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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (27)
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- 2019
- Book
Fintech, Small Business & the American Dream: How Technology Is Transforming Lending and Shaping a New Era of Small Business Opportunity
By: Karen G. Mills
Fintech, Small Business & the American Dream describes the needs of small businesses for capital and demonstrates how technology—novel data sources, artificial intelligence, machine learning—will transform the small business lending market. This market has been... View Details
Keywords: Fintech; Big Data; Data; Technology; Artificial Intelligence; Great Recession; Regulation; Innovation; Banks; Lending; Loans; Access To Capital; American Dream; Community Banking; Small Business Administration; Entrepreneur; Government; Public Policy; API; Policy Making; Small Business; Financing and Loans; Technological Innovation; Financial Crisis; Banks and Banking; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; AI and Machine Learning; Analytics and Data Science; United States
Mills, Karen G. Fintech, Small Business & the American Dream: How Technology Is Transforming Lending and Shaping a New Era of Small Business Opportunity. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
- November 2024
- Article
On the Representativeness of Voter Turnout
By: Louis Kaplow and Scott Duke Kominers
Prominent theory research on voting analyzes a variety of models in which expected pivotality drives voters' turnout decisions and hence determines voting outcomes. It is recognized, however, that such work is at odds with Downs's paradox: in practice, many... View Details
Keywords: Voting Behavior; Voting Turnout; Paradox Of Voting; Pivotality; Elections; Model; Theory; Governance Transparency; Government; Democracy; Turnout; Voting; Governance; Government and Politics; Public Sector; Political Elections
Kaplow, Louis, and Scott Duke Kominers. "On the Representativeness of Voter Turnout." Journal of Law & Economics 67, no. 4 (November 2024): 879–904.
- Article
The New Face of Chinese Industrial Policy: Making Sense of Anti-Dumping Cases in the Petrochemical and Steel Industries.
Why have China's petrochemical and steel industries behaved so differently in seeking trade protection through anti-dumping measures, especially given that both industries face the full force of the global economy? We argue that the patterning of anti-dumping actions... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Trade; Economy; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration; Motivation and Incentives; Marketing Channels; Industry Structures; System Shocks; Price; Restructuring; Interests; Energy Industry; Steel Industry; China
Abrami, Regina M., and Yu Zheng. "The New Face of Chinese Industrial Policy: Making Sense of Anti-Dumping Cases in the Petrochemical and Steel Industries." Journal of East Asian Studies 11, no. 3 (September–December 2011).
- 2019
- Working Paper
Does Apple Anchor a Shopping Mall? The Effect of the Technology Stores on the Formation of Market Structure
By: Doug J. Chung, Kyoungwon Seo and Reo Song
This study examines the effect of technology stores—company-owned Apple and Microsoft retail stores—on mall configuration. We formulate a structural model that considers the endogenous location decisions of retail stores, taking into account both market characteristics... View Details
Keywords: Apple Store; New Anchor Store; Discrete Game; Complete Information; Multiple Equilibria; GPGPU Technology; Simulator; Bayesian Estimation; Shopping Mall; Spillover
Chung, Doug J., Kyoungwon Seo, and Reo Song. "Does Apple Anchor a Shopping Mall? The Effect of the Technology Stores on the Formation of Market Structure." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-066, December 2019.
- Research Summary
Phil's work aims to identify the drivers of performance for healthcare organizations and providers, and the mechanisms by which this performance can change over time. In complex healthcare settings, the optimal choice of treatment can be highly ambiguous. As a... View Details
- October 2017 (Revised November 2017)
- Case
By: Constantine E. Kontokosta, Mitchell Weiss, Christine Snively and Sarah Gulick
Joe Morrisroe, executive director for NYC311, had some gut instincts but no definitive answer to the question he was just asked by one of the mayor’s deputies: “Are some communities being underserved by 311? How do we know we are hearing from the right people?” Founded... View Details
Keywords: New York City; NYC; 311; NYC311; Big Data; Equal Access; Bias; Data Analysis; Public Entrepreneurship; Urban Informatics; Predictive Analytics; Chief Data Officer; Data Analytics; Cities; City Leadership; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Prejudice and Bias; Entrepreneurship; Public Sector; City; Public Administration Industry; New York (city, NY)
- April 2017
- Supplement
Imprimis (B)
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Karen Elterman and Marc Appel
This case is a supplement to Imprimis (A). It describes the company’s decision to enter into the pharmaceutical compounding business in 2013–2014. Imprimis purchased a compounded ophthalmological medication called Dropless Therapy, which was injected into patients’... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Drug Compounding; Drug Development; Pharmaceuticals; Small Business; Decision-making, Business Model; Mark Baum; Imprimis; Decision Making; Strategy; Health Care and Treatment; Policy; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, Karen Elterman, and Marc Appel. "Imprimis (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 717-496, April 2017.
- September 2012 (Revised September 2012)
- Case
By: Diego Comin, Rohan Gopaldas and Diego Rehder
The case presents the unique business model of Inkaterra, a leading eco-tourism organization in Peru, and the different strategies the company can pursue to grow. Through the experience of Inkaterra the case studies two general issues. First, it discusses the potential... View Details
Keywords: Inkaterra; Ecotourism; Tourism; Environment; Peru; Informal Sector; Regulation; Economic Development; Bottom Of The Pyramid; Technology Diffusion; Competitiveness; Business Model; Growth and Development Strategy; Natural Environment; Market Entry and Exit; Conflict Management; Tourism Industry; Peru
Comin, Diego, Rohan Gopaldas, and Diego Rehder. "Inkaterra." Harvard Business School Case 713-022, September 2012. (Revised September 2012.)
- March 2016 (Revised November 2021)
- Teaching Note
T-Mobile in 2013: The Un-Carrier
By: John Beshears and Francesca Gino
By 2013, the U.S. wireless industry was in the midst of a costly transition. As consumers began to embrace more sophisticated mobile devices, the industry's four main players spent heavily to improve their infrastructures for providing reliable high-speed data... View Details
- Research Summary
My research aims to understand how prosperity is created in poor countries. My first “chapter” in this larger quest has focused on how rich-country actors have managed to be a force for change in poor-country economies. I have investigated the various attempts of... View Details
- April 2019
- Case
American Ballet Theatre
By: Anita Elberse, Tsubasa Nakajima and Melissa Rodman
Kara Medoff Barnett, executive director of American Ballet Theatre (ABT), widely regarded as one of the world’s premier ballet companies, faces several challenges. It is June 2018. Despite its prestige, the company’s $45 million annual budget and $22 million endowment... View Details
Keywords: Performing Arts; Superstars; Talent; Talent Development; Non-profit; Contracts; Labor Economics; General Management; Arts; Entertainment; Media; Talent and Talent Management; Nonprofit Organizations; Marketing; Strategy
Elberse, Anita, Tsubasa Nakajima, and Melissa Rodman. "American Ballet Theatre." Harvard Business School Case 519-085, April 2019.
- January 2016
- Case
Haiti Hope: Innovating the Mango Value Chain
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Jean-François Harvey
This case study examines a market-based approach to economic development through the eyes of NGO TechnoServe's project manager, implementing a US$9.5 million five-year public-private partnership between Coca-Cola, IDB, and USAID. The case ends at the beginning of the... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Economic Development; Corporate Social Responsibility; Emerging Country; Teaming; Public-private Partnership; Inter-organizational Relationships; Collaboration; Strategy Implementation; Agricultural Commodity; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Public Sector; Supply Chain Management; Customer Value and Value Chain; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Learning; Partners and Partnerships; Private Sector; Developing Countries and Economies; Social Enterprise; Food and Beverage Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Haiti
Edmondson, Amy C., and Jean-François Harvey. "Haiti Hope: Innovating the Mango Value Chain." Harvard Business School Case 616-040, January 2016.
- January 2019 (Revised March 2021)
- Case
SoundCloud: Subscription Streaming?
Established in 2007, SoundCloud already boasted the second largest number of active music listeners among all streaming services and was recognized as the go-to platform for new artists by early 2014. Yet, its founders were questioning the robustness of the firm’s... View Details
Keywords: Audio; Recording; Artist; Music; Music Downloads; Streaming; Radio; Subscription; Subscription Model; Mainstream; Growth; Lawsuit; Licensing; Customers; Platform; Pivot; Music Entertainment; Strategy; Leadership; Business Model; Decision Making; Advertising; Digital Platforms; Music Industry; Europe; Germany; Sweden; United States
Nanda, Ashish, Eric Van den Steen, Andy Wu, Jeffrey Boyar, and Bonnie Bennett Slater. "SoundCloud: Subscription Streaming?" Harvard Business School Case 719-430, January 2019. (Revised March 2021.)
- 14 Feb 2023
- HBS Case
Is Sweden Still 'Sweden'? A Liberal Utopia Grapples with an Identity Crisis
lately, Sweden doesn’t seem as traditionally Swedish. The far-right Sweden Democrat party finished second in September’s election, touting an anti-immigrant campaign. The party’s parliamentary votes will influence the nation’s policies in the View Details
Keywords: by Lane Lambert
- January 2015
- Case
The Blonde Salad
By: Anat Keinan, Kristina Maslauskaite, Sandrine Crener and Vincent Dessain
In 2014, Chiara Ferragni, a globe-trotting founder of the world's most popular fashion blog The Blonde Salad, and Riccardo Pozzoli, her co-founder and business partner, had to decide how to best monetize her blog as well as her shoe line called the "Chiara Ferragni... View Details
Keywords: Social Media; Digital Influencers; Fashion Blogger; Brand Authenticity; Digital Marketing; Brands; Start-up; Fashion; Shoe; Chiara Ferragni; Celebrity Endorsement; Celebrity Management; Lifestyle Brand; Digital Brand; New Brand Development; Branding; Instagram; Online Followers; Fashion Blog; Marketing Partnerships; Brand Portfolio; Luxury Brand; Louis Vuitton; Dior; Designer Brands; Authenticity; Luxury; Blogs; Product Positioning; Commercialization; Consolidation; Brands and Branding; Entrepreneurship; Business Model; Fashion Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Publishing Industry
Keinan, Anat, Kristina Maslauskaite, Sandrine Crener, and Vincent Dessain. "The Blonde Salad." Harvard Business School Case 515-074, January 2015.
- 2022
- Article
Dynamic Pricing Algorithms, Consumer Harm, and Regulatory Response
By: Alexander MacKay and Samuel N. Weinstein
Pricing algorithms are rapidly transforming markets, from ride-sharing apps, to air travel, to online retail. Regulators and scholars have watched this development with a wary eye. Their focus so far has been on the potential for pricing algorithms to facilitate... View Details
Keywords: Competition Policy; Regulation; Algorithmic Pricing; Dynamic Pricing; Economics; Law And Economics; Law And Regulation; Consumer Protection; Antitrust Law; Industrial Organization; Antitrust Issues And Policies; Technological Change: Choices And Consequences; Competition; Policy; Price; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Microeconomics; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Law
MacKay, Alexander, and Samuel N. Weinstein. "Dynamic Pricing Algorithms, Consumer Harm, and Regulatory Response." Washington University Law Review 100, no. 1 (2022): 111–174. (Direct download.)
- 19 Aug 2011
- News
NYC Program Means Real Public School Choice for Students
- 03 May 2017
- Book
The Clear Connection Between Slavery and American Capitalism
Keywords: by Dina Gerdeman
Raymond P. Kluender
Ray Kluender is an assistant professor in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit, teaching Entrepreneurial Finance to second-year MBA students.
He studies the causes of financial distress among American households and how public policy,... View Details