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- Faculty Publications (245)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (245)
- February 2014 (Revised May 2014)
- Background Note
Flying High, Landing Low: Strengths and Challenges for U.S. Air Transportation
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Aditi Jain and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
The U.S. air transportation system flies high on some indicators, mostly involving capacity to take to the air, but lands low on others, mostly involving ground facilities and processes. This note provides an overview of the history and current state of air... View Details
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, Aditi Jain, and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone. "Flying High, Landing Low: Strengths and Challenges for U.S. Air Transportation." Harvard Business School Background Note 314-098, February 2014. (Revised May 2014.)
- January 2014
- Case
Emirates Airline: Connecting the Unconnected
By: Juan Alcacer and John Clayton
Narrates the story of Emirates, an airline founded in 1985 in Dubai that by 2013 was among the three largest commercial airlines in the world. The case emphasizes how Emirates capitalized on its location—a small city–state strategically located to reach ¾ of the world... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Competitive Advantage; Airlines; Multinational; Location Strategies; Geographic Location; Multinational Firms and Management; Air Transportation; Competitive Advantage; Business Strategy; Air Transportation Industry; Middle East; Dubai
Alcacer, Juan, and John Clayton. "Emirates Airline: Connecting the Unconnected." Harvard Business School Case 714-432, January 2014.
- December 2013 (Revised August 2015)
- Case
Viva Macau (A)
By: Dante Roscini and G. A. Donovan
A fast-growing Macau-based airline backed by private US investors faces a dramatic expropriation in the wake of the first change of head of government since the former Portuguese colony became a Special Administrative Region of China. The case allows students to... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Air Transportation; Ownership; Foreign Direct Investment; Government and Politics; Emerging Markets; Venture Capital; China; Macau
Roscini, Dante, and G. A. Donovan. "Viva Macau (A)." Harvard Business School Case 714-024, December 2013. (Revised August 2015.)
- November 2013 (Revised January 2015)
- Case
Restructuring JAL
By: Malcolm Baker, Adi Sunderam, Nobuo Sato and Akiko Kanno
Hideo Seto, the recently appointed chairman of the investment committee of the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation, must decide whether to push JAL group, Japan's largest airline, into bankruptcy or to act as a sponsor in an out-of-court restructuring. The... View Details
Keywords: Bankruptcy; Costs Of Financial Distress; Cost vs Benefits; Air Transportation; Restructuring; Capital Structure; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Air Transportation Industry; Japan; United States
Baker, Malcolm, Adi Sunderam, Nobuo Sato, and Akiko Kanno. "Restructuring JAL." Harvard Business School Case 214-055, November 2013. (Revised January 2015.)
- September 2013 (Revised August 2015)
- Background Note
Leadership and Teaming
By: Ethan Bernstein
Small differences in the leadership of teams can have large consequences for the success of their efforts. Many initiatives fail not because of a fatal error in judgment or insufficient ideas, knowledge, motivation, or capabilities to deliver a solution. They fail... View Details
Keywords: Teams; Teaming; Leadership And Managing People; Leadership; Team Effectiveness; Team Performance; Team Design; Team Leadership; Teamwork; Team Process; Team Function; Team Launch; 60/30/10 Rule; Team Boundary; Distribution Of Leadership Authority; Self-Managed Teams; Virtual Teams; Unbounded Teams; Acts Of Leadership; Execution Teams; Decision Making Teams; Creativity Teams; Team Size; Task Design; Team Timeline; Team Roles; Team Representation; Diversity; Team Familiarity; Collective Intelligence; Team Stages Of Development; Team Coaching; Performance Pressure; X-Teams; Team Focus; Interaction; Management Teams; Managerial Roles; Management Systems; Management Style; Management Skills; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Efficiency; Performance Productivity; Groups and Teams; Networks; Social Psychology; Behavior; Conflict and Resolution; Creativity; Social and Collaborative Networks; Satisfaction; Prejudice and Bias; Power and Influence; Personal Characteristics; Familiarity; Cognition and Thinking; Attitudes; Projects; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Knowledge Sharing; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Design; Interpersonal Communication; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Asia; North and Central America; South America; Atlantic Ocean; Central Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; Oceania; West Indies
Bernstein, Ethan. "Leadership and Teaming." Harvard Business School Background Note 414-033, September 2013. (Revised August 2015.)
- September 2013
- Case
Boeing 787: More Electric Architecture
By: Willy Shih
The "more electric architecture" of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner represented a significant shift in the design of secondary power systems for commercial aircraft, compared to traditional designs that employed a mix of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical power. While the... View Details
- June 2012
- Case
Perfect Storm over Zurich Airport (A) (Abridged)
By: Michael L. Tushman and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Josef Felder, CEO of Zurich Airport, faces several crises as he tries to transform the Airport from a slow-moving, conflict-ridden, government-owned entity into a privatized, world-class airport. View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Leading Change; Crisis Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; State Ownership; Privatization; Air Transportation Industry
Tushman, Michael L., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Perfect Storm over Zurich Airport (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 412-145, June 2012.
- April 2012
- Case
People Express Airlines
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Lauren Barley
Recounts the history of People Express Airlines, which grew rapidly after its inception in 1980 then failed spectacularly in 1986. Profiles People's aggressive strategy and its distinctive approach to human resource management, which emphasized job rotation and minimal... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Air Transportation; Business Exit or Shutdown; Business Growth and Maturation; Organizational Structure; Entrepreneurship; Failure; Human Resources; Business Startups; Air Transportation Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Lauren Barley. "People Express Airlines." Harvard Business School Case 812-134, April 2012.
- 2011
- Other Unpublished Work
International Air Transport Association Vision 2050
IATA asked 35 strategic thinkers to develop this vision for the next 40 years for the airline industry. The group benefited greatly by the inspirational and strategic leadership and wisdom of Singapore's Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew. And Harvard University Professor... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "International Air Transport Association Vision 2050."
- January – February 2012
- Article
When One Business Model Isn't Enough
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Jorge Tarzijan
Trying to operate two business models at once often causes strategic failure. Yet LAN Airlines, a Chilean carrier, runs three models successfully. Casadesus-Masanell, of Harvard Business School, and Tarziján, of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, explore how... View Details
Keywords: Integration; Failure; Business Model; Service Operations; Asset Management; Value; Complexity; Competency and Skills; Business Strategy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Risk and Uncertainty; Customer Relationship Management; Air Transportation Industry
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Jorge Tarzijan. "When One Business Model Isn't Enough." Harvard Business Review 90, nos. 1-2 (January–February 2012).
- October 2011 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Boeing 737 Industrial Footprint: The Wichita Decision
By: Willy Shih and Margaret Pierson
The case examines the circumstances leading up to the Boeing Company's decision to spin-off its Wichita Division. This case is intended to be taught with two other notes: "On the Use of Capital Efficiency Metrics," HBS No. 612-034, "Modularity in Design and... View Details
Shih, Willy, and Margaret Pierson. "Boeing 737 Industrial Footprint: The Wichita Decision." Harvard Business School Case 612-036, October 2011. (Revised July 2012.)
- August 2011 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
JetBlue Airways: Deicing at Logan Airport
By: Douglas Fearing and Robert S. Huckman
The case explores a deicing capacity expansion decision made by JetBlue at Boston Logan International Airport in the summer of 2010. The need for capacity expansion was driven by significant challenges faced during the previous winter combined with substantial... View Details
Keywords: Operational Disruptions; Strategic Planning; Disruption; Cost vs Benefits; Air Transportation; Service Operations; Logistics; Operations; Air Transportation Industry; Boston
Fearing, Douglas, and Robert S. Huckman. "JetBlue Airways: Deicing at Logan Airport." Harvard Business School Case 612-028, August 2011. (Revised August 2012.)
- January 2011 (Revised March 2011)
- Teaching Note
The Wright Brothers and their Flying Machines (TN)
By: Tom Nicholas
Teaching Note for 811-034. View Details
- December 2010 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines
By: Tom Nicholas and David Chen
Wilbur (1867-1912) and Orville (1871-1948) Wright were fascinated by the mystery of flight and they built on the ideas of prominent earlier figures such as Octave Chanute (1832-1910) the French-born American who was influential in fostering the free exchange of ideas... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business History; Technological Innovation; Patents; Knowledge Sharing; Air Transportation; Air Transportation Industry; Europe; United States
Nicholas, Tom, and David Chen. "The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines." Harvard Business School Case 811-034, December 2010. (Revised March 2015.)
- November 2010
- Supplement
LAN Airlines in 2008: Connecting the World to Latin America (B)
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Jorge Tarzijan
Provides updated facts on Lan Airlines as of 2010. It is meant to be used as a supplement to "Lan Airlines in 2008: Connecting the World to Latin America" (Harvard Business School Case 709-410). View Details
- September 2010
- Teaching Note
HNA Group: Moving China's Air Transport Industry in a New Direction (TN)
Teaching Note for 309029. View Details
- July 2010
- Teaching Note
Perfect Storm over Zurich Airport (TN) (A) & (B)
By: Michael L. Tushman and David Kiron
Teaching Note for 408023 and 408058. View Details
- June 2010
- Teaching Note
Southwest Airlines: In a Different World (TN)
By: James L. Heskett and W. Earl Sasser
Teaching Note for 910419. View Details
- April 2010 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
Southwest Airlines: In a Different World
By: James L. Heskett and W. Earl Sasser Jr.
This is the fourth in a 35-year series of HBS cases on an organization that has changed the rules of the game globally for an entire industry by offering both differentiated and low-price service. The focus of the case is on whether Southwest Airlines should buy gates... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Organizational Culture; Competitive Strategy; Air Transportation Industry; New York (city, NY)
Heskett, James L., and W. Earl Sasser Jr. "Southwest Airlines: In a Different World." Harvard Business School Case 910-419, April 2010. (Revised January 2013.)
- April 2010 (Revised July 2010)
- Teaching Note
JetBlue Airways: Managing Growth (TN)
Teaching Note for [609046]. View Details