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- All HBS Web (206)
- Faculty Publications (93)
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- All HBS Web (206)
- Faculty Publications (93)
- 30 Jun 2015
- First Look
First Look: June 30, 2015
uncertainty, and macroeconomic shocks affect the risk properties of U.S. Treasury bonds? The exposure of U.S. Treasury bonds to the stock market has moved considerably over time. While it was slightly positive on average over the period... View Details
Keywords: Carmen Nobel
- 15 May 2015
- Blog Post
How to Get a Global Perspective at HBS
Though HBS is based in Boston, the MBA program is inherently a global experience. Traveling to an emerging market is part of the first year curriculum, over 70 countries are represented in of our diverse student body, and over 50% of cases written by HBS faculty are... View Details
- 17 Jun 2002
- Research & Ideas
Entrepreneurship in Asia and Foreign Direct Investment
worried about the ascendance of China, while firms in Taiwan and Hong Kong have reaped enormous benefits from Chinese economic expansion, according to Huang. He presented his new research proposal to an audience of faculty and doctoral students at an HBS View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- October 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Automercados Plaza's: Surviving Venezuela's Hyperinflation
By: Alberto Cavallo, Mariana Cal and Carla Larangeira
Under the rule of presidents Hugo Chávez and Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela experienced one of the worst economic and political meltdowns in modern history, culminating with a massive hyperinflation. Remarkably, during this dramatic times Automercados Plaza's had grown to... View Details
Keywords: Hyperinflation; Populism; Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Management; Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business and Government Relations; Retail Industry; South America; Venezuela
Cavallo, Alberto, Mariana Cal, and Carla Larangeira. "Automercados Plaza's: Surviving Venezuela's Hyperinflation." Harvard Business School Case 721-014, October 2020. (Revised March 2022.)
- June 2002 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Mexico: The Tequila Crisis 1994-1995
By: Huw Pill
Describes the evolution of the Mexican economy and its relation to the international capital markets in the period leading up to the Peso crisis of December 1994. Emphasizes the role of "Washington consensus" policies in stimulating the inflows and the inability of the... View Details
Pill, Huw. "Mexico: The Tequila Crisis 1994-1995." Harvard Business School Case 702-093, June 2002. (Revised October 2002.)
- Web
Faculty & Advisors | MBA
Crinetics Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: CRNX), among others. Earlier in her career Dr. Chang was a Project Leader at The Boston Consulting and a member of the Healthcare Practice. Dr. Chang trained clinically in internal medicine and... View Details
- May 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)
By: Alberto Cavallo and Christian Godwin
In April 2020, the world struggled to contain the exponential escalation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Dozens of countries had imposed restrictions on travel, work, and social gatherings. A large share of the global population was under lockdowns and... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Finance; Central Banking; Financial Markets; International Finance; Globalization; Government and Politics; Health Pandemics; Decision Making; Macroeconomics; Employment; Crisis Management; Supply Chain; Risk and Uncertainty; Air Transportation Industry; Banking Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Employment Industry; Financial Services Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Public Administration Industry; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Shipping Industry; Tourism Industry; Travel Industry; Asia; China; Europe; Latin America; Africa; United States
Cavallo, Alberto, and Christian Godwin. "The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Global Economy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 720-031, May 2020. (Revised March 2022.)
- 05 May 2014
- Working Paper Summaries
Firms and the Economics of Skilled Immigration
- February 1997 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Mexico (C): Reform and Crisis, 1987-1995
By: Huw Pill
Describes the evolution of the Mexican economy and its relation with the international capital markets in the period leading up to the Peso crisis of December 1994. Emphasizes the role of "Washington consensus" policies in stimulating the inflows, and the inability of... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Economies and Regions; Capital Markets; Financial Crisis; Macroeconomics; Mexico
Pill, Huw. "Mexico (C): Reform and Crisis, 1987-1995." Harvard Business School Case 797-050, February 1997. (Revised October 2002.)
- Web
Placement - Doctoral
Placement: INSEAD, Department of Finance Dissertation: The Firm Life Cycle and Macroeconomic Dynamics Advisors: Ludwing Straub , Xavier Gabaix , and Gabriel Chodorow-Reich Michael Blank Business Economics, 2024 Placement: Stanford... View Details
- March 2009 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
Denmark: Globalization and the Welfare State
By: Arthur A. Daemmrich and Benjamin Kramarz
This case describes how Denmark has balanced the impacts of globalization, including outsourcing and movement of labor, with its social welfare offerings. Reforms implemented during the past two decades drove down unemployment, promoted new company formation, and put... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Employment; Welfare or Wellbeing; Denmark
Daemmrich, Arthur A., and Benjamin Kramarz. "Denmark: Globalization and the Welfare State." Harvard Business School Case 709-015, March 2009. (Revised June 2012.)
- 01 Sep 2016
- Blog Post
Reflecting on the HKS/HBS Joint Degree Program
I am currently a joint degree student at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and Harvard Business School (HBS), and attending Harvard has been a fantastic experience so far. I spent my first year here studying the Master in Public Administration and View Details
- October 2014
- Article
Sovereigns, Upstream Capital Flows and Global Imbalances
By: Laura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych
We construct measures of net private and public capital flows for a large cross-section of developing countries considering both creditor and debtor side of the international debt transactions. Using these measures, we demonstrate that sovereign-to-sovereign... View Details
Keywords: Current Account; Aid/government Debt; Reserves; Puzzles; Productivity; Sovereign Finance; Developing Countries and Economies; Macroeconomics
Alfaro, Laura, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, and Vadym Volosovych. "Sovereigns, Upstream Capital Flows and Global Imbalances." Journal of the European Economic Association 12, no. 5 (October 2014): 1240–1284. (Also NBER Working Paper 17396. Online Appendix.
See International capital flows database for the data on measures of net private and public capital flows for a large cross-section of developing countries.)
- October 2023
- Article
Product Variety, the Cost of Living, and Welfare Across Countries
By: Alberto Cavallo, Robert C. Feenstra and Robert Inklaar
We use the structure of the Melitz (2003) model to compute the cost of living and welfare across 47 countries, and compare these to conventional measures of prices and real consumption from the International Comparisons Project (ICP). The cost of living is inferred... View Details
Cavallo, Alberto, Robert C. Feenstra, and Robert Inklaar. "Product Variety, the Cost of Living, and Welfare Across Countries." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 15, no. 4 (October 2023): 40–66.
- January 1997 (Revised May 1997)
- Background Note
Country Analysis: A Framework to Identify and Evaluate the National Business Environment
A manager's ability to build profitable firms depends upon the business environment within which firms interact. This note presents a framework to help understand, anticipate, and perhaps foster changes in the business environment. Describes building a picture of the... View Details
Dyck, Alexander. "Country Analysis: A Framework to Identify and Evaluate the National Business Environment." Harvard Business School Background Note 797-092, January 1997. (Revised May 1997.)
- Web
Students on the Job Market - Doctoral
Russia. To quantify the macroeconomic magnitude of the consumption-security trade-off, we calibrate our model to a potential U.S.-China conflict. Our revealed preference estimate of the conflict prize amounts to 250% U.S. GDP. Faculty... View Details
- 21 Aug 2006
- Research & Ideas
How Europe Wrote the Rules of Global Finance
that empower international organizations. That community has, moreover, always been cautious about the dangers of capital liberalization for countries that are not prepared in terms of their macroeconomic... View Details
Keywords: by Ann Cullen
- 18 Jun 2024
- Research & Ideas
Central Banks Missed Inflation Red Flags. This Pricing Model Could Help.
shock to supplier prices—caused by international crises—impacts consumers using data from PriceStats, which scrapes retailer websites in real time. The authors tracked food and beverages, one of the biggest categories in the US Consumer... View Details
- Web
Behavioral Finance & Financial Stability
Bubbles for Fama By: Robin Greenwood , Andrei Shleifer & Yang You FEB 2017 Authors Greenwood, Shleifer, and You evaluate Eugene Fama's claim that stock markets do not exhibit price bubbles using US and international stock return data.... View Details
- January 2013 (Revised August 2013)
- Case
Vietnam: Sustaining the Growth of an Asian Tiger
By: Michael E. Porter and Christian H.M. Ketels
The case tracks Vietnam's economic policy choices and performance from the end of the Vietnam war to the Doi Moi economic reforms and the economic transformation that followed. Throughout this period, the country had become a darling of the international aid community.... View Details
Keywords: Conflict Management; Leadership; Policy; Transformation; Economic Growth; Developing Countries and Economies; Macroeconomics; Viet Nam
Porter, Michael E., and Christian H.M. Ketels. "Vietnam: Sustaining the Growth of an Asian Tiger." Harvard Business School Case 713-480, January 2013. (Revised August 2013.)