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- All HBS Web
- People (17)
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- Research Summary
The research activity of Stefano Denicolai regards the management of innovation and technology. His recent works investigate if and how the investment in intangible assets (IA) - especially knowledge assets, such as patents or copyright - impacts on the firm... View Details
- February 2013 (Revised April 2013)
- Case
Monique Leroux: Leading Change at Desjardins
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
Monique Leroux led a major transformation, overcoming resistance, at a large Canadian financial cooperative based in Quebec that competed with top Canadian banks. Leroux was elected in 2008 as Chairman, President, and CEO of Desjardins Group. In order to compete... View Details
Keywords: Change Barriers; Leadership; Women And Leadership; Cooperatives; Social Enterprise; Financial Firms; Communication Strategy; Change Management; Transformation; Communication; Financial Services Industry; Canada
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone. "Monique Leroux: Leading Change at Desjardins." Harvard Business School Case 313-107, February 2013. (Revised April 2013.)
- March 2011
- Case
Calveta Dining Services, Inc.: A Recipe for Growth?
By: James L. Heskett and Patricia Girardi
Calveta Dining Services contracts with senior living facilities (SLFs) for the management of food service to residents. Created by Antonio Calveta and built on his passion for food and traditional family values, the firm had enjoyed three decades of strong growth when... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Vision; Employee Empowerment; Service Management; Family Businesses; Growth Strategy; Family Business; Expansion; Communication; Employee Relationship Management; Service Operations; Organizational Structure; Growth and Development Strategy; Service Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Heskett, James L., and Patricia Girardi. "Calveta Dining Services, Inc.: A Recipe for Growth?" Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-261, March 2011.
- 17 Jan 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
Deregulation, Misallocation, and Size: Evidence from India
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro & Anusha Chari
- February 2015
- Case
BlackRock: Diversity as a Driver for Success
By: Boris Groysberg and Katherine Connolly
In July 2014, the Global Executive Committee (GEC) for BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, held a two-day offsite to discuss the state of talent within the firm. A year prior, in 2013, Chairman and CEO Laurence (Larry) Fink had asked Global Head of HR Jeff... View Details
Keywords: Women And Leadership; Diversity; General Management; Leadership; Change Management; Human Capital; Leading Change; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Culture; Financial Services Industry; United States
Groysberg, Boris, and Katherine Connolly. "BlackRock: Diversity as a Driver for Success." Harvard Business School Case 415-047, February 2015.
Jason T. Pananos
Jason Pananos is a Senior Lecturer of Business Administration in the Finance Department. Jason currently teaches and was the co-creator of a second-year field course titled “Value Creation in Small and Medium Firms”. Jason is also an active collaborator and guest... View Details
- July 2018
- Teaching Note
Ron Johnson: A Career in Retail
By: Ryan Raffaelli
In April 2013, Ron Johnson (HBS '84) stepped down after just 18 months as CEO of J.C. Penney. In his brief tenure, Johnson, an acclaimed retailer respected for his innovation and success in shaping the retail image at Target and Apple, introduced dramatic departures... View Details
- May 2010
- Case
Alpen Bank: Launching the Credit Card in Romania
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sunru Yong
In 2006, the country manager for Alpen Bank in Romania, Gregory Carle, considers whether to recommend the launch of a credit card business. The firm rejected the idea several years earlier because of poor economic conditions in Romania. However, Romania is experiencing... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Credit; International Business; International Marketing; Product Introduction; Service Management; Credit Cards; Globalized Firms and Management; Product Positioning; Marketing Strategy; Service Delivery; Personal Finance; Product Launch; Banking Industry; European Union; Romania
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sunru Yong. "Alpen Bank: Launching the Credit Card in Romania." Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-559, May 2010.
- September 2008 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Khosla Ventures: Biofuels Strategy
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III, William A. Sahlman and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
By 2008, a number of the firm's early cleantech investments were showing promise, and the companies were starting to need significantly more money to create the massive scale required in the energy sector. As Khosla thought about the hundreds of millions of dollars... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Marketing; Entrepreneurial Finance; New Product Development; Partnerships; Entrepreneurial Management; Venture Capital; Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Renewable Energy; Entrepreneurship; Investment Funds; Environmental Sustainability; Product Development; Biotechnology Industry; Financial Services Industry
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, William A. Sahlman, and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "Khosla Ventures: Biofuels Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 809-004, September 2008. (Revised July 2012.)
- Article
Organizational Innovation in the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization Theory and Business History
By: Teresa da Silva Lopes, Mark Casson and Geoffrey Jones
This article engages in a methodological experiment by using historical evidence to challenge a common misperception about internalization theory. The theory has often been criticized for maintaining that it assumes a hierarchically organized MNE based on knowledge... View Details
Keywords: Internalization; Multinational Strategy; Business History; Organization And Management Theory; Globalization; Entrepreneurship; Governance; History; Organizations; Theory; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; North and Central America
da Silva Lopes, Teresa, Mark Casson, and Geoffrey Jones. "Organizational Innovation in the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization Theory and Business History." Journal of International Business Studies 50, no. 8 (October 2019): 1338–1358.
- May 2018 (Revised July 2018)
- Case
EY China (A): Strengthening Presence in a Critical Market
By: Ashish Nanda, Das Narayandas and Lisa Rohrer
Soon after being named regional managing partner for Ernst & Young (EY) China in September 2009, Albert Ng reflects on the enormity of challenges facing EY China. Despite EY Global's commitment to the China practice, EY China’s growth agenda has been reversed, post... View Details
Keywords: Professional Services; International Management; Big Four; Strategy And Execution; Emerging Market; Strategy; Leadership; Global Range; Growth and Development Strategy; Emerging Markets; Accounting Industry; China
Nanda, Ashish, Das Narayandas, and Lisa Rohrer. "EY China (A): Strengthening Presence in a Critical Market." Harvard Business School Case 718-464, May 2018. (Revised July 2018.)
- July–August 2017
- Article
Why Outlet Stores Exist: Averting Cannibalization in Product Line Extensions
By: Donald Ngwe
Outlet stores are a large and growing component of many firms' retailing strategies, particularly in the fashion industry. Outlet stores offer attractive prices in locations far from central shopping districts. The main perspectives on why outlet stores exist can be... View Details
Keywords: Fashion; Industrial Organization; Outlet Stores; Price Discrimination; Retail; Channel Management; Luxury; Product Marketing; Price; Retail Industry; Fashion Industry
Ngwe, Donald. "Why Outlet Stores Exist: Averting Cannibalization in Product Line Extensions." Marketing Science 36, no. 4 (July–August 2017): 523–541.
- April 2014 (Revised June 2016)
- Case
Tapestry Networks
By: Karthik Ramanna and Matthew Shaffer
Tapestry Networks assembled industry leaders and their regulators in small, private meetings to build new frameworks for pressing regulatory challenges. Tapestry's motivating principle was to reimagine solutions to complex problems (e.g., drug-approval standards) in... View Details
Keywords: General Management; Government And Business; Strategy; Consulting Industry; United States; European Union
Ramanna, Karthik, and Matthew Shaffer. "Tapestry Networks." Harvard Business School Case 114-051, April 2014. (Revised June 2016.)
- May 2010
- Article
Elections and Discretionary Accruals: Evidence from 2004
By: Karthik Ramanna and Sugata Roychowdhury
We examine the accrual choices of outsourcing firms with links to U.S. congressional candidates during the 2004 elections, when corporate outsourcing was a major campaign issue. We find that politically connected firms with more extensive outsourcing activities have... View Details
Keywords: Political Economy; Accounting Information; Accruals Management; Campaign Contributions; Discretionary Accruals; Election Outcomes; Political Currency; Political Process; Social Issues; Political Elections; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Motivation and Incentives; Earnings Management; Welfare; United States
Ramanna, Karthik, and Sugata Roychowdhury. "Elections and Discretionary Accruals: Evidence from 2004." Journal of Accounting Research 48, no. 2 (May 2010): 445–475. (Solicited for presentation at the 2009 Journal of Accounting Research Conference.)
- April 2013
- Teaching Plan
Barclays and the LIBOR Scandal
By: Clayton S. Rose and Aldo Sesia
In the summer of 2012, Barclays plc, one of the largest banks in the world, agreed to settle with authorities and acknowledged that the firm had manipulated LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offered Rate)—a benchmark reference rate that was fundamental to the operation of... View Details
Keywords: Financial Systems; Financial Services; Corruption; Regulation; General Management; Management; Leadership; Economic Systems; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Culture; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; United Kingdom
Rose, Clayton S., and Aldo Sesia. "Barclays and the LIBOR Scandal ." Harvard Business School Teaching Plan 313-108, April 2013.
- December 2016
- Supplement
Ron Johnson: A Career in Retail
This is a video supplement, to be used when teaching the Ron Johnson case. See abstract:
In April 2013, Ron Johnson (HBS '84) stepped down after just 18 months as CEO of J.C. Penney. In his brief tenure, Johnson, an acclaimed retailer respected for his... View Details
In April 2013, Ron Johnson (HBS '84) stepped down after just 18 months as CEO of J.C. Penney. In his brief tenure, Johnson, an acclaimed retailer respected for his... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Leadership Development; Legal Industry; Procurement; Professional Service Firms; Pricing; Competition; Organizational Behavior; Change Management; Innovation Leadership; Situation or Environment; Failure; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Retail Industry; United States
Raffaelli, Ryan, Joshua D. Margolis, and Das Narayandas. "Ron Johnson: A Career in Retail." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 417-704, December 2016.
- December 2009
- Article
Catering Through Nominal Share Prices
By: Malcolm Baker, Robin Greenwood and Jeffrey Wurgler
We propose and test a catering theory of nominal stock prices. The theory predicts that when investors place higher valuation on low-price firms, managers will maintain share prices at lower levels, and vice-versa. Using measures of time-varying catering incentives... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Robin Greenwood, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Catering Through Nominal Share Prices." Journal of Finance 64, no. 6 (December 2009): 2559–2590. (Internet Appendix.)
- Article
Positioning Brands Against Large Competitors to Increase Sales
By: Neeru Paharia, Jill Avery and Anat Keinan
We explore the effect of having a large dominant competitor and show the conditions under which focusing on a competitive threat, rather than hiding it, can actually help a brand. We demonstrate through lab and field studies that highlighting a large competitor's size... View Details
Keywords: Brands; Brand Management; Brand Positioning; Competitive Positioning; Brands and Branding; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Products Industry; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Air Transportation Industry; United States
Paharia, Neeru, Jill Avery, and Anat Keinan. "Positioning Brands Against Large Competitors to Increase Sales." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 51, no. 6 (December 2014): 647–656. (Lead article.)
- February 2018
- Article
Retention Futility: Targeting High-Risk Customers Might Be Ineffective.
By: Eva Ascarza
Companies in a variety of sectors are increasingly managing customer churn proactively, generally by detecting customers at the highest risk of churning and targeting retention efforts towards them. While there is a vast literature on developing churn prediction models... View Details
Keywords: Retention/churn; Proactive Churn Management; Field Experiments; Heterogeneous Treatment Effect; Machine Learning; Customer Relationship Management; Risk Management
Ascarza, Eva. "Retention Futility: Targeting High-Risk Customers Might Be Ineffective." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 55, no. 1 (February 2018): 80–98.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Catering through Nominal Share Prices
By: Malcolm Baker, Robin Greenwood and Jeffrey Wurgler
We propose and test a catering theory of nominal stock prices. The theory predicts that when investors place higher valuation on low-price firms, managers will maintain share prices at lower levels, and vice-versa. Using measures of time-varying catering... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Robin Greenwood, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Catering through Nominal Share Prices." NBER Working Paper Series, No. w13762, January 2008. (First Draft in 2007.)