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- All HBS Web
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- Blog
Why Does Your Company Exist?
When was the last time you thought about your company's mission statement? Maybe it appears on a slide deck that employees see in their onboarding process, or spotlighted in the annual report. Or perhaps your company's website features... View Details
- August 2021
- Case
Danone S.A.: Becoming a Mission-Driven Company (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Emilie Billaud
Emmanuel Faber became CEO of Danone SA, the French food and beverage company, in 2014. Right from the start, he ran the company with a dual commitment to both profit and purpose (i.e., ESG objectives). In fact, in 2018, he said, “It’s time to make sustainable business... View Details
Keywords: Business and Stakeholder Relations; Corporate Governance; Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Environmental Sustainability; Goals and Objectives; Consumer Products Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; France; Europe
Esty, Benjamin C., and Emilie Billaud. "Danone S.A.: Becoming a Mission-Driven Company (A)." Harvard Business School Case 722-354, August 2021.
- 10 Nov 2020
- Sharpening Your Skills
Research News and Tips: Innovating Across Time Zones
zones As companies expand operations across the globe, they must grapple with time gaps during which employees cannot collaborate (i.e., lost productivity). To study this phenomenon, a research team studied... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 07 Feb 2019
- Book
How Big Companies Can Outrun Disruption
young, entrepreneurial companies come on the scene and sweep away large incumbent enterprises. He famously wrote in 1939 that big companies become, in his words, like old men, losing their innovative... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- May 2016
- Case
OPET: Precision Marketing in Uncertain Times
By: Rajiv Lal, Esel Çekin and Eren Kuzucu
During Timucin Guler’s decade at OPET, a prominent fuel distributor in Turkey, he transformed the definition of marketing in the company. Under Guler’s lead, OPET, once a local player in the downstream distribution market, became the second largest fuel distributor in... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Customer Service; Emerging Market; Focusing On Customers; Competition; Turkey; Loyalty Program; Marketing Strategy; Downstream Distribution; Customer Relationship Management; Energy Industry; Turkey
Lal, Rajiv, Esel Çekin, and Eren Kuzucu. "OPET: Precision Marketing in Uncertain Times." Harvard Business School Case 516-087, May 2016.
- 20 Jan 2014
- Research & Ideas
Language Wars Divide Global Companies
As global companies increasingly adopt a dominant language, usually English, which all employees must use to simplify communications and increase collaboration, many are dismayed to find an unexpected outcome. Results are exactly opposite... View Details
Keywords: by Kim Girard
- July 1999 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Jay R. Girotto
In the wake of major competitive moves, CEO Tim Koogle and his senior team at Yahoo!, an Internet portal, must decide whether and how to adjust their strategy. Following deals between AOL and Netscape, Excite and @Home, Infoseek and Disney, and Snap and NBS, Yahoo!... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Organizational Structure; Industry Structures; Internet and the Web; Risk Management; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Jay R. Girotto. "Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time." Harvard Business School Case 700-013, July 1999. (Revised January 2000.)
- 28 Jun 2022
- Book
The Moral Enterprise: How Two Companies Profit with Purpose
How can government and business work together in this fractious political moment, when finding solutions to pressing problems like inequality and climate change are more urgent than ever? Rebecca Henderson, Harvard University’s John and Natty McArthur University... View Details
Keywords: by Avery Forman
- June 2022
- Case
The SAH Group: The Time is Right
By: Juan Alcacer and Alpana Thapar
In January 2021, Jalila Mezni, cofounder and CEO of the SAH Group, was preparing to present the company’s future growth plans to its board of directors. The Tunisian company was a leading producer and distributor of personal care and packaged hygiene products. In 2019,... View Details
Keywords: Growth Management; Expansion; Business Divisions; Product Positioning; Brands and Branding; Competition; Presentations; Consumer Products Industry; Tunisia; Kenya
Alcacer, Juan, and Alpana Thapar. "The SAH Group: The Time is Right." Harvard Business School Case 722-357, June 2022.
- 24 Aug 2017
- News
Investors’ Role in Company Collaboration
- January 2003 (Revised April 2003)
- Case
Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Jennifer Suesse
Sun Hydraulics, 32-year-old global hydraulics engineering and manufacturing company headquartered in Sarasota, Florida, confronts tough choices due to the economic downturn in 2001. The company leadership debates how to maintain profitability and reduce labor costs... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; Manufacturing Industry; Florida
Hill, Linda A., and Jennifer Suesse. "Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times (A)." Harvard Business School Case 403-069, January 2003. (Revised April 2003.)
- 17 Feb 2014
- Research & Ideas
Companies Detangle from Legacy Pensions
depleted many pension plans by dramatically reducing the value of investments, even while companies were still responsible for paying predetermined benefits. Increasing the pressure are two other factors. Life expectancy has increased,... View Details
- 26 Oct 2021
- News
The Time Facebook Contemplated Life Without Zuckerberg
- 09 Mar 2016
- News
Time for a shake-up at United Airlines
- 01 Aug 2007
- Op-Ed
Company Town: Fixing Corrupt Governments
and graft means that citizens are cheated out of a fair government that operates efficiently and in the public interest. It's time to consider a radical idea: Corporations and nonprofit groups, in addition to individuals, should be... View Details
Keywords: by Eric Werker
When It's Time to Pivot, What's Your Story?
To succeed, a new company must rally investors, staff, customers, and the media around a good story. But often that narrative turns out to be wrong, and entrepreneurs realize they need to change direction. How that shift is communicated can have a huge impact on a... View Details
- April 2019
- Supplement
OTE: Managing in Times of National Crisis (B)
By: Juan Alcacer and Emer Moloney
During the period 2011-2016, CEO and Chairman of Greek telecommunications company OTE Michael Tsamaz guided the company through a much needed transformation with a multi-pronged strategy. View Details
Keywords: Leading Change; Transformation; Strategy; Telecommunications Industry; Service Industry; Technology Industry
Alcacer, Juan, and Emer Moloney. "OTE: Managing in Times of National Crisis (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 719-505, April 2019.
- 01 Oct 2008
- Research & Ideas
How Much Time Should CEOs Devote to Customers?
the current economic downturn, companies need marketing skills more than ever. But while every corporate mission statement pays lip service to respecting customer needs, actual customer expertise is typically a mile wide and an inch deep.... View Details
Keywords: by John Quelch
- September 1999 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company
By: Richard L. Nolan
After phenomenal growth and market leadership in networking, founder and CEO Ray Noorda made a frontal assault on Microsoft's core strengths. In 1994, Noorda spend over $1.5 billion acquiring companies such as WordPerfect to combat Microsoft Word, products such as... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Competition; Internet and the Web; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company." Harvard Business School Case 300-038, September 1999. (Revised April 2000.)
- 02 Aug 2021
- What Do You Think?
Can Companies with Remote Management Succeed?
Fifth Third’s employees back to the office he remarked that, “We can’t be a great company working remotely We can get the job done, but it’s tough to flourish.” The comment refers to Fifth Third’s management core. Like many service... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett