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- Faculty Publications (829)
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- All HBS Web (1,313)
- Faculty Publications (829)
- 18 Sep 2007
- First Look
First Look: September 18, 2007
modularized. Instead these areas should be located in transaction-free zones so that the costs of transacting do not overburden the system. The boundaries of transaction-free zones constitute breakpoints where firms and industries may... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 01 Sep 2018
- News
September 2018 Alumni and Faculty Books
entrepreneurial powerhouse. Carolyn’s mix of pep talk and tough love got Tyra to where she is today, and here they pay it forward to empower readers. Whether they’re writing about watching Tyra’s most imperfect moment go viral or how they’ve overcome everything from... View Details
- 27 Jan 2009
- First Look
First Look: January 27, 2009
relatively new to the industry and has his sights set particularly high. Kolville needs to weigh a number of effects this negotiation will have on the player, his teammates, and the long-term prospects of the team. Purchase the case:... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 18 Dec 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, December 18, 2018
business. One common approach used to gain traction in these adjacent markets has been to pursue a tying strategy. For example, Microsoft pre-installed Internet Explorer into Windows, and Apple set Apple Maps as the iOS default.... View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- September 2020 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
Comviva: Exploring New Frontiers (A)
By: Dante Roscini and Mahima Rao-Kachroo
Comviva, a mobile solutions provider active in India and 94 other countries, has had a rich history and been successful across many emerging and complex markets: Latin America, South-East Asia, Africa. What are the lessons learnt from expansion, cultural fits, and... View Details
Keywords: Internet and the Web; Acquisition; Emerging Markets; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Growth and Development Strategy; Telecommunications Industry; India; South Asia
Roscini, Dante, and Mahima Rao-Kachroo. "Comviva: Exploring New Frontiers (A)." Harvard Business School Case 721-006, September 2020. (Revised January 2021.)
- October 2016 (Revised October 2023)
- Case
Bootstrapping at Lightricks
By: Robert White, Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Christine Snively
By August 2015, two-year-old mobile imaging software startup Lightricks had developed and released two best-selling paid mobile apps, grown to a team of 30, earned a revenue run rate of nearly $10 million, and achieved modest profitability. The bootstrapped company had... View Details
Keywords: Business Startup; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Entrepreneurship; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Information Infrastructure; Business Startups; Digital Marketing; Finance; Strategy; Technology Industry; Israel
White, Robert, Jeffrey J. Bussgang, and Christine Snively. "Bootstrapping at Lightricks." Harvard Business School Case 817-051, October 2016. (Revised October 2023.)
- October 2000 (Revised May 2001)
- Case
Digitas (A): Strategic Interactive Group
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter, David Lane and Courtenay Sprague
Kathy Biro, president of Digitas, an e-strategy consulting firm, has successfully grown out of the company's roots in the strategic interactive group. Her challenges now include managing the integration of the SIG with Digitas's other component, direct marketing firm... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Integration; Expansion; Business or Company Management; Business Model; Organizational Design; Consulting Industry; Massachusetts
Kanter, Rosabeth M., David Lane, and Courtenay Sprague. "Digitas (A): Strategic Interactive Group." Harvard Business School Case 301-052, October 2000. (Revised May 2001.)
- October 1998 (Revised May 2001)
- Case
Preview Travel (A)
By: William A. Sahlman, Nicole Tempest, Daniel H Case III and Robert Keller
Preview Travel was a leader in the online travel industry, having generated $80 million in bookings in 1997 and growing at a 34% compound annual growth rate per quarter. This case describes the evolution of Preview Travel's business plan and financing strategy and... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Business Model; Initial Public Offering; Valuation; Internet and the Web; Business Plan; Capital; Financial Strategy; Travel Industry; United States
Sahlman, William A., Nicole Tempest, Daniel H Case III, and Robert Keller. "Preview Travel (A)." Harvard Business School Case 899-085, October 1998. (Revised May 2001.)
- March 2021
- Supplement
CashDrop (B1)
By: Rembrand Koning, Paul A. Gompers and Sarah Gulick
After the events in CashDrop A, Flores-Martinez received two concrete offers from VC funds for his startup business, CashDrop. This case describes the tensions between the two funds: a traditional VC fund who would offer Flores-Martinez a prestigious platform, and a... View Details
Keywords: Small Business; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Venture Capital; Internet and the Web; Decision Choices and Conditions; Technology Industry; Technology Industry; Chicago; Illinois
Koning, Rembrand, Paul A. Gompers, and Sarah Gulick. "CashDrop (B1)." Harvard Business School Supplement 221-052, March 2021.
- July 2001 (Revised October 2004)
- Case
PSA: The World's Port of Call
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Nancy Bartlett, Dolly Chang-Leow and Neo Boon Siong
Details the evolution of an e-business strategy and capabilities over a 16-year period. What began in 1984 as an effort to automate the port of Singapore to achieve productivity savings, by 2000 had evolved into a global e-business called Closes as senior... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Technological Innovation; Internet and the Web; Business or Company Management; Shipping Industry; Shipping Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Nancy Bartlett, Dolly Chang-Leow, and Neo Boon Siong. "PSA: The World's Port of Call." Harvard Business School Case 802-003, July 2001. (Revised October 2004.)
- January 2013
- Case 2009: Clothing, Customer Service, and Company Culture (MM)
By: Frances X. Frei and Robin J. Ely
On July 17, 2009,, a privately-held online retailer of shoes, clothing, and other soft-line retail categories, learned that, a $19 billion multinational online retailer, had won its Board of Directors' approval to offer to merge the two companies.... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Internet and the Web; Mergers and Acquisitions; Organizational Culture; Growth and Development Strategy; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Frei, Frances X., and Robin J. Ely. " 2009: Clothing, Customer Service, and Company Culture (MM)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 612-701, January 2013.
- 04 May 2017
- News
Going the Distance
developed a clutch system and mounted our lawnmower engine onto my 3-speed bike. My top speed was 53 mph!” he says. With an engineering degree earned at Brigham Young University, Frey worked in the defense industry during the 1980s. When... View Details
Keywords: Jill Radsken
- 01 Dec 2006
- News
One-on-One with Jeff Hicks
industry entirely. Instead, the Miami native went home after graduation to join an upstart agency that seemed interested in doing things a little differently. At the time, Crispin Porter + Bogusky (CP+B) had a regional focus, with 55... View Details
- 13 May 2014
- First Look
First Look: May 13
how management and corporate boards of directors can best manage investor relations with activist stockholders such as hedge funds who are demanding major changes within a corporation to improve stockholder return. Beverage industry firm... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- February 2015 (Revised September 2016)
- Teaching Note
Making stickK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics
By: Leslie K. John and Michael Norton
Email for a courtesy copy.
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Making sticK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics (514019). The case focuses on a... View Details
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Making sticK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics (514019). The case focuses on a... View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Economics; Behavior Change; B2B Vs. B2C; Human Resource Management; Marketing Of Innovations; Health & Wellness; Weight Loss; Charitable Giving; Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Entrepreneurship; Internet and the Web; Health; Business Model; Sales; Human Resources; Health Industry; United States
John, Leslie K., and Michael Norton. "Making stickK Stick: The Business of Behavioral Economics." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 515-088, February 2015. (Revised September 2016.) (Email for a courtesy copy.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
Where do the Most Active Customers Originate and How Can Firms Keep Them Engaged?
By: Clarence Lee, E. Ofek and Thomas Steenburgh
In this paper, we study how firms offering Web services can acquire and develop an active customer base. We focus on two basic questions. First, how does the method of customer acquisition affect the way customers use the service to meet their own needs and to interact... View Details
- February 2001
- Case
PlanetFeedback: The Voice of One ... The Power of Many (A)
By: James L. Heskett
The management of PlanetFeedback in proposes a merger with Intelliseek. Their goal is to create a comprehensive C2B and B2B business focused on the generation and analysis for business clients of consumer feedback data via the Internet, Planet Feedback's board of... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Decisions; Information Management; Analytics and Data Science; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Information Technology Industry
Heskett, James L. "PlanetFeedback: The Voice of One ... The Power of Many (A)." Harvard Business School Case 901-051, February 2001.
- March 1998 (Revised June 1999)
- Case
DigitalThink: Building a Sales Force
By: Michael J. Roberts, Joseph B. Lassiter III and Christina L. Darwall
A broad set of issues faces a young company in the Internet-based training business as it begins to sell its product to corporate customers. Issues include: profile of attractive candidates, compensation, definition of territory, definition of quotas, and role of... View Details
Roberts, Michael J., Joseph B. Lassiter III, and Christina L. Darwall. "DigitalThink: Building a Sales Force." Harvard Business School Case 898-193, March 1998. (Revised June 1999.)
- June 2018
- Case
The Grommet in 2018
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Karen Gordon Mills and Lena Goldberg
The Grommet, an online product launch platform, was at the brink of scaling its business. The Grommet's daily launch and sale of innovative consumer products, using personal videos created by product makers, had led to its initial success. In 2014, the company launched... View Details
- December 1999
- Case
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A4): Sun Peak: Helen Yang and Mark Walden on "Running Sun on Sun"
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
SunPeak was the largest project Sun Microsystems, Inc. had ever undertaken: shifting Sun's entire business transaction system from a mainframe-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to a Sun-based system. Making the shift would be complicated and financially... View Details