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- All HBS Web
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- December 2019 (Revised June 2020)
- Case
The New LAX: Ready for Takeoff?
By: Boris Groysberg, Kerry Herman and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Chair of LAX Board Sean Burton and LAX CEO Deborah Flint have made progress on streamlining and modernizing LAX's complex capital projects ($12 billion worth) while reorganizing and retooling Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) staff resources, management processes, and... View Details
Keywords: Leadership And Change Management; Leadership; Change Management; Performance Improvement; Strategic Planning; Air Transportation; Outcome or Result; Air Transportation Industry; Los Angeles
Groysberg, Boris, Kerry Herman, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "The New LAX: Ready for Takeoff?" Harvard Business School Case 420-025, December 2019. (Revised June 2020.)
- June 2012 (Revised August 2013)
- Case
Driving Towards a Disruption?
By: Willy Shih and William Noble
As Clayton Christensen drove to the studio to deliver an online executive education class, he pondered the future of management education. How big a threat did online degree programs, corporate universities, and other innovations in the delivery of management training... View Details
Keywords: Disruptive Technology; Performance Trajectories; Disruptive Innovations; Business Education; Business School; Internet And Online Services Industries; Disruptive Innovation; Higher Education; Corporate Strategy; Internet; Performance; Education Industry; Boston
Shih, Willy, and William Noble. "Driving Towards a Disruption?" Harvard Business School Case 612-101, June 2012. (Revised August 2013.)
- January 2025
- Supplement
Go Mobile: Aligning District Managers and Store Teams (B)
By: Tatiana Sandino and Samuel Grad
In January 2025, Modi reflects on the past decade of Go Mobile and looks ahead to new growth strategies. View Details
- 13 Nov 2000
- Research & Ideas
Managing to Learn: How Companies Can Turn Knowledge into Action
in their thinking about issues the right way. What criteria do they use? Why do they think the way they do? What alternatives have they considered? What premises do they have?" Similarly, at Serengeti Eyewear, a division of Corning, General View Details
Keywords: by Laurie Joan Aron
- Article
Reimagining the Balanced Scorecard for the ESG Era
By: Robert S. Kaplan and David McMillan
Companies are increasingly aware that their customers and society in general expect businesses to adopt and work towards social and environmental objectives as well as the traditional financial ones. This involves not only re-evaluating firms’ models but re-imagining... View Details
Keywords: ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Business Ecosystems; Balanced Scorecard; Adaptation; Business Model; Business and Stakeholder Relations
Kaplan, Robert S., and David McMillan. "Reimagining the Balanced Scorecard for the ESG Era." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (February 3, 2021).
- 2013
- Teaching Note
Ningbo FOTILE Kitchen Ware Co., Ltd. (TN)
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Zheng Xiaoming, Yuren Fang and Hong Zhang
Since 2008, FOTILE has actively introduced philosophies of the traditional Chinese culture—such as benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom and faith—into its management, which it believes to compensate for deficiencies in Western management concepts and creates a new... View Details
Keywords: Human Resource Management; China; Human Resources; Leadership; Management; Strategy; China
McFarlan, F. Warren, Zheng Xiaoming, Yuren Fang, and Hong Zhang. "Ningbo FOTILE Kitchen Ware Co., Ltd. (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2013.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Determinants of Early-Stage Startup Performance: Survey Results
To explore determinants of new venture performance, the CEOs of 470 early-stage startups were surveyed regarding a broad range of factors related to their venture’s customer value proposition, product management, marketing, technology and operations, financial... View Details
Keywords: Startups; Survey Research; Performance Analysis; Entrepreneurship; Performance; Analysis; Business Startups; Failure; Surveys
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Determinants of Early-Stage Startup Performance: Survey Results." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-057, October 2020.
- August 1996 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Howard, Shea & Chan Asset Management (D): Sales Presentation
Provides the context and hard copy material to accompany a video sales presentation. Participants are asked to develop criteria for evaluating a sales presentation and then to apply the criteria to the video presentation. View Details
Shapiro, Benson P. "Howard, Shea & Chan Asset Management (D): Sales Presentation." Harvard Business School Case 597-024, August 1996. (Revised October 1996.)
- October 2022
- Case
Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA
By: George Serafeim, Maria Loumioti and Benjamin Maletta
As of August 2022, the Itau BBA had structured dozens of sustainability linked bonds, which made future interest payments a function of the borrower meeting a target for a sustainability metric, and had solidified its reputation as a pioneer of sustainable finance in... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Finance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Environmental Sustainability; Growth Strategy; Debt Contracting; Performance Metrics; Risk Assessment; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Financial Instruments; Risk Management; Debt Securities; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Latin America
Serafeim, George, Maria Loumioti, and Benjamin Maletta. "Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA." Harvard Business School Case 123-036, October 2022.
- March 2018
- Case
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center: Managing Capacity in Neurology
By: Joel Goh, Robert S. Huckman and Nikhil Sahni
In December 2014, Dr. Anthony Furlan, chair of the Department of Neurology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (UH), faced a mandate from the hospital’s executive leadership team. Specifically, all UH departments were directed to take steps within six... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Hospitals; Capacity Planning; Scheduling; Health Care and Treatment; Service Operations; Performance Capacity; Health Industry; North America; United States; Ohio; Cleveland
Goh, Joel, Robert S. Huckman, and Nikhil Sahni. "University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center: Managing Capacity in Neurology." Harvard Business School Case 618-062, March 2018.
- December 2022
- Article
Social Skills Improve Business Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial with Entrepreneurs in Togo
By: Stefan Dimitriadis and Rembrand Koning
Recent field experiments demonstrate that advice, mentorship, and feedback from randomly assigned peers improve entrepreneurial performance. These results raise a natural question: what is preventing entrepreneurs and managers from forming these peer connections... View Details
Keywords: Social Skills; Business Performance; Entrepreneurs; Peer Relationships; Field Experiment; Entrepreneurship; Performance; Relationships; Interpersonal Communication; Togo
Dimitriadis, Stefan, and Rembrand Koning. "Social Skills Improve Business Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial with Entrepreneurs in Togo." Management Science 68, no. 12 (December 2022): 8635–8657.
- Article
What's Your Language Strategy?: It Should Bind Your Company's Global Talent Management and Vision
By: Tsedal Neeley and Robert Steven Kaplan
Language pervades every aspect of organizational life. Yet leaders of global organizations—where unrestricted multilingualism can create friction—often pay too little attention to it in their approach to talent management. By managing language carefully, firms can hire... View Details
Neeley, Tsedal, and Robert Steven Kaplan. "What's Your Language Strategy? It Should Bind Your Company's Global Talent Management and Vision." R1409D. Harvard Business Review 92, no. 9 (September 2014): 70–76.
- fall 2007
- Article
Store Manager Incentive Design and Retail Performance: An Exploratory Investigation
By: Nicole DeHoratius and Ananth Raman
DeHoratius, Nicole, and Ananth Raman. "Store Manager Incentive Design and Retail Performance: An Exploratory Investigation." Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9, no. 4 (fall 2007).
- April 2008
- Case
Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad
By: Michael Beer and Elizabeth Collins
In May 2007, the Engstrom Auto Mirrors plant, a relatively small supplier based in Indiana, faces a crisis. The business was in the second year of a downturn. Sales had started to decline in 2005; a year later, plant manager Ron Bent had been forced to lay off more... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Human Resource Management; Incentives; Motivation; Manufacturing; Leadership; Change Management; Employees; Motivation and Incentives; Goals and Objectives; Manufacturing Industry; Indiana
Beer, Michael, and Elizabeth Collins. "Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad." Harvard Business School Brief Case 082-175, April 2008.
- 21 Jan 2015
- Lessons from the Classroom
Managing the Family Business: Market Basket’s Lessons About Buyouts
2014, when George's branch obtained control and fired the CEO—who happened to be a cousin, Arthur T. Demoulas. Management was outraged, and the employees walked out in support of their CEO. The company lost... View Details
Keywords: Retail
- 2013
- Chapter
Market Imperfections and Sustainable Competitive Advantage
By: Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Dennis Yao
This chapter reviews the main theories in strategic management that seek to explain persistent differences in profitability across companies. We argue that these differences are ultimately explained by market imperfections. Studying differences in financial performance... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Management; Market Imperfections; Five Forces Framework; Competitive Advantage; Profit
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, and Dennis Yao. "Market Imperfections and Sustainable Competitive Advantage." Chap. 12 in Oxford Handbook of Managerial Economics, by Christopher R. Thomas and William F. Shughart II, 262–277. Oxford University Press, 2013.
- 2016
- Book
Innovation Equity: Assessing and Managing the Monetary Value of New Products and Services
By: Elie Ofek, Eitan Muller and Barak Libai
This book bridges the gap between what academics know, and what innovation stakeholders—from managers, to investors, to analysts, to consumers—need to know about how new products and services are expected to perform in the marketplace. The book develops a compelling... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Technology Diffusion; New Products; Customer Lifetime Value; Monetization Strategy; Social Influence; Innovation Adoption; Forecasting Demand; Commercialization; Marketing Strategy; Practice; Customer Value and Value Chain; Research; Innovation and Management; Technology Adoption; Forecasting and Prediction; Product Development
Ofek, Elie, Eitan Muller, and Barak Libai. Innovation Equity: Assessing and Managing the Monetary Value of New Products and Services. University of Chicago Press, 2016.
- Research Summary
Corporate transparency and information disclosure strategies
This research focuses on transparency and information disclosure strategies, a topic of growing importance in environmental sustainability, corporate strategy, stakeholder relations, and public policy. My prior research in this area explored why... View Details
- January–February 2018
- Article
The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture: How to Manage the Eight Critical Elements of Organizational Life
By: Boris Groysberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price and J. Yo-Jud Cheng
Executives are often confounded by culture, because much of it is anchored in unspoken behaviors, mindsets, and social patterns. But when properly managed, culture can help them achieve change and build organizations that will thrive in even the most trying times. In... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Performance Effectiveness; Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Groysberg, Boris, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price, and J. Yo-Jud Cheng. "The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture: How to Manage the Eight Critical Elements of Organizational Life." Harvard Business Review 96, no. 1 (January–February 2018): 44–52.