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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- News (1,195)
- Research (4,344)
- Events (107)
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- Faculty Publications (2,965)
- October 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- Technical Note
Design and Evaluation of Targeted Interventions
By: Eva Ascarza and Ta-Wei (David) Huang
Targeted interventions serve as a pivotal tool in business strategy, streamlining decisions for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. This note delves into two central facets of such interventions: first, the design of potent decision guidelines, or targeting... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Customer Relationship Management; Analysis; Design; Business Strategy; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Ascarza, Eva, and Ta-Wei (David) Huang. "Design and Evaluation of Targeted Interventions." Harvard Business School Technical Note 524-034, October 2023. (Revised February 2024.)
- 2023
- Article
Towards Bridging the Gaps between the Right to Explanation and the Right to Be Forgotten
By: Himabindu Lakkaraju, Satyapriya Krishna and Jiaqi Ma
The Right to Explanation and the Right to be Forgotten are two important principles outlined to regulate algorithmic decision making and data usage in real-world applications. While the right to explanation allows individuals to request an actionable explanation for an... View Details
Keywords: Analytics and Data Science; AI and Machine Learning; Decision Making; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Lakkaraju, Himabindu, Satyapriya Krishna, and Jiaqi Ma. "Towards Bridging the Gaps between the Right to Explanation and the Right to Be Forgotten." Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 40th (2023): 17808–17826.
Trends and Predictors of Biomedical Research Quality, 1990-2015
This work leverages the strengths of expert human assessments of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) included in Cochrane reviews with data science techniques to build a comprehensive database on biomedical research quality. The data links the full-text and... View Details
- 2008
- Working Paper
Minimally Altruistic Wages and Unemployment in a Matching Model
By: Julio J. Rotemberg
This paper presents a model in which firms recruit both unemployed and employed workers by posting vacancies. Firms act monopsonistically and set wages to retain their existing workers as well as to attract new ones. The model differs from Burdett and Mortensen (1998)... View Details
Rotemberg, Julio J. "Minimally Altruistic Wages and Unemployment in a Matching Model." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 13755, February 2008.
- 21 May 2019
- News
Making Change Payments, Perspectives, and Politics
- 2009
- Chapter
Plant-Size Distribution and Cross-Country Income Differences
By: Laura Alfaro, Andrew Charlton and Fabio Kanczuk
We investigate, using plant-level data for 79 developed and developing countries, whether differences in the allocation of resources across heterogeneous plants are a significant determinant of cross-country differences in income per worker. For this purpose, we use a... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Developing Countries and Economies; Wages; Resource Allocation; Mathematical Methods
Alfaro, Laura, Andrew Charlton, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Plant-Size Distribution and Cross-Country Income Differences." In NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2008, edited by Jeffrey A. Frankel and Christopher Pissarides. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Firm-Size Distribution and Cross-Country Income Differences
By: Laura Alfaro, Andrew Charlton and Fabio Kanczuk
We investigate, using plant-level data for 79 developed and developing countries, whether differences in the allocation of resources across heterogeneous plants are a significant determinant of cross-country differences in income per worker. For this purpose, we use a... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Developing Countries and Economies; Wages; Resource Allocation; Mathematical Methods
Alfaro, Laura, Andrew Charlton, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Firm-Size Distribution and Cross-Country Income Differences." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 14060, June 2008.
- Article
Machine Learning Approaches to Facial and Text Analysis: Discovering CEO Oral Communication Styles
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Dan Wang, Natalie A. Carlson and Tarun Khanna
We demonstrate how a novel synthesis of three methods—(1) unsupervised topic modeling of text data to generate new measures of textual variance, (2) sentiment analysis of text data, and (3) supervised ML coding of facial images with a cutting-edge convolutional neural... View Details
Keywords: CEOs; Communication Style; Machine Learning; Spoken Communication; Nonverbal Communication; Personal Characteristics; Analysis; Performance
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Dan Wang, Natalie A. Carlson, and Tarun Khanna. "Machine Learning Approaches to Facial and Text Analysis: Discovering CEO Oral Communication Styles." Strategic Management Journal 40, no. 11 (November 2019): 1705–1732.
- July 2014
- Article
Diasporas and Outsourcing: Evidence from oDesk and India
By: Ejaz Ghani, William R. Kerr and Christopher Stanton
This study examines the role of the Indian diaspora in the outsourcing of work to India. Our data are taken from oDesk, the world's largest online platform for outsourced contracts, where India is the largest country in terms of contract volume. We use an ethnic name... View Details
Keywords: Diaspora; Outsourcing; oDesk; Networks; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Diasporas; Internet and the Web; Ethnicity; Service Industry; South Asia; India
Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Christopher Stanton. "Diasporas and Outsourcing: Evidence from oDesk and India." Management Science 60, no. 7 (July 2014): 1677–1697.
- January 2004 (Revised July 2007)
- Case
Lumen and Absorb Teams at Crutchfield Chemical Engineering, The
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Elizabeth Schatzel
Large discrepancies have developed between two elite technology development teams at Crutchfield Chemical Engineering in terms of motivation and creativity. To investigate, Paul Burke, director of corporate technology development, commissioned a study of the day-by-day... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Managerial Roles; Projects; Groups and Teams; Behavior; Creativity; Motivation and Incentives
Amabile, Teresa M., and Elizabeth Schatzel. "Lumen and Absorb Teams at Crutchfield Chemical Engineering, The." Harvard Business School Case 804-118, January 2004. (Revised July 2007.)
- Research Summary
The Ownership and Trading of Debt Claims in Chapter 11 Restructurings (with Victoria Ivashina and David Smith)
This paper explores a novel data set that identifies over 71,000 investors holding debt claims of 136 companies filing for U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection during the period of 1998 through 2009. We investigate how concentration in debt ownership relates to... View Details
- 2008
- Working Paper
Inexperienced Investors and Bubbles
By: Robin Greenwood and Stefan Nagel
We use mutual fund manager data from the technology bubble to examine the hypothesis that inexperienced investors play a role in the formation of asset price bubbles. Using age as a proxy for managers' investment experience, we find that around the peak of the... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Stocks; Information Technology; Price Bubble; Asset Management; Experience and Expertise
Greenwood, Robin, and Stefan Nagel. "Inexperienced Investors and Bubbles." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 14111, June 2008.
- 22 Jun 2021
- Research & Ideas
The COVID-19 Mutiny: When Teams Leave and Take Their Clients
Jones Industrial Average soared amid a “bonkers” real estate market. Professionals have been looking around, and recruiters have data and stories to grab even the most... View Details
- 14 Mar 2023
- Cold Call Podcast
Can AI and Machine Learning Help Park Rangers Prevent Poaching?
- February 2012
- Article
CEO Relational Leadership and Strategic Decision Quality in Top Management Teams: The Role of Team Trust and Learning from Failure
By: Abraham Carmeli, Asher Tishler and Amy C. Edmondson
In this study, we examine a complex pathway through which CEOs, who exhibit relational leadership, may improve the quality of strategic decisions of their top management teams (TMTs) by creating psychological conditions of trust and facilitating learning from failures... View Details
Keywords: Leadership Development; Decisions; Management Teams; Trust; Learning; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Managerial Roles; Failure
Carmeli, Abraham, Asher Tishler, and Amy C. Edmondson. "CEO Relational Leadership and Strategic Decision Quality in Top Management Teams: The Role of Team Trust and Learning from Failure." Strategic Organization 10, no. 1 (February 2012).
- August 2009
- Article
Inexperienced Investors and Bubbles
By: Robin Greenwood and Stefan Nagel
We use mutual fund manager data from the technology bubble to examine the hypothesis that inexperienced investors play a role in the formation of asset price bubbles. Using age as a proxy for managers' investment experience, we find that around the peak of the... View Details
Keywords: Asset Price Bubbles; Investment Experience; Investor Age; Trend Chasing; Investment; Experience and Expertise; Age; Behavioral Finance; Price Bubble; Information Technology; Stocks
Greenwood, Robin, and Stefan Nagel. "Inexperienced Investors and Bubbles." Journal of Financial Economics 93, no. 2 (August 2009): 239–258. (formerly NBER Working Paper No. 14111, June 2008.)
- September 2015
- Article
Design and Implementation of a Privacy Preserving Electronic Health Record Linkage Tool in Chicago
By: Abel Kho, John Cashy, Kathryn Jackson, Adam Pah, Satyender Goel, Jorn Boehnke, John Eric Humphries, Scott Duke Kominers and et al.
To design and implement a tool that creates a secure, privacy preserving linkage of electronic health record (EHR) data across multiple sites in a large metropolitan area in the United States (Chicago, IL), for use in clinical... View Details
To design and implement a tool that creates a secure, privacy preserving linkage of electronic health record (EHR) data across multiple sites in a large metropolitan area in the United States (Chicago, IL), for use in clinical... View Details
Keywords: Information; Customers; Safety; Rights; Ethics; Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; Chicago
Kho, Abel, John Cashy, Kathryn Jackson, Adam Pah, Satyender Goel, Jorn Boehnke, John Eric Humphries, Scott Duke Kominers, and et al. "Design and Implementation of a Privacy Preserving Electronic Health Record Linkage Tool in Chicago." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22, no. 5 (September 2015): 1072–1080.
- 18 Aug 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Immigrant Entrepreneurship
Keywords: by Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr
- December 2014
- Supplement
Interview with Anders Byriel and Mads Nygård: Kvadrat
By: Boris Groysberg and Sarah L. Abbott
Anders Byriel, CEO of the family-owned Danish textiles company, Kvadrat, and Mads Nygård, SVP of Strategy & Organization at Kvadrat, discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by the company. They elaborate on areas covered in the case including: 1.) Asia; 2.) Soft... View Details
Keywords: General Management; Organization Behavior; Strategy; Performance Management; Leadership; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Practices and Processes; Human Resources; Manufacturing Industry; Denmark
Groysberg, Boris, and Sarah L. Abbott. "Interview with Anders Byriel and Mads Nygård: Kvadrat." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 415-704, December 2014.