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- All HBS Web (2,952)
- Faculty Publications (1,607)
- February 1990 (Revised April 1991)
- Background Note
Quick Response in the Apparel Industry
It has been estimated that the U.S. apparel industry wastes over $25 billion annually due to inefficient practices, long lead times, and insufficient coordination between channel partners. In response to intense competition from off-shore producers, the industry has... View Details
Keywords: Information; Distribution Channels; Performance Efficiency; Partners and Partnerships; Adaptation; Business Strategy; System; Technology; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States
Hammond, Janice H. "Quick Response in the Apparel Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 690-038, February 1990. (Revised April 1991.)
- 11 Oct 2009
- Conference Presentation
The impact of institutional actors as attention structures on entrepreneurial activity in the U.S. biodiesel industry
By: Shon R. Hiatt
- Research Summary
Industry Dynamics in Post-Socialist Economies
Robert E. Kennedy is studying industry dynamics in post-Socialist economies, primarily Poland. His research to date has focused on how structural factors influence industry transitions. In Poland he has found two distinct patterns: rapid transition, driven primarily... View Details
- Research Summary
Managing the Advantages and Tradeoffs of Collaborative Structures
To solve complex problems, organizations must both collect facts and use them to solve problems. In one study, my coauthors and I show that increased connectivity—measured as network... View Details
- 2013
- Book
Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability
By: Rebecca Henn and Andrew J. Hoffman
Buildings are the nation's greatest energy consumers. Forty percent of all our energy is used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering machines and devices in buildings. And despite decades of investment in green construction technologies, residential and... View Details
Henn, Rebecca, and Andrew J. Hoffman, eds. Constructing Green: The Social Structures of Sustainability. MIT Press, 2013. (Honorable Mention for the 2014 Best Book Award, Organizations and Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management.)
- Article
Collaboration Networks, Structural Holes, and Innovation: A Longitudinal Study
By: Gautam Ahuja
To assess the effects of a firm's network of relations on innovation, this paper elaborates a theoretical framework that relates three aspects of a firm's ego network-direct ties, indirect ties, and structural holes (disconnections between a firm's partners)—to the... View Details
Ahuja, Gautam. "Collaboration Networks, Structural Holes, and Innovation: A Longitudinal Study." Administrative Science Quarterly 45, no. 3 (September 2000): 425–455.
- March 1979 (Revised June 1985)
- Case
Chain Saw Industry in 1974
Describes the structure of the chain saw industry in 1974, when it is on the threshold of a major period of growth. Data are provided on each significant competitor. The discussion should center around strategies in a growing market for differently situated... View Details
Keywords: Industry Growth; Corporate Strategy; Industry Structures; Growth and Development Strategy; Manufacturing Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Chain Saw Industry in 1974." Harvard Business School Case 379-157, March 1979. (Revised June 1985.)
- March 2019
- Teaching Note
Zespri Grows
By: David E. Bell and John Masko
Teaching Note for HBS No. 519-047. View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Kiwi; Kiwifruit; Agriculture; Global Supply Chain; Branding; Produce; Coordinated Industry Structure; Industry Coordination; Countercyclical Supply; New Product Development; Product Strategy; Differentiation; Food; Quality; Trade; Brands and Branding; Marketing; Strategy; Global Strategy; Change Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Globalization; Globalized Firms and Management; Competitive Strategy; Resource Allocation; Product Development; New Zealand
- 2010
- Working Paper
The Architecture of Complex Systems: Do Core-periphery Structures Dominate?
By: Alan MacCormack, Carliss Y. Baldwin and John Rusnak
Any complex technological system can be decomposed into a number of subsystems and associated components, some of which are core to system function while others are only peripheral. The dynamics of how such "core-periphery" structures evolve and become embedded in a... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Product Design; Practice; Core Relationships; Software; Information Technology Industry
MacCormack, Alan, Carliss Y. Baldwin, and John Rusnak. "The Architecture of Complex Systems: Do Core-periphery Structures Dominate?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-059, January 2010.
- January 2014
- Case
Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor: India's Road to Prosperity?
By: John Macomber and Vidhya Muthuram
The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) was an ambitious $90 billion infrastructure project covering the 1483-km distance between Delhi and Mumbai. The project would create new industrial townships, high speed freight lines, six-lane expressways, airports, ports... View Details
Macomber, John, and Vidhya Muthuram. "Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor: India's Road to Prosperity?" Harvard Business School Case 214-077, January 2014.
- Article
Shadow of the Contract: How Contract Structure Shapes Inter-Firm Dispute Resolution
By: Fabrice Lumineau and Deepak Malhotra
This paper investigates how contract structure influences inter-firm dispute resolution processes and outcomes by examining a unique dataset consisting of over 150,000 pages of documents relating to 102 business disputes. We find that the level of contractual detail... View Details
Keywords: Governance Controls; Contracts; Rights; Negotiation; Conflict and Resolution; Power and Influence
Lumineau, Fabrice, and Deepak Malhotra. "Shadow of the Contract: How Contract Structure Shapes Inter-Firm Dispute Resolution." Strategic Management Journal 32, no. 5 (May 2011): 532–555.
- 10 Jun 2002
- Research & Ideas
Reinventing the Industrial Giant
In an effort to survive in the new economy, some-industrial giants have tried to chart an evolutionary path that combines their industrial core with new post-industrial businesses. The companies from our study that are most clearly... View Details
- 2006
- Article
Historical Environments, Coordination and Consolidation in the U.S. Banking Industry, 1896-2001
By: Christopher Marquis
Marquis, Christopher. "Historical Environments, Coordination and Consolidation in the U.S. Banking Industry, 1896-2001." Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (2006). (full version.)
- June 1983
- Background Note
Note on the Paper Machinery Industry
Describes the major structural changes taking place in the paper industry in the 1970s: major oil and pulp price increases, pollution legislation, a shift in industry development from OECD countries to LDCs and NICs and the technological revolution in paper making.... View Details
Keywords: Engineering; Price; Global Strategy; Growth and Development; Industry Structures; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Pollutants; Competition; Pulp and Paper Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Note on the Paper Machinery Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 383-185, June 1983.
- 30 Nov 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
The New Face of Chinese Industrial Policy: Making Sense of Anti-Dumping Cases in the Petrochemical and Steel Industry
- November 1999 (Revised November 2000)
- Background Note
Economic Liberalization and Industry Dynamics
Programs of economic liberalization often lead to dramatic changes in industry structure. This note presents excerpts from several research papers that summarize findings on how industries evolve following abrupt policy reforms. The note is organized into seven... View Details
Keywords: Industry Structures
Kennedy, Robert E. "Economic Liberalization and Industry Dynamics." Harvard Business School Background Note 700-075, November 1999. (Revised November 2000.)
- August 1989
- Case
New Zealand Dairy Board: Coordination and Incentives in a Cooperative
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "New Zealand Dairy Board: Coordination and Incentives in a Cooperative." Harvard Business School Case 590-020, August 1989.
- July 2010
- Technical Note
Note on the Insurance Industry
By: Clayton S. Rose and Scott Waggoner
This note provides an overview of the structure and function of the Insurance industry, with a primary focus on the U.S. It was designed to support the HBS MBA course "Managing the Financial Firm." View Details
Keywords: Insurance; Business or Company Management; Industry Structures; Insurance Industry; United States
Rose, Clayton S., and Scott Waggoner. "Note on the Insurance Industry." Harvard Business School Technical Note 311-012, July 2010.
- January 2008 (Revised November 2009)
- Case
Linear Air: Creating the Air Taxi Industry
Linear Air is an air taxi start-up established to take advantage of the emergence of Very Light Jets, which incorporate new technology that cuts jet operating costs by about 40%. Air taxis could make use of the 5400 smaller regional airports throughout the US,... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Disruptive Innovation; Product Launch; Industry Structures; Competition; Air Transportation Industry
Tripsas, Mary, Davin Chow, Adam Prewett, and Kevin Yttre. "Linear Air: Creating the Air Taxi Industry." Harvard Business School Case 808-107, January 2008. (Revised November 2009.)
- February 1992 (Revised January 1999)
- Background Note
Selected Profitability Data on U.S. Industries and Companies
Describes the importance of industry structure and competitive positioning to the profitability of U.S. corporations between 1981 and 1994. Cites recent research indicating that persistent industry differences and persistent competitor differences account for 19% and... View Details
McGahan, Anita M. "Selected Profitability Data on U.S. Industries and Companies." Harvard Business School Background Note 792-066, February 1992. (Revised January 1999.)