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- Faculty Publications (930)
- April 1983 (Revised December 1984)
- Background Note
Note on Free Trade and Protectionism
By: David B. Yoffie
Keywords: Trade
Yoffie, David B. "Note on Free Trade and Protectionism." Harvard Business School Background Note 383-174, April 1983. (Revised December 1984.)
- April 1983 (Revised October 1990)
- Background Note
Textiles and the Multi-Fiber Arrangement
By: David B. Yoffie
What happens to an industry with millions of employees that loses its comparative advantage? This note examines this question by looking at the global textile and apparel industry. With the Multi-Fiber Arrangement coming up for renewal in December 1981, the United... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Cost vs Benefits; Developing Countries and Economies; Manufacturing Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States; Europe
Yoffie, David B. "Textiles and the Multi-Fiber Arrangement." Harvard Business School Background Note 383-164, April 1983. (Revised October 1990.)
- April 1983 (Revised December 1985)
- Case
Countertrade and Merban Corp.
By: David B. Yoffie
Yoffie, David B. "Countertrade and Merban Corp." Harvard Business School Case 383-116, April 1983. (Revised December 1985.)
- Article
Bilateral Contracts
By: Jerry R. Green and Seppo Honkapohja
A mathematical characterization of self-enforcing bilateral contracts is given. Contracts where both parties exercise some control over the quantity traded can sometimes be superior to contracts that rest control entirely with one side. Some qualitative characteristics... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Seppo Honkapohja. "Bilateral Contracts." Journal of Mathematical Economics 11, no. 2 (1983): 171–187.
- March 1983
- Case
European-United States Steel Dispute of 1982
By: George C. Lodge
Keywords: Trade; International Relations; Business and Government Relations; Steel Industry; Europe; United States
Lodge, George C. "European-United States Steel Dispute of 1982." Harvard Business School Case 383-123, March 1983.
- March 1983 (Revised January 1984)
- Case
Merloni Group
The general manager of the recently-established French subsidiary of an Italian appliance company is in conflict with headquarters about unexpectedly poor financial performance. Headquarters management believes it should be able to exert more control over the... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Organizational Structure; Performance Evaluation; Power and Influence; France; Italy
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Merloni Group." Harvard Business School Case 383-152, March 1983. (Revised January 1984.)
- 1983
- Chapter
Incentives for Ocean Mining Under the Convention
By: James K. Sebenius and Lance Antrim
- December 1982 (Revised August 1986)
- Case
Farmland Industries, Inc.: Opportunities in Barter Trade
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Farmland Industries, Inc.: Opportunities in Barter Trade." Harvard Business School Case 583-117, December 1982. (Revised August 1986.)
- December 1982 (Revised July 1985)
- Case
Kennedy and the Balance of Payments
By: David B. Yoffie
In 1960, the United States was facing a balance of payments problem. Gold reserves were being drained, American products were losing competitiveness, and the dollar was under attack. This case analyzes the roots of this problem, provides an opportunity to discuss in... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Accounting; Macroeconomics; Money; Currency; Trade; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Kennedy and the Balance of Payments." Harvard Business School Case 383-073, December 1982. (Revised July 1985.)
- December 1982 (Revised November 2006)
- Background Note
Note on Futures Contracts
By: David E. Bell
Provides an introduction to futures contracts, what they are, what their use in hedging is, and their usefulness in providing forecasts. Also covers basic risk. Includes a list of commodities currently traded in futures markets and the necessary properties of a... View Details
Keywords: Futures and Commodity Futures
Bell, David E. "Note on Futures Contracts." Harvard Business School Background Note 183-126, December 1982. (Revised November 2006.)
- March 1982 (Revised October 1984)
- Case
Carter, OPEC, and Big Oil
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Carter, OPEC, and Big Oil." Harvard Business School Case 382-116, March 1982. (Revised October 1984.)
- February 1982
- Background Note
International Trade
By: David B. Yoffie
Keywords: Trade
Yoffie, David B. "International Trade." Harvard Business School Background Note 382-107, February 1982.
- May 1981 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc.: Vaseline Petroleum Jelly
By: John A. Quelch
The product manager for Vaseline Petroleum Jelly has to prepare the 1978 brand budget and determine expenditure levels for advertising, trade promotion, and consumer promotion. View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Budgets and Budgeting; Product Marketing; Brands and Branding; Consumer Products Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Quelch, John A. "Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc.: Vaseline Petroleum Jelly." Harvard Business School Case 581-047, May 1981. (Revised December 1992.)
- 1980
- Working Paper
Taxation and the Ex-dividend Day Behavior of Common Stock Prices
By: Jerry R. Green
The behavior of stock prices around ex-dividend days has been suggested as evidence for tax-induced clientele effects and as a means to estimate the average effective tax rate faced by investors. In this paper these possibilities are examined theoretically and... View Details
Green, Jerry R. "Taxation and the Ex-dividend Day Behavior of Common Stock Prices." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 496, July 1980.
- June 1980 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
Southwest Lumber Distributors
By: David E. Bell
Concerns a lumber wholesaler who has been asked to give a forward price commitment. The market price has been volatile and the type of wood is different from that traded on the futures market. The question is: What to do about customer's request? View Details
Bell, David E. "Southwest Lumber Distributors." Harvard Business School Case 180-134, June 1980. (Revised November 2006.)
- November 1979
- Case
Bribery and Extortion in International Business
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Bribery and Extortion in International Business." Harvard Business School Case 380-087, November 1979.
- Article
The Question of Collective Rationality in Professor Gale's Model of Trade Imbalance
By: Jerry R. Green
Green, Jerry R. "The Question of Collective Rationality in Professor Gale's Model of Trade Imbalance." Journal of International Economics 2, no. 1 (February 1972): 39–55.
- July 1974
- Article
International Trade: The Product Life Cycle Approach
By: Louis T Wells Jr
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "International Trade: The Product Life Cycle Approach." Ritsumeikan keieigaku [Ritsumeikan Business Review] 13, no. 2 (July 1974). (in Japanese.)