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- All HBS Web
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- 24 Jun 2002
- Research & Ideas
Building ’Brandtopias’—How Top Brands Tap into Society
supervision of a stressed-out boss. Holt attributes Mountain Dew's stunning success in the 1990s to PepsiCo's nimble transformation of the brand to fit these new ideological circumstances. A new advertising campaign, "Do the... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 29 Apr 2013
- Research & Ideas
Diagnosing the ‘Flutie Effect’ on College Marketing
football. “I am hesitant to say schools choose to invest in athletics just because of the spillover effect into academics” "The primary form of mass media advertising by academic institutions in the United States is, arguably,... View Details
- 19 Oct 2012
- Research & Ideas
Digital Technology’s Profound Game Change for Marketers
innovative thought leaders and companies who are transforming marketing. Hosted in Boston, at the nexus of the technology and advertising industry, FutureM is a weeklong extravaganza that will bring together marketing artists and... View Details
- May 2022
- Supplement
Thinking Outside the Wine Box (B): Mekanism and the Franz for Life Campaign
This case reveals the events that took place after the conclusion of the case “Thinking Outside the Wine Box (A): Mekanism and the Franz for Life Campaign.” After reviewing Mekanism’s pitches for the Franz for Life 2.0 campaign, TWG executives felt that the proposed... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Digital Marketing; Social Marketing; Marketing Communications; Product Positioning; Advertising; Communication Strategy; Advertising Campaigns; Social Media; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; United States
Amano, Tomomichi, Elie Ofek, Mengjie Cheng, and Amy Klopfenstein. "Thinking Outside the Wine Box (B): Mekanism and the Franz for Life Campaign." Harvard Business School Supplement 522-059, May 2022.
- 26 Mar 2012
- Research & Ideas
What Neuroscience Tells Us About Consumer Desire
seatmate. Problem solved.) The campaign garnered Frito-Lay a 2009 Grand Ogilvy Award from the Advertising Research Foundation. EEG vs. fMRI Karmarkar notes that EEG and fMRI have different strengths and weaknesses, and that EEG has some... View Details
- October 1993 (Revised September 1994)
- Case
Catalina Marketing Corp.
By: David E. Bell, Walter J. Salmon and Dinny Starr
Catalina Marketing is a very successful marketing service firm. Their current customers include major supermarket retailers and consumer products manufacturers nation-wide. Catalina provides a unique way for these clients to distribute coupons for their products via... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Information Management; Expansion; Product; Salesforce Management; Information Technology; Growth and Development Strategy; Customer Value and Value Chain; Advertising Industry
Bell, David E., Walter J. Salmon, and Dinny Starr. "Catalina Marketing Corp." Harvard Business School Case 594-026, October 1993. (Revised September 1994.)
- 07 Dec 2011
- Research & Ideas
Are Creative People More Dishonest?
research, Gino and Ariely surveyed 99 employees across 17 departments at an American advertising agency, where some jobs—copywriting, for example—required much more creativity than others. In the anonymous survey, on a seven-point scale,... View Details
- May–June 2011
- Article
The Uninvited Brand
By: Susan Fournier and Jill Avery
Brands rushed into social media, viewing social networks, video sharing, online communities, and microblogging sites as the panacea to diminishing returns for traditional brand building routes. But, as more branding activity moves to the web, marketers are confronted... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brands; Brand Building; Brand Management; Digital Marketing; Advertising Campaigns; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Internet and the Web; Social Media; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry
Fournier, Susan, and Jill Avery. "The Uninvited Brand." Business Horizons 54, no. 3 (May–June 2011): 193–207.
- 16 Feb 2004
- Research & Ideas
Marketing Wine to the World
many consolidations in the past decade. Does the rapid consolidation of New World producers make profits at the cost of diversity? Should a beer company own a vineyard? A: The scope economies across the beer and wine businesses appear fairly small. Certainly, Foster's... View Details
- 02 Jun 2003
- Research & Ideas
Why Have Marketers Ignored America’s Man-of-Action Hero?
has been the central myth in American culture for the last twenty years. Yet only two brands that I've studied—Budweiser in the eighties and Nike in the period from 1988-1995—have tapped into this myth. Each brand used advertising to... View Details
Keywords: by Manda Salls
- 24 Feb 2014
- Research & Ideas
Uncovering Racial Discrimination in the ‘Sharing Economy’
apartment, a car, a boat—now has an easy way to advertise and share it. And anyone with the time and skills—driving, running errands—can find customers who need these services. But new research shows how online marketplaces can work in... View Details
- 10 Jan 2011
- Research & Ideas
Is Groupon Good for Retailers?
Groupon has found a way to feature small businesses that haven't traditionally advertised online." For consumers, there's an obvious appeal to scoring a $50 meal for 15 bucks—especially in a recession. But for retailers offering the... View Details
- 02 Mar 2020
- What Do You Think?
Are Candor, Humility, and Trust Making a Comeback?
mentioning both positives and negatives of the card. The latter attracted not only customers who were more loyal and spent more money with the card, they were less likely to make late payments. In this case candor paid off, contrary to conventional thinking among some... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- November 1990
- Case
Eastern Airlines: The ""Fight Back"" Campaign
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Norman Klein
- February 1974
- Case
Listerine Lozenges
Greyser, Stephen A. "Listerine Lozenges." Harvard Business School Case 574-062, February 1974.
- February 1973 (Revised June 1973)
- Case
Listerine Antiseptic (A)
Greyser, Stephen A. "Listerine Antiseptic (A)." Harvard Business School Case 573-060, February 1973. (Revised June 1973.)
- January 1993 (Revised November 1993)
- Case
FCB and Publicis (A): Forming the Alliance
Two of the largest ad agencies form a partnership to be able to offer their clients global capabilities. After five years, how is the alliance faring? May be used with FCB and Publicis (B): Managing Client and Country Diversity and (C): The German-Led Network. View Details
Keywords: Alliances; Partners and Partnerships; Globalized Firms and Management; Advertising; Global Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Market Timing; Outcome or Result; Advertising Industry; United States; France; Germany
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "FCB and Publicis (A): Forming the Alliance." Harvard Business School Case 393-099, January 1993. (Revised November 1993.)
- March 2006
- Teaching Note
American Legacy: Beyond the Truth Campaign (TN)
By: Youngme E. Moon
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns
- May 2011
- Article
Underdog Branding: Why Underdogs Win in Recessions
By: Neeru Paharia, Anat Keinan and Jill Avery
Underdog stories about overcoming great odds through passion and determination are particularly resonant during difficult times as they inspire us and give us hope when the outlook we face is bleak. They promise that success is still possible, a much needed message in... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brand Building; Brand Management; Brand Positioning; Competitive Positioning; Brands and Branding; Economics; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Advertising Campaigns; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry
Paharia, Neeru, Anat Keinan, and Jill Avery. "Underdog Branding: Why Underdogs Win in Recessions." European Business Review (May 2011): 53–56. (Invited Article.)
- June 1995
- Case
Citibank Credit Card: Commercials from the Asian-Pacific Region India 1993 Videotape
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Citibank Credit Card: Commercials from the Asian-Pacific Region India 1993 Videotape." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 595-523, June 1995.