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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- May 2020
- Article
Sales Leadership During and After the Crisis
Because customer acquisition and retention are the lifeblood of a for-profit enterprise, sales activities establish foundational conditions for a business. In turn, sales managers’ responsibilities in a crisis extend beyond keeping the lights on. Their leadership makes... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Sales Leadership During and After the Crisis." Top Sales Magazine (May 2020), 28–29.
- June 2014
- Case
Starbucks Coffee Company: Transformation and Renewal
By: Nancy F. Koehn, Kelly McNamara, Nora N. Khan and Elizabeth Legris
Starbucks Coffee Company: Transformation and Renewal analyzes the turnaround and reconstruction of Starbucks Coffee Company from 2008 to 2014 as led by CEO and co-founder Howard Schultz. The case offers executives and students an opportunity to examine in depth how... View Details
Keywords: Howard Schultz; Starbucks; Transformation; Turnaround; Change; Decision Making; Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development; Leadership; Organizations; Problems and Challenges; Risk and Uncertainty; Strategy; Value; Consumer Products Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Retail Industry; North and Central America; Europe; Asia; South America; Middle East; Latin America
Koehn, Nancy F., Kelly McNamara, Nora N. Khan, and Elizabeth Legris. "Starbucks Coffee Company: Transformation and Renewal." Harvard Business School Case 314-068, June 2014.
- March 1993
- Supplement
Burroughs Wellcome and AZT (B)
Describes Burroughs Wellcome's response to protests over the pricing of its AIDS drug AZT in September 1989. Also presents short-term reactions by government officials, AIDS activists, and investors to Burroughs Wellcome's strategy. View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Health Pandemics; Multinational Firms and Management; Price; Crime and Corruption; Risk and Uncertainty; Business Strategy; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; Business and Shareholder Relations; Pharmaceutical Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Burroughs Wellcome and AZT (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 793-114, March 1993.
- Summer 2023
- Article
(Un)principled Agents: Monitoring Loyalty after the End of the Royal African Company Monopoly
By: Anne Ruderman and Marlous van Waijenburg
The revocation of the Royal African Company's monopoly in 1698 inaugurated a transformation of the transatlantic slave trade. While the RAC’s exit from the slave trade has received scholarly attention, little is known about the company’s response to the loss of its... View Details
Keywords: Slavery; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business History; Monopoly; History; Business and Government Relations
Ruderman, Anne, and Marlous van Waijenburg. "(Un)principled Agents: Monitoring Loyalty after the End of the Royal African Company Monopoly." Special Issue on Business, Capitalism, and Slavery edited by Marlous van Waijenburg and Anne Ruderman. Business History Review 97, no. 2 (Summer 2023): 247–281.
- March 2023
- Module Note
LCA Module Overview: Society
By: Nien-hê Hsieh
Leadership and Corporate and Accountability (LCA) is a required course in the first-year MBA curriculum at Harvard Business School to help managers determine and deliver on their economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities. This note summarizes the cases and outlines... View Details
Hsieh, Nien-hê. "LCA Module Overview: Society." Harvard Business School Module Note 323-096, March 2023.
- Article
Is Saving Lives Your Task or God's?: Religiosity, Belief in God, and Moral Judgment
By: Netta Barak-Corren and Max Bazerman
Should a Catholic hospital abort a life-threatening pregnancy or let a pregnant woman die? Should a religious employer allow his employees access to contraceptives or break with healthcare legislation? People and organizations of faith often face moral decisions that... View Details
Keywords: Normative Conflict; Inaction; Indirectness; Deontology; Utilitarianism; Sunday Effect; Religion; Moral Sensibility; Decisions; Judgments
Barak-Corren, Netta, and Max Bazerman. "Is Saving Lives Your Task or God's? Religiosity, Belief in God, and Moral Judgment." Judgment and Decision Making 12, no. 3 (May 2017): 280–296.
- 14 Apr 2020
- Video
Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Chenault-Mills (Session 1a)
- 28 Jan 2025
- Video
The business leaders leading Europe’s green transition
- 05 May 2020
- Video
Narayana Murthy
Narayana Murthy, the co-founder of the India-based software company Infosys, explains his belief that compassionate capitalism is the best solution to poverty, and makes the case for a broad stakeholder view of... View Details
- Research Summary
Strategic and Competitive Dynamics
Professor Coughlan's research in the area of Strategic and Competitive Dynamics applies game theory, industrial organization economics, and laboratory experiments to the investigation of competitive interactions between firms and strategic responses to technological... View Details
- June 1989 (Revised May 1993)
- Supplement
Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (B)
By: John A. Quelch
Teaching objectives: 1) to show how aggressive marketing can lead to allegations of misconduct, 2) to consider responses under crisis management, and 3) to explore the importance of credibility within marketing communications. View Details
Quelch, John A. "Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 589-125, June 1989. (Revised May 1993.)
- 04 Feb 2020
- Video
Adi Godrej
Adi Godrej, Chair of the India-based Godrej Group, discusses the role of business and the importance of firms’ engaging in socially responsible projects. He discusses his company’s involvement in educational... View Details
- 04 Aug 2011
- News
The First Requirement for Becoming a Great Boss
- Video
Adenike Ogunlesi
Adenike Ogunlesi, Founder and Chief Responsibility Officer of Ruff 'n' Tumble, outlines how she started her children's clothing line, crafting unique cotton pajamas for her kids after noticing a lack of affordable options in the Nigerian market. View Details
- August 1998
- Case
General Motors Corporation (C), The : 1990-1992
By: Peter Tufano
The third in a four-part series, this case details the financial policies and practices at General Motors from 1990 to 1996. This part describes the firm's financial responses to the business stresses it faced in the 1992 time period. View Details
Tufano, Peter, Markus Mullarkey, and William J Wildern. "General Motors Corporation (C), The : 1990-1992." Harvard Business School Case 299-008, August 1998.
- February 2017 (Revised June 2017)
- Supplement
ExxonMobil: Business as Usual? (B)
By: George Serafeim, Shiva Rajgopal and David Freiberg
The case presents ExxonMobil's response to growing pressure to disclose how climate change will impact their business. This includes multiple asset impairments and losing a proxy vote to shareholders to increase climate change related reporting. Supplements the (B)... View Details
Keywords: Oil & Gas; Oil Prices; Oil Companies; Asset Impairment; Predictive Analytics; Sustainability; Environmental Impact; Innovation; Disclosure; Accounting; Valuation; Energy Sources; Ethics; Corporate Disclosure; Governance Compliance; Climate Change; Financial Reporting; Energy Industry; United States
Serafeim, George, Shiva Rajgopal, and David Freiberg. "ExxonMobil: Business as Usual? (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 117-047, February 2017. (Revised June 2017.)
- 21 Sep 2015
- News
Caught! Impact of emission cheating on VW’s brand and future in US
Surviving Success: When Founders Must Go
At some point, a start-up's founder usually cedes CEO responsibilities to a seasoned manager. But what roles does the founder assume next? Professor Noam Wasserman discusses a recent case study and what students learn from it in the classroom. View Details
- 25 May 2021
- Panel Discussion
Understanding the Moment
By: Lynn S. Paine, Walter Robb, H. W. Brands and Suzanne Vautrinot
How can we put recent developments in American history, and recent trends in thinking about the responsibilities of business, into perspective? What is the role of the corporation in supporting democracy and civil society? Our panelists—Lynn S. Paine, Walter Robb, H.... View Details
"Understanding the Moment." National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Texas Tricities Chapter, May 25, 2021. (Panel moderator.)
- October 2002 (Revised May 2004)
- Case
Starbucks and Conservation International
By: James E. Austin and Cate Reavis
Starbucks, the world's leading specialty coffee company, developed a strategic alliance with Conservation International, a major international environmental nonprofit organization. The purpose of the alliance was to promote coffee-growing practices of small farms that... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Growth and Development Strategy; Markets; Demand and Consumers; Production; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Cooperative Ownership; Performance Efficiency; Alliances; Nonprofit Organizations; Food and Beverage Industry; Mexico
Austin, James E., and Cate Reavis. "Starbucks and Conservation International." Harvard Business School Case 303-055, October 2002. (Revised May 2004.)