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- All HBS Web
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- 03 Feb 2018
- News
Diagnosing the thriving Swamp that's failing America
- October 1998 (Revised September 1999)
- Case
Brazil Confronts an Interdependent World
By: George C. Lodge and Cate Reavis
Discusses the politics of change and how Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, elected in 1994, has fought to promote systemic change in Brazil. While his Real Plan has stabilized inflation and attracted foreign investment, the nation's deficit continues to... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Government and Politics; Inflation and Deflation; Foreign Direct Investment; Equality and Inequality; Change; Social Issues; Public Administration Industry; Brazil
Lodge, George C., and Cate Reavis. "Brazil Confronts an Interdependent World." Harvard Business School Case 799-004, October 1998. (Revised September 1999.)
- 2009
- Working Paper
Smith and Rawls Share a Room: Stability and Medians
By: Bettina-Elisabeth Klaus and Flip Klijn
We consider one-to-one, one-sided matching (roommate) problems in which agents can either be matched as pairs or remain single. We introduce a so-called bi-choice graph for each pair of stable matchings and characterize its structure. Exploiting this structure we... View Details
Keywords: Fairness; One-Sided Platforms; Two-Sided Platforms; Marketplace Matching; Mathematical Methods; Balance and Stability
Klaus, Bettina-Elisabeth, and Flip Klijn. "Smith and Rawls Share a Room: Stability and Medians." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-111, March 2009.
- February 2000 (Revised September 2002)
- Case
Forever: De Beers and U.S. Antitrust Law
By: Debora L. Spar and Jennifer Burns
For over a century, the international diamond market has been dominated by one of the most successful cartels on earth. Run by the legendary De Beers Corp., the cartel has managed to keep diamond prices increasing and to prevent the defection that dooms most other... View Details
Keywords: Lawfulness; Monopoly; Luxury; Business and Government Relations; Consumer Products Industry; Mining Industry; Africa; United States
Spar, Debora L., and Jennifer Burns. "Forever: De Beers and U.S. Antitrust Law." Harvard Business School Case 700-082, February 2000. (Revised September 2002.)
- Mar 2012
- Article
Macroeconomic Policy and U.S. Competitiveness
The United States is on a glide path to fiscal disaster, with experts projecting that the federal government will take in far less money than it spends--indefinitely. Our current fiscal policy is eroding competitiveness in several ways, and business conditions in the... View Details
- May 1996 (Revised December 1996)
- Case
Enron Development Corporation: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (B)
By: Krishna G. Palepu, V. Kasturi Rangan and Sarayu Srinivasan
A new administration/government takes power in a state in India and cancels a power project agreed upon/created by the previous state government and an American-based energy company. The project cancellation is based on allegations of irregularities, exorbitant costs,... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Crisis Management; Business and Government Relations; Conflict Management; Energy Industry; India; United States
Palepu, Krishna G., V. Kasturi Rangan, and Sarayu Srinivasan. "Enron Development Corporation: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (B)." Harvard Business School Case 596-100, May 1996. (Revised December 1996.)
- Research Summary
(Avalok @ Harvard)
Bhaskar's research program is aimed at applying and developing methods of computer science, social science and law to problems that significantly have both political and technical dimensions. (Avalok @ Harvard) is the primary vehicle for this research... View Details
- 18 Apr 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Popular Acceptance of Morally Arbitrary Luck and Widespread Support for Classical Benefit-Based Taxation
Keywords: by Matthew C. Weinzierl
- January 1983 (Revised July 2007)
- Case
Mat MacGregor (A)
Mat MacGregor took charge of a failing project but failed to turn it around because of a variety of personal, technical, cultural, and political reasons. The purpose of the case is to understand the underlying dynamics and their implications. View Details
Keywords: Management Skills; Management Style; Organizational Culture; Failure; Projects; Personal Characteristics
Sathe, Vijay V., and Chin B. Ho. "Mat MacGregor (A)." Harvard Business School Case 483-098, January 1983. (Revised July 2007.)
- 13 May 2020
- Video
Cas Coovadia
Cas Coovadia, the long-running Managing Director of the Banking Association South Africa, discusses his transition from being a political activist opposing banks during the era of apartheid, into a strong... View Details
Amitabh Chandra
Amitabh Chandra is the Henry and Allison McCance Family Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School where he is the Faculty Chair of the joint
- Research Summary
My research examines how companies manage environmental issues, occupational safety, and working conditions in global supply chains. More recently, I have also begun researching the drivers and implications of CEO activism, where organizational leaders speak out on... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Performance; Environmental Strategy; Labor Management; Transparency; Institutional Theory; Economic Analysis; Quality Improvement; Operations Management; Supply Chain; Regulation; Environmental Sustainability; Safety; Quality; Climate Change; Environmental Regulation; Pollution; Environmental Management; Operations; Supply Chain Management; Manufacturing Industry; Construction Industry; Asia; Europe; United States
- Research Summary
My current project examines how U.S. industrial union leaders engaged in political lobbying and worked through international trade union federations to advance their interests related to international trade, capital movements, and global labor standards from the 1940s... View Details
- January 2013
- Case
Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Sunru Yong
An aftermarket brake component manufacturer, VC Brakes, is bought out by a global automotive parts corporation after the 2008 financial crisis. Unlike its previous parent company, the new owner attempts to change VC Brakes' autocratic management style and... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Quality Management; Crisis Management; Human Resource Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Quality; Change Management; Leading Change; Restructuring; Management Practices and Processes; Problems and Challenges; Auto Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Sunru Yong. "Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-552, January 2013.
- September 1998 (Revised July 2009)
- Case
Power Across Latin America: Endesa de Chile
Endesa, a privatized Chilean electricity generator, has made significant investments in the privatization of Argentina's electricity sector and is now contemplating an even larger privatization opportunity in Peru. In deciding how much to bid in Peru, Endesa must... View Details
Keywords: Expansion; Energy Generation; Privatization; Government and Politics; Utilities Industry; Peru; Chile
Ghemawat, Pankaj, and Patricio del Sol. "Power Across Latin America: Endesa de Chile." Harvard Business School Case 799-015, September 1998. (Revised July 2009.)
- Research Summary
My work focuses on two tightly related topics. I explore why purpose or mission driven firms might be significantly more productive and creative than their more conventional rivals, focusing particularly on the role of trust in building path dependent relational... View Details
- October 2012 (Revised December 2013)
- Case
Urbanizing China
By: Lakshmi Iyer and G.A. Donovan
In 2012, China attained a historic development milestone with more Chinese citizens living in cities than in the countryside. China's rapid urbanization, and the accompanying conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural uses, raised a number of economic, social,... View Details
Keywords: China; Urbanization; Industrialization; Property Rights; Local Government Finance; Social Protest; Business Environment; Food Security; Safety; Change Management; Food; Urban Development; Social Issues; Growth and Development Strategy; Public Administration Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; China
Iyer, Lakshmi, and G.A. Donovan. "Urbanizing China." Harvard Business School Case 713-037, October 2012. (Revised December 2013.)
- November 2006 (Revised May 2014)
- Case
Li Ka-Shing and the Growth of Cheung Kong
By: Nitin Nohria, Anthony J. Mayo and Mark Benson
Events in the history of Cheung Kong's growth reveal how Li Ka-Shing applied his skills as a "first-class noticer" to complex political and socioeconomic environments. While Li's determination to succeed is legendary, so are his skills in reading and responding to the... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Competency and Skills; Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment Portfolio; Business History; Leadership; Personal Development and Career; Hong Kong
Nohria, Nitin, Anthony J. Mayo, and Mark Benson. "Li Ka-Shing and the Growth of Cheung Kong." Harvard Business School Case 407-062, November 2006. (Revised May 2014.)