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- Faculty Publications (1,115)
- October 2002 (Revised February 2006)
- Case
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., 2002
By: Michael Y. Yoshino and Masako Egawa
Carlos Ghosn, a former executive vice president of Renault, became the COO of Nissan Motor Co., a troubled auto company in Japan when Renault bought 38% of the company in 1999. This case deals with how Ghosn turned the company around. Examines in considerable detail... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Transformation; Globalization; Leadership Development; Problems and Challenges; Auto Industry; Japan
Yoshino, Michael Y., and Masako Egawa. "Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., 2002." Harvard Business School Case 303-042, October 2002. (Revised February 2006.)
- September 2002 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
By: Dorothy A. Leonard and David Kiron
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) faces a serious loss of knowledge--both because of the "faster, better, cheaper" mandate for Mars missions and from the retirement of key personnel. An extensive knowledge management system for NASA/JPL includes formal knowledge-capture... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Management; Knowledge Dissemination; Leadership Development; Internet and the Web; Risk and Uncertainty; Organizational Culture; Retirement; Human Resources; Human Capital
Leonard, Dorothy A., and David Kiron. "Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)." Harvard Business School Case 603-062, September 2002. (Revised October 2002.)
- August 2002 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Gillette Company (A): Pressure for Change
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and James Weber
After years of strong performance with market-dominating brands, Gillette's performance slips and a new CEO is selected from outside the company to lead a turnaround. This case describes the business and financial situation he inherited and asks what he should do... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Performance Consistency; Product Positioning; Selection and Staffing; Change Management; Leading Change; Competitive Strategy; Planning; Retail Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and James Weber. "Gillette Company (A): Pressure for Change." Harvard Business School Case 303-032, August 2002. (Revised February 2005.)
- August 2002 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Gillette Company (B): Leadership for Change
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and James Weber
Describes the actions and behavior of a new CEO in his first days and weeks as he sets expectations for his top management team and introduces processes and disciplines to begin the turnaround of a global consumer products company. View Details
Keywords: Business Strategy; Policy; Change Management; Leading Change; Motivation and Incentives; Strategic Planning; Retail Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and James Weber. "Gillette Company (B): Leadership for Change." Harvard Business School Case 303-033, August 2002. (Revised February 2005.)
- August 2002 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Gillette Company (C): Strategies for Change
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and James Weber
Examines the strategic change agenda set by a new CEO as the initial priorities in the turnaround of this leading global consumer products company. View Details
Keywords: Business History; Global Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Leading Change; Change Management; Retail Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and James Weber. "Gillette Company (C): Strategies for Change." Harvard Business School Case 303-034, August 2002. (Revised February 2005.)
- August 2002 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Gillette Company (D): Implementing Change
How a strategic change agenda is implemented depends on leaders below the top in every function and geographic region translating the agenda into actions. But those actions do not always unfold as planned. This case examines the first 16 months of a turnaround from the... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Competitive Strategy; Strategic Planning; Change Management; Organizational Design; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Behavior; Leading Change; Retail Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Gillette Company (D): Implementing Change." Harvard Business School Case 303-035, August 2002. (Revised February 2005.)
- August 2002
- Case
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter, Brooke Bartletta and Michelle Heskett
Describes the challenges Steve Grossman, a fourth-generation owner of a small commercial printing company, must face amid industry consolidation, technological changes, and his own run for public office. View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Family Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Leadership; Change Management; Information Technology; Personal Development and Career; Service Delivery; Service Industry; Massachusetts
Kanter, Rosabeth M., Brooke Bartletta, and Michelle Heskett. "MassEnvelopePlus." Harvard Business School Case 302-103, August 2002.
- 2002
- Book
Searching for a Corporate Savior: The Irrational Quest for Charismatic CEOs
By: Rakesh Khurana
Corporate CEOs are headline news. Stock prices rise and fall at word of their hiring and firing. Business media debate their merits and defects as if individual leaders determined the health of the economy. Yet we know surprisingly little about how CEOs are selected... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Selection and Staffing; Personal Characteristics; Experience and Expertise; Investment Activism; Corporate Strategy
Khurana, Rakesh. Searching for a Corporate Savior: The Irrational Quest for Charismatic CEOs. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.
- May 2002
- Case
Mellon Investor Services
By: Thomas J. DeLong
James Aramanda, head of Mellon Investor Services, must decide how to change the focus of his business. He works with consultants to create a change strategy to enhance a business that is already doing well. Will he be able to interest his professionals in changing the... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Innovation Leadership; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Management Teams; Financial Services Industry; Insurance Industry; United States
DeLong, Thomas J. "Mellon Investor Services." Harvard Business School Case 402-036, May 2002.
- April 2002
- Case
Paula Evans and the Redesign of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (C)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Supplements the (A) case and Bobbie D'Alessandro and the Redesign of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Strategy; Secondary Education; Restructuring; Leadership; Education Industry; Cambridge
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Paula Evans and the Redesign of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (C)." Harvard Business School Case 402-005, April 2002.
- April 2002 (Revised September 2003)
- Case
Stephen Brown at John Hancock Financial Services
By: Robin J. Ely
Describes a major organizational transformation process at John Hancock Financial Services in which CEO Stephen Brown takes a series of measured steps to turn the old-line mutual insurance company into a competitive, performance-oriented financial services firm. At the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Leadership; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Alignment; Competitive Strategy; Financial Services Industry
Ely, Robin J. "Stephen Brown at John Hancock Financial Services." Harvard Business School Case 402-048, April 2002. (Revised September 2003.)
- April 2002 (Revised May 2005)
- Case
GE's Digital Revolution: Redefining the E in GE
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Meg Glinska
This case details the implementation of the e-business initiative--the last of Jack Welch's four company-wide strategic thrusts. First, it summarizes the 20-year change process that Welch led, detailing the initiatives he put in place. It then traces how Gerry Podesta,... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Decision Choices and Conditions; Leadership Style; Business or Company Management; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Performance Effectiveness; Corporate Strategy; Internet and the Web
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Meg Glinska. "GE's Digital Revolution: Redefining the E in GE." Harvard Business School Case 302-001, April 2002. (Revised May 2005.)
- 2002
- Book
Winning through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal
By: Michael L. Tushman and Charles A. O'Reilly
Tushman, Michael L., and Charles A. O'Reilly. Winning through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2002.
- March 2002 (Revised March 2008)
- Case
Saudi Arabia: Getting the House in Order
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Rebecca Evans
Provides a vehicle to explore Islamic development and political issues within BGIE (business, government, and international economy). Set in early 2002, the case focuses on Crown Prince Abdullah's efforts to liberalize a failing rentier state, that had been dependent... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Development Economics; Non-Renewable Energy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; International Relations; Leading Change; Saudi Arabia; Middle East
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Rebecca Evans. "Saudi Arabia: Getting the House in Order." Harvard Business School Case 702-031, March 2002. (Revised March 2008.)
- November 2001 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
Taking Charge at Dogus Holding (A)
By: Rakesh Khurana, Gina Carioggia and Simon Johnson
Describes 37-year-old Ferit Sahenk's challenges in taking over his father's traditionally managed $14 billion Turkish conglomerate in a period of economic instability. Leading the large holding company into the 21st century will require the establishment of a more... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Trade; Competitive Strategy; Decision Making; Leadership; Performance Effectiveness; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Family Business; Change Management; Turkey
Khurana, Rakesh, Gina Carioggia, and Simon Johnson. "Taking Charge at Dogus Holding (A)." Harvard Business School Case 402-009, November 2001. (Revised April 2002.)
- November 2001 (Revised October 2004)
- Case
IBM Network Technology (A)
By: Michael L. Tushman and Robert C Wood
An unconventional manager within IBM leads the creation of a business unit with multibillion-dollar potential, winning over customers and nudging the organization to make the changes needed to achieve dramatic growth. This case provides an example of how organizational... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development; Growth and Development Strategy; Leadership; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Change Management; Management Practices and Processes; Business Plan; Organizational Design; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Success; Technology Industry
Tushman, Michael L., and Robert C Wood. "IBM Network Technology (A)." Harvard Business School Case 402-012, November 2001. (Revised October 2004.)
- November 2001
- Case
IBM Network Technology (B)
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design; Management Teams; Leadership Style; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Growth Management; Information Technology Industry
Tushman, Michael L. "IBM Network Technology (B)." Harvard Business School Case 402-013, November 2001.
- November 2001 (Revised September 2007)
- Case
Children's Hospital and Clinics (A)
By: Amy C. Edmondson, Michael Roberto and Anita L. Tucker
Describes the major phases of an initiative designed to transform the organization and enhance patient safety. Raises interesting questions about how to encourage candid discussion about failures while continuing to hold people accountable for their performance. View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Leading Change; Business Processes; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Performance Improvement; Safety; Health Industry
Edmondson, Amy C., Michael Roberto, and Anita L. Tucker. "Children's Hospital and Clinics (A)." Harvard Business School Case 302-050, November 2001. (Revised September 2007.)
- October 2001
- Case
TIGR and ILRI: Solving Problems with Genomics
By: Ray A. Goldberg and James M Beagle
Discusses nonprofit institutional leadership applying advances in genetic science to solve health and animal problems in industrial countries and the developing world. View Details
- October 2001 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
Philipp Justus at eBay Germany (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Maria Farkas
A week after becoming country manager of eBay's recently acquired German auction site, Philipp Justus must steer the company through a massive technical integration with eBay's Web site. Throughout the seven-month project, Justus and his team must master the challenge... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design; Leadership; Internet and the Web; Globalized Firms and Management; Mergers and Acquisitions; Managerial Roles; Management Teams; Management Practices and Processes; Auctions; Retail Industry; Information Technology Industry; Germany
Hill, Linda A., and Maria Farkas. "Philipp Justus at eBay Germany (A)." Harvard Business School Case 402-007, October 2001. (Revised January 2002.)