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- Faculty Publications (1,054)
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- Faculty Publications (1,054)
- October 1998
- Case
CRA Managed Care, Inc. (C)
By: Myra M. Hart and Susan Harmeling
Chronicles an entrepreneur's transition from chairman/CEO of a large privately held company, to chairman of a public company, to board member, to president of several major nonprofit boards, to founder of a new nonprofit for women business owners and founder of a new... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Leadership; Nonprofit Organizations; Governing and Advisory Boards; Entrepreneurship; Personal Development and Career; Gender; Management Skills; United States
Hart, Myra M., and Susan Harmeling. "CRA Managed Care, Inc. (C)." Harvard Business School Case 899-070, October 1998.
- May 1998
- Teaching Note
Development Relationships TN
By: David A. Thomas and Emily Heaphy
The final class of the Career Development module of the Self-Assessment and Career Development course (SACD) uses the topic of mentoring and developmental relationships to encourage students to think beyond the point of finding and accepting a suitable job offer. The... View Details
- March 1998 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Shepard Quraeshi Associates (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Harold F. Hogan Jr
Samina Quraeshi, principal of Boston-based Shepard Quraeshi Associates, must decide whether to take legal action against her key employees after they leave her firm to start their own, taking with them key clients and data. Quraeshi sees the situation as reflecting... View Details
Keywords: Ethnicity; Nationality; Ethics; Employees; Gender; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Immigration; Growth and Development Strategy; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Harold F. Hogan Jr. "Shepard Quraeshi Associates (A)." Harvard Business School Case 398-112, March 1998. (Revised March 1999.)
- 1998
- Working Paper
Some Evidence on the Optimal Welfare State Based on Subjective Data
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch
It is often difficult to evaluate all the costs and benefits of the welfare state. This paper suggests an alternative approach based on surveys of citizen satisfaction with welfare programs. In the first part of the paper we estimate the level of unemployment benefits... View Details
- November 1997 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Ft. Myers Eldercare
By: William J. Poorvu and Arthur I Segel
A developer attempts to get into the elderly housing business. The case reviews the various elderly housing options, how they differ from one another, and how the industry differs from other types of real estate. View Details
Poorvu, William J., and Arthur I Segel. "Ft. Myers Eldercare." Harvard Business School Case 898-041, November 1997. (Revised March 2004.)
- Article
Hype and Suspicion: The Effects of Pretrial Publicity, Race, and Suspicion on Jurors' Verdicts.
By: Steven Fein, Seth J. Morgan, Michael I. Norton and Samuel R. Sommers
Fein, Steven, Seth J. Morgan, Michael I. Norton, and Samuel R. Sommers. "Hype and Suspicion: The Effects of Pretrial Publicity, Race, and Suspicion on Jurors' Verdicts." Journal of Social Issues 53, no. 3 (Fall 1997): 487–502.
- September–October 1997
- Article
A Question of Color: A Debate on Race in the U.S. Workplace
By: D. A. Thomas and Suzy Wetlaufer
Thomas, D. A., and Suzy Wetlaufer. "A Question of Color: A Debate on Race in the U.S. Workplace." Harvard Business Review 75, no. 5 (September–October 1997): 118–132.
- 1 Aug 1997
- Conference Presentation
Beyond Armchair Feminism II: The Challenges of Holding onto Gender in Organizational Intervention
By: R. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson
- 1 Aug 1997
- Conference Presentation
Beyond Armchair Feminism: EnGendering Organizational Change
By: R. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson
- 1997
- Article
Are Computers Gender-neutral? Gender Stereotypic Responses to Computers with Voices
By: C. I. Nass, Y. Moon and N. Green
Nass, C. I., Y. Moon, and N. Green. "Are Computers Gender-neutral? Gender Stereotypic Responses to Computers with Voices." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27, no. 10 (1997): 864–876.
- September–October 1996
- Article
Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity
By: D. A. Thomas and Robin Ely
Thomas, D. A., and Robin Ely. "Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity." Harvard Business Review 74, no. 5 (September–October 1996): 79–90.
- August 1996 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A1)
By: Linda A. Hill and Jaan Elias
Illustrates: 1) the impact of a manager's leadership style on corporate culture, direction, and performance; 2) the concept of fit between leadership style and the requirements of situations in which managers find themselves; and 3) the need for managers to adapt their... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Race; Organizational Culture; Success; Leadership Style; Gender; Management Teams; Change Management; Situation or Environment; Creativity; Relationships; Music Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Jaan Elias. "Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A1)." Harvard Business School Case 497-015, August 1996. (Revised October 1996.)
- 1 Aug 1996
- Conference Presentation
Beyond Armchair Feminism: EnGendering Organizational Change
By: R. Ely and D. Meyerson
- 1996
- Chapter
Mentoring and the Boundaryless Career: Lessons from the Minority Experience
By: D. Thomas and M. C. Higgins
- November 1995 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Luna Pen (A)
By: Kathleen McGinn and Michael Wheeler
Discusses the negotiation of a possible trademark infringement involving a German conglomerate and a Taiwanese trading firm. View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Law; Negotiation Tactics; Decision Choices and Conditions; Gender; Culture; Trademarks; Power and Influence; Germany; Taiwan
McGinn, Kathleen, and Michael Wheeler. "Luna Pen (A)." Harvard Business School Case 396-156, November 1995. (Revised February 2017.)
- November 1995 (Revised February 2017)
- Supplement
Luna Pen (B)
By: Kathleen McGinn and Michael Wheeler
Presents a series of multiple choice options to be distributed and discussed in class. View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Strategy; Negotiation Tactics; Performance Evaluation; Gender; Culture; Power and Influence; Germany; Taiwan
McGinn, Kathleen, and Michael Wheeler. "Luna Pen (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 396-157, November 1995. (Revised February 2017.)
- August 1995
- Case
Managing Diversity, Course Overview and Syllabus
By: Mary C. Gentile and James I. Cash Jr.
Gentile, Mary C., and James I. Cash Jr. "Managing Diversity, Course Overview and Syllabus." Harvard Business School Case 396-010, August 1995.
- August 1995 (Revised May 2008)
- Teaching Note
Jensen Shoes (TN)
By: James I. Cash Jr. and Mary C. Gentile
Teaching Note for (9-395-120) and (9-395-121). View Details