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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (44)
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- March 2020
- Case
Thingtesting: Launching a Brand Discovery and Testing Digital Community
By: Ayelet Israeli and Jill Avery
Thingtesting, a brand discovery and testing digital community devoted to uncovering and exploring direct-to-consumer brands, had just received seed funding and was contemplating a second year of growth. The new year brought many challenges, as founder Jenny Gyllander... View Details
Keywords: Influencer Marketing; Monetization; Female Ceo; Female Entrepreneur; Female Protagonist; Influencers; Influencer; Direct-to-consumer; Marketing; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Venture Capital; Entrepreneurship; Marketing Communications; Consumer Products Industry; Financial Services Industry; Advertising Industry; London; United Kingdom; United States; Europe; North America
Israeli, Ayelet, and Jill Avery. "Thingtesting: Launching a Brand Discovery and Testing Digital Community." Harvard Business School Case 520-086, March 2020.
- March 2024
- Article
How Foes Become Allies: The Shifting Role of Business in Climate Politics
By: Irja Vormedal and Jonas Meckling
Firms often oppose costly public policy reforms—but under what conditions may they
come to support such reforms? Previous scholarship has taken a predominantly static
approach to the analysis of business positions. Here, we advance a dynamic theory of
change in... View Details
Vormedal, Irja, and Jonas Meckling. "How Foes Become Allies: The Shifting Role of Business in Climate Politics." Policy Sciences 57, no. 1 (March 2024): 101–124.
- 2015
- Chapter
Leading Socially Responsible, Value-Creating Corporations
By: Daniel A Brown, Rakesh Khurana and James O'Toole
We explore the role of the corporate leader in creating value for stakeholders throughout three eras: one of naïve idealism, one of naïve cynicism, and an emerging era of rugged idealism. We explain how the role of the corporate leader and society's perceptions of this... View Details
Keywords: Stakeholder Management; Value; Shared Value; Institution; Business School; Stakeholder Engagement; Value Creation; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Alignment; Business Education; Business and Stakeholder Relations
Brown, Daniel A., Rakesh Khurana, and James O'Toole. "Leading Socially Responsible, Value-Creating Corporations." In Corporate Stewardship: Achieving Sustainable Effectiveness, edited by Susan Albers Mohrman, James O'Toole, and Edward E. Lawler. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, 2015.
- 2015
- Working Paper
'Be Careless with That!' Availability of Product Upgrades Increases Cavalier Behavior Toward Possessions
By: Silvia Bellezza, Joshua M. Ackerman and Francesca Gino
Consumers are often faced with the opportunity to purchase a new, enhanced product (e.g., a new phone), even though the device they currently own is still fully functional. We propose that consumers act more recklessly with their current products and are less concerned... View Details
Keywords: Carelessness; Product Upgrade; Justification; Loss; Consumer Behavior; Attitudes; Product; Ownership
Bellezza, Silvia, Joshua M. Ackerman, and Francesca Gino. "'Be Careless with That!' Availability of Product Upgrades Increases Cavalier Behavior Toward Possessions." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-077, April 2015.
- April 2019 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Susie L. Ma and Matthew G. Preble
In 2016 Niraj Shah and Steve Conine, founders of online home goods retailer Wayfair, are faced with a decision about how to improve user experience on their e-commerce sites. A key driver of consumer interest and conversion to purchase in the home category is visual... View Details
Keywords: Visual Assets; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Decision Making; Business or Company Management; Growth Management; Innovation and Invention; Operations; Strategy; Technology; Retail Industry; Service Industry; United States; Massachusetts
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Susie L. Ma, and Matthew G. Preble. "Wayfair." Harvard Business School Case 819-045, April 2019. (Revised April 2021.)
- October 2022
- Case
Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA
By: George Serafeim, Maria Loumioti and Benjamin Maletta
As of August 2022, the Itau BBA had structured dozens of sustainability linked bonds, which made future interest payments a function of the borrower meeting a target for a sustainability metric, and had solidified its reputation as a pioneer of sustainable finance in... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Finance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Environmental Sustainability; Growth Strategy; Debt Contracting; Performance Metrics; Risk Assessment; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Financial Instruments; Risk Management; Debt Securities; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Latin America
Serafeim, George, Maria Loumioti, and Benjamin Maletta. "Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA." Harvard Business School Case 123-036, October 2022.
- Web
Case Method Project
working with the Case Method Project? Connect to other educators in our network and download case materials via ShareVault . For Prospective Partners Interested in learning more about the Case Method Project? Find out how to bring the... View Details
- August 1989 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Prospect Hill
By: William J. Poorvu and Katherine Sweetman
Bill Hassett, a partner in the Nelson Companies, has to make some important decisions regarding the expansion of Prospect Hill Executive Office Park in Waltham, Massachusetts. The pre-development issues concerning him about the Hillside Building include how to position... View Details
Keywords: Expansion; Growth and Development Strategy; Property; Decisions; Interest Rates; Urban Development; Organizational Structure; Real Estate Industry; Massachusetts
Poorvu, William J., and Katherine Sweetman. "Prospect Hill." Harvard Business School Case 390-011, August 1989. (Revised January 1992.)
- 25 Oct 2006
- Op-Ed
Fixing Executive Options: The Veil of Ignorance
The latest corporate governance crisis is buried in the details of executive compensation contracts. Don't like the timing of the stock option grant you got or the strike price of the contract? No worries! It turns out that this is nothing an eraser can't fix. While... View Details
Keywords: by Mihir Desai & Joshua Margolis
- Research Summary
Performance Measurement and Incentive Alignment
Professor Kulp is interested in how organizations use information to enhance firm performance. The manner in which an organization gathers, analyzes, and uses performance information as part of its internal governance system affects organizational success. Professor... View Details
- Teaching Interest
IFC: London; Entrepreneurship in the UK and Europe
This immersion course is designed to provide “a view from the bridge” between the HBS campus and Europe for those who are interested in understanding the region’s extraordinary recent explosion of entrepreneurial activity and capital deployment, who want to meet... View Details
- August 1988 (Revised July 1996)
- Case
Colt Industries
Colt Industries is a conglomerate that is considering undertaking a leveraged recapitalization. The deal would involve a large one-time dividend to stockholders, which would be financed by over $1 billion in new debt. Unlike in an leveraged buyout, however, public... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Equity; Economic Growth; Ownership Stake; Stocks; Borrowing and Debt; Employee Stock Ownership Plan; Financial Strategy
Stein, Jeremy C. "Colt Industries." Harvard Business School Case 289-012, August 1988. (Revised July 1996.)
- 2014
- Article
Are Patents Creative or Destructive?
By: Tom Nicholas
Current debate over patent aggregation has led to renewed interest in the long-standing question concerning whether patents are a creative or a destructive influence on the process of technological development. In this paper I examine the basic patent tradeoff between... View Details
Nicholas, Tom. "Are Patents Creative or Destructive?" Antitrust Law Journal 79, no. 2 (2014): 405–421.
- 24 Oct 2018
- News
For Women, the Corporate Ladder Is a Battle of Attrition
- Research Summary
I am a doctoral candidate in the strategy unit at Harvard Business School. My main areas of interest are organizational economics, public policy, and technology. My research is published at PNAS and forthcoming at the Journal of Financial Economics. My work has been... View Details
- February 2011
- Exercise
Pitch Your Project!
By: Thomas Steenburgh
No matter what you do later in your career, you are going to have to learn how to pitch ideas. Perhaps you will want to convince a venture capitalist to invest in your new business idea. Perhaps you will want to convince your company to develop an innovative product.... View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Change; Venture Capital; Governing and Advisory Boards; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Marketing; Product Development; Interests; Complexity; Chicago; New York (state, US)
Steenburgh, Thomas. "Pitch Your Project!" Harvard Business School Exercise 511-116, February 2011.
- June 1988 (Revised July 1989)
- Case
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.: The Inflation Strategy Task Force (A)
1980 was a critical time for John Hancock with high inflation, high interest rates, increased competition, and the desertion of policy holders seeking new investment opportunities. A new lower level (of vice presidents) task force was set up by the executive committee... View Details
Barnes, Louis B. "John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.: The Inflation Strategy Task Force (A)." Harvard Business School Case 488-049, June 1988. (Revised July 1989.)
- 20 Apr 2012
- News
The American Connection
- 19 Sep 2013
- News