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- Faculty Publications (965)
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- Teaching Interest
Professor Bernstein currently teaches a second-year MBA course in Managing Human Capital (MHC). He is also the faculty chair for the Harvard Business School Online Developing Yourself as a Leader course and teaches in a variety of executive education... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Innovation Leadership; Management Practices and Processes; Management Succession; Management Style; Management Systems; Management Teams; Managerial Roles; Organizations; Organizational Culture; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance; Information Technology; Strategy; Human Resources; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Recruitment; Resignation and Termination; Retention; Selection and Staffing
- Research Summary
Research Thrust
By: Rakesh Khurana
I am trained in organizational sociology and my main areas of interest lie in macro-organizational theory and the dynamics of executive labor markets. To date, my research has focused on two themes. The first revolves around understanding the forces that govern the... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Book
The World Is Your Office: How Work from Anywhere Boosts Talent, Productivity, and Innovation
A research-based look at a growing phenomenon—companies allowing their employees to work from anywhere in the world—and how those who adopt this model can boost talent, innovation, and productivity.
In recent years, companies in a wide range of industries have... View Details
In recent years, companies in a wide range of industries have... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Telecommuting; Employees; Business Offices; Organizational Culture; Retention; Recruitment; Policy; Competitive Advantage
Choudhury, Prithwiraj. The World Is Your Office: How Work from Anywhere Boosts Talent, Productivity, and Innovation. Harvard Business Review Press, forthcoming. (Due in April.)
- Research Summary
By: Sandra J. Sucher
In this research, I aim to provide a practical orientation to trust—how to build it, how it can be damaged, how it might be repaired—grounded in my experience as an executive and in the research on organizational trust and moral philosophy. As a case researcher, I... View Details
Keywords: Power; Globalization; Leadership; Corporate Culture; Future Of Work; Innovation; Human Resources; Technology Strategy; Automation; Stakeholder Engagement; Employee Attitude; Customer Behavior; Shareholder Value; Government And Business; Impact Investing; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Change And Sustainability; Asia; Europe; South America; Middle East; North And Central America; Trust; Asia; Europe; South America; Middle East; North and Central America
- Article
When the Thought Doesn’t Count: The Dynamics of Unhelpful Help in Creative Organizations
By: Colin Fisher, Julianna Pillemer and Teresa Amabile
We’ve all been there. You ask a colleague for help with something, maybe a tricky research design or a difficult student. They agree to help, but their assistance misses its mark. You wonder what happened and, if you turn to existing research and theory, you don’t find... View Details
Fisher, Colin, Julianna Pillemer, and Teresa Amabile. "When the Thought Doesn’t Count: The Dynamics of Unhelpful Help in Creative Organizations." Academy of Management Discoveries (in press). (Pre-published online October 18, 2024.)
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