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- August 2011
- Case
Martha Rinaldi: Should She Stay or Should She Go?
By: Linda A. Hill and Mark Renella
Martha Rinaldi has been an assistant product manager at leading beverage company Potomac Waters since graduating from business school. Rinaldi is frustrated by her relationships with her boss and a close co-worker. Even though she works hard to please her manager, she... View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Relations; Management Styles; Managing Up; Career Planning; Conflict; Management Style; Interpersonal Communication; Personal Development and Career; Organizational Culture; Relationships; Performance Evaluation; Conflict and Resolution; Power and Influence; Food and Beverage Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Mark Renella. "Martha Rinaldi: Should She Stay or Should She Go?" Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-310, August 2011.
- October 2009 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Ingrid Johnson and Nedbank Business Banking
By: Michael Tushman and David Kiron
This case discusses the issue of leading change at the business banking division of Nedbank, a prominent South African bank, between 2005 and 2009. (This timeframe, beginning just 11 years after Apartheid's end, covers Ingrid Johnson's leadership of this division... View Details
Keywords: Leadership And Change Management; Leadership; Leading Change; Banks and Banking; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Change Management; Leadership Style; Banking Industry; South Africa
Tushman, Michael, and David Kiron. "Ingrid Johnson and Nedbank Business Banking." Harvard Business School Case 410-003, October 2009. (Revised April 2021.)
- March 2001 (Revised July 2007)
- Background Note
Power and Influence: Achieving Your Objectives in Organizations
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Elizabeth Long Lingo
Power is the potential to mobilize energy. This rather neutral definition does not address the issues of how to exercise power or to what ends. The answers to these questions determine the ultimate value of an individual's power. This note is written to help readers... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Personal Development and Career; Power and Influence; Social and Collaborative Networks; Value
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Elizabeth Long Lingo. "Power and Influence: Achieving Your Objectives in Organizations." Harvard Business School Background Note 801-425, March 2001. (Revised July 2007.)
- February 2010 (Revised September 2011)
- Case
Roche's Acquisition of Genentech
By: Carliss Y. Baldwin, Bo Becker and Vincent Marie Dessain
Franz Humer, CEO of the Roche Group, must decide whether to mount a hostile tender offer for the publicly-owned shares of Roche's biotechnology subsidiary, Genentech. The case provides opportunities to analyze Roche's strategy with respect to Genentech, the pros and... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Subsidiaries; Negotiation Offer; Organizational Culture; Corporate Strategy; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Switzerland
Baldwin, Carliss Y., Bo Becker, and Vincent Marie Dessain. "Roche's Acquisition of Genentech." Harvard Business School Case 210-040, February 2010. (Revised September 2011.)
- 17 Jun 2017
- Research & Ideas
Amazon, Whole Foods Deal a Big Win for Consumers
Source: 400tmax Editor's Note. Online retailing behemoth Amazon announced June 16 that it would acquire upscale grocery chain Whole Foods Market in a deal valued at more than $13 billion. Though the company has dabbled with the idea of a brick-and-mortar footprint in... View Details
- November 2005
- Case
Michael Ovitz and The Walt Disney Company (A)
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Alexis Chernak
Faced with the need to hire a new president, The Walt Disney Co. pursued Michael Ovitz, a founder of the Creative Artist Agency. Although initially disinterested, Ovitz engaged in negotiations with Michael Eisner, CEO of The Walt Disney Co., in the summer of 1995... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Management Teams; Selection and Staffing; Negotiation; Organizational Culture
Lorsch, Jay W., and Alexis Chernak. "Michael Ovitz and The Walt Disney Company (A)." Harvard Business School Case 406-065, November 2005.
- 2019
- Book
Creative Construction: The DNA of Sustained Innovation
By: Gary P. Pisano
Creative Construction tackles the myth that larger enterprises are inherently incapable of transformative innovation and are doomed to be disrupted by nimble start-ups. If larger enterprises seem incapable of transformative innovation, it is due to how we design... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Invention; Business Growth and Maturation; Innovation Strategy; Organizational Culture; Management Systems; Creativity; Leading Change
Pisano, Gary P. Creative Construction: The DNA of Sustained Innovation. New York: PublicAffairs, 2019.
- March 2012
- Case
Fighting Corruption at Siemens
By: Paul Healy and Djordjija Petkoski
On November 15, 2006, German prosecutors raided offices and homes of Siemens AG staff as part of an ongoing investigation into bribery. The subsequent investigations covered business representing 60% of Siemens' revenues and spanned operations in Asia, Africa, Europe,... View Details
Healy, Paul, and Djordjija Petkoski. "Fighting Corruption at Siemens." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 112-702, March 2012.
- 18 Nov 2002
- Research & Ideas
Where Morals and Profits Meet: The Corporate Value Shift
a "turn to values,"—focusing on ethics, values, and examining company culture—but for varied reasons including risk management, organizational functioning, market positioning, and civic positioning. In your view, do you expect... View Details
Keywords: by Carla Tishler
- 28 Sep 2020
- Research & Ideas
How Leaders Can Navigate Politicized Conversations and Inspire Collaboration
New research sheds light on implications of using politically correct and incorrect speech and identifies five techniques to increase persuasiveness and diffuse conflict. Insights from two recent studies in an emerging field—the psychology of conversation—are aimed at... View Details
Keywords: by Kristen Senz
- April 2023 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System
By: Joseph B. Fuller and George Gonzalez
Levels is a highly innovative startup in the health care space. They intend to revolutionize health by linking behavior—eating, exercise, sleeping, etc.—to changes in metabolism. They believe metabolic health can be managed through careful monitoring of changes in... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Business Startups; Organizational Culture; Management Style; Technology Industry; United States
Fuller, Joseph B., and George Gonzalez. "Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System." Harvard Business School Case 323-069, April 2023. (Revised September 2023.)
- 25 Jul 2016
- Research & Ideas
Who is to Blame for 'The Great Training Robbery'?
organization is ready both in terms of the systemic culture and pattern of management that exists.” Too often CEOs turn to HR to create a training program when faced with a problem. The CEO avoids opening a Pandora’s box of larger View Details
- 30 Nov 2007
- What Do You Think?
What Is Management’s Role in Innovation?
will ask what needs to be done to foster a culture of creativity in an organization. Specifically, how do managers avoid "the temptation to apply simplistic process management tools to the discovery process?" One feature of... View Details
Keywords: by Jim Heskett
- September 2013
- Teaching Note
Trader Joe's
By: David L. Ager and Michael A. Roberto
Based on a variety of metrics, Trader Joe's ranked as one of the most successful grocers in the United States in 2013. Experts estimated that the company had the highest sales per square foot of any major grocery chain, even significantly higher than top performer... View Details
- December 2020 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
France Télécom (A): A Challenging Restructuring
These cases explore the impacts of industry shocks, resulting corporate actions that had a devastating impact on employees, and the legal conviction of corporate leaders for “institutional harassment."
This case series follows the evolution of France... View Details
This case series follows the evolution of France... View Details
Keywords: Health & Wellness; Human Resource Management; Strategic Change; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Leadership And Change Management; Leadership And Managing People; Change; Restructuring; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Health; Human Capital; Human Resources; Labor; Labor and Management Relations; Labor Unions; Law; Social Psychology; Strategy; Leadership; Leadership Style; Organizations; Problems and Challenges; Relationships; Crisis Management; Organizational Culture; Employees; Well-being; Telecommunications Industry; Europe; European Union
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and Ashley V. Whillans. "France Télécom (A): A Challenging Restructuring." Harvard Business School Case 721-420, December 2020. (Revised June 2021.)
- 22 Mar 2013
- Research & Ideas
Pulling Campbell’s Out of the Soup
to imagine that we could inspire high performance with no employee engagement." Conant decided to grow the soup business, and he championed the idea of "winning" on two fronts--in the workplace and in the marketplace. To improve the View Details
- 16 May 2005
- Research & Ideas
Nonprofit Networking: The New Way to Grow
always lead to the benefits the organizations had anticipated. For example, many organizations anticipated that fundraising would be easier once they were larger. In fact, fundraising did not necessarily become easier with organizational... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 1996
- Book
Creativity in Context
By: T. M. Amabile
Keywords: Creativity; Theory; Research; Motivation and Incentives; Situation or Environment; Organizational Culture; Measurement and Metrics; Personal Characteristics; Cognition and Thinking; Performance; Performance Evaluation; Social Psychology
Amabile, T. M. Creativity in Context. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.
- 04 Jan 2022
- What Do You Think?
Firing McDonald’s Easterbrook: What Could the Board Have Done Differently?
the court of public opinion again. If you were a McDonald’s board member, what would you have done differently? Why? What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Editor's note: Heskett explores the leader's role in his upcoming book, Win From Within:... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 26 Jun 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, June 26, 2018
forthcoming Journal of International Business Studies Organizational Innovation in the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization Theory and Business History By: da Silva Lopes, Teresa, Mark Casson, and G. Jones Abstract—This article... View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman