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- All HBS Web
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- 05 Jul 2018
- News
How to Manage an Employee Who’s Having a Personal Crisis
Network Effects in Countries' Adoption of IFRS
The Accounting Review Vol. 89, No. 4 (July 2014), pp. 1517-1543.
If the differences in accounting standards across countries reflect relatively stable institutional differences, why did several countries rapidly adopt IFRS in the 2003–2008 period?... View Details
If the differences in accounting standards across countries reflect relatively stable institutional differences, why did several countries rapidly adopt IFRS in the 2003–2008 period?... View Details
- 11 Sep 2017
- Research & Ideas
Why Employers Favor Men
discrimination does indeed work against women in the hiring process. Testing for gender bias To simulate a real-life hiring situation, the researchers created online experiments with 100 participants representing workers seeking jobs, and... View Details
Keywords: by Dina Gerdeman
- April 2013
- Article
What Roger Fisher Got Profoundly Right: Five Enduring Lessons for Negotiators
Roger Fisher, who died in 2012, enjoyed a remarkable career that modeled one way that an academic, especially in a professional school such as law or business, could make a significant, positive, and lasting difference in the world. Distinctive aspects of his career... View Details
Keywords: Bargaining; Conflict Resolution; Dealmaking; Negotiation; Personal Development and Career; Conflict and Resolution
Sebenius, James K. "What Roger Fisher Got Profoundly Right: Five Enduring Lessons for Negotiators." Negotiation Journal 29, no. 2 (April 2013): 159–169.
- Research Summary
Professor Coffman studies the sources of gender gaps in economically-important contexts. Her work focuses on the role of beliefs: how do stereotypes bias the beliefs that individuals hold about themselves (and others), and how do these biased beliefs shape... View Details
- September 2020
- Case
Minerva 2004: Discovery
By: John R. Wells and Benjamin Weinstock
After nearly five years in operation, Doctor Cynthia Bamdad, founder and CEO of Minerva Biotechnologies Corporation (Minerva), was reflecting on the company’s next steps. In a few short years, she and her small team had managed to develop a nanoparticle process for... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Biotechnology Industry
Wells, John R., and Benjamin Weinstock. "Minerva 2004: Discovery." Harvard Business School Case 721-389, September 2020.
- August 2017 (Revised July 2018)
- Case
MannKind Corporation: Take a Deep Breath, This Time Afrezza Will Work
By: Elie Ofek and Amanda Dai
In June 2014, MannKind Corporation announced that after years of development and billions of dollars in expenses, the FDA had finally approved its drug, Afrezza. MannKind would thus be the only company with an inhalable insulin on the market. As an alternative to... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Product Launch; Product Positioning; Marketing Strategy; Adoption; Pharmaceutical Industry
Ofek, Elie, and Amanda Dai. "MannKind Corporation: Take a Deep Breath, This Time Afrezza Will Work." Harvard Business School Case 518-031, August 2017. (Revised July 2018.)
- April 2021
- Article
Homing and Platform Responses to Entry: Historical Evidence from the U.S. Newspaper Industry
By: K. Francis Park, Robert Seamans and Feng Zhu
We examine how heterogeneity in customers’ tendencies to single-home or multi-home affects a platform’s competitive responses to new entrants in the market. We first develop a formal model to generate predictions about how a platform will respond. We then empirically... View Details
Keywords: Single-homing; Multi-homing; Platform Responses; Newpaper; Television; Digital Platforms; Market Entry and Exit; Newspapers; Television Entertainment; History; Journalism and News Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Park, K. Francis, Robert Seamans, and Feng Zhu. "Homing and Platform Responses to Entry: Historical Evidence from the U.S. Newspaper Industry." Strategic Management Journal 42, no. 4 (April 2021): 684–709.
- Web
Introduction – The Human Relations Movement – Baker Library | Bloomberg Center, Historical Collections
and Relay Assembly Test Room Enter Elton Mayo Human Relations and Harvard Business School Women in the Relay Assembly Test Room The Interview Process Spreading the Word The "Hawthorne Effect" Research Links... View Details
- Article
Do Post-menopausal Women Provide More Care to Their Kin?: Evidence of Grandparental Caregiving from Two Large-scale National Surveys
By: Marlise Hofer, Hanne Collins, Gita D. Mishra and Mark Schaller
Drawing on the logical principles of life-history theory, it may be hypothesized that—compared to pre-menopausal women—post-menopausal women will spend more time caring for grandchildren and other kin. This hypothesis was tested in two studies, on results obtained from... View Details
Hofer, Marlise, Hanne Collins, Gita D. Mishra, and Mark Schaller. "Do Post-menopausal Women Provide More Care to Their Kin?: Evidence of Grandparental Caregiving from Two Large-scale National Surveys." Evolution and Human Behavior 40, no. 4 (July 2019): 355–364.
- 2017
- Working Paper
Knowledge Flows within Multinationals—Estimating Relative Influence of Headquarters and Host Context Using a Gravity Model
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Mike Horia Teodorescu and Tarun Khanna
From the perspective of a multinational subsidiary, we employ the classic gravity equation in economics to model and compare knowledge flows to the subsidiary from the MNC headquarters and from the host country context. We also generalize traditional economics gravity... View Details
- 2014
- Working Paper
The Founder's Resource‐Dependence Challenge
By: Noam Wasserman
Does the degree to which founders keep control of their startups affect company value? I argue that founders face a "control dilemma" in which a startup's resource dependence drives a wedge between the startup's value and the founder's ability to retain control of... View Details
Wasserman, Noam. "The Founder's Resource‐Dependence Challenge." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-090, March 2014.
- 2012
- Article
Exploring Re-Identification Risks in Public Domains
By: Aditi Ramachandran, Lisa Singh, Edward Porter and Frank Nagle
While re-identification of sensitive data has been studied extensively, with the emergence of online social networks and the popularity of digital communications, the ability to use public data for re-identification has increased. This work begins by presenting two... View Details
- March 2008
- Article
When Growth Stalls
By: Matthew S. Olson, Derek C. M. van Bever and Seth Verry
This article includes a one-page preview that quickly summarizes the key ideas and provides an overview of how the concepts work in practice along with suggestions for further reading.
An abrupt and lasting drop in revenue growth is a crisis that can strike even the... View Details
Olson, Matthew S., Derek C. M. van Bever, and Seth Verry. "When Growth Stalls." Harvard Business Review 86, no. 3 (March 2008): 50–61.
- April 2009 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Partners In Health: HIV Care in Rwanda
By: Michael E. Porter, Scott S. Lee, Joseph Rhatigan and Jim Yong Kim
In 2005, Partners in Health (PIH) was invited by the Rwandan Ministry of Health to assume responsibility for the management of public health care in two rural districts in Eastern Rwanda and create an HIV treatment program at these sites. PIH successfully implemented a... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Health Care and Treatment; Health Testing and Trials; Medical Specialties; Service Delivery; Nonprofit Organizations; Expansion; Health Industry; Rwanda
Porter, Michael E., Scott S. Lee, Joseph Rhatigan, and Jim Yong Kim. "Partners In Health: HIV Care in Rwanda." Harvard Business School Case 709-474, April 2009. (Revised May 2010.)
- Web
Class Profile - Doctoral
students in our doctoral programs have strong quantitative and analytical skills, as demonstrated by their records of academic performance and test scores. 7 PHD Programs 852 Applicants, 2024 4 % Admit rate, 2024 120 Students enrolled 53... View Details
- March 2023
- Case
By: Marco Iansiti, Karim R. Lakhani, Hannah Mayer, Kerry Herman, Allison J. Wigen and Dave Habeeb
This multimedia case follows the story of Moderna and its entry into vaccine development in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In summer 2020, Stephane Bancel, CEO of biotech firm Moderna, faces several challenges as his company races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19.... View Details
- Web
Students on the Job Market - Doctoral
treated. Using this quasi-exogenous variation, monthly repurchase data and a staggered DiD design, my main tests find that the modernized rule reduces share repurchases amounts, primarily by reducing the number of firms repurchasing. In... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Explaining Variation in Energy Transitions
By: Jared Finnegan, Phillip Lipscy, Jonas Meckling and Florence Metz
Why are some governments more effective in promoting economic change than others?
We develop a theory of the institutional sources of economic transformation. Institutions can
facilitate transformation through two central mechanisms: insulation and compensation.... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Business and Government Relations; Supply and Industry; Demand and Consumers; Transformation; Economic Systems; Climate Change
Finnegan, Jared, Phillip Lipscy, Jonas Meckling, and Florence Metz. "The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Explaining Variation in Energy Transitions." Journal of Politics (forthcoming).
- Article
The Hidden Costs of Initial Coin Offerings
By: Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Ramana Nanda
In recent years, much has been written about how the Blockchain is poised to transform traditional industries such as banking, real estate, and healthcare. More recently, it has gained attention as a way to finance new ventures, through what is known as an Initial Coin... View Details
Bussgang, Jeffrey J., and Ramana Nanda. "The Hidden Costs of Initial Coin Offerings." Harvard Business Review (website) (November 7, 2018).