Bank One and Increased Consumer Credit
Greyser, Stephen A. "Bank One and Increased Consumer Credit." Harvard Business School Case 593-004, July 1992.
- 1992
- Chapter
Bankruptcy, Boards, Banks, and Blockholders: Evidence on Changes in Corporate Ownership and Control When Firms Default
By: S. C. Gilson
Keywords: Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Ownership; Governing and Advisory Boards; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Gilson, S. C. "Bankruptcy, Boards, Banks, and Blockholders: Evidence on Changes in Corporate Ownership and Control When Firms Default." In Bankruptcy and Distressed Restructurings: Analytical Issues and Investment Opportunities, edited by Edward I. Altman. New York: Business One Irwin, 1992.
- 27 May 1992
- Lecture
Banks in the Board Room: The American Versus Japanese and German Experiences
By: W. Carl Kester
- May 1992 (Revised May 1993)
- Case
World Bank: Mission Uncertain
By: George C. Lodge
Lodge, George C. "World Bank: Mission Uncertain." Harvard Business School Case 792-100, May 1992. (Revised May 1993.)
- March 1992 (Revised September 1995)
- Background Note
Note on Chemical Bank Lotus Notes Demonstration Software: Windows & Macintosh Versions
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Donna B. Stoddard
Applegate, Lynda M., and Donna B. Stoddard. "Note on Chemical Bank Lotus Notes Demonstration Software: Windows & Macintosh Versions." Harvard Business School Background Note 192-112, March 1992. (Revised September 1995.)
- March 1992 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Salomon and the Treasury Securities Auction
By: Dwight B. Crane
Set in June 1991, two months prior to Salomon Brothers' announcement that the firm had violated the Treasury Department's rules governing the auctions of new Treasury securities. Salomon Vice Chairman John Meriwether must decide how to address problems that continue to... View Details
Keywords: Debt Securities; Managerial Roles; Ethics; Market Transactions; Bonds; Investment Banking; Crisis Management; Auctions; Legal Liability; Banking Industry
Crane, Dwight B. "Salomon and the Treasury Securities Auction." Harvard Business School Case 292-114, March 1992. (Revised December 1992.)
- February 1992 (Revised September 1995)
- Case
Goldman, Sachs & Co.: Nikkei Put Warrants--1989
By: Peter Tufano
Japanese financial institutions' willingness to sell put options on the Nikkei Stock Average provides investment banks with the raw material from which to create a security that would allow U.S. investors to bet on falls in the Japanese Stock Market. The investment... View Details
Keywords: Debt Securities; Investment Banking; Product Design; Globalized Markets and Industries; Japan; United States
Tufano, Peter. "Goldman, Sachs & Co.: Nikkei Put Warrants--1989." Harvard Business School Case 292-113, February 1992. (Revised September 1995.)
- 1992
- Article
Public Policy and British Multinational Banks 1914-1982
By: G. Jones
Keywords: Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; Policy; Banks and Banking; United Kingdom
Jones, G. "Public Policy and British Multinational Banks 1914-1982." Business and Economic History 21 (1992): 209–218.
- 1992
- Working Paper
Securities Underwriting and Investment Banking Competition
By: Samuel Hayes and Andrew Regan
- 1991
- Book
Banks and Money: International and Comparative Finance in History
By: G. Jones
Jones, G., ed. Banks and Money: International and Comparative Finance in History. London: Frank Cass, 1991.
- October 1991 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
Butler Lumber Company
By: Thomas R. Piper
The Butler Lumber Co. is faced with a need for increased bank financing due to its rapid sales growth and low profitability. Students must determine the reasons for the rising bank borrowing, estimate the amount of borrowing needed, and assess the attractiveness of the... View Details
Keywords: Commercial Banking; Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Strategy; Financing and Loans; Capital Structure; Forecasting and Prediction
Piper, Thomas R. "Butler Lumber Company." Harvard Business School Case 292-013, October 1991. (Revised January 2002.)
- October 1991 (Revised November 1993)
- Case
Play Time Toy Co.
By: Thomas R. Piper
The president of a toy company is considering the adoption of level production in a business characterized by highly seasonal sales. The issues include balancing the cost savings and the inventory risk, estimating the seasonal financing need, and determining the... View Details
Keywords: Production; Cost Management; Banks and Banking; Sales; Goods and Commodities; Financial Management; Risk Management; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Piper, Thomas R. "Play Time Toy Co." Harvard Business School Case 292-003, October 1991. (Revised November 1993.)
- October 1991 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Hawkeye Bancorporation
Hawkeye, a small bank holding company in Iowa, faces difficulties in the mid 1980s as the local Iowa farm economy is in recession. This case provides an opportunity for students to become familiar with bank financial statements, and introduces some issues in market... View Details
Keywords: Financial Statements; Financial Reporting; Financial Crisis; Economic Growth; Market Participation; Banks and Banking; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Private Ownership; Banking Industry
Palepu, Krishna G. "Hawkeye Bancorporation." Harvard Business School Case 192-064, October 1991. (Revised October 1996.)
- September 1991 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Citibank (A): European Strategy
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Multinational Firms and Management; International Finance; Corporate Strategy; Banking Industry; Europe
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Citibank (A): European Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 392-021, September 1991. (Revised January 1992.)