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- Faculty Publications (411)
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- Faculty Publications (411)
- March 2021 (Revised October 2023)
- Case
Mary Kay Ash: Changing the World
By: Robert Simons and Shirley Sun
This case describes the rise of Mary Kay, the founder of the worldwide cosmetics company. As a young single mother, Mary Kay had to overcome many obstacles to start her business and guide it to success. Today, there are more than 3.5 million Mary Kay beauty consultants... View Details
Keywords: Business Start-ups; Entrepreneurship; Values and Beliefs; Business Startups; Work-Life Balance; Success; Religion; Family Business; Personal Development and Career; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Simons, Robert, and Shirley Sun. "Mary Kay Ash: Changing the World." Harvard Business School Case 121-046, March 2021. (Revised October 2023.)
- January 2021 (Revised February 2021)
- Case
TCS: From Physical Offices to Borderless Work
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury and Malini Sen
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a multinational IT services company headquartered in Mumbai, is a subsidiary of one of India’s most reputed conglomerates, the Tata Group. In 2020, TCS was valued at $144.7 billion, the highest for any company in the IT sector,... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Organizational Structure; Change Management; Transformation; Decision Choices and Conditions; Customer Satisfaction; Information Technology Industry; India; Asia; United States; Europe
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, and Malini Sen. "TCS: From Physical Offices to Borderless Work." Harvard Business School Case 621-081, January 2021. (Revised February 2021.)
- Article
Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development
By: Michael Beer
A normative and actionable theory of planned organizational change and development is proposed based on fifty years of engagement by the author as a scholar-consultant. Five principles are central features of the theory and practice proposed: 1) Organizations are... View Details
Keywords: Consultant; Process; Systems; Silence; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership; Learning; Management Teams
Beer, Michael. "Reflections: Toward a Normative and Actionable Theory of Planned Organizational Change and Development." Journal of Change Management 21, no. 1 (2021).
- December 2020 (Revised December 2022)
- Case
The Dance of Dharma: On the Difficulty of Being Good
By: Arthur I. Segel and Tyler M. Richard
When deciding how to be good and act well, we often seek outside help. Many of our oldest and most frequently consulted sources of ethical guidance are our religious traditions. Just as one might consult a thoughtful friend, countless people seek direction from their... View Details
Segel, Arthur I., and Tyler M. Richard. "The Dance of Dharma: On the Difficulty of Being Good." Harvard Business School Case 821-058, December 2020. (Revised December 2022.)
- December 2020 (Revised May 2021)
- Case
By: David E. Bell and Natalie Kindred
In 2020, Luke Minion and the leadership team at Riverstone, a hog producer founded in 2013 in Shandong, China, were evaluating Riverstone’s strategy as it rebounded from outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) in two of its three farm complexes. Riverstone was a joint... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Globalization; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Consumer Behavior; Demand and Consumers; Disruption; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; United States; China
Bell, David E., and Natalie Kindred. "Riverstone." Harvard Business School Case 521-063, December 2020. (Revised May 2021.)
- Article
Healthy Buildings in 2070
By: John D. Macomber and Joseph G. Allen
Fifty years seems a very long time in the future for most industries. Not so in buildings and real estate; built structures routinely last decades if not hundreds of years, as long as they are economically competitive. Any discussion of the 50-year future has to... View Details
Keywords: Health & Wellness; Real Estate; Architectural Innovation; Public Health; Health; Buildings and Facilities; Well-being
Macomber, John D., and Joseph G. Allen. "Healthy Buildings in 2070." The Bridge 50, no. S (Winter 2020): 11–14. (Special 50th Anniversary Issue edited by Ronald M. Latanision.)
- November–December 2020
- Article
Our Work-from-Anywhere Future
The pandemic has hastened a rise in remote working for knowledge-based organizations. This has notable benefits: Companies can save on real estate costs, hire and utilize talent globally, mitigate immigration issues, and experience productivity gains, while workers can... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Best Practices; Employment; Health Pandemics; Geographic Location; Opportunities; Problems and Challenges
Choudhury, Prithwiraj. "Our Work-from-Anywhere Future." Harvard Business Review 98, no. 6 (November–December 2020).
- October 2020 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
The Bronx Community Foundation
By: Brian Trelstad and Aldo Sesia
Derrick and Desmon Lewis were both successful professionals in the consulting and banking industries. They were born and raised in The Bronx, New York City’s poorest borough. The Lewis brothers had always wanted to give back to the community. In 2016 they launched a... View Details
Keywords: Community Foundations; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Relationships; Business Model; Social Issues; New York (city, NY); United States
Trelstad, Brian, and Aldo Sesia. "The Bronx Community Foundation." Harvard Business School Case 321-011, October 2020. (Revised June 2021.)
- September 2020
- Case
Wladimir Klitschko: F.A.C.E. Your Challenges
By: Boris Groysberg, Michael Norris and Carin-Isabel Knoop
In 2020, Olympic goal medal winning boxer and former heavyweight world champion Wladimir Klitschko had built himself a “second ring” to continue his career after retiring from professional boxing. He was a hotelier, boxing promoter, author, teacher, speaker, and had... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Business Education; Training; Entrepreneurship; Personal Development and Career; Sports; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; Ukraine; Germany
Groysberg, Boris, Michael Norris, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Wladimir Klitschko: F.A.C.E. Your Challenges." Harvard Business School Case 421-032, September 2020.
- September 2020
- Case
Keeping It in the Family at the Hayden Saw Company
By: V.G. Narayanan and John Masko
In 2019, Board Chair and third-generation shareholder Helen Fullerton was preparing for a meeting to discuss Ohio-based Hayden Saw Company’s (Hayden) future as a family business. As the company entered its fifth decade, the Hayden family was dealing with three distinct... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Corporate Governance; Family Ownership; Business and Shareholder Relations; Family and Family Relationships; Governing and Advisory Boards; Construction Industry; Ohio; United States
Narayanan, V.G., and John Masko. "Keeping It in the Family at the Hayden Saw Company." Harvard Business School Case 121-026, September 2020.
- July 2020 (Revised July 2023)
- Case
Live Nation and Pharrell Williams
By: Anita Elberse and Kate Christensen
“We’re in business together, and whether we lose a few million dollars or make a few million dollars, let’s do this. If you think you can pull it off, I’m behind you.” Michael Rapino, chief executive officer of Live Nation, the world’s leading live entertainment... View Details
Keywords: Music; Entertainment; Superstars; Talent; Labor Economics; General Management; Music Entertainment; Media; Talent and Talent Management; Joint Ventures; Marketing; Strategy; Music Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Kate Christensen. "Live Nation and Pharrell Williams." Harvard Business School Case 521-005, July 2020. (Revised July 2023.)
- June 2020 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
Deloitte's Pixel (A): Consulting with Open Talent
By: Michael L. Tushman, John Winsor and Kerry Herman
Deloitte Consulting’s General Manager Balaji Bondili, head of Pixel, considers how best to grow Deloitte Consulting’s use of open (on-demand) talent, as consulting companies and their clients face transformative change in the way client engagements and projects get... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Talent and Talent Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Consulting Industry; United States
Tushman, Michael L., John Winsor, and Kerry Herman. "Deloitte's Pixel (A): Consulting with Open Talent." Harvard Business School Case 420-003, June 2020. (Revised March 2024.)
- March 2020 (Revised January 2023)
- Case
Nadine Vogel: Transforming the Marketplace, Workplace, and Workforce for People with Disabilities
By: Lakshmi Ramarajan, Hannah Riley-Bowles and Michael Norris
In 2019, Nadine Vogel, founder and CEO of Springboard Consulting, a firm that worked with Fortune 500 companies on issues related to disability and their workforce, faced the decision of the best path forward to grow her small company. Should she build more and better... View Details
Keywords: Diversity; Entrepreneurship; Personal Development and Career; Decision Choices and Conditions; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Development; Market Entry and Exit; Consulting Industry; United States; Florida; New York (state, US)
Ramarajan, Lakshmi, Hannah Riley-Bowles, and Michael Norris. "Nadine Vogel: Transforming the Marketplace, Workplace, and Workforce for People with Disabilities." Harvard Business School Case 420-062, March 2020. (Revised January 2023.)
- March–April 2020
- Article
What's Really Holding Women Back? It's Not What Most People Think
By: R. Ely and Irene Padavic
Ask people to explain why women remain so dramatically underrepresented in the senior ranks of most companies, and you will hear from the vast majority a lament that goes something like this: High-level jobs require extremely long hours, women's devotion to family... View Details
Keywords: Overwork; Employment; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Work-Life Balance; Organizational Culture
Ely, R., and Irene Padavic. "What's Really Holding Women Back? It's Not What Most People Think." Harvard Business Review 98, no. 2 (March–April 2020): 58–67.
- January 2020
- Article
Compensation Consultants and the Level, Composition, and Complexity of CEO Pay
By: Kevin J. Murphy and Tatiana Sandino
We provide fresh evidence regarding the relation between compensation consultants and CEO pay. First, firms that employ consultants have higher-paid CEOs—this result is robust to firm fixed effects and matching on economic and governance variables. Second, while this... View Details
Keywords: Consultants; Benchmarking; Incentive Pay; Executive Compensation; Complexity; Motivation and Incentives; Governance
Murphy, Kevin J., and Tatiana Sandino. "Compensation Consultants and the Level, Composition, and Complexity of CEO Pay." Accounting Review 95, no. 1 (January 2020): 311–341.
- December 2019 (Revised August 2022)
- Exercise
Janet Ames (A)
By: Brian Trelstad and Brian Trelstad
The series of Janet Ames cases follow a fictional alumna of Harvard Business School into her consulting career in Boston. Over the series of cases, Ames is first offered the opportunity to join the board of a Boston-based non-profit organization, which offers students... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Board; Non-profit Management; Career Changes And Transitions; Evaluation; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Governing and Advisory Boards; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Management; Personal Development and Career; United States
Trelstad, Brian. "Janet Ames (A)." Harvard Business School Exercise 320-076, December 2019. (Revised August 2022.)
- December 2019 (Revised August 2022)
- Exercise
Janet Ames (B)
By: Brian Trelstad and Brian Trelstad
The series of Janet Ames cases follow a fictional alumna of Harvard Business School into her consulting career in Boston. Over the series of cases, Ames is first offered the opportunity to join the board of a Boston-based non-profit organization, which offers students... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Board; Non-profit Management; Career Changes And Transitions; Evaluation; Personal Development and Career; Opportunities; Decision Choices and Conditions; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Governing and Advisory Boards; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Management; United States
Trelstad, Brian. "Janet Ames (B)." Harvard Business School Exercise 320-077, December 2019. (Revised August 2022.)
- December 2019 (Revised August 2022)
- Exercise
Janet Ames (C)
By: Brian Trelstad and Brian Trelstad
The series of Janet Ames cases follow a fictional alumna of Harvard Business School into her consulting career in Boston. Over the series of cases, Ames is first offered the opportunity to join the board of a Boston-based non-profit organization, which offers students... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Board; Non-profit Management; Career Changes And Transitions; Evaluation; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Governing and Advisory Boards; Social Enterprise; Social Entrepreneurship; Nonprofit Organizations; Management; Personal Development and Career; United States
Trelstad, Brian. "Janet Ames (C)." Harvard Business School Exercise 320-078, December 2019. (Revised August 2022.)
- November 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Case
Constellation Brands' Investment in Canopy Growth: Aiming High
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
In 2017, Constellation Brands, the U.S.-based beverage company, acquired a 9.9% equity interest in the Canadian marijuana company, Canopy Growth. In 2018, Constellation announced a subsequent investment in Canopy—taking its ownership interest to 37%. However, Canopy’s... View Details
Keywords: Equity Investment; Marijuana; Growth Investing; New Market Development; Beverage Industry; Equity; Investment; Strategy; Consulting Industry; Consulting Industry; Canada; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "Constellation Brands' Investment in Canopy Growth: Aiming High." Harvard Business School Case 220-044, November 2019. (Revised February 2020.)
- October 2019 (Revised January 2020)
- Case
Fixing Facebook: Fake News, Privacy, and Platform Governance
By: David Yoffie and Daniel Fisher
Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook based on the idea that connecting people was a fundamentally good thing—and a way to turn a handsome profit. But from the beginning, Facebook received criticism both for how it handled user privacy and how it curated user-generated... View Details
Keywords: Platform; Governance; Privacy; Internet and the Web; Corporate Governance; Ethics; Business and Government Relations; Strategy; Digital Platforms; Web Services Industry
Yoffie, David, and Daniel Fisher. "Fixing Facebook: Fake News, Privacy, and Platform Governance." Harvard Business School Case 720-400, October 2019. (Revised January 2020.)